Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Six Feet

The lily was inserted into the long-necked bottle of water and placed on the windowsill. Green stems and leaves, white flowers, full of strong summer flavor.

Bang Ying entered the room from outside, wiped the sweat on her forehead, saw the third young lady leaning on the rocking chair and staring at the lilies on the windowsill, she couldn’t help smiling and said, “Does the third young lady like lilies very much? There is a mountain road in my hometown, and the roadside is full of wild lilies, dozens of flowers when they open.”

Mercury did not speak, leaned on the rocking chair and let the rocking chair rock.

The vacant astronomical telescopes that take up a lot of space are put away and stuffed into the warehouse.

“What should I do if the third young master is angry when he doesn’t see this?” Baoying was still a little hesitant when he was cleaning up.

Mercury: “Wait until he gets back.”

The eldest young grandmother who is nagging and loves to break her mouth, and the second young grandmother who is taciturn and does not like to take care of others also said a few words of face, nothing more than that one day Gao Jialiang will come back, let her be patient, as for whether there is any gloating behind them, Quicksilver I don’t care.

The fifth miss does not deal with her as always, and she will stab her when she finds an opportunity, but it is a pity that after repeated defeats, she is so angry that she jumps.

The eldest wife became more and more serious about her. She felt that it was her fault that her son refused to go home. Obviously, she forgot who forced her to marry her.

The eldest wife gave birth to three sons, the eldest young master, the third young master and the fourth young master. The eldest young master has no ambitions and does not seek to make progress. She is too lazy to count on it. The fourth young master and his uncle have studied abroad together for several years and have not returned, so she can only give all her mother’s love to the third young master.

The whole family is most looking forward to Gao Jialiang’s return, not Mercury, but the eldest wife. Mercury sees her as if she is getting sick.

The eldest lady, who was haggard because her favorite son refused to go home, suddenly became flushed one day, and her face was not so stinky even when she saw the mercury.

“It was the fourth young master who sent a letter back, saying that he was coming back, maybe he could catch up with the Mid-Autumn Festival, so the eldest wife is so happy.” Baoying told her about the youngest young master in the family.

“The fourth young master seems to be nineteen years old this year. He went abroad to study with the younger brother of the eldest wife’s family three years ago. I heard that he went to the United Kingdom and the United States, but I don’t really understand.” Dusting the ashes with a feather duster, he recalled: “I came to Gao’s house for a few years, and I met the fourth young master earlier. He especially likes some novel things. By the way, the third young master’s telescope was given by the fourth young master.”

Mercury is not interested, so I agree.

Pingcheng is too hot in summer. The Gao family does not have many trees like the Lin family. The yard of the Gao family is covered with blue bricks. The two trees planted at the entrance of Gao Jialiang’s house are just as high as the eaves, which cannot bring the slightest coolness.

Every afternoon, there are people who pull carts and sell ice bowls by the door, and Baoying goes to buy her ice bowls with sugar sauce, and she will slowly walk in the yard with the ice bowl in one hand Step, exercise your feet.

Mercury guessed that this was the residence of the young master who was going home soon. This small courtyard was more in line with her preference than Gao Jialiang’s house, because there was a verdant grape trellis in the courtyard. The green waterfalls are like falling down, and the green fruit has been hung up, and it is cool to look at.

Mercury doesn’t want to eat grapes, she likes that green shade, and while the young master hasn’t returned home, the yard is so close, when she exercises her feet every afternoon, she turns to Here, turn around a dozen times under the grape trellis.

The eldest wife knew about this, and she called Mercury over, “You have nothing to do with Jiale’s yard, just cleaned and put things in place, don’t run over and get dirty messed up things.”

Mercury didn’t bother to entangle with her over such trivial matters, so she turned her head and changed her place to exercise. She stopped wandering around the square-sized yard, and went out to go around.

There is a street near Gao’s house where hibiscus trees and crape myrtle are planted. In the evening, people often sell fresh flowers there, such as tuberose, hosta, lily, etc. There are also jasmine and gardenia in pots, and Mercury occasionally buys a couple of fragrant flowers and puts them back in the bottle.

She didn’t have this habit before, she developed it in the previous world.

Mercury is exercising her feet consciously, and gradually walks a little more every day. Up to now, her feet still hurt when walking, but it is much better than before. Because her toes are deformed and not developed like ordinary people, she wears shoes that are two sizes smaller than normal.

After walking for a while, she felt pain in her feet, she would find a place to sit and rest for a while.

There are stone steps in that street, and Mercury sits on the stone steps under a hibiscus tree to rest. There was a pot of jasmine flowers just bought by her hand. Only a few small white flowers bloomed.

Mercury bowed her head and fiddled with the little flowers, with a relaxed expression, completely unaware that she had become a landscape in the eyes of others.

Carrying a suitcase, the dusty Gao Jiale walked to this street, looked up at the hibiscus on the side of the street, and lamented that the surrounding scenery had not changed after leaving home for three years. The woman on the steps is attracted.

She was undoubtedly a good-looking woman, wearing a smoky pink tunic, black hair tied behind her head, and a few strands of black hair that were attached to her ears, and the silver flower earrings embellished on her fair ears were light Lightly entangled, the undulating curves of the side face are graceful and hazy.

Passers-by sometimes turn their heads to look at her, but she doesn’t care, stroking a pot of jasmine flowers. Neither shy and reserved, nor enthusiastic publicity, only a little leisurely and leisurely.

She has a face that should be gentle and affectionate, with clear eyebrows and red lips, but a cold expression between her eyebrows and eyes. People come and go, and there is only the feeling of loneliness in this world that she is alone. It was this feeling that separated her from the crowd at once, and let her crash into Gao Jiale’s eyes.

Gao Jiale stayed for a while, realizing that he had lost his way, and knocked on the forehead with some annoyance.

Seeing that the woman pressed her calf with her hands down and seemed to be in pain, Gao Jiale didn’t even think about it, and walked quickly with the suitcase.

“Hello, may I ask if you are not feeling well and need help?”

Mercury looked up and saw a young man, or a young boy standing in front of him. He is tall and full of vigor, wearing a suit with suspenders and carrying a suitcase, with bright eyes and a very clean temperament. It looks like a well-bred and polite boy.

Smile politely at him, Mercury shook his head, “No need, thank you.”

Gao Jiale felt that the heat and cicadas had gone away after she raised her eyes so much. He said he didn’t know the feeling, just felt a bump in his heart.

He didn’t even know how he said goodbye to others, and he had already walked out of that street.

I couldn’t help but look back, but I couldn’t see the man. Only a faint scent of jasmine lingers on the nose.

The old servant of the Gao family’s gatekeeper saw Gao Jiale and looked surprised: “Why did the fourth young master come back so early!”

“Master, Madam, the Fourth Young Master is back!”

Gao Jiale greeted them with a smile, walked briskly all the way into the hall, and the eldest lady who heard the movement glanced at him and immediately cried. This youngest son went abroad with his little uncle at the age of sixteen, and only a few letters came back in three years. How could she not be worried.

Master Gao was also excited, patted his shoulder and said ok. Gao Jiale smiled brightly, stepped forward and hugged his parents one by one, “I’m back.”

“Why did you come back so early, doesn’t it mean that it will take some time?”

“The matter in the UK ended early, my uncle and I came back early, how is it, surprise?”

“Okay, you have worked hard all the way, go take a bath, eat something, and have a good rest.”

Mercury returned to Gao’s house with a pot of jasmine flowers in her arms, and she was beaming with joy. She heard that the fourth young master had returned, but she didn’t care much.

This evening, Mercury didn’t see the fourth young master who returned from studying abroad. It is said that he was too tired from traveling all the way, so he went to rest early.

In the early morning of the next day, Gao Jiale hurried out without even having a meal, “I have a lot of things at my uncle’s place. I have to go and tidy them up and have them move in.”

He brought back a lot of things, although many of them are useless in the eyes of others, but they are very important to him. This is not a small project, it took two days to sort it out.

The youngest son didn’t go home as soon as he came back, and the eldest wife was in a hurry and asked him to go home for dinner and meet his family.

Gao Jiale rolled up his sleeves and stood in the pile of messy objects, shook his head at his uncle Yang Shuhuai next to him, feeling a little helpless, “Okay, it seems that I can’t continue tidying up, I have to go back first Let’s have a meal at home. Don’t move these things, uncle, and wait for me to clean them up.”

Gao Jiale washed his face with water, wiped off the water droplets, patted the ashes on his body and rushed home. As soon as he entered the door, he was stopped by the eldest wife and complained. He didn’t care. He just said some interesting things abroad like a little sun, and made his parents laugh.

The eldest young master, the second young master, his wife, and the fifth young lady also gathered around him to listen to him talking about foreign interesting stories, exclaiming and laughing happily from time to time.

“By the way, I heard that the third brother is married, and I haven’t seen the third sister-in-law yet.” Gao Jiale suddenly remembered this matter.

The eldest wife had a headache when she mentioned this, and the smile on her face disappeared all of a sudden, “Don’t mention it.”

Gao Jiale was taken aback: “What’s wrong?”

The eldest wife: “Your third brother doesn’t like your third sister-in-law. She is angry and hasn’t been home for several months.”

Gao Jiayun leaned into Gao Jiale’s ear and said, “Fourth brother, you don’t know, that Lin Jinxiu is very bad and often bullies me. Don’t say third brother doesn’t like her, I don’t like her either!”

A graceful figure in a light green dress walked in slowly.

It’s her! It was the woman I saw that day!

“She…she is?” Gao Jiale looked at the door, his tone a little erratic.

Gao Jiayun didn’t see anything unusual about him, and pouted, “She is Lin Jinxiu, our third sister-in-law, hum!”

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