Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1068

After the Oscars.

Martin immediately traveled to Guinea and then into Liberia to receive several mineral deposits promised by Weah.

Liberia’s iron ore reserves are 4 billion to 6.5 billion tons (iron content 30% to 67%), making it the second largest iron ore producer and exporter in Africa.

The iron in Liberia was formed during the Archean Eon (more than 3 billion years ago). The high- and medium-grade mineral deposits were caused by tropical weathering and rainwater, which wetted the silicon oxide, and finally enriched the iron.

Weathering changes magnetite into hematite and can also form hydrous iron oxides, such as limonite.

After Martin helped the Weah government deal with the rebels, the other party returned the favor and gave 50% of the shares in the three iron ore mines of Nimba Mountain, Bano River, and Basso Mountain to the mining industry under the Meyers Group. company.

This time, Martin brought a group of managers and prospectors to inspect his property.

The first stop is Nimba Mountain.

Ningba Mountain is not only a mountain, but a nature reserve covering a total area of 130 square kilometers, with tropical rainforest, mesophytes, and savanna ecology. This area is home to rare animals such as chimpanzees, dwarf buffaloes, and endemic animals such as viviparous toads.

It is located between Guinea and Liberia, with most of it in Guinea.

The core area occupies 21,780 acres, the buffer zone occupies 35,140 acres, and the transition zone 88,280 acres.

The mountain range runs from southwest to northeast, with the highest peak, Ningba Mountain, at an altitude of 1,752 meters.

The south of the mountain is lowland tropical rainforest, and the north is savanna. The Nuon and Kavala rivers originating from the mountains form the boundary between Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire.

By coincidence, part of the country with rich iron ore veins happens to be located in Liberia.

When he arrived at the simple living area that had been set up, Martin was surprised to see that the current President of Liberia, Weah, was also here.

He just came to see Martin.

For no other reason than to get more investment from Martin.

There was nothing Weah could do.

After fourteen years of civil war, the economy of this already poor country was completely devastated.

More than a decade of civil war has already exhausted the trust between tribes, and the outbreak of Ebola has brought unbearable trauma to Liberia.

According to statistics from the World Bank, Liberia’s per capita GDP last year was only 621 US dollars (approximately 4,347 yuan), making it one of the least developed countries in the world.

The impoverished economy has made people’s livelihood in Liberia difficult, and the turbulent situation has also brought difficulties to social security, which has seriously affected the people’s happiness.

As of 2019, Liberia’s poverty rate is as high as 63.8%, the illiteracy rate is as high as 58%, the infant and child mortality rate is 53‰, the maternal mortality rate is as high as 7.3‰, and the HIV infection rate is as high as 1.3%. The data are shocking.

According to the 2018 Human Development Index released by the United Nations Development Program, Liberia ranks 176th out of 189 countries and is a typical example of a”failed state”.

Although Weah went abroad to play football when he was young, Weah still has a sense of belonging and responsibility to the place where he was born and raised.

He wants to build this country up.

Since”want” is produced,”desire” is produced. Since there is”desire”, then Martin can operate easily.

Weah left with a smile on his face, but he didn’t know that there was already something in his head.


After joining the Republican Party, Martin was taken by Trump to attend several rallies, and he recognized and controlled many party bosses and pro-Republican elites.

In 2019, a major”plague” swept across the world.

At first, the American government did not take it seriously. Trump even said boldly:”The plague only affects Asians.”

Before he could finish his words, the plague had already spread in the United States.

The time has come to January 22, 2020.

Trump tried to downplay the dangers of the new coronavirus, telling the public:”We have it completely under control, and things will get better soon.” On

January 24, Trump reiterated his claim, saying The epidemic can be controlled. He said on social media:”The epidemic prevention and control work is very smooth.” On

January 28, Trump’s adviser Robert O’Brien issued a warning:”The new epidemic cannot be underestimated. It is not only the biggest national security threat that the United States will face, but also the biggest challenge during Trump’s term.” On

February 6, the first American died of the epidemic.

Trump still chose to downplay the epidemic throughout February. He stated at an epidemic briefing that the disease would completely”disappear” in April.

As of February 9, 2020, the United States is still in the midst of an epidemic.

The 92nd Oscars will be held as scheduled.

Celebrities attended the event wearing masks.

On February 25, Trump said that the United States was close to developing a vaccine.

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Subsequently, White House staff quickly clarified that Trump was referring to the Ebola vaccine, not the SARS-CoV vaccine. What is embarrassing is that the Ebola vaccine has long been approved in the United States.

On February 26, Trump compared the COVID-19 virus to the flu and once again said that it would”disappear” soon.

Sources revealed that in private, Trump clearly told reporters that the new coronavirus is more”deadly” than the severe flu.

In March, the COVID-19 epidemic spread rapidly in the United States, and the mortality rate climbed to 3.4% globally.

Trump said in an interview:”I think the 3.4% figure is wrong. I have talked to many confirmed patients. Many people have very mild symptoms and they will get better quickly without even going to the doctor.””



In addition, Trump continues to praise his anti-epidemic policies.

He told Americans the pandemic would soon be gone.

However, his rhetoric is completely inconsistent with some of his actions.

On March 13, Trump declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency.

On the same day, Trump said that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was producing test kits much slower than other countries.

On March 18, Trump signed an epidemic relief bill, which included free virus testing and paid leave and other related provisions.

At the end of March, more than one-third of the world went into lockdown.

Trump tried to reverse his previous remarks and said that he had been fighting the epidemic seriously for several months.

In April, Trump took the lead in refusing to wear a mask, which was contrary to the guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Trump said:”I think it is very inappropriate to wear a mask when greeting the president, prime minister, king, and queen.”

At the same time, the epidemic continues to spread, with 4.4 million people applying for unemployment, and the total number of unemployed people has reached approximately 26 million people, the death toll in the United States exceeds 50,000.

In mid-April, Trump made his famous”disinfectant” remarks.

He said that injecting disinfectant can kill the virus within a minute.

Health officials across the country issued urgent warnings, calling on Americans not to heed this advice. Injecting bleach or other disinfectants is dangerous and cannot treat COVID-19.

Martin was very curious, was his prospective father-in-law crazy?!

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)

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