Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1055

The Jerusalem area is definitely a flashpoint.

It is a holy place for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

The ownership of Jerusalem is not only the core of decades of grievances between Palestine and Israel, but also a major focus of conflicts between Israel and the Arab world, and even between Christian civilization and the Arab world.

In 1948, according to the United Nations Security Council resolution, the Palestine region should be divided into the Jewish state and the Arab state of Palestine. Jerusalem was placed under international jurisdiction and belonged to neither the Jewish state nor the Arab state. However, This plan never came to fruition.

The Arab multinational coalition, led by Egypt and Syria at the time, crossed the border and provoked the first Middle East War on the second day after the founding of Israel. They sent troops to occupy Jerusalem, but were eventually”counterattacked” by the Israeli army..

After Israel occupied about 23.5% of the West Bank that should have been assigned to Palestine, the two sides drew an armistice line called the”Green Line.”

In the nearly 70 years since then, wars have continued between Israel and the Arab countries in the Middle East. The Arab countries have been cowardly and have never won a single battle. The West Bank of Jordan, including Jerusalem, is basically under Israel’s actual control. under.

By 1980,

Israel, which had repeatedly won battles, became more and more confident, and simply legislated Jerusalem as its”eternal and indivisible capital.”

However, with the intervention of the international community, Israel also agreed to allow Palestine to temporarily gain co-governance of Jerusalem based on the 1949 Armistice Green Line.

As a result, the Palestinian Autonomous Government also announced that Jerusalem will be the capital of the State of Palestine, and specifically requested that the borders between Israel and Palestine be demarcated based on the”Green Line” to establish the State of Palestine, and that East Jerusalem should belong to State of Palestine.

However, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has repeatedly started with war, and the war has led to the intensification of conflicts. It can be said that there is no possibility of easing the two sides. The armistice is just a”halftime break”, and the truth is only within the range of the cannon.

Up to now, the ownership of Jerusalem has actually evolved into”Whoever grabs it will be the one who gets it, and whoever has the hard fist will get it.”

Reasoning on this issue is already a”mess” that cannot be sorted out.

However, because of its stronger military power, Israel obtained more land in Jerusalem, but acquiring territory through military occupation has been deemed illegal by the current international community.

Therefore, although Israel occupied most of Jerusalem, it was not legally recognized.

Previously, most countries, including the United States, still believed that the ownership of Jerusalem should be settled through negotiation between Palestine and Israel, and most of the embassies in Israel were located in Tel Aviv.

Obviously everyone has always been a neutral person, so why does Trump choose sides?

Of course to gain support from the”Jewish bloc”.

Since taking office, Trump has been in a state of distress. There have been various targets and stumbling blocks, both within and outside the party.

According to data continuously released by the American media, Trump has had a wave of opposition to him since he took office. Higher than a wave.

In order to solidify his ruling foundation, Trump must get closer to the flourishing”Jewish group” in American politics. His way of expressing this in diplomacy is to increase his support for Israel.

“Not only to win over the Jewish group, my father also wanted to make Israel a pawn of the United States in the Middle East.”Ivanka said on the phone

“I know the opposite of Donald and his think tanks. The United States cannot let Syria fall into the hands of Iran. Even if it cannot overthrow the Bashar regime and establish a pro-American regime, it must allow Syria to be in long-term turmoil and war, and let Iran Lang is trapped in it and can’t get out, can he?”Martin said.

In Martin’s view, there is no doubt about Israel’s strong strength. It has been in the Middle East for decades and has many enemy countries, but it has never been defeated. It is indeed qualified to act as a”shit stirrup”.

For Martin, he also hopes Let the Middle East be a little more chaotic, so that when he makes trouble in West Africa, he won’t attract attention!


On the same day after U.S. President Trump announced his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and promised to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the U.S. State Department website released the latest”Global Alert” announcement.

The announcement stated,”As terrorist attacks, political unrest, and violence often occur without warning, U.S. citizens are strongly recommended to remain highly vigilant and take appropriate measures to increase security awareness when traveling.”

The announcement added,”U.S. government facilities around the world On high alert. These facilities may temporarily close or periodically interrupt public services to assess their safety. U.S. embassies and consulates will do their best to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens overseas. , and get in touch with the nearest U.S. Consulate” three days later.

War breaks out again in the Middle East.

The town of Sderot, which is closest to the Gaza Strip, was attacked by multiple rockets fired from Gaza. The local council of Israel issued a red alert signal.

A representative of the Israeli army announced to the media:”Palestinian youths and the Israeli army are exchanging fire, and the specific details are being learned.”

December 18.

On the occasion of the Muslim”Judah”, hundreds of Muslims go to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray every Friday.

Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, has declared 22318 as the”Day of Anger” and called on the people to start a new round of”great uprising” on this day.

The resistance movement said:”Unless Trump changes his mind, the war will continue.”

According to news from the British Broadcasting and Television (BBC) on the 18th, in response to the tense situation, Israel has sent several additional troops to the West Bank. Hundreds of soldiers.

At present, dozens of people have been injured in the conflict

���Ding paid attention to the situation, edited the movie, and remotely controlled the internal construction of Guinea.

The war between Israel and Palestine seems to have nothing to do with Martin or Guinea, but –

I heard that the United States is planning to sell sixteen F16 fighter jets to Israel?

Israel doesn’t need so many. It should be okay to give Guinea a few. We can pay more!

Well, Guinea’s domestic army has recently undergone a major change of equipment, and a number of weapons have been eliminated. They are all American equipment and may be sold to Palestine and IS organizations.

Relocation plans for some industrial bases in Eastern Europe can also begin.

Not only will the machinery and equipment be transported into Guinea, but the workers will also be recruited.

And over in China, the truck production line should also be in transit, right?

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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