Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1045

After a great month.

The media’s attack on Trump has begun again.

It’s still a little secret every day.

This time it was the Washington Post who took the lead:

“Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said in a speech on the Senate floor that Republicans will work hard next week to repeal the ‘Ao Guanhai health care reform law’’”

“Trump has been in power for half a year. But in the past six months, he has failed to achieve any of his three major legislative priorities: health care reform, tax reform, and infrastructure construction.”

“Among them, repealing the”Auguanhai Medical Reform” and replacing it with the Republican Party’s new medical insurance bill is the first major legislation established by Trump. The legislative advancement of tax reform and infrastructure is planned to be carried out after the health care reform plan has made progress.……”

“The stalemate continues. The Trump administration is considering refusing to issue a subsidy for low-income people provided by the Olympic health care reform this week. This move may arouse the dissatisfaction of a large number of people at the bottom.……”.

“Republicans failed to legislate this time because of internal defections. Although Republicans control both houses of Congress and the White House, with 52 seats in the Senate, winning the bill requires 50 votes in favor of the 11,000-seat Senate”

“Previously, Maine’s Susan Collins and Kentucky’s Rand Paul have stated that they oppose the repeal and replacement of the ‘Ao Guan Hai health care reform’ plan. Then two Republicans suddenly defected before the vote, causing the vote to be held and the legislation to be dead.’”

Trump expressed his dissatisfaction with the internal opposition to him on Twitter:”Republicans should repeal the failed ‘Obamacare’ program now and enact a brand new health care bill. Democrats will join in!”


This month, Ivanka is comfortable.

Martin is very happy about the arrival of”White Rabbit”

“Martin, can you take a few days off in October? There is a music festival in Las Vegas and we can go there for a few days.”Ivanka suggested

“《The progress of”Aquaman” is pretty good, no problem, just go and play it for a few days.”Martin said nonchalantly.



A strange thing happened in the United States, which made everyone in the melon-eating group amused.

An unidentified prankster with an IP address from England impersonated Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of U.S. President Donald Trump, and wrote to the official email address of Thomas Bossert, the White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Assistant.

The email read:”Hi Tom, we have a social gathering planned for the end of the month, it would be great if you could come, I guarantee the food will be at least better than what we had in Irak. I believe it will be a great night.”

Thomas Bosset believed it and replied:”Thank you, Jared. I can’t refuse such an invitation. I will participate.”

Then Thomas Bosset. He also took the initiative to provide his private email address for the other party’s contact needs.

As the White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Assistant, Thomas Bossert is only responsible for the White House’s network security, but even he was deceived, which really amused and surprised countless people.

Coincidentally, in addition to Bossert, Anthony Scaramucci, the third White House press director in the six months since Trump took office, was also”trapped”.

Scaramucci took office on July 21 this year.

At that time, there was strong opposition from then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, and current Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon, which also led to the resignation of the first two people.

Before Priebus was fired, the prankster pretended to be Huntsman, who was nominated by Trump to be the U.S. ambassador to Russia, and chatted with Scaramucci in emails.

“Whose head is going to be moved first?”

“Maybe I can help,” the”fake” Huntsman wrote in the email.

Scaramucci also fell for the trick and replied, saying:”There are two people.”

Although the specific names were not written, when CNN talked about it, it believed that Scaramucci was referring to Priebus and Bannon, whom he has always criticized.

“After”Fake” Huntsman said a few flattering words, Scaramucci replied:”Are you in Mosco now?” If not, come and sit.”

On the 29th of last month, the day after Priebus left, the prankster pretended to be Priebus and wrote an email to Scaramucci.

The two had a quarrel in the email. They broke up.

Ironically, Scaramucci was fired two days later, just 10 days after taking office.

Trump’s son Eric Trump also suffered the same scam. At that time, he received an email from the other party pretending to be his brother, Donald Trump Jr. However, he saw through the scam and replied:”The matter will be handed over to law enforcement.” The above was all caused by the prankster. He also posted his

“records” on the social networking site”Twitter”.

Some senior executives of the British bank Barclays, the American Goldman Sachs Group and the Citibank Group also made a fool of themselves after the incident..

White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders told CNN reporters:”We take all network-related issues extremely seriously and are conducting further investigations into these incidents.”

Martin was speechless. Although there are many elites in Trump’s team, there also seem to be many bastards.

Trump found Martin again and asked him to help him eliminate negative comments from the media.

This time Martin refused.

He said Trump said:”Donald, you should first find the leaker in the White House, not try to blackout the media. I can’t help you silence the media forever.

Trump said:”I will find the leaker, and that damn guy will not end well.””

After this conversation, within two days, leaks appeared again in the White House.

The full text of Trump’s phone calls with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Published by the Washington Post.

At that time, Trump asked the other party to stop publicly saying that Mexico would not pay for the wall.

Trump said:”You can’t say that to the media, the media will report it. Intolerable. You can’t say that to the media because in this case I can’t negotiate, it’s all bullshit.

Trump also said:”You know, your state of New Hampshire is a ‘den of drugs.’ I cannot allow those things to flow into the United States.””

On the same day, Trump called Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

During the call, Trump refused to accept an agreement to accept refugees.

Subsequently, Trump became more and more angry, and turned against Malcolm. Turnbull said:”I’ve been on the phone all day and this was the most unpleasant phone call I’ve ever had.”

After saying that, hang up.

《The Washington Post’s report once again set off mainstream media’s condemnation of Trump.

Trump also has no tolerance for these media.

In order to publicize his achievements, Trump sent his pregnant daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, to personally launch the”Real News” program and serve as the host.

Lara Trump listed Trump’s many achievements since taking office on the show.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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