Entertainment: Let you film a love drama, and you will make Reba cry

Chapter 94

Qin Feng runs away with Reba again~ Audience: Elope to the moon? 【2-in-1】

Outside the Chuluozi tent.

Cai Xuhui helped Uncle Xiao Kuliang hold the quilt.

The uncle tied the nomadic luggage to the reindeer’s back.

Tai Xiaoxian held a basin, turned around and asked: “Brother Feng! Are we going down the mountain later?” The driver is about to start working~

Fortunately, it didn’t snow last night, otherwise it would be difficult to drive down the mountain.

The weather is nice and the sky is clear!

Yang Chaoyue asked curiously: “Reba, what are you and Brother Feng doing?” Reba quickly put the things in her pocket, shook his head and said: “It’s okay, it’s okay. What Qin Feng gave her just now was the car key to a Hongqi SUV! She never expected it.

Uncle Xiao Kuliang actually has a car at his house!

And also lent it to Tai Feng?

Reba didn’t have time to ask for details, fearing that her elopement with Qin Feng would be discovered! Before, she was curious about how Qin Feng would take Ruo to escape.

But if you think about it carefully, what if Qin Feng drove away Uncle Xiao Kuliang’s car.

How do I return the car?

Now Reba’s main focus on Qin Feng is trust!

This man must have a solution~

Even so, she was still curious!

Jingle bell bell~

jingle bell one by one

Among the snowy forests.

Reindeer carrying a backpack.

Taking steps towards a new nomadic point.

The docile doe has long antlers, like a walking tree. They are called forest boats and carry people and cargo.

They are also the elves of Daxinganling, and they remain the same in all seasons. The righteous deeds of Grandma Maria’s family were carried on the backs of reindeer.

And this is the centenarian who is the last chief of Huai.

Just like when she first met Qin Fengreba, she got on the reindeer sleigh. Before leaving.

Grandma Maria waved to Qin Feng and Reba kindly.

The young couple walked over and said goodbye to grandma.

Reba: “You should take good care of yourself and come to visit you again in the future.”

Qin Feng: “Come back next time, I’ll have two more glasses of blueberry wine with you.”

Hear this.

Reba used her elbows to endure Qin Feng and whispered: “Drinking is harmful to health~”

Centenarians don’t care about keeping fit.

After living for a century, you can’t do anything you like anymore?

Grandma Maria looked at Qin Feng and Reba with a smile.

She said kindly: “When you get married in the future, if I am still alive, send me an invitation.”

Qin Feng: “No problem!”

Reba: “Absolutely!”

Several other young couples:? ? ?

Even if it’s a white lie about Grandma Maria.

How could these two people answer each other fluently without hesitation?

Are you really planning to get married? ?

Grandma Maria continued: “I have lived for more than a hundred years, and I can see people, things, and deer very accurately.”

“I can tell which pair of deer are good at getting together and giving birth to calves at a glance.”

“The same goes for people.”

Then, she said to Reba: “The young man has good conduct. You must cherish it. You are right to listen to grandma.”

Reba smiled and nodded.

What kind of love is this?

It is the love blessed by the last chief of China!

It’s love witnessed by a centenarian!

The only thing that Reba couldn’t understand was.

Why is Qin Feng so popular~

Grandpa Huang from the North Island of the South China Sea, Uncle Xu from the Li village, Uncle Yu from the Hainan Rainforest, Uncle Zhang from Mohe, and Grandma Maria from Ewenki.

All praise for Qin Feng!

Reba’s smile was like the morning sunshine in the snow-covered forest!

If you don’t believe it, hug this man tightly first.

It’s a treasure certified by many seniors!


Reindeer pulled the sleigh, and Grandma Maria left in the forest boat.

Qin Feng smiled and shouted: “Be bigger and stronger, and create greater glory!”

Grandma Maria said a line from the movie “Nobody” yesterday.

Naturally, she could understand Qin Feng’s words.

Grandma laughed heartily.

There was no response, and the road ahead was lonely.

As the last chief of the Evenki reindeer tribe.

She may have experienced glorious moments, but she has also witnessed the passage of time.

Today there are only about 200 reindeer tribes.

It is very difficult to become bigger and stronger.


Let more Chinese people know that there is such a minority that lives with reindeer in the forest, sea and snowy fields.

Grandma Maria is already very pleased.

Accompanied by the sound of reindeer bells.

The sled clings to the scraping sound of soft snowflakes.

And the sound of the wind blowing fallen leaves in the endless poplar forest.

Several young couples bid farewell to the Ewenki reindeer tribe living in the Daxingan Mountains.

One by one [Goodbye Grandma Maria! Uncle Xiao Kuliang! Aunt Valian! Little reindeer! 】

-1 [When I mentioned reindeer and sleigh before, I would think of Santa Claus, but now the first thing I think of is Grandma Maria and the Ewenki reindeer people! 】

One by one [I will make an AK, you will make a Laifu, make it bigger and stronger, and create greater glory! 】

11 [It is recommended to open the eight-child policy to reindeer mothers and encourage reindeer to breed more. If you have more babies, you can add salted bean cakes.

—[You page special girls are talented! 】

After a while, there were a group of reindeer and Grandma Maria’s family.

Then he disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Reba asked curiously: “The reindeerHow far is the next nomadic point? ”

There is no doubt that she now feels that Qin Feng should admire everything!

If you have any questions that are not embarrassing, just ask him!

Qin Feng replied: “About 10 kilometers, it depends on what the reindeer like.”

It is different from herding sheep and horses.

The reindeer people of Ewenki migrate at the pace of the reindeer.

Reindeer like places with dense moss and close to water sources.

When the nomadic point is changed.

Maybe you need to walk with the reindeer for a whole day.

Qin Feng waved his hand and signaled everyone to retreat~

Qin Xiaoxian answered: “10 kilometers doesn’t seem too far.”

Yang Chaoyue guessed: “The reindeer should be playing while walking, they must be walking very slowly!”


Creak —

Everyone stepped on the snow and left the camp where there were no reindeer people for the time being.

Qin Feng nodded and replied: “Reindeer are different from deer such as moose and red deer. They don’t move very fast.”

Reba nodded obediently.

At the same time, he was also very curious, so Uncle Xiao gave Qin Feng the car key.

Where is the car?

How to execute the ‘escape plan’?

Until everyone got in the car.

Reba couldn’t hold it in any longer and asked, “Qin Feng, did you agree to take me home?”

Qin Feng leaned on the back seat of the car and looked at the receding forest and snowy scenery outside the car window.

He said calmly: “Wait.”

Reba was extremely anxious~

At this time, the little angel Reba and the little devil Reba appeared again in my mind!

Little angel Reba: “It’s very unkind to run away from the show~ What should I do if the program team is unhappy? Should I stop thinking about it?” Little devil Reba: “The main theme is a rebellious one!” It’s so exciting! Run away, you must run! Hahahaha~” This time, Reba doesn’t want to be a good girl.

She wants to hug the little devil~

It didn’t take long.

Driver Qin Xiaoxian parked the car at the starting point: Aoluguya Ewenki Folk Village.

The staff of the “100% Love” program team are already waiting here.

As soon as he got off the car, Director Yan pulled Qin Feng aside again.

He turned back to Reba and said, “Borrow your boyfriend for three more minutes.” Reba: …

Yes, borrow it and remember to return it.

As for what Director Yan and Qin Feng said, no one could hear it.

I only saw him patting Qin Feng on the shoulder at the end.

It seemed like he was talking about something very happy.

Next, the male and female guests of “100% Love”.

Record a blessing video for Aoluguya Ewenki Folk Village.

Words such as welcoming everyone to the reindeer tribe and experiencing folk customs and humanity.

To some extent, it can help the local area boost tourism revenue.

Indirectly, the living conditions of the reindeer tribe living in the forest are better.

After several young couples finished recording the video.

Cai Xushang said to Hua Chenyu, “Huahua, where is Brother Feng?”

Yang Chaoyue looked around: “Reba is gone too!”

Yu Shuxin looked in the car and under the car.

It’s a good thing she’s not tall enough, otherwise she wouldn’t even be able to miss the roof of the car.

Three minutes later.

Everyone reached a consensus:

“Qin Feng took Reba away again? ? ”

After confirmation by the program staff.

He shouted to Director Yan: “It’s not spicy! Director Yan! Brother Feng is wet again!”

Director Yan Han, on the other hand, was very calm.

Teacher He Jiong shrugged and said, “It’s not the first time. I’m used to it.”

Several young couples looked at each other.

Director Yan and Teacher He know exactly what envy is!


A cold wind blew from the Daxingan Mountains.

Cai Xuxi: “Where is Brother Feng who is as big as me? He was standing here just now!”

Hua Chenyu: “He hasn’t taught me music yet!”

Qin Xiaoxian: “Maybe you’ll be back later?”

The obsession with becoming a master is very deep.

Especially Qin Feng’s song “Wake Up and Drunk” last night gave him another wave of musical shock. Before the purpose of this trip was achieved, Qin Feng actually ran away with Xiang Reba!

The Master hurriedly asked the program team, when will the next “Love Gathering” be scheduled? The answer I got was that the planner didn’t know either…

The audience in the live broadcast room loved it.

One by one [Brother Feng is running away! (crying)]

One by one [disappeared in a flash? Where is my Brother Feng? 】

–[I guess every day Reba and Brother Feng spend together is exciting. 】

–[You never know where Qin Feng will appear in the next second. 】

–【Still the original recipe, still the familiar taste~】

One by one [Welcome to watch the large-scale suspense variety show “Where Did Qin Feng Go?” 》】

On the small road heading east from Aoluguya Ewenki Folk Village.

Buzz buzz~

A black Hongqi SUV bid farewell to Daxinganling.

Qin Feng is sittingThe driver’s seat hums like a tune.

Reba sat in the passenger seat and checked her phone.

Car navigation destination: Aoluguya General Airport!

This car is used by Uncle Xiaokuliang’s son and is parked in the commercial street parking lot of Folklore Township. Although Uncle Xiao’s son is no longer in the mountains with the reindeer.

But I am in the business of promoting the culture of the E people, and I just have to go home today on a business trip.

Qin Feng happened to be able to drive Reba to the airport.

Then return the key to Uncle Xiao’s son.

This wave’s escape route

It really shocked Reba~

Reba suppressed a smile and said, “We really just ran away like that?”

Qin Feng held the steering wheel and replied: “Didn’t you say you wanted to go home?”

Although, running away from the show is a bit unkind.

But Reba is very happy!

Then, she felt something was wrong.

Reba asked back: “I just said it casually and you took me to elope? It must not be that simple!”

Qin Feng: “When did I say I would elope with you?”

Reba: #¥@%!

She then asked, “Where are we going now?”

Qin Feng: “Aoluguya General Airport.”

Reba: “I know there are no long-haul flights at this airport.”

Qin Feng replied: “Transfer to Hailar International Airport and then transfer back to Sanya.”

Reba: “Really running??”

Qin Feng: “What we are playing is reality.”

Reba: “Although it’s not good, it’s exciting to be scolded for taking the blame! !”

Qin Feng: “Director Yan dare not scold me.”

Reba:? ? ?

Zao leaned over to the co-pilot and said, “What kind of shady deal do you have with Director Yan~”


The wind howled outside the window.

After leaving the program group, Reba felt so comfortable being alone with Qin Feng!

Thinking of returning to Hainan’s courtyard hut.

You can pick up tangerines!

You can swing!

In the early summer season, everything is wonderful!

Finally, I don’t have to get wet from the cold in the north~~

The other side.

Aoluguya E Nationality Folk Custom Township.

Hua Chenyu looked around, his neck almost stretched like a giraffe…

Director Yan came over and patted him on the shoulder.

“Huahua, don’t look away. Qin Feng won’t come back. Just go visit the Hezhe tribe and you three young lovers.” He Jiong said in anticipation, “I really want to go to Qin Feng and Reba’s small home. There It must be fun.” Several other young couples:? ? ?

They asked in unison: “Brother Feng is not joking?”

“What should I do if I run away from the show and get criticized by netizens?”

“Brother Feng is not afraid of public opinion, and his laning ability is better than that of Heizi!”


Director Yan’s next words.

It directly gave several couples and the direct audience a halo of silence!

Director Yan Min smiled and shook his head: “The national department has invited us, and the program team doesn’t dare to delay.”

Then, Director Yan said to the camera: “Qin Feng didn’t sneak away, but there are other things he needs to do.”

Teacher He joked: “In other words, wouldn’t it be more in line with the style of elopement in a romance show?” One by one [Invited by the national department? What big thing is Brother Feng going to do? 】

One by one [Elopement in a love variety show sounds very romantic! Sure enough, there is no situation that Teacher He cannot save! 】

One by one [“We still don’t know where Brother Feng’s spiritual hair went that day” Douban score 10 points! 】

One by one [Guys, retreat! Brother Feng and Reba’s live broadcast room No. 2 has started! 】

–[Let’s run away with Brother Feng! 】


The number of people online in the official live broadcast room of “100% Love” instantly dropped by over 100,000.

And it continues to decline!

Anyway, the audience’s flow is just flowing back and forth between the two pools of the program group.

Director Yan didn’t care at all.

If you want to make things right, you still have to look at Qin Feng.

He smiled and said to He Jiong: “It’s a good thing it wasn’t an ancient feudal feudal system, otherwise Qin Feng’s military strength could directly flatten the royal city.” Teacher He frowned slightly: “You know metaphors, and your metaphors are very good. Next Never compare again.”

The two of them laughed loudly.

Several young couples couldn’t help laughing at all.

Qin Feng, the captain, eloped with Reba.

They are like little birds without their nest~

The west without Jerusalem.

3 without Tifa. District~

The little lamb without the leader~

The other side.

Get on the SUV driving to Aoluguya General Airport.

Qin Feng briefly explained the ‘escape route’ to Reba.

Via Aokuang Guya General Airport, take a short-distance airbus to Hailaer International Airport in Nei Menggu.

Reba scratched her head: “What’s Airbus doing?”

Qin Feng: “It’s almost the same as the Baby Bus.”

Reba puffed her cheeks and said: “Baby BusI’ve seen it, it’s a cartoon, the kind that children can watch in the future! ”

Qin Feng said: “Want a boy or a girl?”

Reba replied: “I like girls.”

She blushed for a moment and then defended herself: “We are talking about an escape route! You dug a hole for me to jump into again! Huh!” Qin Feng replied: “I like girls too.”

Reba’s angry little face suddenly turned into a smile.


Reba turned on the GoPro portable camera.

Although people have fled, the live broadcast room of the program team is still open.

Although I have great faith in Qin Feng’s fighting ability as a senior Zuan person.

But she also doesn’t want her boyfriend to be raped by the Internet~

The live broadcast room has just opened.

Qin Feng was humming and watching songs happily. He had just run away from the program team and was in a good mood.

“One, two, three, hold hands.”

“Four, five, six, raise your head.”

“Seven or eighty-nine, let’s elope to the moon.”

The audience was stunned as soon as they entered the live broadcast room.

There was a lot of discussion in the barrage:

One by one [pass it on! Brother Feng is going to elope to the moon with Reba! ] One by one [This is a major national project to participate in manned moon landing! 】 ―【On how rumors arise~】.


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