Entertainment: Banned for Five Years, Became the Godfather of Hollywood

The 101st chapter "Interstellar" has a lot of reputation! The birth of a masterpie

The movie "Interstellar", like "La La Land", has staying power.

After the audience watched the film, it was more of a dazed thought.

Some of the details in it may have to be read several times to get it completely.

So much so that the entire theater fell into a brief silence.

But no one left early.

Everyone sat quietly in the chairs until the movie subtitles were played for a long time, and the theater burst into applause.

Then the applause grew louder and louder!

Not only the theater where the premiere was held, but audiences in theaters everywhere couldn't help applauding for this great sci-fi film.

Film critics, media reporters, and many Hollywood actors and directors...

At this point, they all stood up to give the warmest applause for Chu Xuan's "Interstellar".

Even many people were so excited that their palms turned red.


"Interstellar" is different from the previous "coquettish bitch" sci-fi films.

There are not only rigorous scientific settings, moving emotions, but also profound thematic connotations.

The whole film is not dull, exciting, tear-jerking, and heart-shattering.

It's a "hexagonal" hardcore sci-fi film that perfectly combines business and art!

The many film critics of "693" in the movie theater basically read countless films and watched so many science fiction films.

Since "2001 A Space Odyssey", there has never been a movie that makes people truly feel the vastness of the universe and feel the impermanence of time.

Interstellar did it!

Chu Xuan successfully brought the audience into the universe!

At first, they were prepared to use their professional knowledge to pick on the pricks, but later they became more and more fascinated, and forgot about the film review.

Until now, the bgm of "Interstellar" seems to still reverberate in my mind, and the lingering sound is lingering!

As for ordinary audiences, they can't wait to express their excitement on the Internet, and want to give this movie Amway to everyone they know!

At the TLC Oriental Theater in Los Santos, enthusiastic audiences are still reluctant to go out.

Because after watching the movie, the main creative team of "Interstellar" will conduct a live interview.

After watching the video, everyone has a lot of questions!

When Chu Xuan led the creative team to the stage, the audience applauded again.

The spectators even shouted Chu Xuan's name neatly as if they were watching a ball.




Facing everyone's enthusiasm, Chu Xuan came to the stage and waved to everyone with a smile, and then made a downward gesture.

The emotional audience sat down quietly.

The live host took the microphone and asked with a smile:

"Wow, I can already feel everyone's enthusiasm. Did you like this movie? 35

"Like! 35

"Love it to death!"

"Super love! Simply wonderful!

The place was boiling again.

"Okay, then we will enter our post-screening interview session. If you have any questions, please raise your hands and send them...

Before the host finished speaking, the excited audience couldn't wait, and a large number of people raised their hands one after another.

The host has seen a lot of cool movies, but couldn't find anyone to ask questions, and even had to arrange for entrustment.

Don't worry about that now.

"The girl in the red sweater. 99

"Me! That's great!"

Aileen said excitedly, her boyfriend Lin Lei broke his hand, and even got her.

After taking the microphone from the staff, Irene got up and was a little nervous:

"Director Chu Xuan, Hello fellow creators, I am a loyal fan of Chu Xuan!

"Here I want to know, at the end of the film, did the protagonist Li Shunjun really go to the planet where Brand is located? Will they become a couple?"

Hearing this rather girlish question, the audience couldn't help but smile.

Everyone is also curious, will Li Shunjun be with Dr. Brand played by Anne Hathaway?

Although the film has an open ending, Chu Xuan has made it very clear.

So he just smiled and said:

"What will happen in the end, I want to leave it to everyone's imagination. All I can say is that they cannot escape the task of multiplying human beings."

The audience will all smile.

When Irene asked, Lin Lei kept pulling her sleeves by the side.

Even though she had such a good opportunity, she asked a question about love brains, and Lin Lei was a little helpless.

Perhaps feeling the urgency of her boyfriend, Irene said cautiously:

"I'm sorry, the question just now was not very good. My boyfriend also wants to ask a question. Can you ask him a question too?"

"Hahaha, of course, what does your little boyfriend want to ask?

Lin Lei got up excitedly, bowed politely and said:

"Hello Director Chu Xuan, is it possible to realize the space travel method shown in the film in the future?

This is also an issue that everyone cares about, and many viewers are also very interested.

The concepts described in some science fiction works can indeed become reality in the future.

What's more, the setting of "Interstellar" is very scientific.

Chu Xuan nodded approvingly and replied:

"In interstellar travel, wormholes are a key role. Unfortunately, this concept is only an immature theory and has not been verified.

"Our human journey to space may have to be carried out in a more traditional way."

"But we should also hope that as long as more and more young scientists like you are full of enthusiasm for exploring the stars and seas, we will definitely be able to achieve space travel in the near future."

Chu Xuan's answer did not fool anyone, he was very realistic.

Wormholes are really not very practical.

But more important is a passion for the universe.

This young man is obviously a science and engineering man who wants to go to a research post. It is also necessary for Chu Xuan to encourage everyone and ignite the space dream of young people.

The audience again responded with warm applause and praised Chu Xuan's answer.

At the same time, although Lin Lei was a little disappointed, he was more happy.

His dream has been affirmed by Chu Xuan, he will also insist on studying astrophysics, strive to be admitted to an excellent university, and then return to the homeland of Long Kingdom to participate in aerospace construction!

This was followed by a question from a professional media reporter:

"I would like to ask Director Chu Xuan, your attitude towards the scientific rigor of this film is commendable, but this will also lead to more people picking on the film's scientific theories and looking for bugs. What do you think of this issue?"

This problem is more acute, but it is also an indisputable fact.

There will definitely be audiences pointing out that there are loopholes in the science of "Interstellar", there are errors in the theory of so-and-so, and there are bugs in the details of so-and-so.

Whether the film is good or not, there will always be people who criticize it and show off their knowledge.

Chu Xuan laughed at this:

"Indeed, when you come up with a hardcore sci-fi film like this, you inevitably get a lot of criticism. 99

"But it's also the best part of science... 99

"Science has never been a one-sentence statement, a coffined truth. Otherwise, it would be a religion."

"Science is always subject to observation, experimentation, and repeated demonstrations and discussions.35

"I'm not afraid of people picking on them, and I even welcome more people to pick on them. It shows that everyone still cares about this movie, and they are still interested in the universe and science. That's enough.

"Of course, you must first understand a certain amount of scientific knowledge, otherwise it will be meaningless.

"Faced with this kind of person, I can only look at him with pity, you are right.

Hearing this, the audience smiled again.

Everyone can't help but admire Chu Xuan's attitude.

A good work is indeed not afraid of criticism, nor is it afraid of arguing.

The content in "Interstellar" has been scrutinized and verified by professionals.

The audience had better understand the cosmic phenomenon depicted in the film carefully before making a stab at it.

And Nobel Prize winner in physics Kip Thorne also wrote a book dedicated to the physics solution of "Interstellar".

It's clear to tell those gangsters, let the horses come over!

After the Q&A with the main creative members of the premiere, the audience left with excitement and shock.

Those who have friends around them get together and discuss the content of the film enthusiastically.

Those who watched the movie alone fell into contemplation, walked silently on the way home, and kept flashing back the shocking images just now!

More people have a kind of unpleasant desire to talk, this movie is really difficult to calm down.

So they started to comment on the major review sites one after another.

5 stars! "I had a broken leg and was wearing a cast to watch it. All I can say is, fortunately I didn't miss this video, otherwise I'd regret it!

5 stars! "It's hard to have a work that has both rigorous scientific spirit and profound humanistic care, and "Interstellar" did it. This is one of Chu Xuan's best works!

5 stars! "The science and technology man said, "Interstellar" is so handsome!"

5€! "It's a shame to cry in public..."

5 stars! "In my lifetime, I can actually see what a black hole looks like in a movie theater!

5 stars! "Chu Xuan is indeed a movie master!

3.5 Well-known film critic Roger Ebert also tweeted immediately after watching the film:

"Watching this film, I tried to imagine myself floating in the vast starry sky."

"Silence and loneliness seemed to swallow everything. For the first time in a movie, I also felt the insignificance of human beings, and my self-esteem and belief as human beings crumbled little by little.""

"I will write a professional analysis of the film review of "Interstellar" later. But here, I just want to express my love for this movie. 39

"Thank you to Chu Xuan for the most precious gift to all sci-fi fans after 2001: A Space Odyssey. For those who love movies, this is also a gift.

"I won't say more about the rest, go to the cinema! Then prepare for your head to be overturned.

Soon, the imdb score will be released!

9.8 points! A score equal to "The Godfather"!

There will definitely be a drop after that, but it's not destined to go below 9.5!

Another movie that has made a name for itself!

It also has an amazing 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes!

I have to say that in terms of word of mouth, "Interstellar" has indeed won the recognition of the majority of fans!

In this regard, the movies released at the same time felt a lot of pressure!

Perhaps another box office monster is about to debut!.


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