Entertainment: No Money to Surf the Internet, Forced to be a Top Dtreamer!

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Where Has The Time G1? [Kneeling And Begging To Subscribe! 】

Chapter 126: Where has the time gone? [Kneeling and begging to subscribe! 】


In an instant, all the lights on the stage went out.

Everyone was stunned.

When I came to my senses, I saw another bright light on the stage, and under the light was a person sitting alone in front of the piano, looking a bit sad…

Qin Feng!

No one expected him to enter in this way.

So handsome!

But… Qin Feng is sitting in front of the piano, is he going to play?

Didn’t you say you’re going to sing a new song?

On the Internet, there are also barrages.

“Qin Feng! It’s finally time for Qin Feng! It’s not easy!”

“Hahahaha I just woke up, and it turned out that it was Qin Feng’s Spring Festival Gala debut time. Life is really beautiful!”

“Hey, after waiting for so long, it’s finally here, I won’t give a bad review for the Spring Festival Gala!”

“No, even if you want to give a bad review, where can you complain about the Spring Festival Gala?”

“It’s useless to expose it!”

Everyone has been waiting since Qin Feng agreed to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

Various expectations continue.

I have waited until now, a total of three months!

If this is the case, then everyone can still wait and won’t say anything.

But who would have thought that Qin Feng would sing a new song in the Spring Festival Gala, and this song could also be sung by the director team?

It is because of this that no one can think of.

Therefore, everyone is so curious about what this new song is.


This song, however, is not revealed at all!

Not even a single line of lyrics is known.

Everyone could only hold back their curiosity, and finally waited until 09 now that the concert started.

However, as soon as Qin Feng appeared, he immediately shocked everyone.

“Qin Feng is sitting in front of the piano, is he going to play? Or… sing while playing?”

“Do you want to play and sing songs at the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala?”

“As expected of the idol I admire, what I like is Qin Feng’s confidence! Full of confidence!”

“What if I make a mistake?”

“Pfft, how could Qin Feng make a mistake, can you speak with a little brain?”

On such a stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Everyone does not ask for a special one, everyone only asks for one word, and that is ‘steady’!

In a singing program like this, if you can ask for an accompaniment, you will never play it yourself.

If you play and sing.

Play well, that is the finishing touch.

Playing abnormally, that is superfluous.

The Spring Festival Gala is the most important program in China, so in the face of certain risks and seeking stability, everyone basically chooses to seek stability.

However, Qin Feng chose to play and sing!

Choose an option that everyone thinks is risky!


It’s not because of other reasons, but Qin Feng is full of confidence in his own strength.

But it’s just a sing-along.

Just do it like the previous rehearsal, and that’s it.

Qin Feng thought of this.

I slowly emptied my brain, and I was a little nervous at first, but it calmed down in an instant.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and other stages…

Other than the difference in culture, there is no difference.

What is there to be nervous about?

As a result, Qin Feng exuded a violent confidence!

next second.

His fingers lightly rested on the black and white piano keys.


He pressed one of the piano keys, and a long ethereal melody instantly sounded in the air, as if notes were floating in the air.

Everyone listened to this melody.

Fans who were initially irritable because of the wait, at this moment, relaxed their minds instantly.

As if the whole person’s heart has been washed!

“Is this Qin Feng’s new song? Just listening to this prelude, I’m going to blow this song!”

“Husband Qin Feng looks so handsome playing the piano. I want to have a baby for husband Qin Feng now!”

“How can you be so handsome wow!”

“It’s just…why does this melody sound so sad, and what is the connection between this song and filial piety?”

“Otherwise, what do you think the director’s team is to achieve collective tears? Just listening to this prelude, I want to cry directly!”


Qin Feng had just started playing the piano, and it quickly sparked a series of heated discussions.

No one thought that Qin Feng actually chose his new song at the Spring Festival Gala!

Originally, everyone just thought that this might be just talk.

Maybe it will be the “Dragon Fist” at the scene!

After all, among Qin Feng’s songs, there is no song better than “Dragon Fist” sung on the Spring Festival Evening.


Now Qin Feng has chosen a new song, and he still plays and sings it himself. This is just making it harder for him!

Just when everyone was thinking.

Qin Feng’s deep voice slowly began to sing.

“The old tree in front of the door grows new shoots.”

“The dead trees in the yard are blooming again.”

“Half survived a lot of words.”

“Hidden with white hair…”

The deep voice is mixed with sadness, which gradually enhances the emotional atmosphere of this song.

Just a simple first verse.

It penetrated directly through the body and directly hit everyone’s soul!

Sadness erupted instantly.

Everyone had a strong resonance, and the picture described in Qin Feng’s lyrics appeared in their minds.

Half-survived a lot of words, hidden in a head full of white hair…

Just this lyric.

It reminded everyone of their parents…

Thinking of my parents, and ‘saw’ their appearance with white hair now, instantly touched the hearts of countless people!

“I-I suddenly felt like I wanted to cry.”

Netizens couldn’t help expressing their remarks.

And this view was quickly accepted.


It’s not just the netizens around who want to cry!

“I haven’t been home for many years, and I didn’t feel anything at first, but when I heard the phrase ‘Have survived a lot, hidden in a head full of white hair’, it reminded me of my parents’ white heads It looks like the tears are worthless in an instant!”

“I haven’t been home for several years. I just finished the video call and said to reassure them that I’m doing well outside… But, no matter how good it is outside, where’s the best place to be at home?”

“I miss home…”

“Finally understand why the director team is crying, it’s too good to cry!”


People didn’t understand it at first, but it was just a song.

Even if I feel the same way, I won’t cry collectively!

until this moment.

After they heard the first lyrics, they instantly understood the mood of the director team at that time, and also understood why they were crying!

Because at this moment, they couldn’t help but want to cry.

“Little feet in memory.”

“Flesh little mouth.”

“Give your love to him for the rest of your life.”

“Just for that parent…”

Again, it came with a dull, low-pitched, sentimental song.

Everyone was startled suddenly.

It seems that the memory has been traversed, and all recalled his childhood, recalled his childhood.

Originally it was nothing.

But they ‘saw” their parents at this time, when they were still full of black hair, when their parents were still young!

Parents give all their love to themselves, just for the sake of parents!

Twenty, thirty years…

The parents have been contributing selflessly like this, never asking for anything in return, gradually turning from full of black hair to full of white hair, and wrinkles on their faces…

This is parents!

The first paragraph of the previous paragraph describes the appearance of the parents now, and the second paragraph now describes the appearance of the parents in the past.

There is a huge time difference in between!

From black hair to white hair, there are countless emotions in these short words!

In the audience of the Spring Festival Gala, half of them couldn’t help crying in just an instant.

The live singing is far more shocking than the online one.

This song hits the soul directly, making it easier for them to resonate with emotions. At the moment when they think of their parents, they burst into tears!

And the rest of the staff and stars…

Or in some positions, people who have been insisting on being unable to leave, and who will not be able to return to their hometown once in 2030.

When I heard these two verses.

This feeling is even stronger in their hearts!

They all missed their parents, and in just a moment, everyone felt a sore nose, tears were drawn from the corners of their eyes, and they couldn’t help crying.

in the live room.

With mixed feelings, everyone sent a barrage.

“This year’s New Year’s Eve, I didn’t go back to New Year’s Eve as usual, but I regret it now. No matter how busy I am at work, I should go home at this time, because my parents… are waiting for me…”

“Although my parents were by my side, I couldn’t help crying when I saw their white hair!”

“Looking back now, it seems that I have never been filial to my parents, and I have always made them worry and worry, but not long ago, I thought they were too annoying and had a big fight with them. Looking back now, I It’s really stupid!”

“Mom and Dad, you’ve worked hard…”


Everyone is telling their own stories.

Everyone did not expect that Qin Feng actually brought such a song to everyone.

Qin Feng opened his mouth to sing a few words, and many people resonated, and the tears seemed to be unstoppable, and the tears flowed down.

It turns out that this is the song of the singing and crying director group…

So this is the new song!

The curiosity in everyone’s heart finally got the most satisfactory answer at this moment.

If at that time, Qin Feng’s new song, if it leaked from somewhere, would everyone still feel this way?

Maybe maybe not.

But it certainly won’t be as shocking as it is now!

And this moment.

Even though the director’s team had already listened to it once, the second time, tears still flowed down.

There is no way…

Qin Feng’s singing is full of emotion and can instantly resonate with people.

The picture is so strong!

People in their 40s and 50s like them, hearing this song, are more likely to trigger their inner feelings.

The director group, weeping collectively once again! .

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