Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 79

Chapter 80: True And False Ten

Luo Yi left the table ahead of time to prepare, he brought two people to the grove that Luo Nian said first, when the broadcast sounded, he was saying to the two helpers: “I’ll start later, Be quick with your hands and feet, don’t let that little girl call someone out…”

content of the words.

The other person in the conversation was Yun Qingkong. He was in the auditorium just now and thought this little beauty’s voice was nice, and he secretly wanted to wait for the next time to do things. This voice must sound more interesting Feeling, but now… his face is all blue.

He’s just a little absurd, and he’s not a fool. Yun Qingkong turned out to be his own sister, and Luo Nian, the sister he had called for more than ten years, wasn’t his sister?

Luo Yi suddenly exclaimed: “Wait a fuck! Get out!” Then, in a rage, she turned her head and walked back.

Unfortunately, he arrived too late, and when he returned to the auditorium, the crowd had dispersed. Everyone went out in twos and threes, and the discussion was all about the good show that happened just now. Although it’s not that I haven’t heard of such a thing, it’s the first time I’ve been exposed so directly by a little girl, and it’s been put on the bright side for everyone to see a lot of excitement, and there will be a lot of talk for a long time in the future.

“That child is really strong.”

“Yeah, but now she’s making a fuss, whether it’s her adoptive mother or her father, I’m afraid she doesn’t want to support her, what will I do in the future?”

“What are you worrying about here, I didn’t listen to what the little girl said just now, she doesn’t want to follow any party, does she want to live alone, can such a powerful little girl survive? In our day, sixteen-year-olds were born.”

“Hey, what you said, how can today’s children compare with the past.”

Of course, some people are saying that Yun Ping is pitiful, Luo Nian is pitiful, and even Mr. Luo is pitiful because his daughter has lost so much face.

Luo Yi walked through the talking crowd all the way into the auditorium, and saw her father standing there with an ugly face talking to the secretary, Luo Nian was blank and expressionless.

“Dad! What’s the matter! What happened to the broadcast just now? You said Yun Qingkong is my sister? What about Luo Nian?”

Mr. Luo didn’t care about him at all, he opened his mouth and said, “Shut up, don’t bother me!”

Luo Yi looked at Luo Nian next to her, saw her eyes flickering, avoiding his sight, he suddenly understood something, and stared at her even more terrifyingly, “What are you doing with this expression, you and me Say, what happened?”

My own sister… Luo Yi was angry and disgusted.

Yun Ping was on the side, her eyes were swollen from crying, and Ai Ai stepped forward when she saw it: “If you have something to say, talk about it.”

Luo Yi glared at her, “What are you!”

Mercury was on the other side, surrounded by students from the first class, and several teachers, including He Chuping. Some parents wanted to take their children away, but no one was willing to leave, and they all gathered around to talk.

“Monitor, what will you do in the future?”

“Yeah, what you said just now made that Mr. Luo so angry, will they trouble you? You must never go with them, who knows what they will bring What are you going to do when you go back, maybe you will be beaten and you won’t be sent to school again.”

“Otherwise you go back with me and live with me first.” Jiang Meng said this.

Mercury smiled at them. She had received the greatest malice and the worst treatment in high school, but again she had the most kindness in high school in this world. Sometimes, it is really impossible to define good or bad, probably it really has nothing to do with right or wrong, only the position is different.

She clapped her hands twice and asked the classmates to be quiet, “Don’t worry about me, I’m ready to rent. The bonus from participating in the competition and the money earned from tutoring are enough for me, learn from me It will continue, and everything will be the same as before.”

He Chuping stood beside her, frowning. He felt that he was an adult, and he was different from these impulsive and naive children, and needed the most appropriate consideration, so he said to Mercury: “Qingkong, you were really impulsive just now, and you will always have to go back to Luo’s house in the future. It’s not good for you if you are reunited with your relatives. It’s not good for you to make too much noise now. The teacher hopes that you will not go your own way and think more about the consequences. I know the Luo family. I can take you to apologize to Mr. Luo. You have the same bloodline. , the family has no overnight feud.”

“I know you are still young, and you may not like to hear the teacher’s words, but the teacher is older than you and understands things better than you. The adult world is not as simple as you think. Learn to compromise…”

Mercury interrupted him: “Don’t put everything on adults, choosing to compromise is a personal matter, and it doesn’t matter if you are an adult or not. Also, since you know I don’t like listening to it, just Please shut up.”

He Chuping blushed when she was blocked by her two faint words, but he still persuaded her hard: “You have always been sensible, why can’t you think so much this time, and now take a step back, it is for your better in the future.”

Mercury was indifferent: “There are always some self-righteous fools who use the banner of ‘for the good of others’ to move themselves and resist others.”

After saying this, she ignored He Chuping, glanced at Mr. Luo who left the seat angrily, and turned to talk to the school leaders and several honorary alumni who were still sitting in the seat.

“It’s my fault to use this stage to handle my personal affairs after the school celebration. I want to apologize to the principal. I’m sorry for causing trouble to everyone. But I don’t know what else to do except here. Say what you want to say.” As soon as she turned around, she took on the appearance of a stubborn and sensible little girl to deal with the aftermath.

Be tough with some people, and be gentle with some people, instead of being tough on everyone, it’s not easy to overturn when you combine toughness and softness. Mercury understands this truth better than He Chuping.

In addition to the principals, there are also honorary alumni who work in the media and newspapers. These talents are the main purpose of her visit. She had thought about it when she helped arrange the guest seats earlier, no matter what Mr. Luo’s reaction was, but her surprise would definitely be reported in local newspapers and TV programs.

When everyone starts to pay attention to her, even if Mr. Luo wants to do something to her, he must consider the consequences. After all, he can’t cover the sky with one hand, and it would be bad if he accidentally made a bigger joke.

The gentleman who did the program before came to No. 1 Middle School to report, and gave a small interview to Yun Qingkong, who had excellent grades and won the first place in competitions many times. This time he directly gave her an interview Great interview. How can I not report the strange people I witnessed with my own eyes? After all, there is nothing new in the local TV station, and this incident is considered a sensation.

Finally, I finished the interview, chatted with some ladies and gentlemen who were interested in her, and received a wave of care from school leaders who didn’t know whether it was sincere or fake. It was already dark.

Yun Ping stood alone at the school gate waiting for her.

There are a few others who are worried about her, and they are with her current classmates. They don’t know what to do when they see it.

Yunping’s grief and tears made the teenage children feel a little bit overwhelmed and felt that she was pitiful, Jiang Meng couldn’t help but whispered to Mercury: “Do you want to talk to her temporarily go back?”

Yun Ping took two steps forward and reached out to her: “Clear sky, go back with mom, ah?”

Mercury looked at her calmly, “Luo Nian doesn’t recognize your mother, she refuses to come back to you, you have only me, if I leave you alone, what should you do with nothing in the rest of your life, Although you did something wrong at the beginning, but now you have been punished. We have lived together for so many years and have feelings for each other, so I hope I forgive you, and I can still call you mother-Ms. Yunping, do you want to tell me this?”

Yun Ping just opened her mouth, she had finished all she wanted to say, so she could only cry.

However, Mercury didn’t care about her tears, “Since you have nothing to say, just go, remember what I said before, otherwise, I will not do anything, but the angry Mr. Luo will definitely doing what.”

They left Yun Ping far behind, at Jiang Meng’s strong request, Mercury could only promise to go to her house to sleep for one night first, on the way Jiang Meng hesitated, twitching Said: “Actually… I think she knows something wrong. I thought she hurt you a lot before.”

Mercury is not angry, most people in the world are like Jiang Meng, because they see others being pitiful and hope she can be forgiven. It’s just talking about it, and it’s more convenient to satisfy your own kindness.

You will never call your mother again.”

Jiang Meng came in and became irritable in an instant: “I killed the person who robbed my child!”

Mercury: “…”

Jiang Meng: “…”

Jiang Meng: “Well, you should ignore her.”

Mercury did what she said, she did not go back to Yunping’s place, nor to Luo’s house. After discussing with the school leaders, she rented a room in the teacher’s dormitory building near the school, and As always, he went to school and lived, and he was not affected by the sudden changes in his life. Even in the exam three days later, he still played stably and maintained the first place.

“Too strong! What an emotionless learning machine!” The students were more and more in awe of her.

“It’s so stable, it’s incredible, I’ll definitely be a character in the future.” The teachers sighed as they turned over her exam papers.

Although Mercury lives according to her plan and is calm, but there is a lot of commotion about her outside, and even the old man who sells pancakes at the stall next to the school knows her, and sees her going to buy pancakes , I had to give her two for free. While smearing her pancakes, she said to her, “The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold” and “Heaven will send great responsibilities to the people of this country”, which is quite literary.

The Luo family really abandoned Luo Nian again and sent her back to Yunping. Luo Nian didn’t come to school again. She and Yunping seemed to have taken the hush money from the Luo family and were sent away by them. Mercury didn’t pay any more attention, after all, Yunping’s story had already been turned over here.

Mr. Luo soon took Mrs. Luo and Luo Yi to the teacher’s building to pick her up back to Luo’s house. This Mr. Luo could pull his face down and apologize to her, which was a bit unexpected for Mercury. No matter what he thought, at least the regret on his face seemed sincere.

Reports about the Luo family are flying all over the sky. If he doesn’t show this attitude, he will make others laugh. Mercury had long anticipated this situation, it was just acting, who wouldn’t.

Since she lived in the teacher’s building, she was such a young child. She was polite and kind-hearted. She was diligent and willing to work. She would greet them when she met them. one sentence. Seeing her being forced to cry downstairs, these outsiders felt sad for her.

Mercury was also surrounded by people in the school, and the heat about her has not disappeared. If there is any situation, it will attract everyone to discuss, and even because of the follow-up rumors, many people have done something.” Guarding the clear sky and returning her to the blue sky” campaign, to let this poor child live freely, and local newspapers are also preparing to track her for a long time.

Almost everyone in the class joined the protection operation, and secretly held a swearing-in meeting in the class with the mercury behind her back, the theme was how to keep her from being harassed by those “bad guys”.

Mercury was in the back of the classroom listening to the swearing-in meeting held by those people, but she still gave them face and did not go in on the spot to cause embarrassment.

The Luo family didn’t get a good deal with her, and they probably realized that she was not so easy to deal with, so she didn’t come here anymore. Mercury still went to school and participated in various competitions to further improve her popularity. She did not hide her excellence, so the school leaders protected her even more.

Because Mercury refused all kinds of donations, many people knew that she was making money as a tutor, and they took the initiative to find her. In the end, she chose a few classmates and agreed to tutor them. Since then, when those classmates who became her ‘students” met her, it was like a mouse meeting a cat, and it was true that her grades improved rapidly.

When a person who is enough to become a benchmark appears in a group of people, her influence will be huge, and Mercury has become such a person unknowingly. Not only the first class, but the two classes that are close to the first class, all began to study hard under her influence, and you are chasing after me in a race.

They like the class leader who seems to be omnipotent more than the teacher. She organized everyone to participate in the school sports meeting, led a few classes to relax in autumn, and organized various interest groups to carry out extracurricular activities… It seems that as long as you follow her, you don’t have to think about anything, everyone works hard towards a certain goal, unconsciously Just started to improve, and looking back, the three years of high school have passed so fast and so fulfilling.

From the time she became an adult, Mercury had more reasons to ignore the Luo family, but she did not ignore it completely. In the past three years, Mrs. Luo occasionally gave her something, and sometimes it was her A pair of shoes for the birthday, a set of clothes for the winter solstice, and some food for the Mid-Autumn Festival, all these mercury are accepted. However, no more.

In this world, what impresses Mercury the most is not the moment when she stood on the stage to reveal her identity, or the lively time when everyone was paying attention to her life, but after the college entrance examination. that day.

On that day, all the classmates gathered in the classroom to sing and cut cakes for her. That day was not her birthday, nor was it any holiday, but everyone gave her flowers, and everyone gathered around her to say thank you for taking care of her for the past three years, crying and laughing, until the sun went down, and then went back to their own Family.

Mercury stood at the school gate and looked back at the lights out of the classroom, feeling calm.

In the future, when she thinks about her high school time, she will not think of Qin Chu’s harm to her, not the classmates who isolated and mocked her as a junior, but in this world, every meaningful and meaningful life in the past three years the moment, and the mood at this moment.

After the results came out, the school leaders were crazy with joy. Their grades this year were very good. Compared with the previous year, there was a leap forward. The students and their parents were also very happy. They agreed I think this has a lot to do with Yun Qingsky, so after the serious teacher thank you banquet, some students specially held a teacher thank you banquet for Mercury.

This time, the Teacher Appreciation Banquet was very lively. Not only the students from the first class, but also many people from other classes came over. These 18-year-old students drank alcohol in high spirits, and finally got drunk a large piece.

The mercury was saved for the last, and went back to the residence alone.

He Chuping stopped her from behind. He has been the head teacher for three years. It is good or bad, and it can be regarded as supporting Mercury, but Mercury has done all the things that the head teacher should do to a large extent, and he has done better than him.

“You will definitely go to B City to go to university in the future, won’t you come back?”

Looking at his expression, Mercury knew what he was going to say: “Yes.”

He Chuping was silent for a moment, then sighed: “You have lived a good life by relying on yourself for the past three years. It was I who underestimated you, and I apologize to you.”

“Also, we probably won’t have common opportunities in the future, so I want to say something to you: I like you for three years.”

He saw Mercury’s expression and smiled bitterly, “You are not surprised at all.”

Mercury smiled politely, like treating anyone who confessed to herself, “Thank you for your love.”

After this day, Mercury never saw He Chuping again, but before she left Nanshi to go to university, she met Yunping, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time.

She looked a lot older, looked extremely tired, and even stooped. Seeing her, Yun Ping hurriedly asked her, “Have you seen Xiao Nian?”

Luo Nian couldn’t stand the poor life and a mother who tried to hold her tightly and ran away from home, so Yunping returned here and asked people she knew if they had seen Luo Nian.

Mercury has never seen Luo Nian, so she can’t give Yun Ping an answer. Seeing her standing on the street, covering her face and crying, she passed a tissue at random and passed her away.

Before college, she heard two system prompts in a row.

【Main character Luo Nian died】

【Main character Yun Ping died】

She didn’t know how the mother and daughter died, maybe Luo Nian couldn’t bear to pester her mother, killed her and committed suicide, maybe Yun Ping couldn’t bear this kind of life and committed suicide in despair, What accidental death happened to Luo Nian… Who knows.

It has nothing to do with her.

Under the sun in August, the cicadas were roaring, Jiang Meng handed her a cup of milk tea, and walked with her in the university they were about to enter, “It’s really good here, it’s a pity you I’m not in the same department, if we have time, let’s ask Tong Zhuo and the others to play together?”

[Coming to the next world]

Mercury took a sip of milk tea and touched Jiang Meng’s head next to her, “You guys have fun.”

Jiang Meng wondered, “Aren’t you going?”

Mercury smiled: “I’m going on a trip somewhere else.”

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