Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Stepmother Two

Mercury rested for a night, and finally felt better, but still a little dizzy. She got up and went out the door, and found that the genius was bright, and He Xiaoyan was already cooking porridge in the kitchen.

The original Muxiang is not bad for this child, but compared to He Chengzu and He Xiaolian’s big temper, and their unpredictable temperament, the youngest He Xiaoyan is particularly obedient and sensible, the more obedient and sensible Children suffer more in the family.

It is very difficult for Muxiang to support the family by herself. She opened a small shop in this small place, selling some small snacks and daily necessities. The income is not very good, and occasionally there are some second-rate people To find trouble, the two children in the family go to school, and they spend a lot of money. The woman who lost her second husband a year ago has to work hard to make a living, and it is inevitable that she neglects a lot of things.

This little daughter, who was picked up not long ago, reminds Muxiang that when she was a child, she lost her family at the age of six and went to live with her uncle and aunt. do the most. Others say that she is a death star, and she specializes in restraining relatives. She has said a lot, and she believes it herself.

Not long after He Xiaoyan came to this house, He Dongpeng disappeared and died unexpectedly. Muxiang couldn’t say that she had no knot in her heart. She faintly felt that He Xiaoyan was also a person like herself, so she would bring her to this family. disaster.

She even regretted it, if only she and He Dongpeng hadn’t picked them up. But she still has a conscience and doesn’t want to anger such a little girl, so her attitude towards He Xiaoyan is extraordinarily complicated.

After finishing the night, Mercury is very clear about Muxiang’s mentality, but she is indifferent to this person. This woman is so good to her stepson and stepdaughter, is it really because she has some maternal love for them? Not necessarily, it is possible to have a motherly love for two little beasts like that, unless the Virgin Mary is reborn.

In the end, what Muxiang wants is the affirmation of others. In her tragic childhood, what she heard the most was all kinds of denial and scolding, so she felt inferior and fearful, even at the age of 30, she was sincerely afraid. For this reason, she has been working hard to get the approval and praise of the surrounding voices, I want to please anyone who can hurt me.

Like Shen Qiuwan, she was shattered by the surrounding environment and people. After all, being stern has never been a requirement for women, they just need to be gentle and watery.

“Mom, are you feeling better?” He Xiaoyan wrapped the porridge bowl with a rag and walked out of the kitchen.

Mercury stepped forward, took the porridge from her hand, and carried it back to the kitchen. The house was old and dilapidated, only the shop in front was well decorated. The kitchen was more messy than the bedroom. He Xiaoyan didn’t turn on the lights, the kitchen was pitch black, and she didn’t know how she cooked.

Turn on the light, Mercury put the porridge on the table, took out the pickles in the corner jar, cut them up, and put them on the table together.

“Eat, go back to sleep when you’re full.”

He Xiaoyan stared blankly at the indifferent mother, she didn’t understand what she was saying, but Mercury didn’t mean to say it again, she went straight to fetch water, brush her teeth and wash her face, and come back soon Sit at the table and drink porridge together. He Xiaoyan didn’t dare to talk to her anymore, she said she was full after drinking a small bowl of porridge, so she had to pick up the bowl and wash it.

Mercury directly scooped her a bowl of porridge. He Xiaoyan twisted her fingers and finished the bowl of porridge.

Mercury is not accustomed to such a messy house, except that the movement is a little jerky at first, and it quickly becomes natural. She put away the bowl, turned up the fire on the stove, and began to boil hot water in two pots.

He Xiaoyan stood by the stove and looked at her, not daring to go back to sleep as she said before.

Mercury didn’t care about her, put two bowls into the basin, scooped up the water in the pot, “I didn’t want to go back to sleep, so I washed the bowls.”

He Xiaoyan breathed a sigh of relief and squatted down to wash the bowls.

Mercury boiled water for a bath. Muxiang is a thirty-year-old woman, but in the mirror she looks like she is in her forties, her brows are full of vicissitudes and roughness, her hair is dry, her eyebrows are sparse, her hands are calloused, her skin is yellow and loose, and there are Heavy pouches and dark circles.

With light, there is a special appeal, as if she is coming to life.

put on her best clothes, tie her hair, cut off her blackened nails, and when Mercury came out again, He Xiaoyan stared at her blankly, and did not recover for a while. She wiped her nose with her sleeve cramped under her eyes.

Seeing the black stain on her sleeve and the congealed snot, Mercury was silent for a moment. That’s how no one cares for a child, because no one loves her and doesn’t take care of her so carefully. The difference between Mercury and them is that she knew how to be nice to herself since she was a child.

“There is still water, you go take a bath.” Mercury found that when talking to He Xiaoyan, she could only use a commanding tone, otherwise she would stand on the spot like a duck who can’t understand human language, stupid of.

He Xiaoyan has become accustomed to her appearance. She doesn’t know why her mother wants to take a bath by herself, but she looks at her clean mother and wants to make herself clean.

Children from poor families don’t take baths often in this era, and no one is so particular about it.

Seeing He Xiaoyan taking clean clothes to take a bath, Mercury frowned slightly. He Xiaoyan’s clothes were very torn. In fact, Muxiang’s own clothes were the same. It took her a long time to find a neat dress from the box.

However, looking at the clothes on He Xiaolian yesterday, it looks good in foreign style and the material is also good.

Mercury found the room belonging to He Xiaolian and pushed the door. The door was locked and couldn’t be opened. She took two steps back, kicked it hard, and kicked the wooden door open, and the lock fell to the side.

The door slammed on the wall and bounced back, and Mercury reached out and blocked the walk in, and found that He Xiaolian’s room was very well furnished. The wall is covered with paper, which is flat and beautiful, the bedding is soft and fluffy, and the sheets are small broken flowers, which is completely different from the old safflower quilt on Muxiang’s bed.

There are goose-yellow curtains hanging in front of the window, there is a small vase with flowers on the table, and there is even a radio on the table. Radios are not cheap at this time.

Mercury took a few glances, opened the closet, and found a few sets of the best clothes, and then she went out with these sets of clothes and knocked on the door of the neighbor’s house. The eldest sister of the neighbor’s house would help people to cut and sew clothes, and Mercury took these clothes over and let her cut them into children’s clothes. The eldest sister listened to her words and couldn’t close her mouth.

“Isn’t this your Xiaolian’s dress, you want to change it to Xiaoyan’s?”

“Yes, this is what Xiaolian doesn’t want, she wants to buy new clothes.” Mercury showed a tired and helpless smile.

The eldest sister immediately looked at her with pitiful eyes, “Okay, I’m quick, I’ll fix it for you soon.”

He Xiaoyan quickly put on new clothes, she felt like she was dreaming, she had seen her sister wear those beautiful clothes, but never thought that she could wear them too.

She hesitated and said to Mercury: “Mom, I don’t want these clothes, my sister will be angry.”

Mercury was sorting out the valuable things in the house, and when she heard the words, she didn’t lift her head up, “I want you to wear it. You will have no sister or brother in the future.”

“If you want those brothers and sisters, there is no mother.”

Although Mercury’s tone was flat, He Xiaoyan was still frightened by her and immediately changed into new clothes. As soon as she put on the new clothes, she found that she was still a very cute little girl with round eyes and drooping corners. She looked like a puppy when she looked at people.

“Mom, I’ll help you.” Seeing Mercury moving things, she hurried over to help.

Mercury didn’t care about her, she had already found all the money in the family, and even searched He Xiaolian and He Chengzu’s room, and then packed all the valuables.

“I’m going out, you close the door, no one can come in, neither can He Xiaolian and He Chengzu, do you hear me?”

He Xiaoyan nodded again and again.

Mercury pushed all those things out, found a recycling shop to sell, and got a lot of money, a sewing machine was sold halfway, and the money A little more than she expected.

After she went back, she washed her face, brought what she had packed, put on Muxiang’s only pair of leather shoes, and took He Xiaoyan out.

“Mom, where are we going? Shopping?” He Xiaoyan asked.

Mercury led her forward, “Go to the Shanghai market.”

Where the Shanghai market is, He Xiaoyan didn’t know, she nodded, looking back at the yard where she had lived for more than a year, the door was closed but not locked, as if the owner was at any time will go back. She turned her head and grabbed Mercury’s hand.

Some people saw them on the road and asked them where they were going, but Mercury always said with a wry smile: “Go and see Seungjo, the school teacher said he ran out of the school with some people and didn’t know where to go. already.”

She took an ignorant little girl all the way to the city, took a fellow car on the way, and then took a passenger car when she arrived in the city, and it was only in the middle of the night that she arrived in the city, they are here The nearest train station is in the city.

He Xiaoyan had never been to the city, she was a little afraid of this unfamiliar place, so she could only hold Mercury’s hand tightly, for fear of being left behind by her.

When they got here, no one knew them anymore, the polite smile on Mercury’s face had long since disappeared, and she looked a little cold and indifferent. When she was buying tickets at the train station window, the system in her head began to warn again.

[The current task is to persuade He Chengzu to go back to school, not to take a fork in the road, the host cannot continue to deviate from the task]

[The host cannot leave the plot development area! Can’t leave the current main character plot location! 】

Mercury passed the money into the window and took the ticket.

She ignored the warnings of the system, just like when she was still Shen Qiuwan, she decided to leave by boat. It’s just that she couldn’t escape that time, but not this time.

The train was in the middle of the night, and there were not many people in the simple waiting room. Mercury found a place to sit down and took out canned biscuits and milk, which were all taken from the small shop, she Except for the food eaten on the road, I didn’t touch anything else in the small shop, I really didn’t bother to take care of the mess.

Divided cans and biscuits to He Xiaoyan, and Mercury himself gulps. She didn’t eat at noon, and she was already very hungry. He Xiaoyan held the can and watched her eat it for a while, and was ready to eat, but she couldn’t open the lid of the can, and she didn’t know how to call for help, so she didn’t make a sound and looked at Mercury, as if she had done something wrong.

Mercury then noticed this, took the can and opened it with a click.

He Xiaoyan took the can with shame on her face.

Mercury knows exactly what she is thinking. Children who are too ‘sensible” often feel ashamed because they can’t do something or fail to meet their parents’ requirements. This is like a kind of training The conditioned reflex, often formed in childhood, will accompany a person throughout his life, and it is difficult to break free.

He Xiaoyan and He Chengzu and He Xiaolian are like two extremes.

She didn’t say anything to He Xiaoyan, just opened another can for her, “It’s all finished.”

He Xiaoyan peeked at her, and saw that she was staring at the corridor next to her without looking at her, her face could not help showing a relaxed look. Eating the sweet canned food in her mouth, He Xiaoyan felt very happy. Her brothers and sisters often went to the shop to get whatever they wanted to eat, but she didn’t dare. Her mother didn’t know how to eat it before, and she didn’t even dare to eat it. They all swallowed quietly.

Today she was able to eat two cans, and He Xiaoyan was suddenly not too afraid of this trip without knowing the destination.

In the middle of the night, He Xiaoyan was shaken awake, and she saw her mother beside her packing her things, “Getting into the car.”

She also got up in a hurry, helped to get a small bag for food, and followed her mother to the corridor. Some passengers were walking in the same direction as they did. He Xiaoyan suddenly felt her mother stop beside her. She was leaning against the wall, trembling all over, and her face was pale.

He Xiaoyan was taken aback by her appearance, and she shouted timidly, “Mom? Do you hurt somewhere?”

Mercury pressed her head, stood up straight under the curious eyes of other passengers, and walked forward with He Xiaoyan gritted her teeth.

[Since the host is willing to take care of He Xiaoyan, why is he not willing to take care of the other two children? As long as they are well educated, they will all be filial to your children. As a mother, isn’t this your responsibility? It’s too selfish to only care about your own woman]

[they are more socially educated]

[Also, stop talking to me, no matter what you say, I will only do what I want to do. Whether you approve or disapprove, scold or praise, it doesn’t matter to me. I hope you recognize your identity, you have no right to restrain me and punish me at all, you are just a piece of garbage sticking to the soles of my shoes and trying to make me wrestle]

Mercury took He Xiaoyan onto the train, found her seat and sat down, and the train quickly moved forward.

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