Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1017

After being asked about the”emailgate” issue.

Hillary didn’t panic, she was obviously prepared.

As long as the questioner doesn’t interrupt her like Trump and interrupts rudely, she won’t be afraid at all.

In her answer, Hillary avoided her responsibility very well and portrayed Goose Ross as an evil country.

Of course, under the influence of decades of Hollywood movies, most ordinary Americans do think so.

Hillary said,”We have never encountered such interference from a foreign power in our election. This is not only immoral, but also a violation of national sovereignty.”

Then she looked at her just like Trump looked at her before. Trump glanced at it and said with a smile:”I am very curious as to why the hackers from Ross chose this time to attack my email. I must point out that Mr. Trump and Ross have cooperated before. Showing a close relationship, so I think this may be because Ross wants Trump to be elected president.”

Trump also glared. In the United States, being anti-Ross is also politically correct, no matter what you were before. No matter what attitude you have, as long as you enter the political arena, then at least on the surface, you have to be like this.

As a country of immigrants, the United States will always need an opponent to maintain the government’s cohesion and dominance over the major states and people.

And Goose Ross is a long-term opponent chosen by the United States. (China is an alternative. If Goose and Ross wilt, then the title of”enemy” will be transferred to China.).

Trump is not stupid. He immediately claimed that he”didn’t know anything about Putin” and said that his financial situation was very good and that there was no financial relationship between himself and Elos.

After Trump’s defense, Hillary immediately continued to accuse the other party of not publishing her tax returns, using offense instead of defense to avoid further questioning about the”email gate”.

Trump fell into the trap again and began to explain.

He said his tax status will be announced after the audit is completed.

But soon, Trump also reacted, with annoyance on his face, and then launched a counterattack, and began to criticize Hillary’s tax policy.

He said that the United States has the highest taxes in the world, and Hillary wants to increase tax levels.

He said,”She will increase taxes on everyone.””This is a disaster.”

Hillary seized on Trump’s personal tax problem and accused him, saying,”Mr. Trump has not paid federal personal income tax for 20 years. I think this is the reason why he opposes my tax policy.”

Later, Hillary also defended her tax policy plan and said that she would not raise income taxes on families with an annual income of less than $250,000.

Hillary said:”I don’t want to take away your money, but I want to invest in you and your families.”

Then Hillary said in a mocking tone:”People like Trump don’t do anything for the country.” People who pay taxes for the military, don’t pay taxes for health care, and don’t pay taxes for education are totally wrong.”

People like Trump will only take care of people like Trump,” Hillary said. It became more and more intense, and the crowd became more and more excited.

The host then turned the question to issues related to the Iraq War and refugees.

Hillary mentioned Army Captain Humayun Khan who died in Iraq

“This man was also a Muslim. He died fighting for his country, but was ridiculed by Mr. Trump, because in Mr. Trump’s eyes, all Muslims are terrorists.

Trump sneered and said:”In my eyes, Mr. Khan is a hero, but why should a hero die?””

“If I were President of the United States, that unnecessary war would never have happened and Khan would probably still be alive now because the Iraq war was a disaster’”

He waved his left hand vigorously to strengthen his tone,”I will never send our people to Iraq to fight a war without a winner. I am not a warmonger.”

Then Trump He also mocked Hillary as unfit to be president.

He borrowed Sanders’s evaluation of Hillary and said:”You know, her judgment is very poor, she will only echo or constantly change her position for the sake of benefit.”

“If you choose Hillary, you are choosing Bill Clinton again. I can guarantee that when Hillary comes to power, her husband will definitely become the invisible president. Don’t forget why you overthrew him.”

Then he was asked about the refugee issue.

Trump believed:”There are many people entering the United States now, and we know very little about them. Many of them are murderers and drug traffickers. Hillary wants to increase the number of refugees by 550%. (Trump’s habitual exaggeration)”

Hillary retorted:”The war in Syria has created many refugees, and women and children have their heads broken every day. Trump’s attempt to ban people from entering the United States simply because of their religious beliefs is a stupid joke.

Hillary asked Trump,”Are we going to put everyone through a religious test?” What standards are you prepared to use to judge?”

Trump waved his arms and said:”Of course I will have effective methods. As long as I can become president, you will know.”

In the last half hour of the debate, the question briefly turned to foreign policy.

The moderator mentioned the war and humanitarian crisis in the Syrian city of Aleppo, and asked the two candidates how they would deal with the Syrian issue if elected.

Hila When answering this question, Li once again pointed the finger at Goros.

She loudly said:”Goros is the culprit. They bombed Aleppo not to fight IS, but to assist the Assad government in Syria to eliminate opposition. faction, safeguarding political power”

“Here, on behalf of myself and the Aoguanhai government, I unanimously call for a”war crimes” investigation into Syria and the Russian government, and at the same time, establish a no-fly zone and a safe zone to protect innocent local civilians.

She then said:”Of course, we will not send American ground troops into Syria, but we are prepared to arm the local people, especially the Kurds, to fight IS.””

Hillary knows that since the two wars of Iraq and Afkhan, the American people have no desire to participate deeply in the war.

Even in the Libyan war, the United States only sent air force bombers, and all ground battles were fought by opposition armed forces and mercenaries.

Trump said in his reply,”Hillary says she loves peace, but she keeps provoking war. She is indeed a liar.”

“I believe that despite the differences between the United States, Syria and Russia, the current top priority is to jointly fight IS, rather than adding extraneous enemies to ourselves. He also criticized Hillary’s foreign policy,”Hillary is a ridiculous person. She supports arming the opposition in Syria, but has no idea who these opposition are. IS is likely to be hiding among them. Providing weapons by these people may actually cause greater harm.

He appealed loudly:”You have to believe me, because the United States has tried to arm opposition groups in Libya and other countries before, but these opposition groups may eventually become more powerful enemies of the United States.””

Trump finally said:”The United States should not let Syria and Russia act alone.”

But he also did not specify whether he supports the United States directly sending troops.

It is worth noting that Trump has clearly expressed his opposition to running mate Pence’s stance on the policy toward Goose.

Pence once said in the vice presidential debate that the United States should respond to Goose. Tougher, but Trump said that America’s first priority is to fight IS, not to become an enemy of Goros

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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