Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1053

Martin called Ivanka

“Isn’t your father’s behavior of stirring up trouble on the Muslim issue a bit strange recently?”Martin said.

Ivanka’s answer on the opposite side seemed a bit hesitant,”Well, that’s just the way he is, sometimes he does stupid things.

Martin smiled and said:”Are you not doing something stupid? Are you trying to use the heat of this matter to cover up another matter, such as ‘Tong Goose Gate’?”’?”

Ivanka was obviously relieved,”You guessed it, oh, this is great, so I don’t have to hide it.”

Martin asked curiously:”So is it really a ‘goose gate’? Something happened again?”.

Ivanka said:”Yes, Michael Flynn pleaded guilty. As you know, he was my dad’s national security assistant. As of last week, Flynn’s lawyer is no longer working with my dad’s lawyer. The team communicated, and we speculated at that time that this guy might have reached an agreement with Mueller (former FBI director and special prosecutor for Tongemen)’”

(PS: The U.S. Department of Justice appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as Special Agent in Charge in May 2017.���Prosecutors are responsible for investigating Ross’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election, including whether the Trump campaign team”colluded” with Ross.

Flynn is the fourth person with ties to the Trump campaign to be indicted by Mueller, and the first official to have actually served in the Trump administration. Before him, Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates, and Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos~ have been indicted.

However, Manafort and Gates were previously indicted on charges that were not directly related to the”Goosegate” scandal, and they denied all charges. Papadopoulos has reached a plea agreement with prosecutors and admitted to perjury to the FBI regarding his contacts with Goose personnel. The White House’s response at the time was that the charges against Manafort and Gates had nothing to do with the Trump campaign, and that Papadopoulos was just a volunteer.

But the charges against Flynn are different. Flynn served as Trump’s senior adviser during the election and was confirmed as the president’s national security adviser shortly after his victory. The above-mentioned two contacts with Kislyak occurred during the transition period of the Trump administration. According to the Wall Street Journal, prosecutors stated in the indictment that Flynn had discussed the matter with”a senior official” on Trump’s transition team before calling Kislyak.

Flynn, 58, was the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Just 25 days after he officially took office as Trump’s national security adviser, Flynn was forced to resign after he concealed a call with Kislyak from Vice President Pence.

Since then, the media has not only revealed that he went to Turkey to participate in a TV celebration event at the end of 2015, sat at the same table with Russian President Vladimir Putin, gave a speech and received compensation from Turkey, and also worked as a lobbyist for the Turkish government.

The Intelligence Committees of the U.


House of Representatives and the Senate, which are conducting goose-related investigations, both requested Flynn and his consulting firm to provide relevant documents.

Flynn first refused, citing the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, but finally provided the documents to the relevant committees.


Ivanka continued:”We have received news that Michael Flynn has admitted to perjury in the ‘Tong Goose Gate’ investigation. This situation is extremely detrimental to my father.”

Martin said:”So your father used anti-Muslim Lin’s behavior to divert everyone’s attention, I have to say that this idea is terrible, it is one piece of shit superimposed on another piece of shit!”

Ivanka asked with anticipation after hearing this! :”Do you have a better way?”

Martin said:”I really do.”

December 22, 2017.

Americans suddenly discovered that Trump, their president who loves to express his political opinions online, suddenly disappeared from the Internet.

Seemingly overnight, all Trump accounts on the Internet disappeared.

Subsequently, social networking sites such as Twitter and Face Blog all displayed banners at the top of their homepages – December 22, Internet No Trump Day.

Twitter:”In light of Mr. Trump’s frequent inflammatory language online in the future, which violates our site guidelines, he will be removed for one day.”

Face”Hateful behavior and violence have no place on Face, and we will Block Mr. President’s account for one day as a warning.”

Blog:”We prohibit content that promotes hatred, encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence against groups or individuals. Accordingly, we will block Mr. Trump’s account. Disappeared for a day.”

Sarabu (Snapchat):”Our platform will shut down Trump’s Snapchat account because we believe that the account promotes and spreads hatred and incites violence.”

· ·Asking for flowers 0 0

YouTube:”This platform sternly declares that we will remove some inappropriate videos posted by Mr. Trump and suspend his account for one day.”

Twitch (live streaming video platform):”Twitch will shut down Mr. Trump’s channel today , this is a necessary step to protect our communities and prevent them from being used to incite further violence.’”

This massive”anti-Trump” action on the Internet attracted everyone’s attention. The matter was too big.

“The popularity of”Tong Goose Gate” was suddenly suppressed.

Subsequently, the mainstream media also followed suit and defined the incident as”the assassination of Trump”.”


《New York Times》:”On December 22, 2017, Trump was killed online”

《Washington post》:”This is an internet assassination attempt on Trump”

《Chicago Sun-Times》:”Trump disappeared. You can’t even Google the name. He was murdered.”

This massive online operation not only used a reverse black method to pull Trump out of the whirlpool of public opinion in the”Tong Goose Gate”, but more importantly, it showed the power of the Internet.


In a Democratic club.

Ao Guanhai and Kerrington were chatting.

Kerrington:”It’s terrible. We seem to have ignored the power of the Internet. Martin’s layout of social networking sites seems to have started in 1998?”

Ao Guanhai:”Yes, this alumnus of mine is a very far-sighted person.

Clinton suddenly asked:”He should have invested in the website that blocked Trump’s account yesterday. Is this considered a monopoly?” Ao

Guanhai shook his head and said:”He only holds a part of the shares and does not control it. However, Martin is very good at getting along with people. The technology tycoons in Silicon Valley seem to have a good relationship with him.” In fact, if Martin hadn’t spoken out to comfort him, these technology giants would have wanted to deal with Trump. After all, his policies……”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.) Zero.

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