Entertainment: Write songs with your life, the whole network begs me not to die

Chapter 153 Young Huaxia said that it is popular all over the Internet!

Chapter 153 Young Huaxia said that it is popular all over the Internet!

Countless people listened to this "Youth Huaxia Talk",
Feel the blood boiling all over!

The song continues.

Zhang Jie's singing continued.

"Great generals have their own merits

The sky wears its blue and the earth fulfills its yellow
Even though there are thousands of years and there are eight famines
The future is like the sea, and the future is long.”

When hearing this, countless fans and audiences were all very excited!
What a majesty this is!
Full of pride!

Zhang Jie also turned up the volume.

The singing once again brought a huge impact to countless audiences!

"Teenagers have their own teenage madness
body like mountains and rivers straight back

Dare to measure the sun and the moon again

Today I'm the only young man

Dare to ask the world to test the edge

Who can stop the thorns and thorns

The world laughs at me, I am self-reliant

Live up to your youth! "

Zhang Jie sang this line Live up to my youth!
When he sang this song in the recording studio, he felt excited!
The world laughs at me, I am self-improving, and I live up to my youth!

Self-improvement and self-reliance are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation!

Countless people listened to the song and their scalps became numb!
"What a young Huaxia said!!"

"Wow, I'm so excited to sing this song, I feel like there's a prehistoric power in my body!"

"Who can stop the thorns and thorns! Damn, this song is too cool!!"

"Ahhh, Zhang Jie's singing is so beautiful, I love it!"

"This is one of the few songs left by Mr. Lin Fan! This song really exploded!!!"

"Even though Teacher Lin Fan has left, I am very sad, but this song is really good!! Such a meaningful song!"

"I'm going to jump up with excitement!!!"

On the Internet, there are already overwhelming comments from viewers.

And there is still a recorded MV for this song!

Fans are commenting!

Even though it's a just-released MV, there are already countless bullet screens in it.

Many, many people are listening to this "Youth Huaxia Talk" at the same time.

Not wanting to fast forward, they just want to listen to the song.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Jie's voice sounded again!
"A young man has his own madness, and his heart is like the sun shining brightly
All kinds of difficulties stop me from breaking in, and now I am the only young man

The sky is high, the sea is wide and thousands of miles long, and the young Chinese are full of spirits. "

The singing sounded, with endless power.

Countless viewers have been stunned by such a song.

This song really shocked everyone!

There are many people who listen to this song for the first time, only halfway through, and their whole body is already burning.

The feelings in this young Huaxia's poem progress step by step, reaching the highest peak.

Before you know it, the song has come to an end.

"Work hard to be a pillar of strength."

"Live up to your youth!"

this moment!
Countless people listened to this song.

Emotions explode at the same time!
Live up to your youth! !
"Work hard to be a pillar
Live up to your youth! "

Finally, the song is over.

The MV is also over.

after the song is over.

No one moves.

Everyone is still immersed in the song of the young Huaxia said.

Some viewers have forgotten what they are doing.

Some viewers looked at Zhang Jie in the MV in disbelief.

After a long time, many fans on the Internet came out of the shock of this song.

"Damn it, this is the first time I've heard such a passionate song!"

"It's amazing, Zhang Jie's singing skills are really good!"


"Live up to youth!! Fight together!!!"

"Really, I'm a person who doesn't listen to music very much. Only when I heard this song by chance, I realized how passionate this song is!"

"I don't usually like to listen to songs, but I happened to pass by my son's room and found this song is really good! I will buy another full set of exercise books for my son right away!"

After more than half an hour.

This song "Young Huaxia Talk" has been spread wildly all over the Internet!

A promotional song released by the Ministry of Education!

And the composer is still Lin Fan!
Immediately, the speed of the song's spread has spread all over the Internet!
Many, many people have heard this song!


"Fuck, Teacher Lin Fan's new song!!"

"It turns out that this is a song written by Teacher Lin Fan a long time ago. I am touched! Teacher Lin Fan is really a creative genius!"

"I really love this song. Teenagers have their own madness. As a Chinese, why should I be crazy! Our Huaxia is better than foreign countries, better than any country!"

"I am proud because I was born in China! I am a citizen of China, I am a person of China!!!"

"I've always been unlucky. I'm usually poor, and I didn't pass the postgraduate entrance examination, but now I feel that my luck is the best! It took me countless luck to be reincarnated in the country of China."

"It's reasonable, after listening to this song, how many sets of papers do you still have to get up?"

"I'm so happy, I just slapped my dad on the spot! Brothers, it's over, my dad came out with a shovel, what should I do, wait online, it's very urgent."

"Fuck, I just finished watching the video, and there are only so many comments here? Don't talk about it, don't talk about it, don't talk about it! I read a novel a few days ago, and the author didn't have the comment area, but people The author is handsome!"

"This comment area is full of water," a high school student said, putting down his phone.

"This novel is also flooded with three armies, and I finished reading the updated chapter in 2 minutes."

"This song "Young Huaxia Shuo" by Teacher Lin Fan is good." The college student who spoke was called Gao Yong.

Gao Yong is already a third-year student, and he will take the postgraduate entrance examination in June next year.

"This song "Youth China Talk". I really like it."

Especially when he heard "Live Up to Youth" in this song, Gao Yong's eyes were slightly moist.

His grades in college have not been very good.

When he was in college, he was fond of playing every day. In his junior year, he didn't even pass CET-[-].

But after he heard the song "Young Huaxia Shuo", he heard a few lines of lyrics in it.

"The youths of Huaxia are high-spirited, determined to become a pillar, and live up to their youth!"

Gao Yong likes this lyrics very much.
He looked up to the sky.

His parents divorced this year on the grounds that his mother cheated on her, and his father beat her and paid him 3000 yuan.

His family fell apart.

Gao Yong's family was not rich in the first place.

He only knows that the road ahead can only be walked by himself.

His father had no money and was disabled
His grandparents, when he was very young, told him to study hard so that he would not be bullied by others when he grew up.

Gao Yong University only studied an ordinary second degree, and after graduation he could only find an ordinary job.

If you want to change your destiny, unless you take the postgraduate entrance examination.

But the postgraduate entrance examination was too difficult for him.

He must be admitted to a good university to have a chance to change his destiny.

He finished listening to "Youth Huaxia Talk".

(End of this chapter)

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