Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Little Foot Nine

“Three sisters.”

The yard of Gao Jiale on Mercury Road was stopped by him again. The courtyard door opened wide, and Gao Jiale sat under the grape trellis with a somewhat heavy astronomical telescope in front of him.

That astronomical telescope is far from being as delicate and delicate as Mercury has seen in later generations. The color is still nice.

Gao Jiale was adjusting the telescope, but when he saw her, he stood up and asked her cautiously, “Do you want to eat grapes?”

He also put a large basket of grapes in his hand, Mercury walked over and said, “Baoying told me that the grapes in your yard are too sour and not delicious.”

Gao Jiale laughed immediately, “This is not a knot in my yard, it was given by my uncle, it’s very sweet.”

Speaking, she got up and brought her a stool with a backrest and put it aside, and the small stool on which the grapes were placed was also moved in front of her. Mercury thanked and sat down, tasted a grape, and it was really sweet, and it was as if it had been soaked in ice water.

“Today Jiayun sued her mother, and I’m sorry to cause you to be told.” Gao Jiale was so brooding about this matter that he couldn’t help calling people in.

Mercury squeezed a grape, “You are the youngest man I’ve ever met who likes to say sorry to people.”

“Ah? Hahaha, yes, I don’t usually do this.” Gao Jiale frowned again in the darkness, “mainly because I feel guilty when I see the third sister-in-law being wronged.”

After he finished speaking, he realized that there was something wrong with the statement, and hurriedly added: “The third brother is not at home, I should take care of the third sister-in-law more.”

She leaned her elbows on the back of the chair, her tone was calm, and when she couldn’t see her eyes and face in the night, she even seemed a little gentle, just like when she usually smiled at people.

“I hit your sister and you don’t seem angry.”

Gao Jiale’s tone became a little melancholy, and sat down on the side, “Actually, Jiale was not like this before, but now everyone in the family follows her and no one cares about her, the more her temperament becomes. It’s getting crooked, and if it goes on like this, maybe one day she will fall hard, and instead of waiting until she is bullied by others, it’s better to let the third sister-in-law clean up this little girl, at least the third sister-in-law is measured.”

As if remembering how her sister was headed and crying miserably before, Gao Jiale suddenly smiled again, “If the third sister-in-law intends to punish her, how can Jiayun If you can go and file a complaint. They are all a family, and the third sister-in-law can teach her to be more restrained. My useless brother agrees. ”

“Actually, I used to bully Jiayun when I was a child. She likes to act coquettishly and complain. My parents reprimanded me. I’m not happy. Next time I go to bully her and cry. Go and bully.”

” Third sister-in-law, you also have a sister, right? How do you get along with your sister? It shouldn’t be like us.”

Mercury was not thinking of Lin Qiluo, but another person.

She was a little silent when she talked about this. Gao Jiale just subconsciously wanted to say a few more words and wanted to know something about her from her. Seeing her reaction, she panicked immediately and forcibly changed the topic , “Ah, my telescope, um, it’s an astronomical telescope. It can see stars. I’m about to adjust it. Sister-in-law, would you like to have a look?”

Having said that, she has moved her position away, as if asking her to review it immediately.

Mercury changed the subject and sat under the camera, “You installed this yourself? I saw you dismantling parts before.”

Gao Jiale couldn’t sit still anymore, so he stood with his hands behind his back and replied, “Well, I like watching the stars. I was very interested in this before. When I was in England with my uncle, I often I went to see the largest telescope in the city, and asked someone to help me buy two smaller ones, one was this one, and the other was given to my third brother.”

“I use this a lot myself, and the parts have been replaced many times. I also learned to make some parts myself, and I often take them apart for maintenance.”

When he was nervous, he was a little long-winded. Mercury sat there watching, and he didn’t dare to get too close. , took another step back, “Sister-in-law, look at this, this is my favorite star.”

Mercury watched quietly, hummed, “It’s Jupiter.”

Gao Jiale immediately showed a surprised smile, and people unconsciously approached the past, “Does the third sister also know? I rarely see anyone who is interested in stars. I show other friends, and they don’t Knowing the difference between these stars, the third sister-in-law can recognize them.”

The shelf is placed according to Gao Jiale’s height, which is a bit high for Mercury. She raised her head slightly and looked: “I don’t know much… Can I try to adjust the position?”

Gao Jiale repeatedly agreed: “Yes, yes! I’ll teach you!”

Mercury has not tried to look at the stars with an astronomical telescope, not to mention the astronomical telescope of this era, she is indeed interested in looking at the stars that are not very clear in the lens.

Gao Jiale said, slowly stopped, and looked at Mercury’s profile in a daze. In summer, everyone wears thin clothes. She probably took a shower, her hair was still slightly damp, and it was tied loosely at the back of her head. There was a faint fragrance on her body, like gardenia and jasmine.

It’s full of fresh summer sweetness.

Aware of his roaring heartbeat, Gao Jiale quietly stepped back. No, no, no, don’t think about it.

Concentrated, watching her play with the lens tube a little curiously and a little seriously, like a little girl playing with a toy, Gao Jiale unconsciously felt a little hot, soft, and couldn’t control it at all.

The person in front of him is five years older than him, and he is his third sister-in-law. He should respect her. However, when approached, he would easily forget their identities, and all he thought in his mind was to make her happier and get along more.

However, this will not work.

Gao Jiale’s happy mood just now fell all of a sudden, it was empty and could not fall to the end.

“Why do you like stars?” Mercury suddenly asked, looking at the lens barrel without turning her head.

Gao Jiale cheered up and explained: “Every time I look up and see the vast starry sky, I feel that people are very small, and a person’s whole life may be a blink of an eye for him. It’s like watching a cicada in summer, or a little bug, and when you think about it, those sad things don’t seem to go away, they’re all fleeting.”

“You are still so young, you don’t need to be so pessimistic. People’s emotions are tempered, and various emotions create a person. There is nothing wrong.” Mercury put his hand on the lens barrel. , in a calm and gentle tone.

Gao Jiale: “…I’m not too young.” He only heard the first sentence.

Mercury finally turned her head and glanced at him, “To me, you are still a child.”

Gao Jiale instantly seemed to have been hammered in the head, and the frustration on his face could not be concealed. Fortunately, there are no lights in the yard, Gao Jiale thought to himself.

Mercury stood up, “Okay, I’m almost done, it’s time to go back to rest.”

Standing on the spot and watching her leave, Gao Jiale scratched his slightly messy hair and sat down on the stool that Mercury sat on just now.

When Mercury was there just now, he sat with a straight back, but now that people are gone, he bends his long legs, hugs his astronomical telescope indiscriminately, Go up and look at the stars, look at the stars she just saw.

What she saw just now was a very small and ordinary star, even Gao Jiale didn’t know the name of this star. There are so many stars in the sky, and he doesn’t know every one of them. What he sees the most are those special and recognizable ones. But why is she looking at this one? Also watched for a long time.

Gao Jiale sat there without adjusting the camera, but continued to look at the star. After a while, he slowly calmed down. Leaning back in the chair, looking at the sky with the naked eye, the ordinary star cannot be found with the naked eye.

He couldn’t help but think, Sister-in-law, do you think I’m annoying or noisy? Did I laugh so much that she thought I was small and immature?

The next day Gao Jiayun came over to find the fourth brother, and found that he was wearing a suit on a hot day, his hair was well groomed, and he was wearing thin gold-rimmed glasses. He looked larger than usual casual appearance For several years, handsome is handsome enough, but isn’t he hot?

Gao Jiale asked her with a stern face: “Jiayun, do you think I am mature?”

Gao Jiayun is holding the door frame to enter and not to retreat: “Fourth brother…Aren’t you hot?”

Gao Jiale chased her away, he wandered around the door for a while, heard footsteps, and immediately made the appearance of going out, and sure enough, he met Mercury head-on.

“Sister-in-law, morning.”

Mercury gave him a look.

Gao Jiale’s face was calm and his heart was pounding.

Mercury said: “Aren’t you hot?”

Gallery: “…”

He went back and changed his clothes.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, Gao Jiayun proposed to play in Pinghai, which is the most lively summer resort in Pingcheng. , all kinds of delicious and fun, every evening, there are several opera troupes set up there to sing opera, can be regarded as the most lively place in Pingcheng in summer.

In the past years, Gao’s family would often go there, and even the eldest wife would go out once or twice to watch the drama. The only people in the Gao family who did not go out were the second and third wives.

Although there is less Gao Jialiang this year, but there are more Gao Jiale and Mercury, especially with Gao Jiale, it is more lively than in previous years.

Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Gao found a stage they often listened to and talked with their old friends. The young people dispersed after a while. The second young master and the second young grandma were sitting in the teahouse, neither talking nor separating.

Gao Jiayun pulled Gao Jiale to watch the overpass juggling. Seeing that Mercury was alone, Gao Jiale couldn’t help feeling distressed and asked her to play together.

It is conceivable that Gao Jiayun is unable to refuse again. Of course, she failed to refuse. She wants to see what she wants to play.

Gao Jiayun: “Fourth brother, I want an ice bowl! I want one with cheese!”

Gao Jiale turned around and asked Mercury: “Do you want to eat it? I remember that there is a Pagoda over there that makes milk ice bowls that are very delicious.”

Mercury: “Well, eat.”

Gao Jiale: “Okay, then I’ll buy it!”

Although Gao Jiayun ate the ice bowl, she still had a stinky face, “Fourth brother, why does she have more ice than me.”

Gao Jiale is serious: “Nonsense, it’s all the same.”

Gao Jiayun saw the crowd on the opposite side and grabbed his brother: “Fourth brother, there seems to be a little monkey opposite, let’s go see the little monkey!”

Gao Jiale turned his head and asked Mercury: “Sister-in-law three, after walking so long, does your foot hurt? Do you want to rest?”

Mercury: “Well, take a break.”

Gao Jiale: “Then I’ll find a place for you to sit!”

Gao Jiayun: “…” I can’t live anymore!

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