Entertainment: I really want to make progress

Chapter 43 The death of Zhou Yutang during the Chinese New Year

When Zhou Yutang arrived in Yancheng, it was already past four in the afternoon.

The sunset was just right.

Zhou Zhengping was waiting on the roadside with his hands on his shoulders, and saw his son waving.

When Zhou Yutang got in the car, he glanced at the old Jetta and shook his head: "Dad, how about I buy you an Audi next year? After all, he is also a school leader, so he drives a Jetta, and there is no prestige at all."

"It's good if you have this heart. What's wrong with driving a Jetta? Isn't the car just for transportation?"

Zhou Zhengping likes fishing and has no pursuit of cars. Even if he rides an electric car to work, it doesn't matter. He bought this car because the family needs a car for transportation.

"If you make some money, don't spend it randomly. Save it yourself. There will be many ways to use the money in the future..."

Seeing that his father was showing signs of turning on the educational mode, Zhou Yutang quickly stopped and changed the subject, "Dad, didn't you like that set of fishing gear last time? Did you take it down?"


Zhou Zhengping sighed and shook his head silently.

Oh, it seems that Comrade Zhou's small treasury was inspected by the Queen Mother, and the losses were quite heavy.

Zhou Yutang made up his mind to find an opportunity to buy the fishing set as a gift for his father.

Zhou Zhengping also rarely has a hobby, and he has learned a lot of theories for it. Zhou Yutang also went fishing with his father several times when he was a child.

Along the way, he listened to Zhou Zhengping talking about professional fishing terms such as bait making, nest making, air pressure, water temperature and so on. He was so eloquent that young Zhou Yutang almost believed that his father was a master of hidden fishing.

Later, I found that I didn't get much every time I went fishing with him, and even returned to the air force a few times. In the end, I had to go to the market to buy fish and take them home. Zhou Yutang completely lost interest.

Zhou Zhengping still enjoyed it.

Teachers are very good at summarizing, and Zhou Zhengping is no exception.

He summed up several major failure experiences for his low catch:

1. Fishing tackle is not good

2. The air pressure is wrong

3. The fishing spot is not good

Well, Zhou Yutang thinks it’s good that his father is happy.

After chatting all the way, Zhou Yutang would soon arrive home. Zhou Yutang got off the car and went to the vegetable market not far from home for a walk.

As the New Year approaches, the streets and alleys are decorated with lights and colorful decorations, making it very lively.

Everyone’s face was filled with smiles, and the shop entrances on the roadside were filled with all kinds of New Year’s goods, and there were children running around holding cannons.

By this time Zhou Yutang was already quite famous, but not to the point where everyone knew it, not to mention that the crowd in this area was mainly composed of uncles and aunties.

He just wore a mask casually and no one recognized him.

The dim street lights have started to work.

The chestnut shop at the entrance of the vegetable market is still open as usual, with cracked chestnuts being stir-fried in the boiler. The warm aroma is unique to this winter romance.

On the other side is a fruit shop. The radio is playing in the shop, and fresh and juicy pineapples and dragon fruits on sale are piled at the door.

Zhou Yutang took a deep breath, filled with smoke and smoke.

His target was the roasted sweet potato shop in the pushcart at the corner of the street. The old man had set up a stall here for more than ten years. The roasted sweet potatoes in the iron stove were also Zhou Yutang's favorite winter snack when he was a child.

I bought a roasted sweet potato and squatted down to chat with the old man. The old man recognized Zhou Yutang and picked out a big sweet potato with a smile.

After breaking it open, the aroma filled the air. Zhou Yutang walked home while eating.

The happiest thing when you come back from abroad is to look up and see the lights at home are on.

Zhou Yutang opened the door and saw his mother coming back from outside.

"Xiaotang, you're back, wait a minute."

"Mom, what's wrong?"

He stopped and saw a stack of Li Ziwei's photos that his old mother took out from her simple bag and brought them to him. There seemed to be at least dozens of them.

Zhou Yutang suddenly felt dumbfounded, "Mom, what are you doing? Doing wholesale?"

Wang Fengqin pushed the photo in front of Zhou Yutang, "Your aunt's daughter is Mengmeng. She is your fan. Please help her sign her name first."

"As for that?"

Zhou Yutang's mouth twitched slightly: "They are all from my family, so there is no need to sign. Mengmeng wants to see me, so come over to our house anytime."

The aunt's daughter is called Lin Mengmeng, a junior high school student.

"Just sign it when I ask you to do it. Why do you talk so much?"

Wang Fengqin raised her eyebrows and glared: "Let me tell you, Mengmeng likes you, and I heard that the female classmates in her class also support you, so I promised Mengmeng to give you a few more autographs. Take the photo, take it back to her classmates, hurry up, don’t wait too long.”

"Mom, I really don't want to sign. I just held a book launch conference in Beijing, and my hand signing is almost broken."

Zhou Yutang muttered, looking for food on the table: "I just got home, I'm so hungry, and you asked me to sign, aren't you afraid of tiring me out?"

"Why are you hungry? Your dad said you just went to buy roasted sweet potatoes. Let me tell you, don't start drifting off just after you have made some achievements. If someone supports you, you have to have a good attitude. Besides, this is your cousin."

Wang Fengqin's voice rose a few degrees, and she began to speak earnestly and sincerely. Seeing Zhou Yutang go in and out of one ear, she had a tendency to get angry:

"Either sign or don't eat at night. I'm tired and don't want to cook."

"Okay, Mom, where can I sign?"

Zhou Yutang said he would not sign, but he sat down at the table with a very honest body, took off the cap of the pen and prepared to sketch.

"Just sign on the back and write best wishes for Mengmeng's academic progress!"

Wang Fengqin nodded with satisfaction, put on her apron and walked into the kitchen to start preparing meals.

In other words, she knew Zhou Yutang was going home and had already bought the groceries, so how could she really not cook.

Today's dinner is braised lion's head, casserole of old duck, roast goose from the time-honored braised meat shop in the market, and braised puffer fish plus stir-fried vegetables.

Just a simple home-cooked dinner.

Zhou Yutang loves to try fresh food, and his favorite is the braised puffer fish.

The puffer fish itself is poisonous and requires special processing before cooking. The processed puffer fish is then braised using Ms. Wang's exclusive craftsmanship. The meat is plump and tender, and the taste is extremely sweet.

The taste is simply amazing.

After signing his name in a hurry, Zhou Yutang flicked his wrist and said casually: "Have you sent the seafood gift bag I gave the teacher?"

"I told your aunt earlier that I would pick the best one and send it over. I'll take care of it. Don't worry, I'll probably receive it in a day or two."

"It has to be my mother."

Zhou Yutang gave him a rainbow fart and took his mobile phone to reply to the message. Senior Yang Mi had just sent another message and asked to play games.

Senior Yang Mi actually really likes playing games. She usually has to catch up with announcements and doesn’t have much time to play. Whenever she has a vacation, she lets herself go.

While we were chatting, Teacher Yao called and said that he had received a seafood gift package and blamed Zhou Yutang for spending money randomly.

"Teacher Yao, my relatives sell seafood. They are distributed as soon as they are caught in the sea, so that you can have a try."

What Zhou Yutang said was sincere.

He was able to successfully take the first step, and Teacher Yao really helped a lot.

My aunt's family is in the seafood business, so he asked his mother to call him in advance and prepare some seafood to send over for Teacher Yao to try.

Father Zhou nodded with satisfaction while reading the newspaper.

"Quite good at being a human being."

My mother came out of the kitchen carrying a casserole and felt a little relieved when she heard Zhou Yutang talking to the teacher.

My son has grown up and knows how to have a good relationship with his teacher.

The TV series she acted in has also been aired, and I heard it is very popular now.

However, this emotion quickly disappeared. The Queen Mother saw Zhou Yutang lazily lying on the sofa after hanging up the phone, and said angrily:

"Sit down or not? Have you signed your name?"

"I've signed it. Mom, you told me, can you not sign it?"

Zhou Yutang supported his chin with his hand, as if he remembered something, and asked, "Mengmeng is already in the third grade of junior high school this year, right?"

"Second grade."

"Oh, it's the second year of junior high school, so you should study hard."

Zhou Yutang casually grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the table and ate them: "I'll prepare a gift for her tomorrow."

"Then you are quite thoughtful. In a few days, you will go to grandma's house to pay New Year greetings and bring Mengmeng over."

The Queen Mother went into the kitchen and started cooking again, and started chatting with Zhou Yutang.

"It has to be, I'm the best cousin in the world."

Zhou Yutang went to the bookstore in the district the next day and bought a thickened version of Huanggang Famous Teacher's Package for the full set of subjects for the second and third grades, plus all previous high school examination papers, as a New Year's gift for classmate Lin Mengmeng...

The education in Jiangsu Province is so demanding. A girl of this age must study hard and not focus on things like chasing stars.

The atmosphere during the New Year is quite lively, with the sound of fireworks and firecrackers everywhere, and I was woken up by firecrackers at five o'clock in the morning.

Ms. Wang and Zhou Zhengping took care of the family affairs, but Zhou Yutang actually had nothing to do with them.

Zhou Yutang just calmed down and thought about his movie script and storyboard.

He is still the young man who wants to make progress, and his original intention has not changed.

Big Year.

According to local custom, visiting relatives is to go to the elders' home, which is regarded as an annual family gathering.

Zhou Yutang’s grandparents left early, and my father’s two sisters married in other provinces and did not come back to celebrate the New Year.

On the contrary, the relatives on grandma's side are relatively close.

Grandma has three daughters and one son. The eldest daughter is Lin Mengmeng’s mother, who is in the aquaculture business.

Ms. Wang Fengqin ranks second. Her third daughter is a doctor and her uncle is a small foreman. They are all living a good life.

Since childhood, my mother has been busy with business and often has to run to buy goods. My father also has many things to do at school. Zhou Yutang's grandmother often helps take care of him.

This time during the Chinese New Year, the family got together as usual.

As soon as I arrived at my grandma's house, my classmate Lin Mengmeng from my aunt's house popped out.

Classmate Lin Mengmeng cannot be said to be beautiful in appearance, but can only be regarded as smart and cute. She wears a pair of glasses, but is not quiet at all. She pulled Zhou Yutang as if she was looking at a panda:

"Cousin, why didn't I realize you were so handsome before?"

"That's because you're blind."

Zhou Yutang ruffled her hair angrily.

"I hate it, don't touch my hair, you've messed up my hair."

Lin Mengmeng pouted angrily and complained loudly: "Auntie, look at Zhou Yutang, he doesn't look like a big star at all."

"Don't bully your sister."

The Queen Mother helped prepare the food in the kitchen and did not forget to give a warning.

After seeing Zhou Yutang take out the signed photo, Lin Mengmeng transformed into a cute and good sister again.

When everyone arrived, the warm family dinner began, and the beautiful singing voices of Tao Jiji and Jolin came from the TV.

"The flowers bloom in the warmth of spring, taking away the sadness of winter

The breeze brings a romantic atmosphere

Every love song is suddenly full of meaning

I suddenly saw you at this moment."

There was a table full of relatives on my grandma's side. Zhou Yutang wanted to drive and not drink, so he sat at the table next to the children.

The whole family was talking and laughing, it was quite warm and lively.

"Xiaotang, don't tell me that the song you sang is so good. What is it called?"

Zhou Yutang's grandma is over sixty years old this year. She is in good spirits. After thinking for a while, she smiled and sang: "Why do I want to see you?"

Zhou Yutang: "."

His expression twitched, and he felt ashamed.

Not to mention, grandma knows the name of the song and has obviously heard it many times.

"Grandma, grandma, I know, I know!"

Classmate Lin Mengmeng raised her hands to speak enthusiastically, not realizing Zhou Yutang's cannibalistic eyes at all. She quickly said, "The song my brother sang is called "I Want to See You, I Want to See You, I Want to See You," which is so good and famous. , my classmates all like this song very much, let him sing it!"

"Really, Xiaotang, sing one for your grandma." The uncle started to sing.

"Come on, come on, we've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

The two aunts were excited together, waving their hands excitedly, and even the little carrots from the uncle's house and the little aunt's house were clapping their hands and screaming.


Zhou Yutang's toes have already dug out a villa on the floor.

After countless calculations, he made one mistake and forgot about the unique family gathering style of the Great China.

College students these days are actually a rare species. They usually go home during the holidays and meet up with family gatherings during the Chinese New Year, and their elders will have more or less tasks to do.

If you majored in computer science, you would have to help your relatives repair several computers.

Zhou Yutang may be a famous talented star in the eyes of his fans, but in the eyes of his family, he has no filter at all.

That is an ordinary college student.

While the elders were proud of his achievements, they were also very curious about the talents and skills he learned in school.

"You're all here, let me sing for grandma."

Mom happily ate melon seeds and ignored Zhou Yutang's look for help.

"That's right, we're all one family, why are you so embarrassed?"

"Ahem, let's have a moment. When love is left as a relic, it is carved into memories with pictograms."

Zhou Yutang reluctantly turned on his mobile phone to play the accompaniment and sang a cappella.

There was thunderous applause.

Grandma probably didn't quite understand what it meant, but she smiled and clapped her hands, very happy.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Classmate Lin Mengmeng laughed especially loudly, clapped her hands and grinned, revealing her two little tiger teeth.

Zhou Yutang was embarrassed and had only one thought in his mind at this time, which was to escape from this socially dead family gathering.

However, after the meal, he still did not forget to take the box out of the Jetta trunk.

This is a New Year’s gift from classmate Lin Mengmeng.

Lin Mengmeng was pleasantly surprised: "Brother, you are so kind to me. Why don't you give me a box of signed posters?"

"open to take a look."


Lin Mengmeng opened the box full of surprise, her pupils were shaking, her smile stiffened a little, froze on her face, and finally disappeared slowly.

"This is good! Mengmeng, why don't you thank your brother?"

When my aunt came over and took a look, she was very happy: "Xiaotang is really thoughtful. I heard from the parents of the first-placed teacher in Mengmeng class that this teacher from Huanggang is so good that he even passed last year's high school entrance examination questions."

Well, actually she doesn’t understand either, but she upholds a very simple concept, that is, it is always right to let children learn...

Zhou Yutang looked at Lin Mengmeng with tears in her big eyes.

He nodded with satisfaction.

Look, this child was moved to tears!

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