Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Stepmother Nine

He Xiaoyan’s fever has not subsided, and Mercury can only take her to the hospital.

The hospitals of this era are of course far inferior to those of later generations. They are small in scale and not many doctors. I don’t know much about mercury in this area, but there is a lot of discussion in the newspapers about the good and the bad of Chinese medicine and Western medicine. This is a country where it is difficult to accept new things, and Western medicine is not prosperous now.

, most of them do not take medicine and survive on their own. If they cannot survive, they will die.

Seeking medical treatment is not easy at any age.

Grandma Yang also went to the hospital with Mercury, “It’s alright, I’ll take a fever-reducing injection, go back and rest for two days, and the little granddaughter of the previous neighbor also refused to drink the bitter medicine, If it doesn’t burn, just take an injection. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s useful.”

She wanted He Xiaoyan to take a fever-reducing injection and go back, but Mercury directly said she would be hospitalized.

Grandma Yang was surprised: “Why do you still need to be hospitalized? Hospitalization is inconvenient and expensive. It is better to go home to recuperate.”

Mercury: “This child is a little bit anemic, I want to give her a good check.” She hugged the little girl fluttering in her arms, and there were some guesses in her heart that she couldn’t say.

It is not so easy to check the body. At this time, the hospital process is not mature. They first arrange beds for people, and then go to another hospital to apply for the use of equipment. Not every hospital has a complete set of equipment for physical examination. Several hospitals have different equipment, which sometimes need to be borrowed from each other.

Mercury was busy, so she took her to other hospitals to cooperate with the examination, and finally went to the largest hospital in Shanghai.

He Dongpeng fell to his head and bled a lot. He looked very scary. He was rushed to the largest hospital in Shanghai on the spot. Song Ting was drinking tea and chatting with some friends at home, and heard The news was also taken aback, and he rushed over immediately.

I heard that the little hooligan who pushed He Dongpeng down the steps and fell like this was sent to the police station, Miss Song snorted, “I can’t take that kind of hooligan cheaply, go get some filial piety and send it to the police station. The police station gave Inspector Wu, let him take good care of the murderer!”

She looked at He Dongpeng in a coma, and was still very distressed. After all, it was the man she liked. The two just got married and their relationship was just right.

Song Xingfu patted his daughter on the shoulder and told the doctor: “Use the best medicine, please make sure Dongpeng is cured.”

He Xiaolian and Song Ting also came to the hospital. When He Chengzu and He Dongpeng had an argument before, she was actually watching from not far away. He Chengzu couldn’t get close to there originally, but He Xiaolian thought of a way to set aside the security guards.

She just gave He Chengzu the wind not far away, and felt that it would be fine if the father and son explained the misunderstanding clearly. Who knew such an accident would happen. Seeing that He Dongpeng’s head was broken and He Chengzu was arrested, she was so frightened that she didn’t know what to do, so she could only secretly follow him to the hospital.

The hotel she and He Chengzu rented before had no money to pay for the room. They lived on the streets for two days. If He Xiaolian hadn’t hid a little money, she would be starving here.

But what about the future? Now she can’t even rely on He Chengzu.

He Xiaolian had nowhere to go, hiding in the hospital lobby watching people come and go, she was a little desperate. Suddenly, her eyes fell on a woman who walked into the hospital gate.

She didn’t react at first, and it took a few seconds before she felt something was wrong. that person! That woman seems to be her stepmother, Mu Xiang! Isn’t the one in her arms He Xiaoyan? !

Why are they here?

He Xiaolian was very surprised, and then her surprise turned into ecstasy. Muxiang’s woman is also here. Seeing that her clothes and shoes are all very good, she looks much younger than before, so she must be living well now.

Perhaps she is doing so well by marrying another man in the Shanghai stock market. She can go to her. After all, she is the stepdaughter of this woman. Don’t care about her, if she really doesn’t care about her, she will go to Muxiang’s current husband’s house to make trouble, cry, and see what she will do!

He Xiaolian looked happy and hurriedly chased after him.

In the ward where she was temporarily resting, He Xiaoyan sat with her head bowed.

Seeing her sitting alone through the glass on the door, He Xiaolian unceremoniously pushed the door open and stared at her badly: “Isn’t this Xiaoyan, remember my sister. ”

Seeing her, He Xiaoyan instantly showed a look of panic, and subconsciously looked at the door, wanting to seek her mother’s protection.

He Xiaolian noticed her eyes, “Where’s Muxiang?”

He Xiaoyan did not speak, she bowed her head and shrank back.

Seeing her shrinking appearance, He Xiaolian regained the feeling of being bossy at home, “I ask you, where do you live now? Has Muxiang remarried?”

Mercury was listening to the doctor in the next room at this time. He Xiaoyan’s examination result had come out. Because it was a bad result, the doctor routinely said some comforting words. Mercury listened, silent for a moment, and nodded to the doctor, “I see, thank you doctor.”

The doctor has never seen such a calm patient’s family, and couldn’t help thinking, this is probably the stepmother, the child has this disease, and he doesn’t look sad at all.

When Mercury walked out of the doctor’s office, she heard He Xiaolian’s voice faintly coming from the next room, she was standing in front of He Xiaoyan, pointing her finger on her forehead, her tone was aggressive: “I don’t know what to say to you. Answer, are you dumb?”

Mercury lifted her foot and kicked the door, He Xiaolian turned her head to see her, her face sank, and her tone became more aggressive: “As expected, it’s you, leave me alone in my hometown, and come here to live a good life by myself , don’t you feel guilty? Do you know how hard I have been alone this time, I almost died, it’s all your fault! If something happens to me, you will face my dad in the future Are you not afraid that my dad will come to you when you are dreaming!”

Mercury: “Get out when you’re done, don’t be annoying here.”

He Xiaolian stayed for a while, but she didn’t expect her reaction, she screamed: “No, I tried my best to come to you, you must give me an explanation, otherwise I will make trouble. Go to your current home and see what you do!”

Mercury is silent. He Xiaolian thought she was afraid, and became proud, “I don’t have too many requirements. As long as you are willing to take good care of me and let me live a good life here like you, I will not tell you what happened in the past.”

This room is for temporary rest and blood collection. There are syringes and alcohol beside it. Mercury raised his hand and took one. He walked to He Xiaolian in a few steps and pressed her hand on the on the side of the wooden cabinet.

“What are you doing!” He Xiaolian was caught off guard, and just as she raised her hand to struggle, the syringe in Mercury’s hand pierced without hesitation.

Where did He Xiaolian suffer from this kind of pain? Seeing the blood overflowing, the pain went straight to her brain, she couldn’t help holding her fingers and screaming, “Ah—”

Mercury threw the syringe into the trash can on the side. Seeing He Xiaolian’s twisted expression of fear and pain, she took a step forward.

He Xiaolian was taken aback by her actions and subconsciously retreated to avoid.

Mercury didn’t even look at her **** finger, held her wrist with one hand and dragged her back, “Don’t make a mistake, I’m not afraid of you making trouble, if you make trouble I’m not happy, I can not only kill you, but also make it impossible for you to live in the future.”

He Xiaolian was scared and hated, opened her mouth and shouted: “Help! Killing—”

Mercury raised her hand and gave her a slap, blocked her words, and squeezed her jaw: “You can call, when someone is called, I will say that you are my daughter, No one cares about this kind of housework. I’ll take you back then, and you can get married anyway. I don’t know how many people in the Shanghai market can’t get a wife. I can sell you to a man casually, and you can exchange money. ”

, do you want to live like this?”

The broken needle was still stuck in her finger. He Xiaolian listened to Mercury’s words, which was not a joke at all.

Such a teenage girl can be said to be very naive, she didn’t realize that she could act arbitrarily before, all because that Muxiang tolerated her in every way to please her, once she changed A person who doesn’t care about her, her threats are completely ineffective.

Mercury let go of her, He Xiaolian didn’t dare to stay at all, she quickly got up and ran away with her arms in her arms.

There was a doctor outside the door who heard the movement and surrounded the door, but Mercury didn’t care, walked to He Xiaoyan, reached out and picked her up. He Xiaoyan’s eyes were full of tears, and she held back her tears. At this time, she squeezed her clothes tightly and buried her face on her shoulders.

“Why, afraid?” Mercury felt wetness on her shoulders, and walked out of the hospital door with this fluffy child in her arms.

He Xiaoyan nodded.

“Afraid of me or afraid of He Xiaolian?”

“I’m not afraid of my mother, I’m afraid of my sister… I’m afraid of her. What if she still comes?”

Seeing He Xiaolian, He Xiaoyan couldn’t help but think of the old days, such a hopeless life. After knowing that life can be so beautiful and happy, she is even more afraid of going back to the life she used to live.

“There is nothing to be afraid of. If she comes again, I will let her go.” Mercury’s tone was calm, as if her worries were not worth mentioning at all.

“Well.” He Xiaoyan hugged her neck tightly, and suddenly felt very at ease, and the fear of the scene just now gradually dissipated.

“Mom, you are amazing.” She whispered, “Can I be so amazing?”

Mercury touched her hair, “…you will have such courage.”

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