Entertainment: No Money to Surf the Internet, Forced to be a Top Dtreamer!

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: The Provocation Of The Pickle Country, China’S Culture Is Stolen? [Kneeling And Be

Chapter 110: The provocation of the pickle country, China’s culture is stolen? [Kneeling and begging to subscribe! 】

The official one for the international concert came out.

The audience was amazed!

No one would have thought that, as the organizer of an international event, he would actually stand up and scold!

This temper directly shocked netizens around the world.

At the same time, everyone applauded!

“Kimchi country?”

“Hehe… What is Kimchi Country? You guys also have a concert?”

“All cultures are stolen. Kimchi Country is a veritable stealing country. How dare you ask to participate in the third stop to be set up in Kimchi Country? What a big dream in Spring and Autumn!”

This swearing scolding made all the netizens in the Kimchi country stunned.

They found the official because they wanted to change the third concert to Kimchi Country-…


Now, as soon as the official international concert comes out, they swear at them directly!

No one can imagine this!

Before netizens said that Kimchi country is a steal country, a garbage country, that’s nothing.

After all, no matter how fierce everyone is, even if netizens from all countries join forces to scold, this group of netizens in the Kimchi country will not feel that way.

But now it is the official who is standing up, the official of the international concert…

It has a strong international influence!

At this moment, the netizens of Kimchi Country were completely stunned and lost their previous arrogance, but they still forcibly retorted.

“Our kimchi country is our own culture! It’s not a stealing country!”


“If you want to say stealing the country, China is the biggest country that steals the country, you know that stealing the culture of our kimchi country!”

“The “Huo Yuanjia” sung by Qin Feng a few days ago is actually our pickle country culture, and that Qin Feng is actually from our pickle country, why do you say China won the first place? Obviously our pickle country won First!”

“Qin Feng is one of our entertainment circles, how could he be from China?!”

“How can the cultural history of the kimchi country be stolen for thousands of years!”

“As the official of the international concert, how can you slander us!”


What netizens in Kimchi Country have said is so exciting.

But their attitude is definitely a lot more cowardly than before.

From the very beginning, the requirement for the official to set up the concert in the Kimchi country has become to prove that he is not stealing the country.

The official influence of international concerts can be imagined!


This remark of Kimchi Kingdom once again angered Chinese netizens.

What’s the meaning?

Not only that “Huo Yuanjia” is a song of Kimchi Country, but also that Qin Feng is from their Kimchi Country?

Everyone was confused. Did this directly help Qin Feng change his nationality?

It’s not the most annoying.

Because, they even said that China stole the culture of kimchi country!

Simply speechless!

Is this the first complaint of the wicked?

It’s just out of line!

Chinese netizens were instantly mad at laughter, followed by mad rants on Kimchi country netizens.

“Do you people of Kimchi people have a stick in their heads? Why is your mouth full of feces!”

“Qin Feng has always been from China, with the blood of China flowing in his bones. How could he be from your stinky pickle country?”

“China’s history and culture can be traced back with evidence, but what about your pickle country?”

“Even if you stole our culture, and now you’re ripping it off? It’s just like a white-eyed wolf!”

“You must know that nearly half of the culture of the Kimchi country is stolen from China. If you trace it back, there is no problem calling us ancestors!”

“We don’t have such a rebellious junior!”


The conflict that was about to be quelled was rekindled after being entangled by the kimchi country.

But this time.

It is not the global netizens who deal with the kimchi country netizens, but the Chinese netizens!

Face off in one-on-one battles!

As for netizens from other countries…

It’s all watching a play!

It doesn’t matter, hang up high!

Before, everyone just couldn’t get used to the face of Kimchi country netizens, which eventually led to public outrage, so they came out and scolded.

And after the official came out, the anger in my heart has long been vented.

Now Kimchi country netizens are in conflict with Chinese netizens.

Naturally they sit aside and watch the play!

Netizens of Kimchi Country at this time.

After seeing that sentence, China is their ancestor, everyone exploded instantly!

Kimchi country culture is so excellent!

It is absolutely impossible to steal the country, and it is even more impossible to steal the culture of China!

on the contrary……

It was China who stole their culture!

However, just when this group of Kimchi country netizens was about to refute.

Chinese netizens have cited one example after another. For example, some ancient Chinese figures have detailed records in the annals of history!

But Kimchi Country does not!

There are also various festivals in China, all of which have historical reasons.

While Kimchi Guoguang has this kind of festival, there is also no cultural source for the festival!

These examples are like slaps, fanning the faces of netizens in the Kimchi country!

“Didn’t you say that China stole your culture? Come on with evidence!”

“There is no evidence at all. Taking our China’s culture and complacent there, saying what the culture of your kimchi country is, shameless!”

“I think Chinese culture is very good and excellent. You can learn from it, but how can you steal culture? Even if you steal it, it won’t be a direct hit. It’s embarrassing to say that China is stealing your culture…”

“Also, Qin Feng is from China, born in China! How did he become your pickle country?”

“Speaking of this, I’m pissed, Kimchi Country is not only a country to steal, but also a country to spread rumors!”


When the evidence was put in front of these Kimchi country netizens, they all opened their mouths, not knowing what to say.

want to refute…

But they can’t come up with any evidence!

The expressions on their faces are even uglier than the color of pig livers!

But there were still people who said stubbornly, “Qin Feng is from our pickle country!”


Chinese netizens are stunned.

Qin Feng is from China, so even other foreigners know about it!

This kimchi country… Could it be that there is really something wrong with the brain?

Do you have to show evidence to shut them up?

But will Qin Feng take part in this turmoil?

Just at this time.

Zhang Yahan directly sent the most direct evidence, Qin Feng’s ID card, the nationality below shows the nationality of China!

“The people of the Kimchi country are flooded with water? You entertainment circles? It’s really funny!”

“Qin Feng is a proper Chinese person, these are all obvious things, how can this be slandered?”

“The act of stealing the country is disgusting!”

Evidence was presented.

Zhang Yahan just scolded a few words, and then didn’t bother to care about it.

And on the web.

Kimchi country netizens are completely speechless.

They were slapped in the face again and again, although they felt it was nothing.


I still feel a little unhappy!

“Qin Feng is from China? No wonder singing is so ugly!”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

“With such singing skills, how did you get the first place in the concert? Is it too deep?”

“Anyone in our Kimchi Country will definitely stabilize this bullshit Qin Feng!”

“What are you singing about!”


They had nothing to say and no evidence to come up with, so they started scolding Qin Feng directly.

Shout out!

This operation completely stunned all Chinese netizens.

Not only that.

Even the global netizens who watched the play were dumbfounded.

Are these netizens in Kimchi Country specializing in learning to change their faces?

All of them are professional face-changing masters. In one second, they said that Qin Feng is from the country of kimchi, and how good he is in singing.

As a result, Qin Feng is now Chinese.

They instantly changed their faces and complained, saying that Qin Feng’s singing was unpleasant, and they doubted the moisture of international concerts…


“Do the people of Kimchi only have seven seconds of memory?”

“What was said a few minutes ago, and then forgotten a few minutes later?”

“How did they finish these words without blushing?”

“I don’t think… there’s no need to talk to these kimchi people, they’ll forget it in minutes anyway.”

0 . …

Netizens all over the world feel that the speech of the Kimchi people is a bit too outrageous.

From the beginning.

They just said that the concert was going to be held in their kimchi country, but for various reasons, it was slapped in the face by the officials.

Later, everyone said that the kimchi country has no culture and is completely stealing the country.

As a result, Kimchi people refused to admit it, and said that China stole the culture of Kimchi, and was slapped in the face by China’s history.

And about Qin Feng…

He has been beaten in the face again and again, and the people of Kimchi have no feeling at all, and they are still scolding and slandering them here.

No one thought of this.


All countries began to laugh at the kimchi country.

“The people of Kimchi country are real clowns!”

“I heard that there are actually singers who signed up for concerts in their country, but the organizers of their international concerts ignored them at all!”

“After all, the singers in Kimchi Country are so rubbish, and the songs they sing can’t be heard at all. How can the organizers take care of them?”

“Pfft! Then they said they were capable of holding concerts?”

“They are already like this. Does anyone still believe their nonsense?”


The laughter came one after another.

Everyone is laughing at the clown performance of Kimchi Country!

The same is true for Chinese netizens.

I kept scolding the netizens of this group of kimchi country.

Also pay attention to what evidence is not evidence.

From the mouths of these kimchi country netizens, there is not a word that can be listened to!


He even said how Qin Feng was doing, which made Qin Feng’s fans so bearable?

They are yelling!

At this moment, everyone suddenly mentioned a name.

Hua Chenyu!

The performance of this pickle country is very similar to that of Hua Chenyu at that time.

All kinds of stubbornness, all kinds of disgusting, all kinds of slander!

Could it be that Hua Chenyu’s face was learned from Kimchi Country?

“Hua Chenyu is much more pleasing to the eye than this group of people from the Kimchi Kingdom. They know that he is not as good as Qin Feng, and now he has retired! But this group of netizens from the Kimchi Kingdom has brought disgusting words to the extreme!”

“Hahahaha Hua Chenyu was whipped again!”

“I also feel that Hua Chenyu is a little stronger than this group of kimchi people!”

“It’s just a raccoon dog on a hill!” Xiao.

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