Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Stepmother Twelve

After He Xiaolian was scared away by Mercury, she initially planned to go back to the countryside, but she didn’t want to leave this prosperous city like this. After seeing such a place, how could she be willing to go back and get married? To those country men.

So she gritted her teeth and stayed, looking for a job to get by. She looked good, looked weak, and cried even more pitifully. A restaurant owner saw her pitiful, so he hired her, saw her alone as a girl, and even gave her room and board.

She didn’t want to.

There is a girl who lives across from her door. It is not long before she comes to the Shanghai market. She can wear beautiful clothes, buy lipsticks made in foreign countries, and dress up beautifully.

He Xiaolian quickly knew what the girl did, and while looking down on the girl, she couldn’t help but be moved. She is not as good-looking as herself, she can earn so much, why can’t she be? In this world, everyone laughs at the poor and not at the prostitute. When she becomes a mistress for a rich man and gives birth to a child, can’t she also be a rich wife, who will look down on her then.

After all, she couldn’t resist the temptation to do this. It’s just that the truth is not as beautiful as she imagined. She can’t meet any rich people at all. She is surrounded by unpromising men who just want to take advantage, and the competition is fierce. There is no shortage of beautiful girls in the Shanghai market, especially those in the underground. When a lot of young and beautiful girls are caught, most of them are sold.

Whenever there is a chance, He Xiaolian will fight for it. She has learned how to make herself more beautiful, how to flatter herself, and how to **** other people’s opportunities, but she did not expect to be here Meet He Chengzu.

Shame, overjoyed, hesitation, fear… All these emotions eventually turned into a firm thought.

She doesn’t want to live that kind of life without money anymore, no matter who she is with, as long as she can live a good life, she is willing!

He Xiaolian felt a little sick when she saw He Chengzu’s legs. But she still did it to the end, what’s the matter, it’s better than being with those greasy old men who don’t know!

After the end, He Chengzu hugged He Xiaolian, finally caring about what she said before.

“You said you know where that **** Muxiang is?”

He Xiaolian: “Yes, I have seen her, I was desperate and wanted her to help me, but I didn’t expect her to be so vicious, not only hitting me, but also stabbing me with needles, driving me away Go, let me live on the streets.”

She hated that woman so much that she felt that she was the one who brought her down to this point. It would be better if He Chengzu could go to Mu Xiang’s troubles. She didn’t dare to trouble Muxiang herself, but He Chengzu was different. He was a man and had money and backing, so could he be afraid of that Muxiang?

He Chengzu snorted coldly, “She ran away with my family’s money, I must settle the account with her, you know she is there, take me there, Go to her house and make a scene.”

He Xiaolian seemed to see Muxiang being humiliated and kicked out of the house, her eyes were a little happy, “Okay, I quietly followed her to where she lives now, and I always see her going to western restaurants Woolen cloth.”

He Chengzu was even more unhappy, “She still has the face to live such a good life, let me not ruin her!”

It snowed heavily in the Shanghai stock market. Grandma Yang’s knees hurt especially when it snowed. She could only sit by the stove and go out to buy vegetables every day with mercury. When she came back from a trip, there was a thick layer of snow on her umbrella.

He turned his head and took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

Mercury knew what she was thinking, this kind old man should have thought of He Xiaoyan. They spent the winter together last year. There was no snow that time. There were only two small snowfalls. He Xiaoyan searched the yard and built two little snowmen on the stone table. Grandma Yang also told her at that time that after two years, there might be heavy snow, and then a big snowman will be built at the door.

The snow is so heavy this year, but the children who want to build a snowman are gone.

Mercury got up to cut vegetables, Grandma Yang picked up the wool next to her and knitted it. After a while, Grandma Yang suddenly heard a knock on the door.

“Who is it?” She stood up and went out to open the door. Outside the door were two young men, a man and a woman. The man was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a cane and lighting the door. He raised his eyebrows and said, “Muxiang lives here?”

Grandma Yang didn’t like him when she saw him like this, but her tone was still polite, “She lives with me, are you here to find Muxiang? Who are you?”

He Chengzu was impatient to listen to her, pushed her away with a cane, and let He Xiaolian push herself into the house, shouting: “Muxiang! Muxiang, come out for Laozi!”

Mercury had heard the movement and was wearing an apron.

Grandma Yang almost knocked He Chengzu’s crutches down, and when she saw them, she broke into the house like that, and quickly followed, and asked sternly, “What are you doing! Hurry up and get out!”

He Chengzu and He Xiaolian ignored her at all, and only said to Mercury: “Muxiang, you hide here and live a good life, we are coming to you to settle the bill.”

Mercury raised her hand, took off her apron and threw it aside, with a smile on her face, she glanced at the two uninvited guests.

He Xiaolian saw the look in her eyes, and the fingers that had been pierced by her spasmed slightly, but when she saw He Chengzu knocking on a cane, she felt at ease again.

“Muxiang, when you took away the money from the family and left the two of us in your hometown, and came here to live a good life, didn’t you think that one day we would come to you for revenge? .” He Xiaolian said loudly, “Today we are going to expose the true face of you, a vicious woman!”

Mercury was indifferent, only raised a finger to the door, “Please go out.”

He Chengzu glanced at her and smiled condescendingly, “If you let us go out, we will go out, how can it be such a good thing, looking at your moist appearance, I’m afraid it’s not that you really found another man? “Come on, call someone out, and we’ll have a good chat with him about your past.”

Mercury smiled, stepped forward and kicked the wheelchair.

He Chengzu fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise, He Xiaolian was startled, took two steps back, and couldn’t help screaming, “What do you want, I tell you, Chengzu He has already recognized his father, if you dare to do something to us, his father will never let you go!”

The reason why they dare to come here is because of this. But how can this Mu Xiang be crazy, even He Chengzu dares to fight!

He Chengzu, who fell to one side, yelled, “You bitch! How dare you hit me!” Pulled the cane out.

She didn’t speak, she raised her crutch and swiped it on He Chengzu’s face, which made half of He Chengzu’s face swollen.

This time, not only He Xiaolian, but also Grandma Yang exclaimed, she has only seen Mercury’s gentle, determined and talented side, where have she seen her like this.

Mercury still ignored them, facing He Chengzu, who was full of resentment and anger in his one eye, and wanted to get up and grab a cane, Mercury stepped forward with two feet, stepped on his wrists, and condescendingly With a cane, the other half of his face was also swollen.

He Xiaolian screamed and ran out, He Chengzu was still swearing vaguely, without blinking Mercury’s eyes, it was another crutch.

He Chengzu finally realized that he was afraid, and began to struggle frantically, “You are crazy…let go…I…get out…”

Grandma Yang finally reacted, stepped forward and grabbed the mercury, “Hurry up, stop it, you will really die if you continue to fight!”

Mercury then let go, and whispered to comfort the frightened Grandma Yang, “It’s okay, I won’t kill you.”

Grandma Yang really frightened her, looking at He Chengzu who was lying on the ground and didn’t know what to do. However, Mercury patted her on the back, “Go to the kitchen and have a look. I just made the soup, and I forgot whether I started the fire or not.”

After she finished speaking, she hooked He Chengzu, dragged him out and threw him out the door, and threw him out with the wheelchair, then locked the door and went back to tidy up the messed up living room. Put on your apron and continue chopping.

Grandma Yang was about to scare her, so she couldn’t help asking: “Who are they?”

Mercury cut vegetables, “My stepson and stepdaughter, I have something to tell you. In fact, I have already found my former husband, but he has now remarried.”

Grandma Yang didn’t ask any more questions. She made up a bunch of things in her own mind, thinking about the virtues of the stepson and stepdaughter, and sighed, “It’s really **** you.”

“It’s just that, after all, it’s your stepson and stepdaughter. If you have something to say, you can’t fight like this. What others will say about you when they see it. It’s not too big, you might be able to listen to it if you talk about it carefully, but you still have to make it clear if you have any misunderstandings.” Although Grandma Yang is open about some things, she still has the mentality of a typical Chinese, and she will never make peace easily. People tear their skin, even if they wronged themselves, they don’t want to be told that there is a problem with their morality.

Harmony is more expensive? It’s a pity that Mercury never felt that the ‘and’ that he needed to aggrieved himself was valuable.

But she just listened and didn’t refute, because she knew very well that even if they had feelings for each other, many things could not be communicated and understood.

The reason why people are born lonely is because one person will never be fully accepted by another person, and there will always be some things that others cannot accept and recognize. So she just smiled, “I’ll have a good talk with them next time.”

Of course, not next time.


She chopped off a spare rib with one knife.


Grandma Yang shook her head, “What am I afraid of as an old man? I don’t think they are so bold. You can go to work with confidence.”

She should be considered a lucky person. At this age, she still does not realize what evil can be done when bad people are bad – maybe this is the reason why she is still kind.

Mercury didn’t comment on this, just smiled and told her to lock the door.

Then she didn’t go to work directly, she turned around and took the car to Song’s house.

He Xiaolian said that He Chengzu and his father recognized each other, so He Dongpeng should have recovered his memory. To completely solve this trouble, he still has to deal with the source directly.

In the end, He Xiaolian is not a problem, He Chengzu is just a small problem derived from He Dongpeng, it is solved at one time, and it saves the trouble of those two little things going to her again and again.

The circle that Dong Lingye brought her to mingle with was not a white one. Mercury knew the address of the Song family, and it was in a large garden house.

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