Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Stepmother Four

Grandma Yang is indeed a kind person, she gave Mercury and He Xiaoyan a fairly large room upstairs, with a complete bed, wardrobe, desk, etc. Mercury didn’t even need to buy a quilt herself, Grandma Yang directly to her.

“My daughter used them all before. They are old and they are kept at home. No one wants them. If you don’t dislike them, take them and use them first.” The poor, willing to help, Mercury did not push politely.

There are times when life is inevitable, and it is rare for people to help Days can be lived comfortably.

Mercury’s temper is very suitable for Grandma Yang’s appetite, coupled with a painful He Xiaoyan, the old man became affectionate to them in just a few days, and saw He Xiaoyan changing two sets of clothes back and forth , Mercury’s own clothes are even more difficult to come up with, so she simply turned out a lot of old clothes from home for them.

It’s all the old clothes that her children wore in the early years. She didn’t want to throw them away, but it was of no use. It feels good to look at.

Mercury is very grateful to Grandma Yang. Without the help of such a generous and kind person, although she and He Xiaoyan could live here, they would definitely not be able to live as comfortably as they are now. In her initial expectation, when she got here, there should be no one to help her. She must find a job immediately and arrange the two first.

But now, she can modify her plan appropriately.

“Are you looking for a job?” Grandma Yang pushed her glasses.

“Yes.” While helping her peel the edamame, Mercury said, “I live here with Xiaoyan, and I can’t sit and eat, and I have to work.”

Grandma Yang nodded with emotion and smile: “Well, I think your idea is good. I have seen too many women who lost their husbands and seemed to lose themselves. I don’t know that there are many ways out for people in this world, and one is not possible and one is possible, but I am afraid to do anything because I am afraid that I will not be able to set a successful example by my predecessors.”

“I often say to my daughters that marriage is not everything to you, it is just a journey of your life, you can choose the end and the beginning by yourself, if you are happy, enjoy it to the fullest, If you feel the pain, stop in time, because the pain will only become deeper pain if it continues.”

Mercury looked at the old man and knew what she was talking about, “I think you’re right, no matter if I can find my husband or not this time, no matter what the outcome is, I won’t be too sad .”

Grandma Yang smiled with relief, “It’s good if you can think about it.”

“What are your plans, can you tell me?”

Mercury saw that she was willing to help, and did not hide it, and said, “I read in the newspaper that someone wanted to ask a piano teacher, and I am going to try it.”

At this time, various newspapers will publish housing rental information, various tracing notices and various advertisements. At present, most people’s understanding of external information is still limited to newspapers and radio.

Grandma Yang was a little surprised, “You can play the piano?”

Mercury: “Yes, I can play it well.” She can also play the lute, but not as well as the piano.

Grandma Yang was interested, she stretched out her hand a little playfully and made a dance invitation gesture, “Have I had the honor to hear you play a song?”

Mercury put down the edamame basket in her arms and got up, and also deliberately raised the hem of her clothes as a skirt and bowed, “Of course you can.”

He Xiaoyan was eating small biscuits on the side. She had a very happy life these days. Not only did she have new clothes to wear, but she also had various snacks to eat every day. Grandma Yang, like most elderly people, likes to feed the younger generation. There are many small snacks given by others on her side, which she does not like to eat, so she brings them out to He Xiaoyan to eat.

Seeing her mother walking towards the piano in the corner, He Xiaoyan stopped eating and watched curiously. She is a timid child, even if she is curious, she does not ask.

Grandma Yang patted her head: “That’s a piano, a musical instrument, and it sounds good to play.” Seeing that the child had never seen a piano before, she guessed After the wedding, I am afraid that I will never be able to play the piano again. She sighed in her heart, thinking that Muxiang’s marriage was going to be bad.

If a girl can no longer touch the things she used to love after marriage, then the marriage will undoubtedly be a great disaster.

Mercury adjusted the piano, sat down and pressed a few notes, “The sound of this piano is very good, and the price should not be cheap.”

Grandma Yang nodded: “My eldest daughter used it before. My husband and I love her more, and we give her the best.”

Mercury played the song “Blue Danube”, Grandma Yang listened quietly, He Xiaoyan opened her big eyes, and the little biscuits in her hand fell out unconsciously. She had never seen this thing before, and didn’t know it could play, and play so well!

He Xiaoyan also recovered and looked at Mercury excitedly, her eyes bright. She still doesn’t understand why this kind of excitement is, but she feels that such a mother is very different from the previous mother, which makes her feel so far away, but she also looks forward to her love.

The three women of different ages get along unexpectedly well. Under the suggestion of Grandma Yang, Mercury rested for a few more days to adjust her state.

In the morning, they would go out together to buy vegetables at the nearby vegetable market. Grandma Yang made a good dish, and she conquered He Xiaoyan with a piece of oily gluten stuffed meat, which made this shy little girl willing to call her. grandmother. Mercury prefers to eat the bad edamame she made. She has made a special marinade by herself, which Mercury has never tasted before.

Mercury also cooks, and the dishes she cooks have no local characteristics. Maybe she has been to too many places in the early years, and she will cook a little of everything.

Seeing fresh sea bass in the market, she bought it and made a boiled fish. The three of them sat around a small table in the yard and ate together under the weather.

Grandma Yang shook her fan and sighed: “If I was young, it would be better to drink a little red wine at this time. Unfortunately, now that I am old, I can’t drink.”

“Hey, Muxiang, do you want to drink it? I have a nice bottle of wine hidden here.”

“Then I’ll be more respectful than obedient, and take your light.”

Poured half a glass, and Grandma Yang replaced the wine with water: “First of all, I wish you a smooth job search.”

Mercury: “According to your good fortune, I will definitely.”

Drinking half a glass of mercury, a sincere smile rarely appeared on her face, and He Xiaoyan also got a spoonful to taste.

Dresses and shoes, seeing those rough hands and empty wrists, their disgusting eyes were undisguised, and they rejected her directly, not even listening to how she played.

Mercury didn’t care, she saw many people like this, and she knew that the world’s unsatisfactory nine times out of ten, sometimes even if you have the ability and skill, the luck will not go smoothly.

Since this one is not good, go to the next one.

At the third house, she finally managed to get a job.

This family lives in a small western-style building with a neat yard. There are two nannies in the family. Although it looks not as rich as the first two, the owner is more talkative than the first one. The student is an eleven-year-old boy, much more sensible than the arrogant little girl in the second family.

Originally, the owner of the house did not like her very much. After all, it is inevitable to judge people by their appearance. Muxiang has been sparring for many years. This short rest cannot make her fully recover. It looked a bit shabby.

However, after showing his piano skills and agreeing to teach the child English by the way, the owner was moved. It’s a good deal to find a teacher who can teach piano and also teach English at the same time.

The weekly salary and teaching time were set, and Mercury went back and told Grandma Yang and He Xiaoyan the good news.

“This is a good thing, I have to celebrate today.” Grandma Yang happily started to stew a duck.

Mercury took He Xiaoyan out to buy cooked vegetables. The two walked on the street. He Xiaoyan was no longer frightened by those dark cars, but she still looked at the surrounding street scene curiously. High-rise buildings, bungalows, rickshaws, cars, bicycles on the road, children selling newspapers, all kinds of shops with glass windows, all the things dazzled her.

Being noticed will get unpleasant glances from adults.

Now, she can hold Mercury’s hand normally and talk to her.

“Mom, it smells so good.”

They happened to pass by a flower shop, He Xiaoyan was talking about a bunch of lilies placed outside the shop.

It was rare to see what she said on her own initiative, Mercury glanced at her and went up to buy two lilies.

Although Mercury has no so-called “maternal love” for this child, since she is by her side, she is willing to be a little better to this child.

Received two lilies, He Xiaoyan was holding the fragrant flowers, she was excited all the way, she was reluctant to put it down after holding the flowers, and finally Grandma Yang asked her to put the flowers in the vase , put it in the upstairs room.

“Xiaoyan likes lilies? Grandma will plant two for you.”

Grandma Yang did what she said, and soon got two lily bulbs back and asked He Xiaoyan to help her plant them together.

“In fact, it’s not a good season to plant lilies, but if we take good care of them, she will always bloom. Just like people, although they are born in an uneasy time, they will always be fragrant if they are taken care of. that day.”

He Xiaoyan is ignorant.

When Mercury was at home, she would teach He Xiaoyan how to write and count, as well as the piano. He Xiaoyan asked to learn the piano on her own initiative. The first time she made a request, she lowered her head to her chest in shame, and her voice was extremely low.

Children’s inferiority complex often accompanies a lifetime, Mercury let her sit next to her and teach her to play the piano. At first, she didn’t even dare to press the keys loudly, and Mercury could only hold her with her fingers.

“If the world were more peaceful, send children to school, learn more knowledge, and people will be more lively.” Grandma Yang looked at He Xiaoyan who was pressing the keys seriously, and sighed with Mercury .

Mercury is learning to sew with her recently, and she sewed a skirt with a small hole. He heard the words: “The schools here are all teenage young people. Children under the age of 3 are not accepted.”

Grandma Yang shook the newspaper in her hand, looked closely with her glasses, and complained: “Look at these old masters, arguing in the newspaper every day, talking about the universities that are running now It’s ridiculous, let the girls go to school, cut their hair, wear skirts with exposed calves, and mix with men.

I’m just afraid that people are smart and independent, so they won’t be easy to cheat. The times are moving forward, these old-fashioned old-fashioned, and the Qing Dynasty has been dead for many years, and they are still doing that old way.”

The old man couldn’t help shaking his head: “When my husband and I sent our daughters to study abroad, they were scolded after returning to China. I was really angry at that time. Compared with that time, the situation now is very different. Much better, there are many open-minded new school people who are willing to send their children to study, I hope these girls will cherish the hard-won learning opportunities, and more girls will be able to study in the future.”

“Hey, look.” Grandma Yang handed over the newspaper and pointed to Mercury’s remarks, “This gentleman is a patriot, he has insight into other things, and he has published indiscriminate information in the newspaper. There are few words that inspire the Chinese people, but they are so narrow on women’s affairs. I really hope that there will be no such cruel words in the future. We women have been bound for too long, and we shouldn’t be trapped in the family’s back home without freedom.”

Mercury smoothed the suture, glanced at the old man who was sad and worried about the status quo, and smiled, “Yes, in the future, girls can go to school like boys to learn knowledge, There will be no more people yelling in the newspapers for being so indecent.”

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