Entertaining Children

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 married

Chapter 71 Married

After Xiao Yao finished playing and singing, he walked back to the center of the ceremony stage with a microphone in a warm applause from the audience.

Ye Jiaying saw Xiao Yao come on stage, let go of Xiao Siqi, walked to Xiao Yao with tears, squatted down, and gave Xiao Yao a big hug.

Hugged for ten seconds, Ye Jiaying released Xiao Yao, retreated to Xiao Siqi’s side, and held Xiao Siqi’s hand again.

“Cough.” Ye Jiaying, who was excited just now, held him very hard, making Xiao Yao feel a little strangled, cleared his throat, Xiao Yao held the microphone and continued to speak, “Thank you for the applause.” Bowed slightly.

“Okay!” “August 1 is awesome!” There was another applause from the audience.

Xiao Yao loosened the bow tie on the neckline, and smiled: “It seems that my mother is quite satisfied with this gift.” This action is obviously saying that Ye Jiaying was too excited just now, and when she hugged herself too hard, she strangled herself. Ye Jiaying smiled embarrassedly, her face a little red. Someone in the audience was amused by Xiao Yao’s actions.

Xiao Yao continued on the stage: “I saw my mother’s eyes redden just now, and Grandma Ye under the stage. No, it should be grandma. Grandma seems to be wiping her eyes. Although I know what they mean, this After all, it’s the wedding scene. Everyone should be lively, happy, and laugh. That kind of atmosphere is right…”

“Hey, kid Xiao Bayi, are you going to grab my job.” Wang Yuan, who had been standing by for a long time, couldn’t help but finally said. As a host, it is indeed his job to adjust the atmosphere.

Everyone in the audience was really amused by Wang Yuan’s desperate appearance. Although Wang Yuan was not hosting on stage, he understood Xiao Yao’s intentions only by inserting such a sentence. It was also a good way to follow Xiao Yao’s intention to help adjust the atmosphere of the scene. His skills are profound, and it can be seen that Spotlight.

“Uncle Wang, don’t worry.” Xiao Yao said to Wang Yuan, “My task has not been completed yet, please be patient and wait.”

Xiao Yao turned around and said to the audience: “The song just now contains the thoughts of three generations of elders and younger generations and friends. Elders and younger generations, it’s okay to talk about it. But as a friend, just the song just now The expression of “is not enough. So, I still have a second gift to give to my dad and my mother. Of course, it is still a song, the title of the song is “Married”, lyrics and composition, XY, singing, my dad Good friends with my mother, I will invite them to the stage below.”

Xiao Yao’s voice fell, and a bunch of people rushed up from the ceremony stage, including men and women. At the outermost part are a few musicians, with a complete guitar and bass keyboard, and even one guy came up with the three strings.

“Why are there sanxian? Is this going to be a show?” someone muttered below. Sanxian is a traditional Chinese plucked stringed instrument, which is mostly used in opera or folk art. In this life, it has not appeared as a pop music instrument.

“The battle is not small.” Someone sighed while looking at the podium. At the back of the ceremony table stands today’s protagonist, the bride and groom, with seven or eight men standing on the side of the bridegroom, and five or six women on the bride’s side. They are all familiar faces, and they are quite different. The taste of the camp.

In the center of the stage are two microphones placed on a vertical microphone stand, which looks like a chorus. At the outermost part of the stage is a group of musicians. The eye-catching three-stringed musicians are very conspicuous on the left. Even more conspicuous than him is Xiao Yao, who has not yet stepped down. He took out a harmonica from his pocket. Just stand beside Sanxian.

“Why do I have a bad premonition.” Looking at the group of people on the stage grinning, Xiao Siqi said to Ye Jiaying with a wry smile.

“The battles that my son has done, I have to hold on with tears.” Ye Jiaying said with a smile. She still learned this sentence pattern from Xiao Yao.

one two three four. Xiao Yao used his toes to light the ceremony stand under his feet rhythmically. The wooden podium is hollow, and the sound reaches the ears of the drummer behind it clearly. After four beats, the drum and the harmonica sounded at the same time.

Everyone thought Xiao Yao, who was holding the harmonica, was just a supporting role in this band. Unexpectedly, in the prelude of the entire eight bars, apart from the drums that must be involved in mastering the rhythm, there is only the sound of Xiao Yao’s harmonica. Even at the beginning of the prelude, Xiao Yao was giving orders. It seems that he is the master of this band.

But everyone soon has no time to sigh. At the end of the prelude, four men in black dresses walked up to the microphone and watched the bride and groom shaking their heads and sang: “My brother got married today. You can’t do anything wrong again. If you still can’t let go of the other woman. , Rest assured, there are still us ”

“Puff ” The guests in the audience were amused by the lyrics instantly. This is the rhythm to make the bridegroom go back and kneel down on the keyboard.

Xiao Siqi quickly whispered to Ye Jiaying: “I definitely don’t have one.” At the same time, he couldn’t help but scold Xiao Yao: “This kid, why cheating at this time!”

The four men did not go back after singing, and continued to stand in front of the microphone shaking their heads. On the other side, three girls in the same dress walked to the microphone on their side, and watched the two newcomers interface and sang: “My girl got married today, and can’t be fooling anymore. If you still can’t let go of the other person, Don’t worry, he forgot about you a long time ago ”

The three girls deliberately paused when they sang “Relax”. When everyone thought they would also sing “There is still us”, the three girls sang out “He forgot about you long ago.” “As if to say, “What you don’t want, our sisters don’t look down on it either.”

“Okay, fair!” The guests in the audience shouted.

Ye Jiaying glanced at Xiao Siqi, Xiao Siqi hurriedly whispered: “I know, you didn’t, the Bayi guy wrote it indiscriminately, it’s a mess.”

The four men standing in front of the microphone continued to sing: “In fact, we are just a bunch of boring bachelors. If we don’t eat grapes, we say grapes are sour.”

Xiao Siqi pointed his finger at the four bad friends, which means that fortunately, you have self-knowledge.

“It’s boring, it’s awkward, it’s not as good as the girls.” The next group of guys who are not too big to watch the excitement yelled. The result was instantly slapped in the face.

The three girls sang: “In fact, we wanted to marry a long time ago, but good men are already married.”

Ye Jiaying triumphantly squeezed Xiao Siqi’s arm, smiled and made faces to the three girlfriends.

The four men in front of the microphone just stepped back, and the four who had been standing behind the stage came up and began to sing: “Actually, it’s good after getting married. Brother, don’t be afraid, except you can’t just pick wild flowers. One more dad and one mom ”

“Why has this style of painting changed?” The guests in the audience were taken aback. Immediately, it was discovered that the four men who came up to sing just now are all unmarried single dogs, and the four men who are singing now are married men who all have families.

“It’s fun!” Many people said in their hearts.

Then, the girl also changed people. The three newly added married women were also married. They sang, “Actually, it’s good after you get married. Don’t be afraid, girl, except for the ninja carrying a mop. , You never have another brother.”

Singing here, it is no longer just laughter, applause also rang.

Four married men pointed to Xiao Siqi and sang with a smile: “Men who are married are actually very happy and can be too lazy to be like a pig ”

Xiao Siqi just smiled, and the three married women next to him pointed to him with serious eyes and continued to sing: “Married men should be very clear that earning money is the first priority ” Xiao Siqi quickly reduced his smile and nodded with sincerity and fear.

“Is this watching a musical?” Someone muttered underneath. Xiao Siqi’s expression changes must have been acting, but who can be sure that he didn’t really think so in his heart?

At this point in the song, the guitar and bass keyboards stopped with the harmonica. The musician holding the Sanxian started a three-stringed solo on the drums. Although it was still the tune of the A section, the special sound of the Sanxian immediately brought joy to the scene. The atmosphere reached a climax.

Sanxian’s solo is over, the song is back to section B, guitar bass keyboard harmonica is added again, Sanxian did not quit, and the soundtrack is more joyful than before. The four married men also continued to sing: “In fact, we are all married. I am embarrassed to be fooling around. If any girl has no master, these guys are all good.” Singing, the four single dogs who had just stepped back have gone. Arriving at the stage, all kinds of funny and beautiful POSE began to be displayed.

Not to be outdone, the three married women sang: “In fact, we are all married. I am embarrassed to be crazy. If any handsome guy is still single, these girls will be fine.” Singing, she waved the three behind her. A single woman was recruited to the front.

“Stop!” Xiao Yao yelled, and the court fell silent. Xiao Yao exclaimed angrily: “This is my parents’ wedding, not your blind date!”

As soon as Xiao Yao’s words were finished, everyone who was stunned after Xiao Yao called to stop suddenly laughed!

“Come again!” Xiao Yao called. The music sounded again, and the seven married men and women returned to the back of the ceremony stage, and the seven unmarried men and women stood in front of their microphones again. It seemed that they were about to sing the A verse again.

Xiao Yao was originally standing on the side of the ceremonial stand, but now he stood in the middle of the ceremonial stand, playing the harmonica in his mouth, but staring at the fourteen men and women with bad eyes.

After the    intermission, the seven people began to sing at the same time: “Anyway, they are all married, and they will be like this for the rest of their lives. The singles are here. Come and date us. La la la la la la ”

Xiao Yao’s expression changed. This time he didn’t yell again. Instead, he rushed to the audio equipment next to him and shot off the connection switches of the two singing microphones on the stage. The triumphant “La La La ” voice stopped abruptly.

Xiao Yao rushed back to the stage again, and first bowed down the stage facing the guests: “This is the end of the performance of this song!” Then he turned to Wang Yuan and said, “Uncle Wang, the chair position is returned to you.” Finally. Turned around and sang a dozen men and women on the stage: “Brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts, let’s go and chat next to me.” He threw the microphone, pulled the bow tie off and threw it on the stage, and the sleeves of both hands were also rolled up.

“Yo ” The audience was even more crazy, someone shouted loudly, “August 1st, beat them!”

“This kid can really act, it’s a pity not to act!” Zhao Tao clapped his hands and said to Sun Zhihao, who was also smiling.

“It was a good performance, better than during rehearsals. It seems that you can give it a try.” Sun Zhihao said in his heart.

No matter how evil Xiao Yao is, he is still an eight-year-old child after all. It’s not impossible for Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying’s friends to cooperate with him in performing, but Xiao Yao alone cannot make them fully obey Xiao Yao’s arrangements and instructions willingly.

If you want to surprise your parents, naturally you can’t let them know. So Xiao Yao approached Sun Zhihao, who was a director and screenwriter, and he came forward to gather the group of people, and helped everyone rehearse the second show. Of course, he promised Xiao Yao to help with the rehearsal, and he also had his own purpose.

Hao Yun’s “End”, the beginning of the lyrics is basically the same, because Xiao Siqi can’t cook, so he changed the lunch box in the first paragraph to a mop, and the later changes are slightly larger.

(End of this chapter)

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