Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Stepmother Six

Song Ting’s family is in the liquor business, and she is also well-known in the Shanghai market. Nowadays, the most popular domestic products are not the old domestic products, but the foreign products with a foreign character. Song Ting His father, Song Xingfu, sold foreign wine for several years, and his net worth doubled.

The only regret in Song Xingfu’s life is that he failed to have a son to inherit the family business. He only has a precious daughter Song Ting, who has grown up coddled since childhood. He was originally worried that his daughter would not be able to rely on him when he was old. Who would have thought that when their boat passed by the river about a year and a half ago, they rescued a man by the river.

This man doesn’t remember anything except his name. He met Song Ting while he was recovering from an injury on the boat. Song Xingfu considered it for a while, but he couldn’t resist his daughter’s wishes and got them engaged.

He Dongpeng is a good-looking person, willing to learn from him, and a solid person. Song Xingfu disliked him at first, but now he is more and more satisfied with him, as for his amnesia. How to care.

When he rescued him, Song Xingfu found that He Dongpeng’s clothes were cheap, and he was not from a wealthy family.

Song Ting doesn’t care as much as her father, she likes He Dongpeng, and inevitably cares about whether her sweetheart has a family before. Seeing that she was so troubled, her father didn’t take it seriously, “Even if he married a wife before, that is, a woman from the countryside, how can he compare with you, he is used to the good life now, will he leave you to go back to eat chaff .”

He grabbed his daughter’s shoulder and comforted her: “Your father, I am also a man, can I still not understand men, men value career and sons, wait for you to give birth to a son to Dongpeng in the future , I’m afraid he will run away.”

Song Ting pouted, not very happy, “Maybe Brother Dongpeng didn’t get married before! Besides, free love is popular now, even if he got married before, he must have been forced by his family. He said he likes me the most!”

For this reason, Song Ting has always been very vigilant about the women around He Dongpeng. They went to the newly opened western restaurant for a meal on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and He Dongpeng glanced at a woman wearing a cheongsam. , and said that the eyes were familiar, Song Ting immediately became vigilant, and she was unhappy for several days.

I don’t know why, she cares about this inexplicably.

After a while, Song Ting didn’t remember this unhappy thing. After all, the Shanghai stock market is so big, people who are on the same side may not have the opportunity to see the second time, but It was such a coincidence that within a few days she met that woman again.

Song Ting, like many eldest young ladies from rich families, likes foreign goods, whether it is imported candy or foreign-style clothes and shoes, and she is used to enjoying them, just like she often goes to When you eat in various western restaurants, you may not necessarily like the taste of those dishes, but you must like the sense of superiority that exceeds most people and the specialness that is different from others.

Her favorite western restaurant is on the riverside. You can see tall buildings in the distance through the glass windows. The scenery is very good. Song Ting often goes there alone when she is relaxing. There were often people playing in the western restaurant. Song Ting went to eat steak as usual, and when she looked the wrong way, she saw the familiar woman sitting by the piano and playing.

Song Ting felt that the steak in her mouth could no longer be eaten. She put down the knife and fork to wipe her mouth, and her eyes stopped on the woman not far away.

It is indeed the woman who made He Dongpeng familiar last time.

She couldn’t help but start looking for the shortcomings of this woman with her critical eyes. He looks in his twenties, he is not young, his face is fair, he is not very good-looking, but he is very attractive. He sits upright and has a temperament. He presses his hands on the black and white keys. a feeling of.

After observing for a while, Song Ting felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the man left after playing a few songs, and put on someone else, Song Ting felt the soothing piano sound became noisy again, and couldn’t help but pick up the bag and go around to find the trace of the woman, But couldn’t find it.

The waiter of the western restaurant came over and asked her what she wanted. Song Ting was a regular customer here, so she opened her mouth and asked, “Who was that woman who played the piano just now?”

“The lady’s name is Mu Xiang. She was recently introduced by a friend of the boss to come here as a part-time piano player. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, she will come to play.”

Song Ting asked about these things, but she didn’t know what to do. After all, she didn’t know if the other party had anything to do with He Dongpeng. Should she go directly and ask her if she knew He Dongpeng? If she really knew each other, wouldn’t she be asking for trouble? If the other party said she didn’t know her, she would rashly go over and tell people about it, and it wouldn’t be a shame to spread it out!

The eldest lady is tangled in her heart, thinking about this every day, because she is so careful, she doesn’t want to be known by He Dongpeng, and she doesn’t tell her father, so she quietly runs away alone every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday The western restaurant observed his imaginary “rival in love”, trying to see something.

After a month, the waiters in this restaurant knew that Miss Song, a regular customer, liked the piano played by that Miss Mu very much, and would come to support her every time.

“Our restaurant can send flowers to the gentlemen and ladies who play. Miss Song likes Miss Mu’s piano so much, do you need to order flowers for her?” The waiter asked thoughtfully.

Song Ting: “???”

“No need!” she said angrily.

What kind of eyes do these people look like? Does she look like she likes her very much? Miss Song was angry for a long time, and suddenly thought that if she had a good relationship with this woman, she would be able to talk to her next time, and it would be logical to ask her about her family.

She immediately changed her mind, called a waiter, and ordered a bouquet of flowers for Miss Mu who was playing the piano.

Mercury finished playing this day, and before she got up, she saw a waiter in the restaurant come over and give her a bouquet of flowers, “It was given to you by Miss Song over there, she said You play the piano very well.”

Mercury took the big bouquet, glanced at Miss Song over there, smiled and nodded at her, very polite, and the eldest lady over there nodded reservedly at her.

This Song Ting has been observing her for a day or two. How could Mercury not feel that kind of complicated gaze, but she was too lazy to pay attention to the other party. After all, what do these people have to do with her?

She came here to work part-time and was introduced by Dong Lingye. After all, her job as a tutor could not last forever, and it would be good to have a part-time job to earn more.

I received flowers for a month in a row, and Mercury just nodded to Song Ting over there every time I received flowers. The two maintained this delicate “nodding friendship”.

Song Ting was not as calm as Mercury, she counted the time, she was almost able to talk to people, and when Mercury got up to leave, she immediately got up to catch up.

Pity her, the eldest lady. She usually goes out to pick up the car, and she has very little time to walk. This time, in order to chase the mercury, she was stunned to follow her on the street with her bag and shoes. people.

Although Mercury didn’t take a big step, she walked so quickly that Song Ting couldn’t see it in a blink of an eye. She stomped her feet angrily, and stood unwillingly on the street for a while, and suddenly her eyes widened. Bright. She saw that the person she was looking for appeared again. He had just come out of the flower shop and walked forward with two lilies in his arms.

Song Ting hurried to catch up, but following behind, she didn’t know how to go up to talk, it would be a shame if she took the initiative to talk, she had to let the other party see that she took the initiative to talk.

Thinking distractedly, Song Ting slapped her feet and fell to the ground with an oops.

She cursed inwardly, and her face turned red. There were so many people on the street. Isn’t she a joke when she fell, but her leg twisted and it hurt so badly, she herself He couldn’t get up again, so annoyed he could only bite his lip and threw his bag away.

“Miss Song, are you all right?”

Song Ting looked up and saw Mu Xiang standing in front of her. She picked up the bag she threw out, and her expression was very light, not like the smile on her face when she was in a western restaurant.

Song Ting saw her standing there condescendingly, and felt that she must be laughing at herself, so she couldn’t help but resent, “I’m fine!”

Mercury also held two lilies in her hand that she was going to bring back, and reached out and handed them to Song Ting. Help her up. Her white dress was stained with soil, and when Mercury saw it, she patted it sideways.

Song Ting was supported by her, holding flowers in her hand, with a very complicated expression, “You…”

Mercury gave her a look, “Let’s go, sit over there.”

Song Ting still had leg pain, and was helped by Mercury into a nearby cafe. After the two sat down facing each other again, Song Ting finally regained her pride, cleared her throat and said, “Thank you for today, I’ll have coffee.”

Mercury: “I would also like to thank Miss Song for the flowers she sent these days, thank you for your liking.”

Song Ting felt awkward when she heard it, she didn’t like it, she had ulterior motives. Just thinking about how to take this opportunity to ask about He Dongpeng, Song Ting heard the man across from him say, “I can tell you what you want to ask.”

Song Ting was taken aback, “What do I want to ask?”

Mercury smiled suddenly, “I know He Dongpeng.”

Song Ting’s face suddenly changed.

Mercury didn’t seem to see it, and stated without hesitation: “He is my second husband, when I married him with a stepdaughter, he also has a son, we are in F County A small shop opened in the town. Later, he had an accident on his way to buy goods, and they all said that he was dead. My stepson blamed me every day, and he stole the family’s money and went out to spend it lavishly. My stepdaughter also disliked me for not making any money. Can’t give her a rich life.”

“Later I left them and came to live in Shanghai. I recognized you and He Dongpeng before, but I’m doing well now, so I won’t go to him, Miss Song though rest assured.”

Song Ting was stunned. She didn’t expect to know about He Dongpeng’s past so easily, nor did she expect that He Dongpeng was married for the second time and had a son and stepdaughter.

She looked at the woman in front of her and said after a while, “Brother Dongpeng, how old is that son now?”

Mercury glanced at her: “It should be fourteen now.”

Song Ting: “Where is he now?”

Mercury: “How would I know where he is.”

Song Ting blurted out: “Then you don’t care about him?”

Mercury laughed, “Why should I care about him?”

Song Ting was at a loss for words. To be honest, she was not willing to take care of her, but if she did not, what would others think of her? She held it back for a while and said, “…you are not married to Brother Dongpeng, so you can still ignore his children.”

“I don’t want to care, so I don’t care.” Mercury stroked the mouth of the cup, “I won’t be in charge of him in the future. This stepmother should be Miss Song.”

Song Ting just thought of this, her face turned green, she is only twenty years old now, she didn’t expect to have a fourteen-year-old stepson, she was a little shaken all of a sudden.

She couldn’t help but say, “He Dongpeng and I are just engaged, but not married yet!”

Mercury smiled: “This has nothing to do with me, you don’t have to care about me, and I won’t go to He Dongpeng.”

Song Ting didn’t know what it was like when she saw that she didn’t care, so she asked tentatively, “You don’t care about your husband?”

Mercury: “It’s just a man who isn’t very good. If it wasn’t for him, who would marry him, now I can live well, and I don’t need him, so it doesn’t matter. If I want to find , There are so many better, younger and more handsome men than him in the Shanghai market, why do you need him.”

Mu Xiang and He Dongpeng got married at the beginning, they both had feelings, but the role of feelings in most marriages is too small, and it is too easy to be consumed. faster than toilet paper at home.

Although the system did not say the follow-up of the plot, Mercury can guess with his feet, and it must be He Dongpeng who got the property of the Song family and the children and wife. The only winner in this story is this one. It’s just a man, women are used to sacrifice and dedication, all the stories are such routines, she is too lazy to listen.

“Miss Song, I’ll go first, see you later.” Mercury picked up her lily and got up to go out.

Song Ting looked at her distant back through the window, and suddenly fell into confusion.

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