Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 96

Chapter 97: Freedom Ends

Central United Nations/A9 District/First Women’s Prison

Sep 29, 2522 10:31 AM

This is a 100-meter-high, oval-shaped transparent building covering an area of about 20,000 square meters. These honeycomb-like lattices are the offices of countless inspectors in this prison.

Inside the office.

[Di—Monitoring ended—]

[Results of this monitoring—A112 failed—]

[Send A112 criminal information, update monitoring records, and generate judgment results]

The two inspectors working under the screen wearing dark blue uniforms were not surprised when they heard the monitoring results given by the main system.

The middle-aged inspector casually submitted the judgment result given by the system to the reviewers, and said with some sighs:

“Ten months of monitoring time, one initial setting world, one initial derivative world, eight mission worlds, a total of ten worlds, this A112 actually failed to pass the evaluation of one world, the scores are all Below the passing line, I haven’t seen such a person in years.”

Another younger inspector stared at the refreshed A112 prisoner information on the screen, looking puzzled, “She is still from the Dongda Girls’ School in District A1, her previous resume is excellent, and she has natural genes. It’s also very good, how can you not think about crime so much.”

“Who knows, it has nothing to do with us.”

There are so many prisoners in the No. 1 Women’s Prison in District A9, which one has no reason for committing their own crimes. As low-level supervisors, they mainly watch the system and do some daily monitoring and other things. so many.

Behind the separation wall separated from this fully transparent administrative building, there are rows of white prison cells, which house hundreds of prisoners sent from various districts in Region A.

Monitored by the system in real time.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, two senior inspectors in sky blue uniforms and two armed men passed through the separation wall, entered the cell area, and entered the cell marked A112.

The criminal A112 imprisoned in this cell – that is, Mercury, she has just woken up from the ten-month “potential criminals’ psychological simulation world test”, her spirit is somewhat affected, and she looks excessive Cool away.

The inspector who came here was very accustomed to the state of criminals, and sat in front of Mercury in a white prison uniform, took out the materials, and recited:

“Mercury, a citizen of the United Nations of China, was born in District A1 in 2493. During his schooling, he was awarded four times with outstanding results in the system evaluation. After graduation, he was appointed as a senior lecturer at the East University Girls’ School in District A1. ”

“After becoming an adult, the system assigned three spouses, but failed to conceive naturally within the specified time. We have verified that in these three marriages, you have passively cooperated with reproductive tasks, and We checked and found that you had privately aborted, which seriously harmed national interests and violated Article 23 of the Breeding Law…”

The inspector was talking nonstop, but Mercury on the opposite side didn’t seem to hear it and looked down at his hand.

She is not the mercury that grew up in the 21st century, and her identity in that world is only a system setting in the virtual world. After leaving the simulator and regaining her real memory, she understood what the so-called “good woman correction system” was. It was the central system covering the entire A9 area.

The simulated monitoring system of the prison is just a small part of it.

“Become a real crime.

Mercury, a citizen of the United Nations, is 29 years old and a lecturer in history. Ten months ago, she was reported by her own students because she promoted “anti-birth” speech after class and had a tendency to incite students to “criminal”, so she was deprived of her freedom of life by the inspectors who came to her door and sent to the protected area. On the edge of the A9 area, a criminal tendency assessment was carried out.

That is the simulation world.

The inspector in front of him just said this: “Your system evaluation results have come out, and I regret to inform you that you failed to pass any of them. The system determines that you have a great possibility of harming society. Strong anti-social tendencies, lack of group honor and social responsibility.”

“Combining with the criminal facts of your private abortion that we found before, we will deal with you ‘death penalty’, because your genes are excellent, you can choose ‘voluntary contribution’…”

It was only at this time that Mercury spoke up for the first time, and she said indifferently, “I choose ‘death penalty’ and give up the ‘voluntary contribution’ agreement.”

After the sixth world war, the world’s population declined sharply. The human genetic reform plan about 400 years ago caused irreversible genetic defects in human genes, and various diseases occurred in countless gene-enhanced people. and incapable of procreation.

In addition to the drastic changes in the environment, the area of human activities has been further compressed. Today, most of the human beings have to form the United Nations and live in various safe areas.

In recent years, the Supreme Court has been doing everything possible to increase the population birth rate, and they encourage all natural women who do not have an enhanced genetic disease to have natural conception and childbirth. In preschool education starting at the age of four, it is the duty of all people to reproduce for the future of mankind. In elementary school and even university education, almost all of them praised the contribution of women to fertility. Countless girls who grew up in such an environment, all Take pride in having a baby.

When they become adults, the system will assign them husbands according to their natural genes, or apply for husbands by themselves, as long as the genes are suitable, they will be approved. After marriage, every couple will have fertility standards. If they fail to give birth to a child within the specified time, they will be judged as genetically inappropriate, and the system will reassign a new husband.

Mercury had three husbands in this way.

She couldn’t understand the other people around her, and she didn’t want to have children, but who told her to have a womb that could give birth to life, who said that the assigned husband had the right to legal marital rape, who said this The laws of the world protect any embryo that is conceived.

The law stipulates that women have no ownership of their wombs, and the ownership of their wombs belongs to the state.

But Mercury didn’t think so, so she lied to herself and kept herself from getting pregnant. Even if she accidentally got pregnant once, she didn’t hesitate to secretly find a way to shed the child. She is unwilling to let her child be born in such a world, she is also unwilling to be a fertility tool, and does not recognize this great act of ‘saving all mankind”!

If she had not been reported by the students and had not entered the key monitoring of the system, her previous crimes might never have been discovered in her lifetime.

But if not, she was reported by a student she trusted.

Mercury thinks of her students, those girls are still very young, in their teens, some cheerful, some cowardly, with different personalities, they will greet her warmly , called her teacher respectfully, and they once told her enviously that they wanted to be as good as a teacher.

She has several students whom she likes very much. They all have doubts about the breeding method and the natural reproductive tasks of women, and secretly ask her in private and distressed.

Mercury was hesitant about whether she should follow the script, repeat the rules written down by the previous generation in the textbook, or tell them her true thoughts.

After hesitating, she chose to follow her heart, because she was their teacher, and because these children had an awakening consciousness that made her feel good. So she told them that forced childbirth is against nature and that they should have the right to choose their own childbirth.

Until now, Mercury didn’t know which of the children she was reported by or which of them, she only remembered the expressions of those children in the class on the day she was arrested.

Some people know what happened, so they panic and feel guilty, some people don’t know what happened, so they are surprised and inexplicable, and some people despise the resistance and feel very happy – the arrest of the criminal is indeed a matter for law-abiding citizens good thing.

Everyone is assimilated by the environment, only she is a born outlier.

Is she wrong? Mercury has asked herself this question countless times, but now, she can still answer firmly: I am not wrong.

The senior inspector in the sky blue uniform showed a pity and repeated: “According to the procedure, I will ask again, if you are willing to choose the ‘voluntary contribution’ agreement instead of the ‘death penalty’ Punishment?”

The “Voluntary Contribution” agreement is specifically aimed at female prisoners with no obvious genetic defects. If they agree to this agreement, they can be exempted from the death penalty. They will be kept in captivity in a special fertility base for the second half of their lives, and artificially conceived. Repeat the reproductive task until you can no longer have children, you can enter an elderly base according to the number of births, where you will die and be supported by the state until you die.

Students will be organized to visit this kind of base before they become adults, and Mercury has also visited. Those big-bellied women living in glass houses, those old women living in ‘sandboxes”, are like nightmares, which make her horrified every time she thinks about them.

Mercury: “I don’t want to.”

She reiterated.

Such an interrogation will be repeated three times, and the other time will be six hours later. This period is called the cooling-off period. During this period, many female prisoners will calm down and feel that it is better to live. So agree to this agreement.

The Senior Inspector had seen such a prisoner many times, and as he left Cell A112, he thought, this one looks like a die-hard, and probably won’t change his mind.

Leaving the cell area, his colleague’s expression was much more relaxed, and he chatted with him about the A112 prisoner they had just met.

“I don’t understand, the state has given enough preferential treatment to these women, what else is she dissatisfied with. We have a special seat for women when we travel, and women are given priority when going up and down the stairs, even if they commit crimes. I’m not happy that such a favorable treatment can be exempted from the death penalty.”

“You can’t just enjoy the rights and not fulfill the obligations, you say. Besides, how can it be so difficult to have children? My mother gave birth to so many, and the state has issued a lot of subsidies. Our family Several brothers and sisters took the money and now they have bought houses, and they are doing well. My wife has given birth to a third child, and we are still planning to continue to have a fourth child.”

The little-eyed inspector said, raising his chest proudly, like a heroic soldier who has won a battle.

His companion didn’t say much about it, just smiled.

They returned to the glass building of the administrative district. In the hall were many low-level inspectors in dark blue uniforms, senior inspectors in sky blue uniforms, and higher-level inspectors in red uniforms.

A female inspector in a red uniform walked up to them and said hello in a relaxed tone, “Are you the inspector in charge of the A112 criminals? I just saw the result of the system’s verdict, because She failed the test and was sentenced to death, so what, did she choose the ‘voluntary contribution’ agreement?”

The small-eyed inspector saw the nameplate on her chest, it was [Senior Inspector Jin Yuelai], and immediately showed a little flattering look, rushing to complain: “No, this prisoner is too conscious No way, for a major thought crime like hers, the death penalty is better, otherwise, who knows what other major things she will do to undermine social stability.”

After listening to the little-eyed inspector, inspector Jin Yuelai let out a noncommittal sound and walked upstairs over them.

She passed through the confidential area where no one was allowed to enter, and entered the system administrator’s office area.

Administrators are technical workers in blue clothes, responsible for the daily operation, maintenance and overhaul of the system. There are seven administrators in total. The No. 3 administrator that Jinyue came to find is a small and shy woman, and the nameplate hanging at the door reads–

[No.3 administrator Lu Yan]

Jin Yuelai suddenly appeared, which shocked Lu Yan, and hurriedly pressed the system window in front of her, but Jin Yuelai had already seen the criminal A112 information displayed on the window. She laughed and closed the window. Came to the door and put one hand on Lu Yan’s shoulder: “You can see that, she really chose the death penalty, I’m not surprised at all.”

“I want to save her, do you want help? ‘Xiaoyan’?”

Lu Yan didn’t know the person in front of her, so she pinched her fingers nervously, “You… Who are you?”

Jin Yuelai smiled and pointed to her “You are ‘He Xiaoyan’,” and pointed to herself “I am ‘Laijin’, we are all random monitors in the simulation world of mercury, don’t be nervous , I also like her very much, I don’t want her to die, we are a group.”

Lu Yan asked hesitantly: “The identity of the random supervisor in the simulated world requires a high level of authority to see it. How did you see it?”

Jin Yuelai shrugged, “My husband has very high authority. I used his authority to open the background of the prison system and saw it.”

When criminals enter the virtual world, in addition to the system monitoring at any time, each world will randomly select a staff member to enter the world together for manual monitoring.

When they enter the virtual world, they are immersed. They completely enter the world and forget their original identity. After leaving the world, they will conduct a criminal survey according to their own observations, which is a manual evaluation of the auxiliary system. .

Lu Yan and Jin Yuelai are monitors who randomly participated in the simulated world of mercury. Of the ten virtual world evaluation manuals of Quicksilver, four people passed it, and six people failed. Because only half of the people passed, Mercury’s death sentence was handed down so quickly.

Jin Yuelai whispered a few words in Lu Yan’s ear, then straightened up and looked at the time, “We don’t have much time, besides you, I have to find another two Help those who passed.”

Cell A112, in the few hours before death, Mercury sat on a pure white chair, thinking about nothing. She had thought about it long enough before, and now she just wanted to spend the last time in peace.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Mercury rejected the “voluntary contribution” agreement for the third time and was taken into the execution room by four armed men.

This is more like an empty and clean injection room than an execution room. There was already a prison medical officer in a white uniform waiting here, ready to inject her with neurodeath toxin.

There is systematic monitoring, and the armed men did not surround her, and they left after she was delivered. For a prisoner who is about to be executed, it is traditional to give a little respect and let her die in the witness of the only executioner.

Mercury was lying on the bed, looking at a glass vase by the bed with two white lilies in it. A faint fragrance wafted in the room, and with lilies, it was more like an ordinary ward. Mercury raised her thin wrist and touched the soft petals.

The medical officer who had been silent for a long time spoke at this time. He wore a mask and could not see his face, but his voice was clear and low, which was very relaxing. He asked abruptly, “Do you like stars?”

Mercury had no desire to talk, nor did he care, he put down the syringe he had been fiddling with, sat beside the bed and said, “I have always liked stars, because they are always twinkling in the universe, for me In other words, they are immutable.”

“You too are like a star.”

Mercury turned her head, saw his eyes, the man smiled, took her hand, and held it cherishly, “I hope you can be free forever, always shining.”

Mercury frowned slightly in confusion, “Should I not know you?”

The man stopped answering, he picked up the syringe, “It’s almost time, don’t worry, you won’t die.”

Mercury felt a slight coolness and a little tingling in her hand, and her consciousness slowly blurred.

“The system has been temporarily blocked. I have implanted a false holographic monitoring, which should not be seen.”

“The technology is good, our doctor ‘Gao Jiale’ has also completed the task well, the mercury suspended animation is perfect, he has applied for the mercury’s ‘corpse’ as experimental equipment, I will pass it with permission, All that’s left is to get the mercury out of the prison… Unfortunately, we can’t get her there.”

“It doesn’t matter, she has gone through many partings, and it’s good to have one less.”

The inspector who transported the corpse, Yan Yu, passed the gate of the First Women’s Prison at 9:40 in the evening. The inspector at the access control checked the information on the system, and asked casually. Sentence: “Is it the criminal A112 who was executed today? Is the body going to be sent to the A1 laboratory as experimental equipment?”

“Yes.” Yan Yu is tall, normal-looking, with few words, and looks a little indifferent.

At 9:50, the corpse truck left the outer wall of the prison.

At 10:20, the corpse transporter deviated from the original running track, Yan Yu turned off the on-board system, chose manual, and drove the car all the way to the edge of the safe area.

11:40 they reached the wall. It is a high wall that encloses the entire safe area. Inside the wall is a peaceful world, and outside the wall is an abandoned and barren area.

Yan Yu stopped the car and woke the only passenger in the car.

Mercury woke up, saw countless stars in the night, and was a little stunned for a while.

She is not dead, why?

Yan Yu pulled her up, gave her a backpack, and took out a folding bicycle from the trunk. Mercury watched her movements, and then looked at the high wall where the isolation net was opened.

“You saved me, are you going to let me go?” She thought of the doctor who injected herself, thoughtfully, “I don’t seem to know you, can you tell me why?”

Yan Yu’s expression was slow, and he smiled stingly, “You really don’t know me, but we used to hold hands and run for our lives in the dark night, and you even took me to watch a mountain fire. Very happy, thank you.”

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Mercury to react, she pushed her shoulder and motioned her to leave quickly, “Run away, as far as possible, and never come back here again.”

Mercury didn’t say anything, quickly picked up her bag, passed through the isolation net, and walked into the dark night without looking back.

She didn’t know what was going on, but she knew she was free.

The deserted and barren world was silent and silent, Mercury drove a single car, and drove all night without stopping, the high wall of the safety zone behind was no longer visible, and the distant sky began A faint light appeared.

She finally stopped to rest, and hesitantly opened the backpack.

There are self-defense knives, some food and water, and a small box. Opening the box, Mercury found that it was a familiar golden bracelet with a pomegranate flower pattern carved on it.

There is a note under the bracelet, on which is written a sentence in graceful handwriting——

“I want to be a tree in the next life, growing in the mountains or in the forest. At that time, when we meet again, I will stretch my branches and say hello to you.”

Mercury leaned against the car, rubbed the little swallow with lilies drawn on the paper, raised her face, and let the pre-dawn wind blow through her forehead.

She put away her things, put on her backpack again, and drove in the direction of the rising sun.

Where is the destination?

She doesn’t know, but she knows that she can go anywhere.

Maybe one day, she will die in the forest, or on a snowy mountain. She hummed unknown songs in the dawn and began to wander.

(end of text)

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