Entertainment: Write songs with your life, the whole network begs me not to die

Chapter 165 A Miracle Happened!Teacher Lin Fan is alive!

Chapter 165 A Miracle Happened!Teacher Lin Fan is alive!

Countless people are still waiting for the announcement of the result.

In the temple, many people are sending incense.

Everyone is praying.

in a live broadcast room.

There are also many foreign netizens and fans who are also paying attention to Huaxia's news.

【LinFan FANS】The members of the group are nervously waiting for the final result.

"Can a miracle happen?"

"Can Teacher Lin Fan still come back to life?"

"It's very difficult, almost impossible, unless a miracle happens."


Countless people are waiting.

at this time.

22.02 points, here we go.

In the ward.

Everyone was silent.

No one speaks.

Facing the news of Teacher Lin Fan's death, everyone remained silent.

All the medical staff gave up.

The last hope is gone.

And at 22.02 points.


Suddenly, the sound of a machine rang!
Everyone has not reacted yet!

Then, there was the sound of the machine again.


At this moment, everyone reacted!

Dr. He Yulong, as well as other medical staff, felt their hearts tremble suddenly!
This is the sound made by the instrument after the heart beats!

It's the third sound!

It's a heartbeat! !
Dr. He Yulong almost jumped up!
He ran to the equipment and looked at the equipment for detecting various values ​​of Lin Fan's body.

There was a slight fluctuation in the heart rate, which was originally a straight line!
It fluctuated three times!
Heart rate fluctuates!
Dr. He Yulong watched all this in disbelief.

All the medical staff were also shocked!
When the heart rate fluctuates, it means that the heartbeat has resumed!
Fluctuations in heart rate mean signs of life!
Teacher Lin Fan still has signs of life!
Just when everyone gave up.

23 hours after Teacher Lin Fan announced his death, his heart rate fluctuated again!

As long as there is a heartbeat, the patient is not dead!

Dr. He Yulong, tear up the death notice to pieces!

At this moment, Dr. He Yulong felt that his body was no longer sleepy at all!

Dr. He Yulong said: "Start a full-body examination immediately! Resuscitate again! Teacher Lin Fan's vital signs are still there! Start the rescue!"

The medical staff who were still crying immediately stopped crying, and everyone regained their spirits!

The miracle has appeared!
They are the most professional doctors.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to cry.

They must keep absolutely calm and come to fight for the hope of rescuing Teacher Lin Fan!
Right now, Teacher Lin Fan's heart rate is only fluctuating a little bit.

This does not mean that Teacher Lin Fan's body has recovered!

If timely rescue is not carried out, maybe the heart rate will drop.

Teacher Lin Fan is not dead yet!
"Increase heart rate stimulation!"

"A shot of adrenaline!"

"Watch your heart rate!"

Dr. He Yulong said.

The rescue work in the ward has started again!

When the adrenaline and heart rate stimulation is done.

Everyone looked at the instrument.

This is the most critical moment!
It depends on whether the heart rate can recover!

The original heartbeat is only three times per minute.

With this heart rate fluctuation, it can only be said that Teacher Lin Fan still has signs of life!

It still doesn't mean that Teacher Lin Fan can survive
Everyone stared at the screen tightly.



The sound on the instrument is restored!

This is the sound of a heartbeat.
They watch the heart rate!

A nurse said: "The patient's heart rate has risen to ten beats per minute!"

"Heart rate is still rising, twenty beats per minute!"

"Heart rate continues to rise! Fifty beats per minute!!"

By the time she said this, the nurse's voice had become a little higher!
"Heart rate is still rising! 1 beats in 67 minute!"

"Heart rate 73, heart rate 86, heart rate 66, heart rate 68, heart rate 71"

The nurse was talking about Lin Fan's heart rate.

everyone is watching too
They saw that a straight line with no ups and downs turned into a line with slight ups and downs.

And now, Teacher Lin Fan's heart rate has returned to the normal level!

Heart rate is back! !

However, everyone in the ward was still very nervous!
The heart rate recovered, but Teacher Lin Fan hadn't woken up yet.

And Teacher Lin Fan's blood oxygen saturation is not enough.

If the blood oxygen saturation is not enough, it will die!

"Ventilator! Put on the ventilator!" Dr. He Yulong said. The patient may not be able to breathe spontaneously at this time.

"Look at the blood oxygen saturation and see if it can come up. If it can't come up, it's still not good." Dr. He Yulong said.

The nurse said: "The blood oxygen saturation is gradually increasing, 20%, 30%, 60%, 77%, 83%!"

"Teacher Lin Fan's blood oxygen saturation has reached 83%." The nurse said loudly.

When Dr. He Yulong saw the blood oxygen saturation, he said: "This blood oxygen saturation is not high enough, and the body is still in a dangerous situation. Continue to observe!"

"Continue to observe the heart rate, observe the heart rate, and never dive into the heart rate." Dr. He Yulong said.

Everyone is very nervous.

An increase in heart rate may also be the result of adrenaline stimulation.

Wait until the effect of adrenaline is over, and then see if the heart rate can remain stable.

If the heart rate drops suddenly, it is still possible to die.

Everyone is waiting quietly.

All they can do now is wait.

Teacher Lin Fan's current body can no longer use adrenaline.

Although the heart rate has recovered, the blood oxygen saturation has also recovered somewhat.

But life is not yet a safe state.

It is possible to die at any time.

Finally after 3 minutes.

Lin Fan's heartbeat finally remained at a stable level.

Heart rate stabilized!

Even the blood oxygen saturation is slowly rising!




Everything is going up!
The nurse said: "Mr. Lin Fan's vital signs have stabilized, a miracle has happened!"

Doctor He Yulong said: "Do a full-body examination on Mr. Lin Fan, Xiao Liu, you should go out and spread the news first, so that everyone should not worry."

Dr. He Yulong was also very happy in his heart, but now his nerves were tense and he dared not relax at all.

It is also necessary to conduct various physical examinations on Teacher Lin Fan.

At least two more hours to observe.

In the operating room, everyone was busy again.

Xiao Liu nodded, his face a little excited.

Xiao Liu walked out lightly.

The door to the operating room was opened.

The moment Xiao Liu just opened the door of the operating room.

Su Xiaoyu, Xia Zhilan, Lin Zhengtian.
There were also many singers and celebrities around, all gathered around, everyone was extremely nervous, and they didn't dare to breathe loudly.

Everyone looked at Xiao Liu.

Everyone is waiting for the result!

Xiao Liu looked at the crowd and spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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