Epic of Vampire: The Crippled Vampire Prince Is Actually The Strongest

Chapter 62: Testing The Spirit Ki Farmer Subclass


Before logging out, Paul wanted to lay out the work for the incoming days that he’ll be taking care of Elderbridge’s farms. Roughly eighty percent of these lands, which were once full of farms, had been abandoned after the soil started to lose its nutrients and most water sources dried out.

However, Paul was confident that he could completely change everything with the new Skills he had acquired. He would have actually been pleased with just the normal Farmer Class, but the Heavenly Demon injected his own Divine Ki into the Subclass, changing it into something completely different, yet similar at the same time.

And so, the [Spirit Ki Farmer: ★★] Subclass was created.

A Subclass that, according to the Heavenly Demon, was specifically designed for him to be able to control Ki somehow and to produce wondrous herbs, fruits, and vegetables that could be similar in composition to Murim’s products.

His aim was that because Vlad had been eating nothing but “garbage” from this realm, he would never be able to fully heal his body! One of the most important things is a good and balanced, healthy diet full of powerful plants filled to the brim with Ki, of course.

And now, Paul was going to put this class to the test and see if it could actually help or not.

“{Blessing of the Martial Spirits of Harvest}”


The moment he activated the Skill, a wave of golden, green, and red light surged from his palms, reaching into the soil and expanding everywhere. Paul quickly realized that the more Arcana he injected, the faster it would spread.

Arcana Manipulation was something hard for most Players, but to Paul, it was rather easy once he figured out he just needed to “feel it” and “imagine how it moves.” It also helped that he had a grossly high amount thanks to all his equipment.

Arcana was much simpler than people imagined. Most Players were always trying to conjure complex spells from the beginning, but to Paul, it was simple because he imagined it as a gradual increment.

First, imagine the power you want to use, the element, then the range, and then imagine it moving within the space in front of you.

Very easy!

Or, well, perhaps not too many people. Thankfully, magician classes allowed Players to more easily wield Arcana through special Skills to control it.


Chris gasped in disbelief as everything around them changed within seconds.

“This is…?!”

Paul was also incredibly shocked!

The two glanced as hundreds of tiny particles of light spread out everywhere; this essence wasn’t actually Arcana, although the Skill required it to function.

No, this was a special type of energy that was produced and injected into the soil through a blessing.

Paul let the Blessing expand up to a few hundred meters, covering a wide area around the duo.

The soil, which was as black as charcoal, suddenly gained a clear brown color, with sparkles of light coming from it out of the blue.

And above all…

They could feel a presence—or,  well, many presences.

Tiny presences everywhere; these spheres of light were all spiritual beings not from this Realm.


[You have used the [Blessing of the Martial Spirits of Harvest (A)] Skill on the surrounding area!]

[Over 400 meters around you have been Blessed by Martial Spirits of Harvest!]

[The Soil Richness, Nutrition, Dampness, and Quality has increased by 200% for 7 Days.]

[The Soil is now infused with rich Spiritual Ki, any plant that grows on it will gain special Traits related to this energy.]

[The Lesser Martial Spirits of Harvest roam the Blessed Area freely, taking care of plants for you. The growth speed of Plants that are within the Blessing Range and the Spirits Range will increase by 200% with an additional 1% per lesser spirit.]

“Wait, really?!”

Paul was shocked when he read everything.

Not only did the buff last as long as 7 days, meaning it was a constant infusion of nutrients and energy into the soil.

But it also made anything that grew within it gain traits related to Spiritual Ki energies from Murim, quite possibly replicating what could be farmed in that Realm.

And lastly, as if it weren’t good enough already, tiny spirits will take care of the plants for him!

[Hahahaha! Amazed?! Surprised?! Do you want to thank me? Praise me! Worship me! I’ve done something great for you; it’ll change everything! Hahahaha! Now plant a bunch of vegetables, fruits, and tubers and start eating them!]

The Heavenly Demon seemed joyful about how Vlad’s face looked right now, full of disbelief.

“I-I never imagined it would have so many effects, though!” he said. “How did you even make such a Skill?”

[Seriously, do you think that Skills blessed by Divinities are weak or something? Hah!]

The Heavenly Demon laughed.

[Hmm! Perhaps they are? And mine is simply superb because I am much stronger than those mongrels that call themselves gods! Bahahahaha!]

And then he laughed even more.

It was a bit annoying, honestly. However, Paul couldn’t really complain or tell him something right now, the Skill by itself was pure insanity.

Chris quickly learned what it was about as Paul explained it to him, and his eyes widened even more.

“That’s so cool! With this, we could easily farm a lot of food for the city!” said Chris. “If we dedicate some time to this, we could really solve that issue. And with Argentia roaming the city’s surroundings, we don’t have to worry about wild monsters or bandits trying to attack us now.”

“Yeah, you’re right!” nodded Paul. “Though I wanted to try something, can you try touching and making a contract with one or a few of these spirits, Chris? We had planned to go look for a Spirit for you later, but maybe you could get it quickly with these guys.”

“I can try…” Chris said as he tried touching them and forming a contract by activating his Trait.


Sparkles of rainbow-colored light emerged from his hands as he touched the little dots, lesser spirits…

However, the moment he touched them, the dots gave a little cry and exploded.



“They died?!” Chris screamed in disbelief.

“W-What the hell did you do?!” Paul asked in shock and fear. “Don’t kill my kids, though!”

He ran towards them and protected them from Chris' hand.

“S-Sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Chris sighed. “But it was hard… I think my power is too high for them; when I try to make a contract, the power overloads, and they explode.”

“Uh…” Paul was left flabbergasted. “Then… I guess it can’t be done yet. Unless… Wait.”

Paul started trying out his Skill again, and everything was conjured. First, there was a wave of this Spiritual Ki, which would bless an area.

Then, from the area, the Martial Spirits of Harvest would emerge one by one, so they'd be born after the activation of the Skill.

“Hmm, are they even Spirits like we know them?” he wondered. “Heavenly Demon?”

[I don’t know much about Spirits; I never needed them for anything!]

“I guess he’s not going to help…” Paul sighed.

“Wait, I’ll ask someone much nicer,” Chris said.

He quickly asked the Heavenly Emperor, who was someone much more silent than the Heavenly Demon, if not even more uninterested in Chris too.

When Chris was suddenly attacked by the gods, he didn’t do anything, unlike the Heavenly Demon with Paul.

Meaning that he was either very absent-minded or simply very apathetic.

“Hey, can you help? Do you know about these Spirits?”

Chris asked hopefully, yet…

[I could help, yes… But how would you learn, then, about my reincarnation? Why won’t you check out the Heavenly Library instead? There might be information there.]

“I’m don't want to read some lame book right now!”

“Huh? Chris?”

“Ah, nothing, never mind. I don’t have the time for this… Anyway, this is pretty nice, though! I’ll be logging out for now.”

“Ah, wait, I haven’t tried one last thing yet!”

“Hm? What?”

Chris raised an eyebrow as Paul quickly activated Geomancy, and by using Arcana, he tried to gather as many little Lesser Martial Spirits of Harvest as possible.

“If the little ones are too little for you, then let’s make a big one!”


“{Geomancy}: {Lesser Spirit Combination}!”

By using the power of Geomancy, an advanced method of Alchemy that wielded the elements of nature and could combine them and transform them, Paul saw these spirits as “elementals” and decided to try something.


And to the surprise of the two, it seemed to have actually worked—at least thirty little Lesser Martial Spirits of Harvest combined together into a single mass of glowing gold and green light.

The figure kept growing larger until it stopped being the size of a watermelon, while the lesser spirits were smaller than a fingernail.


The creature was born, a Fusion between thirty Lesser Martial Spirits of Harvest…

It took the shape of something; it wasn’t humanoid, but more like a large fruit.

Indeed, it resembled a big bunch of grapes! They were purple, black, and red; it was as if they had been slightly fused with the natural energies of Obscuritas and also of Vlad’s Aura.

[Congratulations! You have successfully merged dozens of Lesser Martial Spirits of Harvest into the Unique Spirit [Martial Devil Grape Bunch Harvest Spirit]!]

[You are the first Player to ever combine Spirits to create a Unique Spirit! You acquired the [Spirit Mediator (A): Lv1] Magic Skill as a reward!]

“Huh? A new Skill…”

Paul was slightly surprised he had acquired a new Skill out of nowhere, but it seemed rather interesting, it was a Skill that could help him communicate with Spirits.

“Ooohhh! Ooowaaah!”

The grapes, unified by their vines, had a melodic voice, floating around freely. Chris eyes turned into sparkles.

“So cuteeee! What the hell is this?! You can make them bigger?!”

“It was just an experiment, but I’m glad it worked!”

Paul patted Chris shoulders.

“Now hurry, try it out again!”


Chris quickly touched the grapes, who glanced at him with curiosity. His gentle hands and small fingers seemed to not bother the grape spirit, as it moved towards her.

The tiny faces in each grape, looking very cute, smiled adorably, some closed their eyes, as if relaxed while being close to the incubus.

“I think they like you!” Paul said with excitement. “Come on, Chris, do it! Do a contract with it!”

“S-Shit! Okay, okay!” Chris muttered. “Please don’t die, please don’t die, please don’t die…!”


The same process happened: Chris innate Spiritual Abilities, inherited from his father, the King of Fairies, activated as threads of spiritual light wrapped around the grape, infusing it with his Arcana.

“Oohhh? Oooohhh!”

The grapes seemed to like Chris as they approached him closer, and then the two felt a strong connection between souls.


The bond was formed faster than the two imagined, and Chris quickly felt something beginning to form within his chest, although it wasn’t instantaneous.


[Congratulations! You have successfully created a Spirit Contract with the Unique Spirit: [Martial Devil Grape Bunch Harvest Spirit (Tier 1)]!]

[Because you’ve fulfilled the conditions, you will now begin to slowly form a {Crystallized Spiritual Heart}, absorb Spirit Energy from your Spirit and, over time, fully form it.]

[Once the {Spiritual Heart} is fully crystalized, it will become a new way to grow stronger, and you will gain special Spiritual Abilities, alongside unlocking the Spirit Power Stat.]

“Ooh!” Chris seemed pleased. “It looks like it worked! But I won’t be able to form that Heart until I absorb more Spirit Energy from the Spirit…”

“So that’s how it works…” Paul nodded, rubbing his chin. "Okay, then, will you give it a name?”

“Well, it’s just a bunch of grapes; what name could I give it?” wondered Chris. “Hmm, I’ll choose it later. I really have to go now. Bye!”

“Ah, well, take care. See you tomorrow, then,” Paul said.

“Sure!” Chris was about to leave, but then flew towards Paul and kissed him. "Ok, now bye!”

And then he finally logged out.

“Well, at least he didn’t dismiss me like I was nothing to him,” thought Paul. “For now, I should be logging out soon... Not before I place some seeds here and there to see if something pops up tomorrow, though.”

Like that, the Vampire Prince started planting the seeds he had secured from a few merchants already. These didn’t include just the usual vegetables, roots, or seeds that most people ate, but more exotic things.

He wasn’t the best at doing this, but with the [Spiritual Ki Farmer Agricultural Arts (A)] Skill, he was able to use special Farming Techniques, helping him sow the soil, plant the seeds, then use magic to water them.

Slowly, he worked for the next thirty minutes solely on this. Argentia, who had just hunted some sort of elephant and hog-hybrid monster and was eating it, noticed the small vampire moving around.

“Hmm? Oh, that annoying man…” he thought. “Is my priestess not with him? Hah! Why is he planting weird plants everywhere? Is he stupid or something?”

“Phew! Finally done…”

Paul sighed in relief, noticing his Skills leveled up after constant usage.


[The Skills: [Spiritual Ki Farmer Agricultural Arts (A): Lv1] [Blessing of the Martial Spirits of Harvest (A): Lv1] have Leveled Up!]

“This should be it for now…” he nodded.

And then he disappeared as well.

Argentia stayed there, enjoying his meal in silence.




He almost choked on his own food as a tremor suddenly scared the giant dragon.

His large eyes glanced down, noticing enormous silhouettes emerge from where Vlad had been wandering, continuing to grow across the land.

“W-What in the world did this bastard do?!”




For eons, he has been resting, his soul and body too weak to move anymore.

Now, bones, he only sought to restore his Arcane Magic over thousands of years.

The terrible defeat he took at the hands of the Vampire Emperor was still within his pale, dried heart.

The frustration, the humiliation, and the death of his people...

His empty eyes slowly began to glow as will-o-wisps surged from within them.


A tremor.

An enormous amount of rich Arcana and other energies suddenly started flowing everywhere.

The once dried-out Ley Lines that covered his tomb were beginning to reawaken.

And as he woke up, so did his army.

“So much rich energy... It has to be mine!”

His dried-out, bony hands rose as his body stood up from his old throne.

Rising an old black wooden staff, an Ancient King decided to visit the surface after thousands of years since his defeat.


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65 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

42 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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