Entertainment: Banned for Five Years, Became the Godfather of Hollywood

Chapter 83: Interstellar Crossing Project! The cornfield has already started to burn

"Interstellar" has always been one of Chu Xuan's favorite movies in past lives.

It is also the top existence of science fiction films in his mind.

Coming to the parallel world, he has long wanted to put this movie on the screen.

But before either there was no money or time, and there was no chance to start the shooting of "Interstellar".

As for now, Chu Xuan can get started!

The upsurge brought by "Iron Man" has made Infinite Pictures always have ample funds.

The total cost of the original "Interstellar" is 165 million US dollars, Chu Xuan can afford it!

"Iron Man 2", "Liberty Captain" and "Thor" made a total of $450 million in independent films;

A budget of $200 million for Wall-E;

A budget of $250 million for Titanic;

"Mulan" was filmed, produced and released, with a total of 180 million US dollars;

"Infernal Affairs" $20 million;

The $3.5 million for a single episode of "Breaking Bad" is almost negligible.

The amount invested recently plus the future budget, a total of 1.1 billion!

It seems that the revenue earned by "La La Land", "The Godfather" and "Silence of the Lambs" is about to be spent.

But those budgets set aside are only preliminary calculations.

The actual investment is certainly not a one-time investment, but divided into multiple payments.

In this way, the "Iron Man" movie earns at least $1.2 billion, plus the $500 million in annual revenue from the HotToys model, which is enough to support Chu Xuan's next projects.

Originally, Chu Xuan wanted to concentrate on filming "Titanic".

After consultation with James Cameron, Chu Xuan also decided to build a half-ship model, and at the same time with special effects, in order to achieve a more realistic effect.

It will take at least half a year for the shipbuilding in the early stage and the preparations for the crew.

Moreover, it has to travel to the North Atlantic to detect the actual wreck of the Titanic.

These will take another half a year.

Chu Xuan's idea of ​​filming "Titanic" before the end of the year was too optimistic.

This project needs to be done slowly.

So Chu Xuan can finally devote himself to the production of "Interstellar".

After dinner with Scarlett Johansson, the first thing Chu Xuan did when he returned to the company was to call a management meeting.

Among them are the heads of the three departments of finance, marketing and film production.

Financial Director, Marketing Director Mark, and Kevin Feige from the film production team were all involved in the conference room.

Given Kevin Feige's abilities, Chu Xuan simply promoted him to director of film production at Infinity Pictures.

After all, Chu Xuan has too many plates to take care of by himself.

At the same time, Chu Xuan has to concentrate on creating films, and the overall project coordination has to be handed over to more professional talents.

Kevin Feige would be a good fit.

In his previous life, he arranged the works of the first to fourth phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in an orderly manner.

It's a pity that since Kevin Feige was overridden by Disney, Marvel's next tricks have been frequent.

"Shang Qi" and "Eternals" are nothing more than "Doctor Strange 2", and Marvel will completely miss the Dragon Country market.

Moreover, after "Reunion 4", Marvel's works are disorganized and its influence is declining.

This can also confirm the ability of Kevin Feige on the side.

Here, he does not have to stick to Marvel Studios, but to coordinate the progress of the overall project of Infinite Pictures.

In the conference room, several directors of Infinite Films gathered together in confusion.

"Isn't there a project meeting before? The project "Titanic" was still being approved at that time, why do you have to approve the project now 々〃?"

"The boss is a very talented director, but he is also too imaginative, one project after another."

"It's a bit scary, and the inspiration is endless? But if you keep it like this, the funds won't hold up."9

Several people were discussing, Chu Xuan and female assistant Anna walked into the conference room.

Although Chu Xuan is the boss, he is not bureaucratic.

As long as the following people have good ideas, they can reflect to him at any time.

Sure enough, several directors saw him, and you expressed your opinion every word.

"Stop! Wait_a_second!" 5

Chu Xuan sat down and rubbed his head.

"Tell me one by one, Kevin, speak first.

"Chu, are you still shooting a new movie? What about "Titanic", is the project canceled?"9

Kevin Feige asked curiously, and the others also listened attentively.

"No, Titanic continues as planned."

"However, with so many projects going on at the same time, the risk is too great."

CFO Carly lowered her glasses.

She is a top student majoring in financial management at Stanford University and obtained the North American CPA certificate at a young age. He is a talented person hired by HR from Google. At the age of 30, he has already achieved the position of Google's chief financial officer.

Her worries are not without reason.

The company's capital chain seems to be healthy, but with so many investments at the same time, the risk level has also increased geometrically.

Any loss of a project will bring great pressure on the company's finances.

After all, the company's assets are not all cash flow, but also investments such as securities and real estate.

There is also Chu Xuan's plan to acquire MGM, which also needs to set aside a part.

After all the box office proceeds of "Iron Man" are credited, the acquisition of MGM is about to start.

Therefore, Infinite Pictures seems to have a lot of money, but it actually affects the whole body.

Chu Xuan leaned back in his chair calmly and smiled:

"So, as long as the new film is guaranteed to make a steady profit at the box office, the project can be approved, right?"9

"Uh, it is.

CFO Carly froze for a moment.

Although she knows that Chu Xuan has earned at least 10 times and at most 15,000 times the return of each movie before. It's a Hollywood "money printing machine"


But even a talented screenwriter and director cannot guarantee 100% of the money.

But Chu Xuan seems to have this strong self-confidence.

Marketing Director Mark Lawrenson asked curiously:

"Boss, what theme do you plan to set up for the project?"

"Isn't the hot news just now the discovery of information about gravitational waves and black holes? I just wanted to make a hardcore sci-fi film based on this inspiration.

Hearing the words "science fiction", the expressions of Mark Laurenson and Kevin Feige changed.

This is simply one of the most thankless subjects in Hollywood.

The general science fiction theme basically means a lot of investment.

After all, science fiction is all about depicting things that are difficult to shoot on earth. Whether it is using special effects or building special sets, it requires a lot of money.

Except for the types of "He Came From Earth" and "The Night When the Comet Came", other big sci-fi films are just two words, burning money!

That's all, burning money, the key is that burning money is most likely to be thrown into the street.

Those who can barely get their money back are considered lucky ones, and there are countless movies that have invested heavily in movies that my mother doesn't even recognize.

The most recent example is "Jupiter Rising", which invested 176 million US dollars and sold 47.38 million at the North American box office.

This film has become a laughing stock in Hollywood, so that in the past two years, it is impossible for anyone to make a big sci-fi film, and it is impossible for anyone to invest in it.

The marketing director also considered this problem, and persuaded in a trembling voice:

"Boss, think twice! Just concentrate on "Titanic", the script is really excellent, and with your strength, there is no problem with the box office being a big hit.

"Titanic is at least 2 years and at most 5 years. When this movie is released, the day lily will be cold."

"Boss, you can choose other themes, for example, "The Godfather 2" is absolutely guaranteed to make money! 99

"Yes, yes, many people in "The Godfather 2" are petitioning!

Kevin Feige sighed.

Since "The Godfather 1" came out, it has attracted countless fans around the world.

To this day, the official mailbox of Infinite Pictures is full of emails from fans around the world.

They have only one content.

""] Please shoot The Godfather 2! We_Need_TheGodFather2!"

In the official Twitter of Infinite Pictures, and even in the comment area of ​​Chu Xuan's tweet, there are countless netizens leaving messages, begging Chu Xuan to shoot "The Godfather 2".

There are even people who have created a Twitter account specifically called:

“Did Chu Xuan film Godfather 2 today?”

The content of daily tweets is also the same: “Did Chu Xuan film Godfather 2 today? No! 39

This account also quickly became a big V on Twitter, attracting 15 million followers in just a few months!

This shows how high everyone's expectations for "The Godfather 2" are.

But Chu Xuan seems to have a hard time with money, so he didn't stop filming "The Godfather 2".

"Okay, okay, stop! I've made up my mind!"

Chu Xuan is speechless and can only use his own power, great silence!

"Carly, you have a budget for your new project, $165 million. 95

"Mark, get ready for the pre- and mid-term publicity work.

"Kevin, after the meeting, you can set up the crew, get the photographer Hotema, and invite this year's Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne..."


It was the first time that several managements saw Chu Xuan in such fanfare.

It seems that he is not on a whim, but intends to make a real move!

"Chu, I can understand other preparations. What is Kip Thorne doing please?

In general (Wang Zhaozhao) sci-fi movies, just point to the concept of bells and whistles, arrange some aliens, and then arrange some alien forces, and then there are bells and whistles of fights, explosions, and exploration scenes.

Why is it so strict this time, to invite the Nobel Prize winner in physics?

"Yeah, Chu, what is this movie called?"


After a while, several people from the core management of Infinite Pictures took action and arranged their work.

They were still puzzled at first.

But after Chu Xuan's description, they still complied.

And Anna Kendrick next to her was a little hesitant.

"Tell me, you don't have to be hesitant in front of me, just ask directly.

"Okay... what you just said, sending someone to find the cornfield, is that true?"

"Yeah, now is the season for corn to ripen. We have no time to plant it, so we have to find a suitable farm to buy it.

"But... Yu"

"Don't think about it." Chu Xuan couldn't help rubbing the head of the female assistant Anna.

"You'll find out later.

Beautiful Anna Kendrick can't figure out life or death.

What does interstellar science fiction have to do with cornfields?

Soon, the propaganda department of Infinite Pictures had arranged the posters and released news that shocked Hollywood and even the world.

"Chu Xuan, after "Iron Man", opens a new work "Interstellar" again!

Immediately, the global media was in an uproar!

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