Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Three Sister Fifteen

The two of Mercury have not yet fully graduated, and Yaoxin has to go back to school from time to time, so according to Wang Dong, Wang Guiyun took her eldest daughter to cry at the entrance of the university, which really caused a lot of discussion . Many students did not know why, and watched at the gate of the school. They heard that the two senior sisters disliked the poor and loved the rich. Regardless of the serious illness of their younger brother and mother, they expressed contempt.

I used to dislike Mercury and Yaoxin, and those who were jealous of them were happy now, and they spread the word in the school how bad they treated their relatives.

“What if you look good? It’s not just about appearance.”

“I can’t see that they are such unconscionable people. It’s a shame that I thought they were excellent before.”

“Being in the same class as Yaoyue, I thought she had no conscience and ignored people, and others didn’t appreciate her kindness to help her.”

This type of talk is rampant.

Yao Xin heard about this from her friend, she was so angry that she wanted to drive a forklift on the spot to chase people away.

Mercury was still calm and asked her: “How is your acting study recently?”

Yao Xin: “They’ve all come to the door. I don’t care about the performance. It’s better to solve them first, otherwise how will you live in school!”

Mercury: “I mean, here comes the stage you show.”

Yao Xin’s face was full of anger: “…Huh?”

Mercury: “They perform pitifully, will you?”

Yao Xin and her looked at each other for a moment, suddenly realized.

Yao Xin let out a long breath and smiled confidently, “Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

Within two days, Mercury discovered that the rumors quickly reversed. Everyone knows that the woman who cried at the gate of the university abandoned them when they were very young. Contact, now because my son is sick, I come to ask people to donate kidney money, I don’t want to make threats, and my face is ugly and outrageous.

Yaoxin’s campus goddess’s name is not a cover, her popularity is particularly high, and her popularity is good. She cried a few times. After the performance, the wind direction changed completely.

University is a purer place than society. In such an environment composed of young people, everyone has a sense of innocence and spirit. They are not like those middle-aged and elderly people in society. They may not be mature. But many of them have a more free and open mind. The idea of “parents should treat their children without regrets” has been spurned by people here, and many of them are more willing to break this rule.

Therefore, a vigorous condemnation began. As long as Wang Guiyun went to the gate of the university, she couldn’t cry, and countless students watched with contempt and condemned them. Wang Guiyun was in a hurry at the end, and he scolded those students, destroying the poor image he had created earlier.

People all require the victim to have a perfect image. She must be pitiful to the point of dust in order to give people the pleasure of justice, and must not be vicious or aggressive.

As soon as Wang Guiyun showed her furious ‘shrew’ side, she was doomed to lose this public opinion war.

“People who want to use public opinion to solve their personal grievances will also suffer from the backlash of public opinion.” Mercury clicked on his mobile phone and watched a news report, in which Wang Dong was lying on the hospital bed crying to all sectors of society People exposed their own inhuman sister.

This report is not very popular, but it was put on Weibo by people with intentions to spread it everywhere. Some really unscrupulous marketing accounts that just want to gain popularity are exaggerating, and double describe Wang Dong’s pitiful, and his two wealthy sisters’ hateful, provocative writing novels, let the comments sympathize with Wang Dong and his mother, and earn enough money heat.

Now is an era of consumption, no matter what can be consumed, family love is also, human sympathy is also.

Even if a student from the same school who knows the inside story makes an explanation, he will only be scolded into a ball by angry netizens, and then it will rise to the issue of school education.

Looking at the remarks under the news, Mercury didn’t feel at all. She didn’t know these people who spoke bad words, and these people didn’t know her either. They said it casually, and she forgot about it after a day. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous if she wanted to care about it and affect her. Moreover, she had seen these same malicious remarks as early as when Yan Changshan and his wife died.

She is not dealing with these people, but the people who want to **** blood from herself.

Click on the communication, contact the person I found before, and Mercury sent a message, “Wang Dong’s donation channel has been opened, I asked you to donate 80,000 yuan, as long as you do well in the future, take it The return is yours.”

Contact another, “The hospital bed is ready, you can go there today, it is Wang Dong’s ward, you are the next bed, guide him as we said before, after the final payment is completed will call you.”

Wang Dong is in a good mood these two days. Although his useless mother failed to do useful things, he is much smarter himself. No, now some people have donated money to him one after another. He has already donated more than 100,000 yuan, and there is a local tyrant who has nowhere to spend more money and donated 80,000 yuan to him at one time. , Not to mention the money for surgery, that is, he will have the money to buy a house in the future.

It’s just pretending to be pitiful, this money is too good to earn.

Looking at those who scold his two sisters under the news, Wang Dong felt relieved, and even the pain of illness was relieved a lot. The only thing that makes him unhappy now is that there is a patient in the ward who likes to pretend to be a big money, playing expensive mobile phones, computers and various game consoles in front of him all day long, and showing him off.

Wang Dong wanted to buy the latest banana phone for a long time, but unfortunately his family had no money, so he just bought a bad one. He can’t see other people sulking in front of him. Now that he has money, he will immediately buy the latest banana phone, as well as a computer. He buys everything he wants at once.

Wang Guiyun waited until the things were delivered by express, only to find that the hundreds of thousands of donations that Kari received were used by his son lavishly.

“Xiaodong, how can you buy these expensive things, you have to have surgery for that money…” Wang Guiyun had never seen anyone buying things like this, but he felt that the sky was about to fall.

Wang Dong was busy playing his latest game, and scolded her irritably when he heard the words: “What are you talking about, you know it’s annoying all day long, if there is a fool who is willing to give me money, I’m happy to buy it How about these, if you don’t have any money, you can donate it! I can make more money than you!”

Wang Guiyun was sitting in front of the bed crying, Wang Dong was terribly annoying, “I’m not dead yet, you cry every day and cry, it’s annoying!”

Neither of them found the new patient in the next bed, so they recorded this scene. The other party has recorded a lot of things these days, which perfectly shows Wang Dong’s true face. His relationship with Wang Guiyun, the scolding and scolding of his eldest sister, his resentment and contempt for the other two sisters, he specially picked his ugliest side.

“Almost there.”

Mercury contacted the marketing account that scolded her and Yaoxin in the news before, sent the video in her hand, and negotiated the price of reversal and whitewashing.

It was only one night, this video was circulated, those marketing accounts were angry and said they were cheated, and the voices on the Internet also reversed in a large area. Dong, the people who had donated money were even more angry, and the most indignant was an “enthusiastic netizen” who had donated the most, claiming to sue them for fraud and get the money back.

Wang Dong was frightened by this explosive wave of scolding, these netizens made him very happy when they scolded his enemies, and now they scolded him, he finally realized the feeling of suffocation. What frightened him even more was that the person who had donated the most said he wanted to go to the hospital to get the money back. He is out of money now!

“Mom, mom!” Wang Dong regretted putting the hospital address in order to receive gifts and supplements from netizens. Now the deceived people are excited and claim to come to teach him a lesson, “Quick, we Quickly transfer to another hospital!”

But it’s too late, he has no money to transfer to hospital, and in order to gain attention, the video of his crying without coding is still hanging on the Internet, I don’t know how many screenshots were taken, and it was posted by netizens All kinds of funny words were used to mock him. He was afraid of being recognized when he went out. In the hospital, he also felt that others looked at him strangely, and everyone thought they were like people who scolded him on the Internet.

If people are lucky for a while, they will not be lucky forever, but if they are unlucky, they are likely to be more and more unlucky.

Wang Dong is like this, his condition is getting worse. Mercury has cultivated for many years and has experienced so many things, so he doesn’t need to care about the temporary scolding, but Wang Dong can’t, he is still young, and the self-esteem of a young man makes him unable to stand the overwhelming ridicule and scolding.

How about his specific situation, Mercury didn’t pay attention to it anymore, she only did two things, guided public opinion, and then retired.

Yao Xin didn’t know what she did, and discussed it with her with a smile on her face, “This Wang Dong is really self-inflicted, I don’t know who made the video and upload it, look at this, and he The comparison of the videos of crying before, together, I laughed to death!”

Mercury thought about how long she would stay in this world. Seeing Yao Xin’s relieved and happy look, she showed her his chat records.

Yao Xin was stunned after reading it, “So it was the third sister who did it?!”

Mercury took back the phone and deleted the record, “Remember next time, what you see may be put in front of you by others, and influences your emotions, so, have If you don’t know the details of an event, don’t make rash judgments and stay sober.”

Yao Xin thought thoughtfully, “Well, I see.” She suddenly felt that there was nothing to be happy about when so many people scolded Wang Dong. Just like the third sister, she doesn’t seem to feel happy and relieved.

Mercury took a step forward and touched her head, “You must have the ability and means to protect yourself, sometimes good and evil may not be defined, so what you need to recognize is your own position. Go forward bravely, be fearless, don’t care what others think, in this world, you have to love yourself the most.”

Yao Xin took her sister’s hand and said jokingly: “I know, I know, I love not only myself, but also Sanmei. And Sanmei, you say this, as if you are leaving I’m so nervous.”

Mercury said nothing.

If her hunch is correct, she is indeed leaving soon.

A few days later, the system that has not appeared for a long time issued a prompt.

【Main character Wang Dong died】

Mercury met Wang Guiyun again. The woman who died of her son had a pair of eyes that were also dead. She seemed to feel that her life was over. She spent the first half of her life living for a man who kept hurting her – her husband, and the second half of her life was also living for a man who kept hurting her – her son.

The eldest sister was about to take her back, but the two of them didn’t say hello to her when they saw Mercury, and hurriedly avoided her and left.

The naughty little boy who was held in the arms of the eldest sister didn’t know about adults. Seeing his beautiful aunt looking at him, he hugged his mother’s neck with one hand and waved to her with the other.

Mercury smiled and waved to him.

[Enter the next world]

The space was crowded with more than a dozen children.

There is a dirty smell mixed with the smell of urine in the air, which is particularly suffocating. It was very dark in the cellar, and Mercury could only vaguely see the dark shadows crowded around him, each with a round head, but could not see their appearance and expression.

She could see and smell, but couldn’t hear any sound, as if she had become deaf.

…she did become deaf, not only that, but mute.

After reading the plot sent by the system in his mind, Mercury understood his current situation. This is at least two hundred years ahead of the last world era.

The brain can’t remember the past, and it’s burned to be deaf.

That is her current situation – an eight-year-old with a weak body, burnt to deaf and mute, and is being kept in the cellar by the traffickers waiting to be sold.

In the plot, she will soon be sold to the Lin family by human traffickers and become a little maid Suoer of the Lin family, serving the second young master Lin Lang.

Suo’er and the second young master are about the same age. They grew up together as childhood sweethearts. Suo’er naturally fell in love with the second young master who has been taking care of him, and has always been by his side. Nine years later, the second young master broke a leg because of an accident, and became increasingly depressed. Suo’er was extremely distressed and dedicated himself to the drunk second young master.

However, after the second young master sobered up, he did not remember the incident between the two, and he met the woman he loved in this life, Miss Wei, but unfortunately Miss Wei was in love with her cousin, the eldest son of the Zhao family Zhao Duanze.

Zhao Duanze has a strong and domineering personality, fell in love with Suoer at first sight, pursued repeatedly and even snatched people home. As a result, when Suoer arrived at Zhao’s house, her life experience was inadvertently revealed. The youngest daughter abducted by human traffickers, Zhao Duanze’s sister.

The story has changed from a poor deaf girl being bullied to a closed-loop four-cornered love story: Suo Er loves Second Young Master Lin, Second Young Master Lin is infatuated with Miss Wei, and Miss Wei secretly loves her cousin Zhao Duanze , Zhao Duanze was in love with Suoer, but because he knew her identity, he still chose to give up after struggling. At this time, Suo’er was pregnant with Lin Er’s child, so Lin Er had to give up his love in pain and marry Suo’er.

The plot is not over yet, Zhao Duanze also married his cousin Miss Wei, but the second young master Lin never forgets Miss Wei, and Zhao Duanze also misses his sister. Seeing that other women were sorry for his sister, Lin Ershao was angry that he did not treat his sweetheart well, and tortured each other endlessly.

Mercury watched this intricate and **** sadomasochistic love without ups and downs, and saw the ending. Suo’er finally won Lin Ershao’s change of heart with his company and more than ten years of watching, and gave him a little love before his death. Miss Wei passed away, and Zhao Duanze went abroad sadly.

Now that it’s her, it’s of course meaningless.

Mercury leaned against the mud wall of the cellar and closed her eyes to rest. This body is very weak and exhausted. It may also be that the system has strengthened her sick body. Not only let her become a child, but also with such a body, coupled with the deaf-mute setting, the system wanted to punish her without concealment.

To her advantage, watch her struggle to survive.

However, for her, the disadvantage will not always be the disadvantage, and the disadvantage may become the advantage according to the situation.

Inaudible ears, but very clean, Mercury was in the innermost corner of the cellar, and found the two little children huddled beside them trembling, as if they were crying, but she couldn’t hear. Probably not only them, the children here are frightened.

The cellar door was suddenly opened, and the light that suddenly came in made the eyes sting. Like the other children, Mercury covered his eyes and looked up at the man.

Back against the light, the tall figure of the other party looked fierce and terrifying.

In a dizzy moment, Mercury saw the child beside her raise her hand to cover her mouth, her eyes were frightened, and she kept squeezing on her. The man at the door said something, and the children in the cellar became agitated. Like a little chicken, he proposed several people to put them outside, and was pushed and stood by the people outside the cellar.

After picking people, the cellar door was closed again.

Before it was closed, the man threw something in and a basin of water. All the children rushed to grab it, it was probably food. Mercury also stood up, her hands and feet were soft and she had no strength at all, she could only touch the mud wall, walked to the basin of water first, and drank two sips of cold water to moisten her throat.

She was too hungry to feel, and slightly dehydrated. After drinking water, I tried to make a sound, but my throat hurt for a while, and I didn’t know what kind of sound it made.

After drinking the water, he turned his head, the food thrown on the ground had been robbed, and everyone was eating, obviously very hungry. Mercury also saw a thin child raised his head and tore his neck desperately, as if he was choked, and stumbled to the side of the basin and drank several sips of water before he recovered.

Everyone is accustomed to eating and drinking by themselves or starving. This place is like a pigsty or chickensty. Mercury didn’t squeeze in like the others. She walked to the door and sat down, peeking out from the crack of the door.

There is a narrow earth wall outside, nothing can be seen, and no one seems to be guarding, but she can’t open the door, she can only wait for the opportunity.

This wave of human traffickers probably did business for a period of time, brought many children back at one time, sold them quickly, and then moved to a place to avoid the limelight. So within two days, all the children in the cellar were taken away, and only Mercury was left.

Finally, she was dragged out too. Outside was a very ordinary rural house with four adults, three men in rags or naked and a stout man The woman seemed to be a couple and their brother, and the four had disagreements about where she was going.

Mercury watched them sit and talk, because she couldn’t hear the sound, she could only rely on observing the mouth shape, but she had never learned lip language, and it was difficult to distinguish, only a few words were captured.

“Life is not dead”, “Not easy to sell”, “Deaf and dumb”, “Mother in the city”, “Good-looking”

The woman came over and grabbed the mercury, pinched her face and looked left and right, then put it down, said something, and the three men nodded one after another.

Mercury guessed that she may be hard to sell because she is deaf, but she is really good-looking. These traffickers can’t sell her at a good price, like a chicken rib. Hesitating.

. These people tied her feet with ropes, made her sleep on the haystack under the firewood, and threw the leftovers to her after eating.

She is a deaf and mute little girl, her feet are tied, she can’t run away, a few people are not strict on her guards, Mercury silently gathers strength, silently observes each of them, pays attention to them Every word of lips twitched.

That night, Mercury opened her eyes and stood up silently, the rope that tied her feet was untied by her at some point.

The couple drove the ox cart to go out today, and they haven’t come back yet. They probably won’t be back tonight. Another man seemed to be looking for a friend in the village to spend the night. Mercury saw him leave. I was talking to another guy before about some women’s performance in bed or something.

Now, there is only one man left to guard, he is very relaxed, drank a little wine at night, and fell asleep on a bamboo bed by the door, defenseless.

Mercury walked quietly and barefoot, she went into the kitchen and got the knife.

In more than ten years in the last world, Mercury learned skilled anatomy techniques, knew the most vulnerable and deadly parts of the human body, and knew how to use the least force to make a person die. All the strength she had accumulated was used in this moment——

She saw the convulsions and struggles of the man before he died, but did not hear it, wiped the blood from his hands, dropped the knife, and the mercury searched the man. She must find some money. When she leaves here, she must find a way to return to Zhao’s house as soon as possible. Zhao’s house is probably not near here. It takes time to find the past, and she needs money.

This era is not the rule of law society of the previous world. In this world, no social institution will be obliged to raise a little girl like her. Get kidnapped by traffickers.


He saw his brother’s body, his face was contorted, he rushed towards her like a ghost, and he probably scolded someone angrily. Mercury reacted quickly and quickly stood up and turned his head to run.

It was too late.

She couldn’t outrun a prime-age man, and was grabbed by the hair by the angry man. The man angrily picked up the knife she put aside and gave her a stroke.

Mercury tasted death again.

The pain is not severe, but it seems like a sudden fall from the sky. She was shocked, and at the same time she realized that she was dead, the system’s cold countdown also sounded in her mind. It started counting from 10.




Just after the end, Mercury found that he was holding a knife in his hand, and the man sleeping on the bamboo bed was still struggling. She hardly hesitated for a second, and without thinking about anything in her mind, she clenched the knife in her hand, turned her head, and rushed out from the back door.

The inability to hear the sound is her biggest flaw. She doesn’t know what the surrounding environment is like now, and she doesn’t know if she will run into the man who came back early.

This house is very simple, there is no place to hide, and you cannot run forward. When she saw the kitchen, she immediately went in and got into the stove. There are two large stoves in the kitchen. They probably didn’t live here all the time. Only one of them was in use. The mercury got into the other stove that was dusty and useless, and lay there quietly.

She stared at the movement outside, thinking about everything just now in her mind. She died just now, but suddenly returned to the minutes before her death, probably three minutes.

This is different from the situation in her first world. In the first world, at least two main characters died every time. The system forced her to return to a certain point in the plot, such as “re set”, and she just now, because there is no main character, is more like a “continuation of the breakpoint”. If she dies now, it is very likely that she will keep returning to the minutes before her death, and it is impossible to go directly to the next world.

This resolved some of her earlier questions.

It can be seen that if you want to end a world, you must have two main characters die, or – the system resets the world at least three times, like her first world.

Organizing the information currently known, Mercury saw the light shining into the kitchen, and the man came over.

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