Entertainment: Banned for Five Years, Became the Godfather of Hollywood

Chapter 62 Dialogue with Stan Lee, this young man doesn't talk about martial arts!

Actually, Chu Xuan didn't plan to make "Iron Man" in the first place.

Originally he planned to shoot "The Matrix", "Inception" or "Terminator".

In Hollywood now, the movie with the best visual effects and the most explosive box office is actually "Independence Day" 10 years ago.

The blockbusters in the summer are basically the types of "The Fall of the White House", "Red Notice", "Sky Rescue", "Twin Killer", and "Ace Bodyguard".

There is no more to shoot, so I will continue the suspense of the previous work and make a sequel.

"The Fall of the White House" is followed by "The Fall of Lun Upsetting";

After the filming of "Ace Bodyguard" is "Royal Bodyguard";

Even if the word-of-mouth "Red Notice" hits the streets, as long as the box office exceeds 500 million, "Red Notice 2" can still be shot

Therefore, not only North America, but also the global film summer season is getting weaker year by year.

Shooting and shooting gradually lacks new ideas, and there are few special effects action blockbusters that make people shine.

Even popcorn with Coke is getting more and more bland.

The film market in the previous life actually faced this problem.

The directions in which action movies can be made are basically explored, and the plots are similar.

Today is the Middle East terrorists, tomorrow is the spies of Mao Xiong to sabotage.

If it weren't for Marvel movies, the comic book market would have occupied half of the country after 2010.

I am afraid that there are only a handful of films that can make fans enter the theater.

If there is a "Matrix" at this time, maybe it will subvert everyone's cognition.

He even opened the document and typed "The_Matrix" in large letters in the title.

As a result, someone knocked in Chu Xuan's office, and it was his female assistant, Anna.


Originally, Chu Xuan usually doesn't work at Infinite Pictures, but people who can't stand the company always call him.

Chu Xuan also stays at the company for a few days a week to focus on problems.

As a boss, you are too busy with too many affairs, so you have to have an assistant.

Among the candidates, Chu Xuan picked her at a glance at the photo, Anna_Kendrick.

It is said that the female assistant Anna wanted to be an actor before, she has experience in acting, and she auditioned countless times for no good role.

Just find a job here to support yourself.

She is quite serious and responsible, which makes Chu Xuan more worry-free.

Sometimes Chu Xuan looks familiar to her, but he can't remember where he saw her.

"Boss, someone is looking for you..."

"In the creation of the script, there are no idle people and so on."

Chu Xuan replied without looking up.

"Boss, it's Kevin Feige...I think you should see him.

The female assistant Anna is beautiful and petite and slender.

But she is not cowardly in the face of Chu Xuan, and has a bit of her own opinion.

"Oh?" Chu Xuan was intrigued.

Kevin Feige? The name sounds familiar!

"Since you said that, I'll see you and let him come in and talk."

After a while, an uncle with a peaked cap walked in with a smirk.

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I'm Kevin Feige. I happen to be nearby, so I just wanted to stop by and visit...

Kevin Feige was a little hot, took off his peaked cap, revealing his half-bald skull, and handed over a business card.

"CEO of North American Marvel Studios LLC"

Chu Xuan raised his eyebrows when he saw the business card.

Marvel Studios is a film company under Marvel Comics, and they have another better-known name, Marvel.

Marvel in the parallel world is similar to the previous life.

By learning from each other with DC comics, Marvel's Captain Freedom, Spider-Man, Hulk, etc. also became the favorite characters of young people in the 1980s.

It is a pity that comics are gradually abandoned with the times, and the sales of Marvel comics continue to halve.

In the past two years, they have barely made ends meet and are on the verge of bankruptcy.

For a while, they also wanted to sell comics copyrights to continue their lives.

Marvel took the "Spider-Man" copyright to Sony Entertainment, but Sony didn't even bother to pay 10 million.

DC's "Superman Returns", "Batman and Robin" and other comic works are a mess, and the box office is dismal.

The market has completely lost confidence in the manga change.

Just like the previous Dragon Kingdom "Wandering Earth", no one dared to touch science fiction films.

Manga-reformed movies have also become a "forbidden place" in Hollywood

Kevin Feige turned out to be the vice president of Toybiz, a toy factory.

As a result, Marvel Comics and Toybiz jointly created toys, and the toy company almost went bankrupt.

A bunch of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America figures can't be sold.

Kevin Feige resigned and joined Marvel Studios directly.

He's been like a salesman recently, looking around for film companies with comic rights for filming.

It's a pity that the giants of Disney and Fox simply don't like these comic characters.

"Things that children don't watch, still want to make movies? No way!

After being rejected one after another, Kevin Feige suddenly remembered Chu Xuan.

As the youngest Oscar best director, as the director and screenwriter of the phenomenal film "The Godfather".

Chu Xuan may have the magic power to turn corruption into magic.

And according to rumors, Chu Xuan likes to involve new things and novel themes the most.

The most important thing is that if no business can be negotiated this month, Marvel Studios will simply go bankrupt and dissolve.

So Kevin Feige came to the door with the mentality of giving it a try.

Listening to Kevin Feige's tearful description, Chu Xuan couldn't hold back his laughter.

Fortunately, he is professionally trained.

"Mr. Chu, our Marvel IP really has great potential, trust me!

"And with your writing and directing skills, you can definitely turn a comic book story into a box-office monster! 95

Kevin Feige touted in a flamboyant manner, Chu Xuan just propped his chin and listened to his beeping silently.

Even he inadvertently cos godfather Corleone moved his fingers and motioned the female assistant to pour a glass of water for the guests.

Kevin Feige said with a dry mouth and gulped down.

He almost blew out the goodness of Marvel.

But Chu Xuan remained unmoved, which made him a little anxious.

If Chu Xuan isn't interested either, there's almost nobody in Hollywood.

Did you really sell Spider-Man ip for 7 million? What a loss!

Just when Kevin Feige was desperate, Chu Xuan spoke up.

"I'm giving $100 million.

Kevin Feige thought he heard it wrong and got excited!

Even the most popular Spider-Man can't sell for 10 million, and the Avengers can't add up to 100 million US dollars.

Could it be that Chu Xuan is a bad guy?

"100 million US dollars! You are so discerning, all the members of the Avengers can be packaged for you!

"Which IP do you want to shoot first? Spider-Man? or Captain America?"

"As for the Hulk, the word of mouth is a bit bad recently, and it may not be suitable..."

Before Kevin Feige could finish speaking, Chu Xuan interrupted him.

"No, I mean, buy the entire Marvel.""


Kevin Feige is completely stupid.

He even thought that Chu Xuan was joking, but Chu Xuan's serious attitude didn't seem like a joke.

This kind of thing is not his decision, and it needs to be decided by Marvel executives and Stan Lee.

"Mr. Chu, allow me to make a call.

"No problem, please do it yourself. 35

Kevin Feige frowned and hurried to the next conference room.

The female assistant, Anna Kendrick, brought Chu Xuan a cup of tea and said curiously:

"Boss, do you really want to buy Marvel?"

"What? Is there something wrong?" Chu Xuan asked rhetorically with a smile.

"Marvel is in a terrible financial position right now, and if a movie doesn't do well at the box office, the company is a liability, and it may affect our own financial situation.

"If you really want to make a comic book movie, you might as well buy an IP to test the waters. Even if you lose money, you won't lose too much.

Ana analyzed calmly.

"I can't tell, you're quite business-minded."

"No way, my original dream was to be a Broadway musical actor. Unfortunately, my family objected, so I had to go to business school. Later, I was not reconciled, so I came to Hollywood to try my luck. Unfortunately..."

Anna sighed.

Until then, Chu Xuan suddenly remembered why Anna looked familiar.

In her previous life, she was really a Broadway musical actress.

Later starred in "Pitch Perfect", "Twilight", "In the Clouds" and other films.

Good guy, just find a female assistant, and she is actually a star in a previous life.

"Don't worry, since you joined my film company, you may be allowed to make movies in the future.


Anna, who has always been calm, was overjoyed.

"I never make cakes for employees, and I'll keep my word."

"Thank you! Chu! Thank you!

Anna happily thanked her repeatedly and almost wanted to hug her.

At this time, Kevin Feige walked in with his mobile phone and handed the phone to Chu Xuan with a strange expression.

"Chu, Mr. Stan Lee would like to talk to you in person."

Chu Xuan answered the phone calmly, and there was a slightly hoarse voice over there.

"Hello, Chu.


"Hehe, just call me Stan. I really liked the "Godfather" you made. Can you sign me if you have a chance 677?"

"Of course.

Stan Lee is also getting older, and is currently only the honorary chairman of Marvel, and rarely asks about company affairs.

But the management discussed each result for a long time, and still invited him out of the mountain.

Stan Lee did not say anything else and asked to speak directly with Chu Xuan.

He himself is rather humorous and an old urchin.

The two casually chatted about "The Godfather", and Stan Lee sighed softly.

"I know that you are also a cheerful person, so we won't go around in circles.

"There is no need to hide the situation of the company from you, the whole world knows it.

"I'm happy that someone is willing to accept this mess."

"But, is 100 million too little? Our IP is worth at least $1 billion."

Hearing what Stan Lee said, Chu Xuan smiled secretly without saying a word.

1 billion? Disney spent 4.6 billion in the previous life.

But how could Chu Xuan tell him.

"I believe that with the current financial situation of your company, I am afraid that it is going to file for bankruptcy, right?"

"It seems that you did know us with your heart. Well... Marvel's works are all my hard work, so I will give you half of it. 500 million US dollars, I hope you can treat them kindly.

"100 million." Chu Xuan was firm.

"Chu, young people should not take advantage of others' dangers.

"100 million, my last bid. 99

Stan Lee is speechless, don't young people nowadays speak martial arts?

He was so angry that he wanted to hang up the phone.

But Stan Lee also understands that the company is really bad.

If it really goes to the stage of bankruptcy and liquidation, I am afraid that it will not be sold for 100 million yuan.

At least Chu Xuan is a young man who loves movies, at least he has the ability to turn corruption into magic.

Let him try.

Anyway, Stan Lee also decided to leave Marvel completely this year and quit.

According to his agreement with the company, he can reap 10% of any Marvel IP is adapted.

No matter what.

"I'll try and see if I can convince the board."

"Looking forward to your good news. 35

A smile appeared on Chu Xuan's mouth.

This thing is 80% stable.

Accidentally, he is about to acquire the entire Marvel?.

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