Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Three Sisters Twelve

Mercury met Liu Fengyang three times in one day. Once in the library, once in the administrative building, and once in the canteen.

“Can I sit here?” Liu Fengyang, who was holding a dinner plate, stood beside her, and each time it was the same opening remarks.

The cafeteria is a public place, and everyone can sit freely. Of course, Mercury has no problem, but she can’t eat much, and she didn’t give Liu Fengyang time to play, so she ended the meal and left with her plate.

Faced with such a sweetheart, Liu Fengyang persisted for more than half a month, and finally found a time to stop the person downstairs in the library and confess directly.

But if confessing to her requires her to answer, it is the result of outright refusal for her.

“I don’t accept it.” There was no shyness of being confessed on her face, and it was no different from when she was in class, reading and eating.

Liu Fengyang’s face was full of unwillingness, “What’s wrong with me?”

Mercury: “It has nothing to do with me whether you are good or not. If I don’t want to, no matter how good you are, I don’t want to.”

Liu Fengyang: “Then what should I do to you?”

Mercury: “I don’t have the will, it’s useless for you to do anything, I suggest you study hard, or consider others.”

Liu Fengyang doesn’t understand very much, the friends around him are all in love, everyone is eager to move at this age, looking forward to encountering a love, why is this girl in front of me have no idea? ? So it should still be an excuse, she just thinks he is not good enough.

“Can you give me a chance? Even if you don’t like me, it doesn’t matter, we can give it a try. You will be my girlfriend for three months. If you still feel that you can’t do it by then, I will do it again. I won’t pester you either.” Liu Fengyang vowed.

When Mercury heard this, she finally raised her eyes and looked at him, her eyes suddenly became cold, “Do you think I have no brains, what position and qualification do you have to propose this to me? a request?”

“In the case that I clearly expressed my unwillingness, I still avoided my will, hoping that I would satisfy your desire in exchange for your ‘give up’? It’s not a condition that you can talk to me about.”

This kind of love contract trap, Mercury has encountered many, and some of the men she has met may not have any malicious intentions, or they are not aware of their malicious intentions. But they asked her to try with them in a joking or serious tone, and if she couldn’t give up, Mercury would clearly feel offended.

Liu Fengyang didn’t expect that it was the first time she talked to herself so much, it would be like this, her face turned red and white, a little embarrassed, and her tone became stiff, “You don’t need to be so sensitive , I didn’t think about it too much, if it makes you feel uncomfortable, I’ll just apologize.”

Mercury shook her head.

Sensitive, many people say that she is sensitive, and they think that what she cares about is no big deal, and they don’t think there is anything wrong with their attitude and behavior. Just like the big boy in front of him, he may be aggrieved now, and he apologized to her because he had a good impression of her, not because he felt something was wrong.

“If you feel uncomfortable, I will apologize.” This sentence subconsciously expresses “You are making trouble unreasonably, but I am willing to tolerate you”, which has clearly divided right and wrong.

Their thoughts are not on the same level, so there is no way to communicate.

There are many more men like Liu Fengyang, which is probably the reason why Mercury is becoming less and less interested in marriage and love. She is unwilling to lower herself to accommodate others, to wrong herself, to make do with it.

The group of students who went to the library with Mercury watched the rejection of the confession, and couldn’t help but sympathize with Liu Fengyang, and some girls said to Mercury: “Yao Yue, you don’t need this reaction. , Liu Fengyang didn’t do anything too much. He was already good, he was good looking, he was tall and he could play basketball. He would help girls when they encountered any difficulties. He also brought drinking water to our class before. Well. If the requirements are so high, you will never want a boyfriend in your life.”

Mercury’s tone was calm: “My requirements are very high? No, your requirements are too low.”

The girl choked and lowered her face: “I’m here for your own good, what is your attitude!”

Mercury: “Thank you, don’t do it for me in the future, I don’t need it.”

The girl snorted and pulled a friend away quickly.

Whether it is Liu Fengyang or this girl, it is a trivial matter for Mercury, but this kind of thing spreads very quickly in the university, Yao Xin knew for a long time that her sister was in the book Outside the hall, a boy was rejected, and it was unpleasant.

Is it okay to make my sister unhappy? !

Yao Xin, who didn’t want to take care of it at first, couldn’t sit still. She asked someone to inquire about Liu Fengyang’s situation. Her friend turned around and called her with a smile and said, “Liu Fengyang hasn’t given up yet. Well, several brothers in his dormitory are all giving him ideas, ready to help him take down Yao Yue in one fell swoop, and be ashamed.”

Yao Xin: “…what is he going to do?”

“What else can I do, send flowers, gifts and food, follow people to class, send messages to flirt, people Liu Feng and Yang have said, strong women are afraid of entanglement, as long as he doesn’t give up , I won’t get it after a long time.” The friend obviously didn’t reject this matter, and was joking about watching a good show, and asked her: “Ai Yaoxin, how long do you think your sister will be taken down by him?”

Yao Xin has always been generous and doesn’t get angry with people easily, but now she said coldly, “Shut up.”

Her friend was stunned for a moment, then said a few words and hung up the phone.

Yao Xin was about to die of anger. Before, she just thought that Liu Fengyang was not suitable for her sister, but now she is simply annoying this man. Isn’t it basic courtesy not to disturb him when others clearly refuse? Also, the strong girl is afraid of pestering her husband, so let’s be clear, isn’t this harassment.

Just this virtue, let alone my sister, she doesn’t even look down on it.

She has encountered many such situations herself, and she can face it calmly, but when her sister is bullied, she can’t wait to beat those who make her sister unhappy.

Yao Yue didn’t take her anger to heart, and made her own thesis topic: “What are you doing with those people who are entangled in such insignificant things, and do more things you like when you have time? , enrich yourself, and when you are far better than them, you are not in the same world, and there is no intersection, do you still care about them?”

Yao Xin was raised by her younger sister. Even at this age, she was subconsciously afraid of her, and she relied on her from the bottom of her heart. Listening to what she said, she nodded thoughtfully.

A few days later, when Liu Fengyang regained his confidence and was about to continue pursuing people, he heard that Yaoyue had completed the course by herself, and the papers she had written could be published in professional journals, and she also directly followed The tutor entered the laboratory to study, and it was difficult for her former classmates to see her again, let alone Liu Fengyang, who was a completely different department.

The gossip of Yaoyue and Liu Fengyang, which was very popular in the class, turned into envy and praise for Yaoyue. Many people who thought Yaoyue was arrogant and critical, now changed their minds It is no wonder that people have no heart to fall in love when they say that they are so smart and have unlimited future.

“People are just different. Even before graduation, they are even more powerful than those seniors and sisters. Our future work has not been affected.”

Liu Fengyang was overrun by the yin and yang of those classmates, and he felt bored. After all, he was still a college student who had never entered the society or thought about the future. After seeing this in daily life and finding that the person he wants to pursue needs to be looked up to, his restless heart is like being poured into a bucket of cold water, and it can no longer be dry.

“Hey, there is no grass anywhere in the world, you really don’t need to think about that one all the time.” The brothers who had supported him before changed their minds and said to him: “People are so smart. In that case, I will definitely continue my studies in the future, and my education may be much higher than yours. Such women generally don’t care about their families, and they don’t spend too much time on you, so what’s good.”

“Yes, yes, you can’t find a girlfriend who is better than you. If she is better than you and earns more than you, she won’t listen when you talk at home, that’s fine With your conditions, it’s not difficult to find a girlfriend who is more beautiful, sensible, and coquettish than Yaoyue.”

Liu Fengyang finally gave up his fruitless pursuit of love, and soon found a gentle and homely girlfriend.

Learn more.

Because of being in this world for so long, Mercury has to spend most of her time cultivating her hobbies and strengthening her expertise, it is also fun to try different things, these Almost all of her time has been occupied.

However, she did not forget her mother and brother who should have appeared in the original plot. The appearance of Liu Fengyang also reminded her that the plot was about to start.

The third daughter was found, and then a series of conflicts occurred.

But now, Yan Changshan and his father have both died more than ten years ago, and the remaining mother, elder sister and younger brother, do not know what the situation is, and do not know if they will When she came here for treatment, Mercury did not deliberately look for it, how should she live or how to live.

After about half a year, Mercury went to a hospital for an internship.

It is about the inertia of the plot, she actually met her mother and brother here.

Standing at the door of the ward with one hand in his pocket, Mercury looked at the boy who was losing his temper in the ward. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, his face was ugly and he was swearing because he was sick. It seemed that his mother lost his temper because he didn’t buy the fruit he wanted to eat.

Peel apples.

After peeling the apple and handing it to his son, the boy threw it into the trash can with his backhand, “Who wants to eat this!” The apple smashed the trash can down, and the **** inside rolled out and scattered On the ground, the woman had no choice but to walk over to pick up the trash can, pick up the apple with a distressed face, wash it in the toilet, and put it aside.

The boy seemed to despise her and humiliated her, and cursed irritably.

The mother had to stand up and go out to buy him the fruit he wanted to eat.

She walked to the door and saw Mercury, maybe she thought she had a good temperament, and she was a little ashamed, and then looked at the work card on her chest and the white clothes, her face was put on two points Be careful to please, “Doctor, my daughter has gone home to get the money, and she will be able to pay the hospital bill soon.”

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