Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1064

2018 is coming to an end, and the”Russia Gate” continues to ferment.

The investigation of Special Counsel Mueller of the U.S. Department of Justice and the investigations of multiple congressional committees are still continuing, and the media is closely watching

“Will the Russia investigation lead to Trump’s impeachment?

This is what many Americans want to know

《The New York Times believes:”There is no end in sight to the ‘Russian collusion’ investigation. It has partly evolved into a political tool for the struggle between the two parties in the United States and will continue to distract Trump’s energy in power. But unless there are currently unknown or unknown Conclusive judicial evidence has been disclosed, otherwise it will be difficult to impeach Trump. Even if he is impeached, there will be no result.……”

At present, it seems that among the investigations led by multiple parties, anti-Trump people have the most”high hopes” for the progress of Mueller’s investigation.

On the one hand, Mueller’s investigation has penetrated deep into Trump’s inner circle and arrested several people close to Trump.

On the other hand, the content of Mueller’s investigation obviously goes beyond the”Tong Goose Gate” itself, and the time period involved is far from limited to the 20-180-80 election period. The possibility increases.

Mainstream media in the United States have also recently reported that Trump himself may also be questioned by Mueller’s team.

“Miller was definitely under the orders of the Clinton family. He and his team were like mad dogs, trying to take a piece of my dad’s body.”Ivanka said on the phone.

Martin said a few words of relief casually.

In his memory, something even worse was about to happen.

Sure enough, history has not changed.

The 2018 mid-term elections in the United States on Tuesday (November 6) ) is officially over. The 50 states of the United States and Washington, D.C., will elect 35 senators, 435 representatives, governors of 36 states, and many legislative seats in each state.

After 8 years, the Democratic Party has regained control. The majority party in the House of Representatives, while the Republican Party has retained its majority in the Senate.

This midterm election has attracted much attention in North America and even the world, because the results of this election will affect Trump’s policies and his re-election in 2020. Elections, etc.

First, the mid-term elections will determine the majority party in Congress and some state governors.

If the ruling party can occupy a majority in Congress, it will be beneficial to the implementation of various economic and regulatory policies in the future; With a majority of seats in Congress, the president will be greatly constrained in exercising power.

Secondly, the two parties compete fiercely to promote their governing ideas and improve the public’s favor for the party.

In fact, during the election, The Republican Party had an advantage at the beginning, but it was reversed at the last moment by the Democratic Party.

Many people in the Republican Party blamed Trump for this result.

In fact, before the election began, Trump was worried about himself.

“I hope they don’t take it for granted, sit back and not vote, and then suffer a big setback because the people on the other side are desperate and go out to vote, and they are even more motivated.

” But I think because of the tremendous success we’ve had, I have a feeling we’re going to do well in ’18.

I must say this: History is not on our side.

“The president’s party typically loses seats in midterm elections, and that pattern will be repeated this year,” said Jim Kessler of the research group Third Way.

If the Democrats take the high road, they should be able to win many, many seats, but whether they can surpass the Republicans depends on a bit of luck.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that this will also help Republicans.

He said:”My view is that we are helping the American economy pick up, but the cold winter will not be lifted so quickly.

If we There is no way to sell this to the American people, then we should find another job.

After the referendum results came out, the New York Times published the remarks of John Hudak, an analyst at the Brookings Institution:”Many voters, especially Trump’s critics, may regard the midterm elections as A referendum on Trump.

If the Democratic Party wins, it may mean that public support for Trump has dropped again and he will not win re-election.

It’s Christmas time

《The global box office of”Aquaman” has exceeded US$1.148 billion, of which the North American box office exceeded US$335 million ($335,104,314), accounting for 29.2% of the total box office, and the overseas box office exceeded US$813 million ($813,424,079), accounting for 70.8% of the total box office.

The most eye-catching thing is that”Aquaman” earned a box office of US$290 million in mainland China, which is close to the US$330 million box office in North America.

China’s box office potential is fully revealed.

In addition to North America and China, there are 21 countries and regions where the box office of”Aquaman” exceeded US$5 million.

A famous female critic in Hollywood posted a long review of”Aquaman” on Facebook on Christmas Day.

She wrote:

“《The success of”Aquaman” proves that people still prefer a more grounded superhero. Marvel movies have done better at this point, but DC is also catching up.”

“The character Aquaman is actually not lovable in DC comics. He first appeared in comics in 1941 and was one of the founders of the Justice League in the Silver Age. However, his status is high but his popularity is low. He is only replaced among the Big Seven. The Martian Manhunter has more presence………”

“In the animation of the ancient times, the”Super Friends” series, Aquaman was very popular among children, and was once as popular as Superman, but that was too long ago, and those children are now too old to watch the movie……….”

“The unlikability of Aquaman is, to put it bluntly, a problem with the character’s ability. Although DC has been making adjustments, from talking to sea creatures to controlling sea creatures, and trying various characters, it has not been particularly successful.”

“Aquaman’s position in the alliance is another black spot. His combat power is not as good as Superman’s, his leadership is not as good as Batman’s, and his personality is not as likable as The Flash or Green Lantern. Cyborg can at least be used as a Wikipedia and a portal. The most important thing is that he can’t fly. Once the story develops to the cosmic level, he will be useless.”

“The story of Martin Meyers’ movie version of”Aquaman” mainly talks about how Aquaman searches for the source of his bloodline and gains growth experience in the process. Unlike many superheroes, Aquaman is regarded as a ‘hybrid’ among superheroes. Therefore, the confusion of identity also makes him often need to use his strong side to protect himself.”

“Martin weakened the cruel side of”Aquaman” in the comics, gave this superhero a more down-to-earth character, and added some humorous and funny elements. Some are reckless and some are cute, but the sense of justice is never lacking.”

“There are also some minor flaws in his character. For example, when Aquaman competed with his half-brother Orm for the throne, he was not competitive. He was defeated in several battles and even escaped from the battlefield. These plots all reflect this ‘superhero”s inner inferiority complex.”

“If the director does not control it well, such flaws may make the audience lose interest in the character, but Martin did a good job 4.7. The flaws of the character did not affect his image qualities 4.7. This character has his shining points from beginning to end.”

“In addition, Martin also made a great subversion of the image of Aquaman in the movie. This is a very entertaining character with long brown hair, strong muscles and dense tattoos. He wears big leather pants and looks punk. Rock style, completely subverting the audience’s imagination”

“What I like most about the film is that although this is a male-led film, the actions of Aquaman in the film are all driven by female characters.”

“This is also a consistent feature of Martin’s films. Female characters always attract attention, whether it is Pepper Potts in”Iron Man” or the villain in”Get Out”, they are all very distinctive.”

“《The success of”Aquaman” is inevitable. Superhero movies must of course bring fun to the audience, take them on a fantasy journey, and let people learn something from the characters. This is how it should be.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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