Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1060

The Republic of Liberia is a poor country in West Africa that borders Guinea.

The biggest goal of knowledgeable people in China is to”immigrate to France” and become a European.

This country once experienced a very cruel African tyrant-Samuel Canyon Doe.

Doe was born in a rural tribe in the interior of Liberia. The Klan is the largest indigenous ethnic group in Liberia and still constitutes a minority in the population. Together with other local ethnic groups, they were ruled by American-born Liberians in the past.

American-Liberians are black people from the Americas who returned to Africa and established Liberia in 1847. The subsequent 20 presidents were all American-Liberians.

The so-called American-Liberians are actually black people who were driven out of the country by the United States at that time.

At that time, the United States had already begun the Industrial Revolution, and the abolition movement was in full swing in the United States. After the plantations were abolished, life for black people did not become easier.

Yes, they gained so-called freedom, but they were unable to live in this country. At that time, nearly 200,000 black people could not find suitable jobs and became a factor of social instability.

These black people who were forced to”idle around” were discriminated against in American society at that time.

Called the”black plague” by white people”、””Black bug”.

In this case, the antagonism between blacks and whites began to intensify, and the social security in the United States was also greatly affected.

So27, someone27 proposed a way, that is, to repatriate these blacks to their homeland. Their hometown – Africa.

Soon, this proposal was passed, and most of these black people were repatriated to Liberia.

What is interesting is that these black people had a unhappy life in the United States and lived at the bottom of society, but after arriving in Liberia, they But they showed a strong sense of superiority and called themselves”American-Liberians”. This group of people who were once discriminated against also brought racial discrimination to the African continent. At the same time, they looked down upon the local black people in Liberia.

And accepted the so-called”freedom” of America”、”Brainwashed by the idea of “human rights”.

So in July 1847, the federal government of Liberia was established and announced its founding. It followed the example of the United States and issued its own”Declaration of Independence.” From then on, the country of Liberia was born.

The Liberians who were repatriated from the United States hugged each other for warmth and gradually became The famous local families control the lifeblood of this country. The scene that once happened in the United States is repeated here.

However, the protagonists are replaced by American-Liberian blacks and local blacks.

In the struggle for more rights and interests, the struggle between different forces has been accompanied by Liberia’s more than 100 years of founding history. One of the most famous regime changes was the”Rice Incident” that occurred in Liberia on April 14, 1979. In the”Rice Incident”, the opposition parties protested against the increase in rice prices by President William Richard Tolbert’s government.

The authorities dispatched military police to suppress the demonstration, killing and injuring more than 500 demonstrators.

Since then, protests have spread across the country. , strike movements came and went.

In March 1980, the mass movement in Monrovia once again reached a climax. Late at night on April 12, 1980, Doe led a dozen people.

A man wearing a National Guard uniform quietly sneaked into the Liberian presidential palace.

After a”fierce” gun battle, Doe rushed into the president’s bedroom. Before President Tolbert could speak, he was killed by Doe’s submachine gun. He lost his life.

In the early morning, Doe commanded the coup troops to occupy the presidential palace, and immediately announced on the radio that the coup was successful.

Americans of Iberian origin have ruled this country for more than 100 years, and no one would have thought of a local with a poor family background. The indigenous black people finally succeeded in seizing power with dozens of soldiers.

After the coup, Doe obtained the position of general and established the People’s Redemption Committee (PRC) composed of himself and 14 other low-level officials. The early stages of the regime aimed at overthrowing the old Liberian government and purging former President Tolbert’s staff one by one.

At the same time, Doe also ordered the release of about 50 opposition leaders, mostly because of their opposition. The leader of the opposition party who was imprisoned for the Zhenhui Party.

After that, Doe arrested 91 former government officials. I don’t know if it was in retaliation for the discrimination he had suffered in the past.

The country was building better, but there was a massive liquidation of former government officials and people who had discriminated against them.

Within days, 11 former members of Tolbert’s cabinet, including his brother Frank, were charged with””Treason, rampant corruption and gross violations of human rights” and other crimes were charged.

Immediately afterwards, Doe suspended the Constitution and established a separate committee to investigate and deal with old government officials. These officials refused to attend because the defendant jury was secretly threatened and refused to attend. Without exception, they were sentenced to death.

Doe’s methods were outrageous, and his methods of punishing these officials were also very inhumane.

It is reported that he ordered people to strip off their clothes and tie them naked to a tree on the beach. On the pile.

The poor officials were shivering in the sea breeze, and some were frozen to death. This kind of behavior of expressing personal anger is despised even in Africa, which is relatively backward in culture and economy. It can even be said to be a regression of human society.

It can be seen from here that Doe is not only uneducated, but also has no sense of the rule of law, giving people a sense of upstarts that”this country belongs to me, and I can do whatever I want.”

In addition, Doe’s cruelty is also reflected in his treatment of teammates who participated in the changes. These people can also be regarded as major contributors to Doe’s government.

What awaits them is not high-ranking officials and generous salaries, but various unfounded charges, which truly explains what”a cunning rabbit dies and a running dog is cooked”.

In the end, some of these people were captured and some were killed. Doe’s behavior burned bridges across rivers and demonstrated ingratitude to the fullest.

The new ruler of Liberia seems to have great ill will towards everyone.

Once, the editor-in-chief of the news department of Liberia’s national television station went to the presidential palace for an interview. Doe happened to be in a bad mood that day. Before the other party could ask questions, Doe ordered the editor-in-chief to be dragged down and beaten to death with a wave of his hand.

After some cleaning, the forces opposed to Doe in Liberia no longer pose a threat to him, and the former dragon slayer has completely turned into an evil dragon that does all kinds of evil.

In 1985, Doe announced that he would hold a presidential election the following year. He was successfully elected as president in January 1986. With absolute power, Doe began to make money for himself, and countless people suffered.

In the past ten years, he has deposited at least US$200 million overseas, not counting the savings of his family members, and Liberia’s annual GDP is only US$850 million.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liberia feeds the entire Doe family as a country.

As time went by, the Liberian people became increasingly dissatisfied with Doe.

During his 10 years in power, Doe experienced 36 coups, large and small, and suppressed anyone he considered his political opponents.

In 1990, his end finally came.

In December 1989, Charles Taylor, who was Doe’s good friend and former Deputy Minister of Information of Doe, rose up in rebellion. His rebellion was unstoppable. More than half of the towns were controlled by Taylor’s anti-government forces.

In order to prevent the war in Liberia from spreading to neighboring countries, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Libya and other countries sent multinational peace forces to Liberia to mediate.

On September 9, 1990, the rebel army led by a soldier named Prince Johnson took the lead in attacking the capital, Monrovia, and Doe was arrested.

Prince Johnson allowed his 097 subordinates to abuse him in the military 097 camp.

Jason decided to”strip him naked, just like he used to do to others!”

Doe lay naked on the ground, blood still flowing from her legs.

The trial begins.

Jason pointed at Doe majestically and asked:”Doe, during your time in power, you took bribes, perverted the law, and killed innocent people. Do you know your guilt?”

Doe remained silent. He knew his fate, and it was useless to talk.

When Jason saw that Doe was silent, he immediately got angry and said,”Okay, if you don’t speak, someone will cut off one of his fingers.”

With a scream, Doe’s left index finger was cut off.

Jason resumed his interrogation, but Doe remained silent.

Another finger was chopped off.

After chopping and chopping, all ten of Doe’s fingers had been chopped off, and he fainted several times from the pain.

However, Jason did not forgive him.

He also ordered people to cut off Doe’s ears.

At this time, Doe simply became a bloody man. but he���He was silent, and when Jason saw his appearance, he became even more angry.

Jason took the last resort and cut off Doe’s genitals.

The rebels placed the ex-president who last breathed his last breath on a single bed and made it look like an exhibit for all the people to see.

In this way, Doe was brutally tortured to death.

Doe died completely the next day. After hearing the news, the people of Liberia cheered and celebrated that the tyrant had finally been punished as he deserved. It only took less than ten years for Doe to go from glory to fall.

His body was then cut open and the flesh was eaten by the Liberian people.

The scene of his ears being cut off was also recorded on camera and spread around the world.

The video shows Prince Jansen watching all this while drinking a bottle of Budweiser beer.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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