Entertaining Children

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 Exercise

Chapter 83 Exercises

“Although I have to go to the United States the day after tomorrow, I cannot take you with you for the time being. However, it is not particularly difficult to connect with the Internet and telephone. Let’s use the Internet for the time being to teach. I will often come to China to give you face-to-face guidance in person. .”

“You are a beginner, and you don’t need too good equipment to get started, but if you have the entry-level equipment, it is estimated that the cost will not be very small. But you are a rich second-generation, right? There should be a lot of pocket money, and it should be no problem. of.”

“That’s it for now. I will take you to choose the equipment first after work is over at night.” Chen Xuan said as if he could not wait for Xiao Yao to answer, he picked up the camera and walked to the background board and shouted: “Lunch Time is over, work is on!”

Xiao Yao lowered his head, his mouth curled in a proud arc.

Learning photography, Xiao Yao is of course interested. At first, he volunteered to be the assistant because he had heard of Chen Xuan’s cow, so he kept this mindset. But he didn’t want to kowtow to others like when he worshiped Liu Zhongwen as his teacher. Thinking of Chen Xuan’s partial understanding of China and his temperament, Xiao Yao really couldn’t tell whether he would do such a thing. Now that Chen Xuan forcefully accepts apprentices, his goal has been achieved.

Chen Xuan accepted Xiao Yao as a student as his own business. No one in the modeling company knew that this difficult foreign photographer actually accepted the child assistant who had been replaced and became an apprentice after returning the previous assistant. Of course, they now only dare to think about the name child assistant. Now everyone in the company basically knows that Xiao Yao is the company’s small boss.

The representative of the third largest shareholder in the company changed. Since then, a small boss has been added to the company, and the small boss volunteered on the first day he came to the company to become a foreign photographer who is as famous and temperamental as possible. assistant Manager. This kind of gossip nature has a high degree of freedom, and most of the model agencies are women, and it has spread in less than half a day. Even many people who were not in the company due to work reasons learned the news through their own channels.

Many people know that Xiao Siqi is the third largest shareholder of the company, but they don’t know much about his son. As a result, the gossiping women continued their encouragement. While Xiao Yao was still working overtime with Chen Xuan, the gossiping women began to collect various information about Xiao Siqi’s son Xiao Yao through their own resources and channels.

When Chen Xuan and Xiao Yao finished working overtime at nine o’clock in the evening and left the company, it was said that Xiao Yao participated in a reality show a few years ago and was called an evildoer. He knew at least five musical instruments, sang well, participated in Sun Zhihao’s drama, and even claimed to Both English and French foreign languages ​​have also been dug up one after another.

The previous ones are all the information found, but the last one has been confirmed by some models who participated in the afternoon shooting. They also included one by the way. The little guy is also very handsome, especially with the mature and stable temperament that surpasses children of the same age, and the confident and serious look at work. It is simply too handsome.

I am so good in all aspects, the only regret is that I am too young, I heard that I was only eight years old. Some pretty girls with a little bit of literary and artistic fanaticism even tampered with Tang poems bitterly, and sighed “I have no life but no one, but I am old.”

At nine o’clock in the evening, the shooting was completed as planned. After the overtime, Xiao Yao was taken away from the studio by Chen Xuan.

Before the large store closed, Chen Xuan took Xiao Yao to the photographic equipment store and helped Xiao Yao choose the entry-level photographic equipment. Of course, Chen Xuan, who believes that Xiao Yao is a rich second generation, would not help Xiao Yao buy it and give it to him, but fortunately, Xiao Yao has his own small vault, and it is not a problem to carry his bank card with him. The two of them had already picked up the equipment at about ten thirty in the evening, and then Chen Xuan sent Xiao Yao home.

After arriving home, Xiao Yao naturally talked to Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying about learning photography with Chen Xuan. Xiao Siqi was already surprised that Xiao Yao found another teacher to start playing new tricks. The so-called Zhizi Mo Ruofu, even when Xiao Yao offered to be Chen Xuan’s assistant, Xiao Siqi had a premonition. I am psychologically prepared for this.

Of course, Xiao Siqi has no objection to Xiao Yao’s learning of photography, just a few requests. The so-called poor photography for three generations, SLR ruined a lifetime. Xiao Siqi asked Xiao Yao to take full responsibility for the cost of buying equipment for learning photography. He and Ye Jiaying did not pay for the equipment.

It’s not that Xiao Siqi can’t afford it or doesn’t want him to learn photography. He just wants to use this to stimulate Xiao Yao and let him write two more songs.

Chen Xuan’s shooting plan lasted for two days. As an assistant of this project, Xiao Yao had to go to the studio to work the next day. On the first day Xiao Yao went to the modeling agency with Xiao Siqi, and on the second day Xiao Yao took a taxi and went by himself.

Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying were very leisurely at the end of the year, but they were not completely out of work. It happened that the next day they had an announcement of activities, and Xiao Yao, who was getting older and older, did not bother them. After getting up and working out early in the morning, Xiao Yao saw that both of them hadn’t gotten up yet, so he left a message and ran by himself.

After getting into the taxi and reporting the destination, Xiao Yao, who was sitting in the back seat, immediately took out his mobile phone and pretended to operate it, and then said to the phone: “Dad, I got in the car. The taxi license plate number is XXXX, the driver. The name is XX, and the job number is XXXX. I will call you when I get off the bus at the place.” The taxi driver who heard clearly looked in the rearview mirror, then looked at the job number plate on the right, with constipation on his face. Expressions.

Xiao Yao, who took a taxi alone for the first time, is still very vigilant. Even if he knows martial arts, after all, he is still an eight-year-old child, and he is still not enough to deal with an adult man. Although the phone call was fake, it actually compiled the information just mentioned and sent it to Xiao Siqi.

Xiao Yao knows that Xiao Siqi and Ye Jiaying are used to the mobile phone’s text message vibration when they are sleeping, and the phone only turns on the ringtone. Texting will not wake them up.

At the destination, after paying and getting off the car, Xiao Yao sent a message to Xiao Siqi that he had arrived safely, and then he entered the studio and started the day’s assistant work.

After half a day and one night of fermentation, Xiao Yao’s news and various materials are almost unknown to everyone throughout the company. Therefore, the models scheduled to shoot today are also well prepared. Whenever the shooting enters the rest time of replacing the background board, changing and adjusting the lights, a group of beautiful sisters will come up to Xiao Yao with various snacks.

Being courteous by a big beautiful woman is definitely a pleasure for men, but if it is surrounded by a group of over-enthusiasm big beauties to be courteous, then it is… anyway, Xiao Yao can’t stand it very much. .

Pause twice, Xiao Yao was watched twice, and he was surrounded by a pile of delicious snacks.

During the third break for filming, Xiao Yao immediately jumped to Chen Xuan’s side, pretending to ask questions about photography, staying by his side and not leaving, he did not return to his own until the filming started again. position.

It was only invited by the big boss to use his personal relationship. It is said that in front of foreign photographers who are as famous as their temper and are extremely strict when shooting, the model sisters still dare not make a mistake. Xiao Yao discovered this easily, so he took his new master as his shield.

Due to the good performance of the newly added Xiao Yao, the entire shooting was completed earlier than Chen Xuan’s original plan. After seven o’clock in the evening, the shooting is all over, and the rest is the selection and production of the later stage. There is no need to worry about this. Anyway, there is a network now. Even if Chen Xuan goes to the United States, he can still send post-production films over the network.

After hearing the news, Zhang Yunxing was overjoyed. After Chen Xuan showed him some samples without post-processing, Zhang Yunxing praised Chen Xuan even more. Due to the rush to shoot, everyone has not eaten dinner yet, Zhang Yunxing also took advantage of the trend to offer a dinner, and also arranged for evening entertainment, even the beautiful model to accompany has been selected.

As a well-known European photographer, Chen Xuan, who has already “read countless beauty”, has no interest in these at all, and he refused on the spot with no face.

Packed his equipment, Chen Xuan took Xiao Yao away.

Chen Xuan took Xiao Yao to find a restaurant and had a simple dinner, and then took Xiao Yao back to the hotel where he was staying. In the living room of the suite, Chen Xuan taught Xiao Yao a two-hour enlightenment class on the basics of photography. From the structure of the camera, the basic composition of photography, to the explanation, description, and demonstration of a series of professional terms such as aperture, shutter, and depth of field, Chen Xuan basically never stopped for two hours in a row.

It is very tiring to take high-intensity photos for two consecutive days. Tomorrow I will fly to the United States. I have to support Xiao Yao for a two-hour class. Chen Xuan, who sent Xiao Yao away, fell asleep on the bed, and he did not have energy. Eat, drink and play with Zhang Yunxing and the others.

Chen Xuan is gone, Xiao Yao no longer has to go to the modeling agency and studio, but the homework assigned by Chen Xuan to Xiao Yao is still there.

Each photographer is fed by the shutter count. In view of Xiao Yao’s young age, Chen Xuan’s requirements for Xiao Yao were not particularly high.

Starting from this month, Xiao Yao needs to take at least two thousand photos every month, select two hundred of them that are more satisfactory, and send them to Chen Xuan by email. Chen Xuan will check Xiao Yao’s photos through the photos in the email. Make progress and give guidance and reply.

As a beginner in photography, Chen Xuan asked Xiao Yao to start with street photography. Learn how to practice accurate exposure, how to focus quickly and accurately, and how to compose pictures under natural light and fixed light. In addition to shooting by yourself, it is also essential to watch other people’s works. Before leaving, Chen Xuan recommended more than ten professional photography magazines to Xiao Yao and asked him to learn to appreciate other people’s works.

Xiao Yao’s entry-level equipment is just a camera and three lenses. The total cost is not too much. With the more than ten magazines recommended by Chen Xuan, it will not cost too much to buy all of them. Xiao Yao’s small vault is completely affordable. .

Although photography is a money-burning gadget, it cannot be ended with a one-time investment, but there are a lot of classic songs from previous lives in Xiao Yao’s mind. If he is short of money, he can use gold fingers to sell songs, so Xiao Yao is not economical. worry.

Usually going to school, Xiao Yao plans to spend only two days on weekends to take pictures, and the other five days will be spent on studying. Two hundred photos are required in a month, which is about fifty photos per week. It seems very simple, but the photos requested by Chen Xuan can’t be sent to make up the number by just taking a photo. In order not to be scolded, the quality of these photos must be decent, at least it must be in line with his status as a student of Chen Xuan.

Xiao Yao predicted that the ten to one filming ratio that Chen Xuan had estimated for him should be more reliable, that is to say, almost three hundred photos would be taken a day on weekends, and he couldn’t just press the shutter to deal with errands. This amount of practice is not easy for a primary school student.

(End of this chapter)

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