Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1049

What was written on the document Martin gave Ivanka so surprised her.

This is a tragic event from a small town in southern Louisiana.

Bayou Corne.

This is a small southern town in Louisiana.

On June 12, 2012, people in the town discovered a strange thing: the ground in the town often shook, and many smelly bubbles emerged from the ground.

On August 3, the local government officially ordered people to evacuate the town immediately.

Subsequent investigations revealed that well-drilling activities by oil company Texas Brine had ruptured salt domes beneath the town.

Not long after people evacuated, a huge cesspool appeared in the central area of the town, and the pit was getting bigger and bigger, quickly turning 3,700 acres of land in the town into a poisonous land.

The residents of the small town are very dissatisfied with this oil company.

At the same time, they are also dissatisfied with the government’s failure to control the company.

What makes them even more angry is that the small town residents have a very difficult journey to seek compensation.

From the beginning of evidence collection, there have been obstructions, even violent obstructions.

The residents of the small town wrote a letter of complaint. In the letter, they expressed indignation:”The government is completely controlled by these huge companies, and they try every means to give these companies benefits and let them come to their own states. , opening up various business channels for these companies”

“The government may even pay them ‘incentive’ benefits. These companies also brought some new jobs to people, so at that time some people did think that the companies were good”

“But when bad things happened, people discovered that the government and the company had changed into a different face – blaming the blame, making excuses, avoiding people, violently preventing small town residents from petitioning, etc., and a series of ugly methods were used. come out”

“The problem lies with the companies, but also with the local state governments. The state governments neither provide people with any public services nor can they properly control these companies. So why should we pay taxes to a government that does not take its duties seriously? It’s better to get some tax back, since the government won’t do anything anyway”

“The residents of the small town began a continuous petition journey. Although there were many obstacles, they still obtained a considerable number of samples and took many photos and short videos as evidence.”

“It’s a pity that this evidence disappeared into the sea after entering the FBI, and there is no further information.”

“How did you obtain this information?”Ivanka was a little surprised.

Martin smiled and said:”It was provided by an important person in the FBI.”


Ivanka is a bit slanderous.

As the president of the United States, her father does not seem to have as deep connections in the government as Martin. It is a bit too miserable. No wonder the”leak door” cannot be cracked until now.

Martin said:”‘Oil Plantation’, pollution and environmental damage in the United States are an old problem. Not only this small town, but also many places have been affected. This should be a breakthrough. Sometimes, bringing public opinion together can also be a great force.”

(PS: American historians often liken the petrochemical companies in the South to a new plantation system. This system created an extremely small elite elite – in the past it was the plantation owners, now it is these large companies businessmen, a very large working class, and an almost non-existent middle class)

“Louisiana can actually be your father’s base. It has the largest number of red necks in the United States.”Martin said and took out another report.

He pointed to the data in the report and said:”Before the 1960s, there were large plantations here, and the poor white people other than the plantation owners were completely ignored. By the end of the 1960s, many groups began to enter the middle class. Those poor women, blacks, and immigrants continued to complain. Finally, through the civil rights movement in the 1960s, they were finally brought in by the government that belonged to the north and occupied the moral high ground. middle class”

“But these people in Louisiana are unwilling to complain or admit that they are ‘poor’, so they never get attention.”

“During last year’s campaign, Hillary publicly claimed that half of your father’s supporters were ‘a bunch of hateful people’, and she was referring to this group of rednecks – poor, poorly educated white people.”

“If you look at this data, Hillary’s words actually played a role in promoting your father to become president.”

“This data shows that after Hillary said this, your father’s approval ratings in Texas and Louisiana surged. Because those ‘rednecks’ think that Democratic candidates like Hillary are just ‘their president’ and ‘they’ refers to black people, women, and immigrants, so once Hillary takes office – she will help black people and women. , help immigrants, but not poor white people”

“They actually don’t like your father, but they deeply feel that Hillary and even the entire Democratic Party have abandoned them, so they hate Hillary and the Democratic Party even more. 0 ”

“Although your father has enough scandals to warrant an entire TV show: insults to women—public attacks on former Miss Universe Alicia Machado; racial slurs—in the case of notorious Ku Klux Klan leader David When David Duke announced his support, he failed to express his disapproval of support in time, etc.”

“Hey!”Ivanka showed dissatisfaction,”He is my father.”

“Okay, ignore the specific examples. Moving on to rednecks. Martin smiled and shrugged.

“These ‘red necks’ have different interpretations of your father’s behavior”

“For example, during the first televised general election debate last year, your father interrupted Hillary 29 times. To these rednecks, this is not a sign of lack of respect, but of dominance.”

“Your father belittles black people, discriminates against women, and rejects immigrants. It makes them feel that your father is one of their own, because these are what they think too.”

“These ‘rednecks’ may seem racist to us, but they don’t think so themselves. Their understanding of racism is simple. Racism is when people have resentment towards black people in their hearts, or when they say ‘nigger’ (the word starting with N) out loud, they don’t do such things, so they don’t think they are ‘racist’’”

“As for whether a person’s race factor of 3.9 is related to his ability to get an apartment in a Trump Towers (Trump Towers) everywhere, they don’t care. They also feel they don’t need David Duke, so they think they’re not racist anymore”

“They don’t understand racism in a structural way, yet they feel insulted by being called racist everywhere. The key issue is that what people see is that black people are inserted into their ranks through government support”

“While your father did eventually say he didn’t accept David Duke’s support, the language he used made it feel like he was being forced: ‘I won’t accept it, okay? ‘For people who feel deep down that black people and immigrants are their problem, people like your dad are very attractive.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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