Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Dirt Road One

What the system meant by punishment, Mercury understood when he regained consciousness from this body.

This world is different from the previous three worlds.

“Lazy! If you don’t get up soon, you just don’t want to work in the house. Did you spend so much money to buy you back to let you sleep at home! Lazy woman! Get out of here!” An old woman’s scolding voice was getting closer and closer, Mercury lay on the bed and slowly got up, feeling the wet pain under her body.

Although she has never experienced such a thing, the plot from the system gave her the answer and let her understand what happened to this body-she just gave birth to a child yesterday, The body is conveying pain to her.

Information, she is only in her fifties.

“Get up quickly, there are so many things to do at home, you are going to die if you are lazy here!” Go outside.

“Go to the fire to cook, and when it’s done, go to hunt hogweed and come back to feed the pigs, did you hear me!”

Mercury silently observed everything around her without making a sound.

The old woman seemed to have become accustomed to the silence of women, and after talking with a stern face, she got into a certain room, and Mercury soon heard the voice of a child in that room, There was an old woman’s coaxing voice.

Mercury looked over there with an expressionless face. The two elderly people living in that house and their only grandson, the son that her body gave birth to a few years ago.

Since she was sold to this village when she was a teenager, the woman whose real name is Liu Xiangxue has been pregnant eight times. She had five miscarriages due to heavy labor, and gave birth to three children safely, but now Only one boy is still alive, and the other two girls, including the baby girl she gave birth yesterday, are dead.

This is a very poor place, and the poor cannot feed an extra population, so the two baby girls are dying.

The feeling of hunger made Mercury’s mind clearer, she went through the plot in her mind again, and subconsciously felt nauseated.

Liu Xiangxue was originally a student. She was abducted and sold on her way to school. She was sold into this remote and poor village when she was a teenager. The family who bought her is also surnamed Liu. There are two brothers in the family. In their 30s and 40s, they still have no money to marry a wife. It took the whole family’s savings to buy a woman and bring them back to give birth to children for the two brothers. .

In recent years, Liu Xiangxue has not only become a child-bearing machine, but also works every day from morning to night. She is stupid, but she can be taught at work, but occasionally she is stupid, doesn’t know where she is, and walks around. At this time, the Liu family will use a rope to tie her to the house, like tying a dog. .

Yes, in the original plot, this fool’s mother was kept in captivity by the Liu family for more than ten years. When her son grew up, the old woman and the old man died, and the eldest and second child of the Liu family came out again After the incident, she was the only one left to take care of her son, but she was a fool. Even if she cut her flesh and bleeds her blood and raised her son stumbled with blood, her son still felt that she had disgraced herself.

As the only college student who has gone out from this small village, her son has the knowledge that his father and grandparents have never been able to have in his entire life, but he has not been able to become a grateful person.

Solzhenitsyn said: Knowledge does not cultivate morality.


Her son finally admitted her fool mother at the end, but this did not prevent him from marrying and having children in the big city, and leaving the fool mother alone in this small village to fend for himself. The fool’s mother doesn’t blame him, as if the meaning and pain of a lifetime can be satisfied by a light “mother”.

What a great mother with no regrets and no regrets.

This world caused more discomfort to Mercury than the previous three worlds combined, not because Liu Xiangxue was the worst woman, but more because it reminded Mercury of bad memories, Thinking of her own home.

The trust of her husband, she said that she would go out to work to earn money to raise her children, but she never came back.

Mercury is a girl who grew up in the countryside, but she is born with a very strong sense of unwillingness. She doesn’t want to be like the women in the village. This country gave birth to children, and then let their children repeat the same life trajectory.

She happened to be lucky. That year, the Hope Primary School was opened in the nearby village, and she was able to go to school.

Learning may be the only chance for women at the bottom to change their destiny All the time is learning.

They specially visited the countryside, collected some families whose wives had run away, and let those children without their mothers go to the show to memorize their lines, cry, and call their mothers to go home.

Mercury didn’t want to go, but the program team gave money, and the man was willing to do anything when he saw the money, so the three brothers and sisters appeared on the show.

The audience under the stage was moved to wipe their tears. The host tried to contact their mother and called her, trying to promote a complete family and reunite their mother and daughter, but the mercury only I feel that my self-esteem has been smashed to pieces in those sensational BGMs and the phone ringing that has been unanswered for a long time.


The woman didn’t show up in the end, Mercury was almost at ease, she didn’t want her to show up. But her father was very unhappy. He sat at the gate of the TV station and said that they couldn’t get his wife back for him, so he wouldn’t leave, and he wouldn’t let them continue the show, and he had to take his three children everywhere. Go cry their show lies.

The last TV show couldn’t do anything, so he gave him a sum of money to let him put away the rogue and take the three children away.

The money extorted from the TV show has always been one of the man’s proud boasting topics.

At the beginning, when Mercury followed the man down the steps of the TV station, she listened to the staff behind her saying that this family is shameless, poor and crazy, and she was only ten years old in her heart. She swears hard that she will definitely leave this home and get the chance to control her own destiny.

One day, she will be able to support herself and maintain her dignity, and she will never be ridiculed because of poverty and birth.

She did succeed, she was admitted to the best university, almost a miracle. When her peers were enjoying their carefree youth, she tried her best to learn everything she could learn. She grew up quickly and became a bright and successful woman. No one knew how embarrassed she used to be.

But now, this system seems to have stripped her proud coat cleanly, and once again beat her into the quagmire of her childhood struggle.

[This is your punishment]

Mercury refused to communicate with the system, her full anger was pressed under that layer of skin, as if to split her into two people, and began to calmly examine the world again as an adult .

After a good breakfast, Mr. Liu and Mr. Liu also came back. They had to go to work in the field early in the morning and then come back for breakfast.


The gruel is for the only little boy. The men eat sweet potatoes and taro with a little dried vegetables. Liu Xiangxue can’t even eat sweet potatoes.

No one in this family wants to pay more attention to Liu Xiangxue, a fool. The two strong workers went to work again, and the old man also went, leaving the old woman and the little boy and Liu Xiangxue in the house.

The old woman takes care of the little boy and does something relaxing by the way. In addition to taking care of a vegetable field near the house, Liu Xiangxue also washes urine buckets, fights pig grass, cooks pig food, feeds pigs and chops firewood, etc. Wait.

Mercury was tying firewood in the yard, and the little boy was playing with small stones not far from her, jokingly threw the small stones at her, hit her on the head and laughed happily, laughing and shouting fool, fool.

Mercury gave him a cold look, and went out with a hatchet and a basket, she wanted to hunt hogweed.

When she walked outside, she remembered the pesticide bottle she found in the corner of the room, and suddenly raised her lips and smiled.

Is this the real world or the fake world? It doesn’t matter, she only knows that she is not Liu Xiangxue, and this small village deep in the mountains can’t trap her.

There is a road to hunt for hogweed. When Mercury came to this side, he saw the soil that had been turned up in the middle of the road and stopped slowly.

There was a small stone on top of the apparently freshly turned soil, which meant that something was newly buried underneath.

The baby girl that Liu Xiangxue gave birth to yesterday was strangled by the old woman and buried under this road.

There are girls who dare to be reborn in their homes again – this is what the old woman said when Liu Xiangxue gave birth to her child, and she believes this statement firmly.

Liu Xiangxue gave birth to another girl, the old woman was very dissatisfied, so she asked her to get up to work just after giving birth.

How ridiculous.

A yellow dandelion grew by the roadside, and the mercury picked one at random and threw it on the small stone.

whispered softly: “My child, I assure you, they will die soon, and no one can bury them.”

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