Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1057

Although Guinea’s nuclear power plant has just begun construction.

But in fact, the preliminary work of this nuclear power plant has already been carried out.

Because the purification of uranium 235 is not that simple, otherwise why do most countries not have the ability to build nuclear weapons? The principle is obviously so simple.

Then we have to take a look at the construction steps of a nuclear power plant.

First, uranium ore is mined, and then a hydraulic hammer is operated to break the ore into small pieces, which are then fed into a mill and ground into fine sand.

Next, concentrated acid, alkali or peroxide solution is poured into it, and after a series of chemical reactions, a uranium oxide powder with a concentration of 70% to 90% is obtained.

The purpose of this step is to separate uranium from uranium ore.

Then, the hardest part comes.

As we all know, uranium-235 is an isotope, and its content accounts for about 0.7% of natural uranium ores.

Its good brother uranium-238 accounts for 99% of natural uranium.

However, uranium-238 has no nuclear energy utilization value.

Therefore, if you want to build a nuclear power plant or manufacture weapons, you must first separate these two brothers.

And it is this step that has stumped 90% of the countries in the world.

Now, we need to chemically react the chemically decomposed uranium oxide powder with hydrofluoric acid to obtain uranium hexafluoride gas.

Then it’s the centrifuge’s turn.

This kind of centrifuge is not an ordinary centrifuge, but a special uranium enrichment centrifuge. This technology is a key technology for nuclear fuel production and cannot be manufactured by most countries.

Next, we inject the gas we just obtained into the uranium enrichment centrifuge.

Under the high-speed rotation of the centrifuge, the heavier uranium 238 will be thrown towards the tube wall, while the lighter uranium 235 will stay in the center area, and then the gas near the axis will be exported and transported to another centrifuge machine for further separation.

How difficult is this part of the job? Let’s take Yilang as an example.

Because of the technical limitations of the centrifuge (actually, it is a miracle that Yilang can make its own uranium enrichment centrifuge), Yilang used tens of thousands of its own centrifuges and spent ten years to purify 300 kilograms. Enriched uranium with an abundance of 3%.

(PS: Abundance refers to the relative proportion of the weight of a chemical element in a certain natural body to the total weight of the natural body.)

When the concentration of uranium-235 increases, it will be sent to a special nuclear fuel manufacturing plant.

After a series of processes, they are converted from gaseous form into solid uranium dioxide powder, which is then compressed into small fuel particles and heated to make hard ceramic materials, which are uranium dioxide ceramic pellets.

These pellets are typically cylinders 1 cm in diameter and 1 cm in height.

Finally, hundreds of pellets are stacked together and put into a zirconium alloy casing about 4 meters long. This is the fuel rod.

Fuel rods can continue to be combined into fuel assemblies, with more than 90 fuel rods in each assembly.

A 1,000-megawatt pressurized water reactor requires about 27 tons of uranium per year, which is about 18 million fuel pellets and more than 50,000 fuel rods.

In comparison, a coal-fired power station of the same size requires more than 2.5 million tons of coal to generate the same amount of electricity.

Martin began purifying uranium 235 in Guinea ten years ago.

The preparations have been completed long ago


It’s August

《Aquaman will be released soon.

The publicity has already begun.

The three versions of the trailer have already generated heated discussions on the Internet.

Like the original timeline, the splendid underwater world created by Martin has aroused the interest of countless movie fans and formed a big discussion on the Internet.

For humans, the deep sea and the universe are also places we have not yet explored and are equally mysterious.

《The overall state of the”Aquaman” premiere can be described as star-studded.

What caught the attention of the media was that Nicole Kidman, who played”Sea Mother” in the film, even brought her and Martin’s son Connor to the ceremony. The eight-year-old boy looked very handsome.

“Is this Martin’s son? So handsome!”

“In the past, we could often see Martin taking his son out to show off his baby, but then we stopped seeing him.”

“I heard that Nicole disagreed”

“So why do you agree now?”

“I guess he has grown up.”

Although little Connor is young, it can be seen that he has received a good upbringing since he was a child, and he is generous and polite in dealing with others.

During the interview, a reporter from the New Englander, who has always been unfriendly to Martin, deliberately asked He asked a malicious question:”Connor, have you seen”Get Out” filmed by your father?

Connor replied honestly:”I have seen it.””

“So what do you think about your dad filming a white family as evil serial killers?”

Nicole became angry when she heard this, and just when she was about to stop him, little Connor already smiled and replied:”Okay, I know what you mean.”

“You want me to express my father’s discrimination against white people? Wow, my dad filmed white people as serial killers, that was so bad! Do you want to hear this?”

Little Connor’s expression became vivid and he continued:

“If you say so, my father is not the only one who discriminates against white people. You must know that in all the TV shows and movies about serial killers so far, the perverted killer is white. Tsk tsk tsk, every killer is white!”

“So it’s not just my dad, right?”

“Look at what they film, I know, not all white people are serial killers, but all serial killers are white and that’s discrimination.

Connor paused here and smiled at the reporter:”Isn’t it? Is this discrimination?””

The reporter from”The New England News” nodded subconsciously, thinking that the child had been”brought into the ditch” by him. He had written some news for tomorrow, and he had already thought of the title,”Martin Meyers’ son accused”His father discriminates against white people”, and the child’s words also involved other directors, which might make the matter bigger…

He was having a sweet dream, but little Connor changed the subject and said with a smile:

“White people are all serial killers, haha, this is really a big deal, but it is not the fault of white people, it is because only white people can be serial killers. Only white people can quietly commit eight murders in a row without getting caught.”

“Other races can’t do it. It’s not the fault of the directors, nor the fault of white people.”

“Do you think there are no black people or people of other colors who want to be serial killers?”

“Of course there is! Perversion knows no race, just like discrimination.”Speaking of this, Connor glanced at the reporter and meant something.

“But they can’t succeed!”

“Can you imagine a black serial killer? He drives to the supermarket to buy groceries and is stopped by the police on the way.”

“Officer, what’s wrong with me?”

“The taillights are not on”

“It’s open”

“The police officer is threatened, please allow him to be shot.”

Connor imitated the conversation between the black man and the police, which caused a lot of laughter in the interview area, especially the black reporters. The laughter was mocking, mocking the New England reporter.

Connor continued:”India Americans, Latinos, and Asians can’t be serial killers because their families are too controlling.”

“Imagine an Indian, Latino, or Asian serial killer comes home with a suitcase”

“Oh, mom, don’t go through my things”

“Why is there someone hidden in your suitcase?”

“What are you doing!”

“Oh, call the doctor, call the police, this man fainted”


Connor’s vivid imitation made the reporters laugh again.

Except for the reporter from the New England Newspaper.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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