Epic of Caterpillar

Chapter 2220 Getting Ready To Steal A Star

Chapter 2220 Getting Ready To Steal A Star




Preparations were underway. We couldn't simply stay in hell forever either, so we were going in a couple of hours after Mammon's words. While everyone was having breakfast, I decided on the teams. It was quite obvious what I was going to choose for now. I needed my strongest members and also those that could move quickly.

I chose Luminous without his dragon wives, Nyzzet because he's the fastest dragon only below Luminous, Hodhyl for obvious reasons, Shadrach and all his children, who were much stronger than the other dragons, Nephiana, Altani, Alice, Gaby, Charlotte, and Faylen.

I didn't select any of the children, not even Aarae or Valentia. Why? Well, Valentia is too big and slow, she's very strong, yes, but she can't be sneaky. I just know my daughter. And about Aarae, I would have brought her if it wasn't because she's pregnant, and her belly only becomes bigger every day. I'm worried she might give birth any time now.

I'll get my second grandkid pretty soon I guess… The first one hasn't even hatched yet! Amiphossia's egg is still resting within my World Realm, it is emanating an ever-growing Aura of Divinity from within, shining with bright light. It was quite clear the child had inherited their father's element of light.

Evan was currently reunited with Amiphossia, both of them were in group 3. We'll catch up to them soon enough. Lucifer is moving very quickly across the skies of Abyss. It just that it feels like a lot of time due to the large time dilation inside my divine realm and also in hell.

Anyways, with the team already made, some of those that were not going to be invited expressed their anger, especially some of the children.

"Aww, I can't go?!" Valentia complained. "I get Aarae but I'm perfectly fine myself!"

"I'm sorry Valentia, but you're very… big and bulky." I sighed. "I love you my daughter, but you have to know your strengths and weaknesses. I have to be harsh here, but your strengths do not lay in being sneaky and fast."

"Ugh… True. I'm a giant." She sighed, looking down a bit. "It's not like I wished being born so big…"

"Valentia… I-I didn't mean it like that!" I said, trying to cheer her up.

"Hey, are you going to blame yourself now?" Asked Gaby. "Valentia, your mother's love you as you are. And if I have to say something, you're incredibly and amazingly strong, dear. You simply have to understand that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, me included. Even Kireina."

"Yeah sis." Aarae smiled cutely, patting her big hands. "Also I would prefer having you around… You've always been there for me, now that I am pregnant, I wish to have you close to me."

"A-Aarae…" Valentia blushed a bit. "Okay… I get it! Fine… Sorry, sorry."

I guess that was resolved quite quickly, though I understand her complains. There's a limit of how small she can make her body as a giantess. Maybe I should make her something, an equipment piece, or something that would allow her to take a much smaller form if that's what she really wanted.

She has never opened herself like that before, so I got a bit surprised when she complained about it. My poor girl is always showing her strength and bravery, I never knew she had such a complex.

"Valentia, dear. Once this is over, mommy will make you something so you can freely change your size, okay?" I told her, caressing her hands.

"E-Eh? Really?" She wondered.

"Yes! I didn't know you were so bothered about it, honey. You should speak more freely and openly about these things. I am your mother after all, okay?" I smiled back at her.

"O-Okay… Sorry… I… It has been annoying since I was little but, well, everyone always saw me as the big sister, and all… So I simply couldn't just say that." She muttered. "I like being big! Yeah, mostly when I'm fighting though. Seeing everyone always being much smaller, it feels like at any time I could hurt them…"

"Geez, my foolish daughter, why didn't you speak up sooner?" Gaby clicked her tongue. "You ought to be more open with yer family!"

"That's right, I-I didn't know about this either…" Aarae sighed.

"Hmm, okay…" Valentia muttered. "You're really making it, mom?"

"Yes! I'll get it done quickly once we're done." I smiled. "Don't worry and leave it to your mama!" I winked at her.

"O-Okay!" She nodded happily.

"I still remember you when you were just a tiny baby girl, you started growing up bigger and bigger out of nowhere, hahah. It was a very funny thing." I giggled. "I have to admit… I found it very amazing myself, and never thought about the negative repercussions it might have had in your life… I was stupid for not noticing. Can you forgive me?"

"M-Mom…" Valentia was taken aback by my sincerity. "You don't need to ask forgiveness or something, please… Stop it! You're super amazing and the strongest, and you're always protecting us and fighting. It's okay mom, I don't have a grudge on anybody, haha."

"Really?" Gaby asked her.

"Y-Yeah… Okay maybe I don't like mama being too strict sometimes." Valentia said, looking at Gaby.

"Geh… Hey! I'm trying to be stricter because if it was up to Kireina you two would have grown up as lazy little fishies!" Gaby said. "You're too soft with your children Kireina, have you ever reprimanded any at all?"

"I-I… I guess not?" I laughed a bit. "Hahaha, I just can't get angry with my babies, I love them so much! Each and every one of them is so special!"

"See? A parent has to also show their love through being strict sometimes!" Gaby reprimanded me.

"Ugh… Yeah, you're not wrong…" I lowered my head as I realized I wasn't the best parent out there.

"I of course love them both more than anything." Gaby smiled. "Let's talk more later, Valentia, Aarae. Alright?"

"Okay…" Valentina nodded. "Anyways, I don't want you two to waste more time."

"T-That's right, Mammon is already starting a meeting. He brought a map or something." Aarae pointed.

"Right, then we'll go." I nodded, as Gaby walked by my side. She had a strong, muscular pair of new legs now. 

"You're finally here. Alright, let's discuss a few things before we go now." Mammon said, his demonic energy quickly conjured a 3D Map of Abyss' underground, or underworld.

It showed the entire vampire world through three layers. There was one layer where the world itself was, in the middle, a second where the "underworld" was located, where chains made of shadows chained down an entire star.

And then there was the third layer that surrounded the entire world, which was that thick veil of clouds made of chaos, darkness, void, and blood energy, which was what kept Abyss so isolated from the rest of the cosmos.

"As you can see, we'll be moving here." Mammon pointed at the "underworld" or whatever it was called. "The inhabitants call this the Underdark. It is the place where all the Miasma, Darkness, and Death essences of the world of Abyss seep down, forming an endless cloud of darkness. There might be solid ground here and there, but it is a place where you mostly move flying. And where the Chains of the Abyss seal the world's Primordial Sun God, and the Sun itself."




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