Epic of Vampire: The Crippled Vampire Prince Is Actually The Strongest

Chapter 39: The Iron Blood Emperor’s Decision


Inside the Iron Blood Empire’s imperial castle, the Iron Blooded Emperor glanced at the projections in front of him; his tall, muscular, overwhelming figure sent shivers down the spines of every servant surrounding him. His tremendous Aura, composed of both Arcana, Blood Power, and a third, darker force, seemed to be always active at all times.

The Emperor was not good at controlling his own powers. It was also one of the reasons he only accepted strong females as concubines; if he chose weaker women, they would die before they could even conceive a child with him.

And he was indeed surrounded by powerful Vampires, all pure-blooded, the strongest beings in the entire Empire and perhaps among the strongest of the Realm of Obscuritas.

Their sharp crimson eyes glanced at the projections, video-like recreations of what had happened in the Elderbridge Duchy just two days ago.

“Hmmm…” The King’s sharp eyes squinted as he saw the son he once thought a failure fighting and defeating two mighty foes with ease. “Interesting. Is this truly Vlad, my son?”

"Yes, it is,” nodded the woman by his side. It was a vampire woman with short silver hair and sharp blue eyes, wearing a golden monocle. “I oversee most cities after your orders, your majesty. Without a shred of a doubt, what my golems were able to capture in that moment was indeed Prince Vlad. Somehow, he had gained tremendous power. He, his mother, and his friend have singlehandedly managed to stop the entire destruction of that city.”

“By a Dungeon Raid, as you called them...?” the Emperor spoke again. “Hmm. I could feel the presence of that thing all the way here. If it had dared to take a single step into the capital, I would have acted. However, it seemed fixated on burning Elderbridge instead.”

“It might be another of those new Events, natural phenomena happening all across our world after the appearance of the Players, your majesty,” a young vampire man with long green hair and sharp crimson eyes spoke. He was quite handsome, with a slender body and a long chin. “My respected and great father, if you were to let me inspect and see if Vlad had been lying or hiding his strength, I would make sure to make him pay for such an offense with his blood!”

“That’s enough, Agreus,” the Emperor said. “You might be one of my most gifted sons, but that doesn’t give you the right to put your noses everywhere. That you are here only means I recognize your power. Learn your place.”

His crimson eyes hit Agreus instantly; the green-haired vampire trembled, nodding, and fell to his knees. His powerful Aura was nothing against his father’s Aura.

Vampires, and most other high-ranking demons, would always release their Auras and fight with them alone. A way to make oneself respected was by suppressing the Aura of others.

“M-My apologies…”

Agreus clicked his tongue as he lowered his head.

“My son, you mustn’t be hasty,” his mother stepped in, a beautiful vampire woman with short green hair and a black horn in her forehead. “Your Majesty, I find that you’re quite confused about the situation. Would you allow me to share my thoughts?”

“Go on, Lucrecia,” the Emperor said with a light nod.

“As everyone here could see, what has happened in Elderbridge is no small matter,” Lucrecia said. “I am sure many of you would agree with me that it is quite unbelievable what we’ve seen. It’s not that we are doubting the projections of Henriette, but we can’t simply judge everything based on that. Vlad’s strength, and perhaps that of his sister too, must be tested.”

“Additionally, I believe we must also discuss what has happened in Elderbridge. The Dungeon Raids seem to be an incredible new dangerous phenomenon, and aside from this incident, we know very little of them and how they work, even less who is the culprit behind everything. I believe it would be in the best of our interests to invite Teressa and her family to the capital and to interview them personally. At the same time, we’ll be able to also test Vlad and Camilla’s strength.”

The vampires in the throne room began talking to one another as the Emperor remained silent and heard all their opinions. Most of them seemed to agree, although Henriette seemed slightly angered.

“Lucrecia, you, someone below me, dares to question the capacity of my abilities and of my powerful golems?” the vampire asked. “Your arguments are valid, but your attitude is what’s a bit sickening. Would it not be too troublesome for you to treat me with more respect? I have been helping this Empire for thousands of years, dare I say. And I have been a greater asset than everyone else here combined. Your majesty, don’t you think so as well?”

“Hahh…” the Emperor sighed. “Women, stop bickering already. I am not in the mood to hear your tiresome discussions. However, Lucrecia is right; her idea is good, and I was thinking of doing something similar.”

“B-but your majesty…” Henriette sighed, feeling slightly betrayed, as Lucrecia smiled at her, viciously so.

“Enough,” he said. “Lucrecia, Agreus, I’ll leave this task to you. Bring back Teressa’s family.”

“Understood,” Lucrecia bowed. “It shall be done, your majesty.”

“Yes, father,” Agreus lowered his head once more.

“Now, all of you leave! I dislike when you all gather around my throne.” The Emperor was moody today, the big vampire family all went scurrying away, leaving him alone.

He closed his eyes as he held his large sword, which was incrusted into the floor right in front of his throne. Although it seemed he wanted to take a nap, that wasn’t the case.

He was expanding his Aura, and his Senses, all across the Capital, and then beyond, reaching the skies and piercing the bubble that protected the entire Realm from outside.

There was something here, something in this Realm, threatening it beyond anybody else’s comprehension.

The Dungeon Raid was merely the beginning, a little game at most.

The real danger had yet to befall Obscuritas.

Endless heat, red crystals, monstrous, demonic wails—an all-encompassing entity beyond the cosmos and the stars.

Its monstrous, never-ending influence was expanding across the Realms, especially Obscuritas, which had taken great interest.

“This presence…!”

The deep darkness he was trying to glance into, the abyss itself he was trying to comprehend... It suddenly opened countless eyes, glancing back at him.


For a second, the Emperor felt like his entire body was burning endlessly; his flesh melted, his bones were calcinated into ashes, and even his soul was eaten away and exploded.


His eyes opened again, and as he gasped for air, he felt an intense pain in his chest, yet that pain dissipated instantly, as if it had never been there.

“That thing…!” he muttered. “Why have the Gods said nothing about it?! That entity might threaten everything we know…”

The Emperor stood up and then walked downstairs across his imperial castle, being revered and greeted by hundreds of servants and family members. He swiftly made his way towards the church of the Seven Evil Gods of Obscuritas.

Other people paid respect to it, never daring to enter without permission. Because it was a sacred place where all seven of them were worshiped at the same time, it could be said to be a location where their alliance was made.


He slammed the stone doors open without any respect as the Emperor’s immensely tall figure of over three meters stepped inside. His tremendous aura makes most of the people working inside pass out instantly.

As he walked, surrounding him were the seven statues of the seven evil gods, and standing at the end of the large temple, there was someone—it couldn’t be identified if they were exactly a man or a woman—with an androgynous appearance.

They had long black hair that ended in red spots, seven eyes, each one of a different color, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White, Black, and Purple, and three pairs of golden horns growing upwards across their head down into their necks.

Their skin was of a fair white color, but it was covered in several areas with dark purple, red, and black scales, as well as silver-colored fur wrapped around their fair neck and hips, with four arms and a long scorpion-like tail of black color. Ending on a crimson eye, the entity glared at the Emperor, smiling and showing their sharp teeth.

They wore silver, black, and red colored robes over their bodies, but showed most of their bare skin as their dress was made into particularly sexy designs, lustful and sinful; it wasn’t a church of goodness and holiness after all, but one that worshiped the sins themselves given form, the Evil Gods.

“Aaah~! My dear Emperor!” They greeted the Emperor. “What is the meaning of this wonderful visit? I’ve been just thinking about you!”

They walked towards the Emperor, caressing their chests and glancing into his soul with their seven colorful eyes.

“Have you come to embrace me once more~?” They giggled, and their voice was just as androgynous. “The Evil Gods seem rather worried you’ve not been taking good care of me, you see.”

“Enough; you know why I am here, Paimon,” the Emperor’s crimson eyes said. “You too… As the Archbishop of the Seven Evil Gods Church, you must have already learned what happened in Elderbridge, right? And what is coming from the skies? Why have you not told me a single thing?!”

“Hm? Oh my, did you just find out today? Gyahahaha!” giggled Paimon; their laughter was demonic and wailing, making the entire church tremble. “Well… Indeed! The Evil Gods have been oddly silent about it. I am not so sure what they must be planning, but well, they’re Gods. We mortals can’t truly hope to comprehend them, they’re higher beings.”

“I’ve slain a god before,” the Emperor said.

“The Ancient Progenitor of Vampires, Nosferatus, who had attained a power similar to the gods, does not count, my dear~!” The Archbishop giggled. “One thing is to attain great power; the other is to ascend and reach a higher plane of existence. Though, if I were you, I wouldn’t have come here asking for answers. The Evil Gods embody Sins, they’re not beings that prioritize the safety of our Realm either. And they would only act if it was within their interests. So, tell me, what do you have to offer them for their protection? For their help? They’re very interested in you; they want you.”

“I am not going to give myself away to those things,” the Emperor said. “If you’re going to act like this, then I will simply give you an order, Paimon. Gather the church and quickly begin an investigation of every Dungeon within the nearby cities. Increase the security surrounding them by using your dark paladins if necessary. We can’t risk taking another unexpected Raid.”

“Hmm~ I suppose I can do that, yes.” Paimon giggled, then touched the Emperor’s chin, which had a short silvery-white beard. They licked their lips. “But what can I get in exchange, my dear? I need something. We don’t work for free.”

“How about maintaining your church in my Empire and not having to cut down all the wealth you accumulate every year?” asked the Emperor. “I have given you too much, I would say; asking for more would only be foolish.”

“Hahhh~ You’re no fun!” Paimon complained, suddenly acting like a childish girl. “Oh well, fine... I do owe you quite a lot, heheh~ However!”

“What now?” The Emperor groaned. “Hm?!”

Suddenly, Paimon had appeared behind him, sitting over his shoulders and wrapping their tail around his neck. Then, he licked his face gently.

“I want you… Come to me tonight.”


The Emperor sighed, grabbing the demon by their tail, and throwing them into the ground.

“Do you think you have the position to ask the Emperor for sexual gratification, you demon?!” he roared, suddenly grabbing Paimon.

The demon moaned in pleasure as the Demon treated them badly.

“Ahh~! Yes! I can’t get enough of that anger… of that wrath, of that power!” Paimon said. “I LOVE IT!”


The Emperor felt slightly disgusted, sighing, and then leaving Paimon behind.

“Do as I say! And if you do it well, then you might earn yourself a reward for your efforts.”

“Oh my, are you offering yourself as the reward then~? Fufufu, then Demon King Paimon will do their very best~!”


The Emperor sighed as he walked away, looking at the three moons.

The Church of the Three Moons, one that greatly opposed the Church of the Seven Evil Gods.

To be on good terms with these gods and Paimon, he had to exile them from the capital, but now he wishes he could have those righteous people by his side.

Although they were much weaker compared to the Seven Evil Gods Church, at least they weren’t led by an unpredictable lunatic.

“Vlad… I do wonder what stance you will take in this world now that you’ve shown us what you truly can do, my son…”

He smiled lightly as he walked away.

“I am looking forward to seeing what you’re capable of… Vlad, the son of the only woman I ever truly loved.”


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55 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

34 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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