Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 108 Musk deer? A bold fellow

Taking Xiongba with me, I looked at the fishhooks arranged in two other places. Not only were the fishhooks rusty, but the corn had sprouted.

When they arrived at the last place where the hooks for catching pheasants were set, Lin Heng heard the sound of flapping in the distance.

"There's something!!"

Lin Heng smiled excitedly and quickly grabbed Xiong Ba's dog's tail, fearing that it would bite him to death.

When I came over, I saw a black-legged grouse struggling crazily, bleeding from the corner of its mouth, and the fishhook was stuck in its jaw.

But it was much stronger than the pheasant just now. The pheasant swallowed it directly. It struggled so violently that the fishhook opened a gash in its throat, and there was no hope of survival at all.

Lin Heng pounced on the grouse and held it down. He first tied the wings and legs with a rope, and then took the fishhook.

He would not do the stupid thing of taking the hook and letting the fish fall into the water while showing it off.

The same goes for grouse.

After binding it, I opened its mouth and found that the lower jaw had been pierced enough, but fortunately it was not a fatal injury.

"It's good to be alive. Although it's only a pound, I can take it home."

Lin Heng chuckled.

It’s not that they eat and drink in the mountains without taking care of their wives and children, it’s that they can’t catch the small prey at once, so they have to eat it.

The catfish could be taken back before, but they didn't eat it and kept it.

The same goes for this live grouse.

When Lin Heng returned to the camp, his eldest brother had already returned and was chatting with his son Lin Wei while handling fungi, his face full of happiness.

"Lin Heng, you got it... holy shit, how did you get this, and there's still one alive?"

Seeing Lin Heng, Lin Yuegang wanted to ask him how many mushrooms he had picked, but when he took a closer look, he immediately stood up.

"Damn it, Second Dad, you are too fierce!!" Lin Wei also widened his eyes.

"Of course it's not from hunting, it's from the hook I set before. The pheasant swallowed the hook and died, but the grouse didn't swallow the hook and the hook was caught on the edge of its mouth."

Lin Heng said with a smile that fishermen can catch everything except fish.

"Woof woof!!" Xiongba held his head high, as if to say that he had half of the credit for this.

"There is meat to eat today!!" Lin Wei danced again, like a primitive man.

Lin Yue had to look at Shu: "If the fish hooks are harvested, there must be other traps. Let's eat quickly and go take a look."

"I think so too." Lin Heng said with a smile, threw the pheasant on the ground, and tied the live grouse to the trunk of the tree.

"This pheasant is big enough. Let's eat half and leave half. Let's make fried chicken with mushrooms today."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll make a fire."

Lin Yue went to light a fire, while Lin Wei rushed to find dry firewood.

The chicken soup is ready, it's the same old thing, the offal is given to Xiong, the meat is divided into two halves, half is kept, and the other half is chopped into small pieces and stir-fried with the mushrooms.

Not long after, a fragrant pot of fried chicken with mushrooms was ready, packed in a small wooden basin made by Lin Heng.

Then they made another rice dish and ate it together. Needless to say how delicious it was, the three of them didn't say a word until they finished eating.

The mushrooms are tender and fragrant, and the pheasant meat is chewy, chewier and more fragrant than domestic chicken. Some of the bones are crispy and can be chewed together.

However, compared to domestic chickens, there is less meat.

After eating, the three of them burped and stretched.

"The sun has only been out for half a day, and it's already so hot. It's really killing people."

Lin Heng sighed and ate, his clothes were soaked through.

However, the water in the stream has receded and is no longer so turbid. It will probably be clear tomorrow, so you can wash your clothes and take a bath.

"Brother, let's go there first. I feel like there will definitely be something else today."

Lin Yue was a little impatient to check out the rope trap.

"I guess I won't be able to go to Sanchagou Canyon today. We'll have to wait for the sun to shine for a day. I can only go to other places today. Let's go see if there are any harvests in the trap where I caught the forest musk deer."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Second father, I want to come together." Lin Wei said aloud.

"Then let's go."

Taking their knives, bows and arrows, carrying baskets on their backs, the three of them set off.

We walked in a straight line and did not pick up fungi, unless we saw Ganoderma lucidum. The main goal was to first see the Hell King Diao on Lin She's side.

After walking for more than half an hour, we arrived at the forest.

"Huh? Is there anything that the King of Hell triggered? What's going on?"

Lin Yue asked puzzledly as he looked at the situation in front of him.

Lin Heng looked at it carefully and analyzed: "It should be that the trap was automatically triggered due to the rain. There is no trace of prey."

"Do you want the Air Force again? Second father!" Lin Yue looked sad. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

"Don't worry, there are still a few left."

Lin Heng smiled, lowered the King of Hell hanging again, and then went to the next place.

He walked in front, and Lin Yue pulled his son behind. His eyes had turned to the mushrooms on the ground, and he was obviously disappointed.

The two places in a row were all empty, and everyone's mood suddenly felt lost. Could it be that the pheasants and grouse in the morning were not the beginning, but the end?

At the last place, Lin Heng had arranged three Hell King Crane. As soon as he reached it, Lin Heng was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly accelerated and sprinted over.

"Woof woof!!" Xiongba also ran wildly with excitement.

"No biting, I heard there is no bully." Lin Heng ordered as he ran.

He was so excited that his voice trembled.


In the distance, screams of fear and violent struggles spread, and a gray figure retreated and was suspended in the air, pulling the branches and shaking wildly.

"Damn, there is prey!!"

"It's rich!"

Lin Yue and his son, who were picking mushrooms in the back, were startled in an instant. When they saw the King of Hell hanging in the distance, they threw the mushrooms in their hands and ran over.

"Dad, is this a muntjac?" Lin Wei asked while running. It was the first time he saw a living thing.

"No, this is a musk deer. Your second dad is rich." Lin Yue was so excited that he couldn't help himself. This musk deer might be more valuable than ginseng that has been grown for more than ten years.

On the other side, Xiongba and Lin Heng had arrived one after another.

Xiongba circled around, and the musk deer struggled more violently, with feces and urine flowing everywhere.


The miserable sound spread throughout the canyon.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

Lin Heng grabbed its head, hugged its body and patted it gently to comfort it.

The musk deer is not big, the largest is only 20 kilograms, not even as big as a rural big yellow dog.

Lin Heng was steady as always. He first put the rope around its neck and then passed it through its legs to ensure that it could not break free.

Then he untied the Yanwangdiao and put it on the ground to caress and comfort it.

"Xiongba, stay away, don't scare it." Lin Heng patted Xiongba.

A living thing is much more valuable than a dead one, so don't scare it to death.


Xiongba looked at him dissatisfied, wagged his tail and walked away. His resentful eyes seemed to say that you have forgotten your old love after getting a new one.

"Brother, you are rich!"

Lin Yue rushed up panting and congratulated him with a smile.

Lin Heng smiled bitterly: "This is a female musk deer, not a male, and there is no musk."

Lin Heng didn't know if God was joking with him. This musk deer was actually the one he saw before.

When he ran over just now, he was instantly disappointed.

How great it would be if it was a male. With musk, that would be more than a thousand yuan in hand.

"Oh, here, let me see."

Lin Yue came over and looked at the buttocks. It was really a female.

"Haha, it's okay. Let's keep it first. Then we can breed it by catching a male."

Lin Yue smiled and patted his brother's shoulder.

"I thought so too." Lin Heng said with a smile. He really had this plan. Raising forest musk deer is also very profitable.

Musk is expensive, and the meat and fur can be sold.

There is no way. If you don't catch a male, you can only comfort yourself like this.

"Second father, let me touch it."

Lin Wei ran over panting and said impatiently.

Just looking is not enough, and he reached out and touched it.

"Brother, help me tie the legs, I'll carry it back, but I'm still worried about it."

This hunter is too cautious and doesn't give him any chance to escape.

There is no way. This is the sequelae of catching a big fish in the previous life. Even if the rope around the neck is very strong, he still feels uneasy.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded and helped tie the legs.

Lin Heng touched the musk deer again, and tied its mouth to prevent it from wailing.

It was tied up tightly.

Poor female musk deer, it didn't expect that this man would miss it just by a glimpse of it in the forest a month ago.

Carrying this guy back to the camp, Lin Heng was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

He really didn't expect to catch it, and in fact, he didn't hold out any hope.

Because he had failed for too many days in a row, he was numb, and just took a look with the last bit of hope.

As a result, one look was a lifetime.

It's like you fished in a heavy nest and waited for three days without catching anything, and you were so angry that you threw the fishing rod to the shore and didn't play anymore, but when you turned your head, the rod was dragged away.

Hunting, like fishing, is full of uncertainty. You can't be sure when the prey will appear. Sometimes you can't catch anything even if you use dozens of kilograms of nesting materials.

After watching this cute musk deer for more than ten minutes, I touched it several times again.

After confirming the tightness of the rope around its neck again, Lin Heng untied the body on its legs and mouth. The weather was too hot and he was afraid that it would die.

After looking at it, he still felt uneasy, so he tied another rope around its legs and connected a wooden stick behind it.

In this way, even if the rope around its neck broke, it would not run fast with the wooden stick connected to its feet, and there was still hope for recovery.

"Brother, now that you have done it, go and see some noose and Yanwang hangings that my father and I have arranged."

The eldest brother Lin Yue urged, and he now felt that today's hope was extremely great.


Lin Heng nodded and looked at his eldest nephew again: "Lin Wei, I'll tie the muntjac to the riverside, you watch it and don't let it run away."

Lin Wei wanted to go hiking together, but since Lin Heng had spoken, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, don't worry, I'll take good care of you."

After tying the musk deer to the stream, it began to struggle and roar again. After looking at it for a while, Lin Heng ignored it and it stopped when it was tired.

"Let's go check out the other traps."

Lin Heng's confidence also doubled, and the two brothers set off upstream together.

Along the sides of the stream, there were not only traps set by Lin Heng, but also many set by Lin's father and Lin Yue.

The two walked up the hillside along the shore, picking mushrooms and checking the noose traps on the way.

"It's over, the Yama King's Hanging here has also been automatically triggered, and the chances of catching prey are slim."

Lin Yue said helplessly, they have checked more than ten Yama King's Hangings, and six of the eight Yama King's Hangings have been triggered by themselves.

The rain makes the land soft, and this kind of elastic trap is too easy to trigger by itself.

"Don't worry, there are still noose traps, and the details are uncertain." Lin Heng said with a smile.

While repairing the automatically triggered Yanwang crane, the two walked forward and picked up some mushrooms.

In a blink of an eye, they had arrived at the place where he hunted ducks that day, but still did not find any prey. Both of them were a little bored and picked up mushrooms, no longer holding out hope for the next step.

"Woof woof!!"

While picking mushrooms, Xiongba, who was playing in front, called out, very eagerly, not the kind of calm and happy call when seeing mushrooms.

"Could it be that the prey has been trapped?"

"Let's go and see!"

Lin Heng and his eldest brother spoke at the same time, trotting over, and the distance of several hundred meters was crossed in an instant.

From a distance, Xiongba was seen standing in the grass by the river. The grass was trampled to the ground, but there was no sign of the prey.

"Is this an ordinary shrinking noose?" Lin Heng asked, this was not set by him.

"I set it, an ordinary noose." Lin Yue nodded and said.

The two ran over excitedly. A wild hog badger was lying dead on the ground beside the bushes, its body stiff.

"It didn't die today, maybe a day or two ago." Lin Heng pinched the wild hog badger's body and looked at its eyes.

"But fortunately, it's not smelly and can still be eaten. Brother, you are rich. This is a big wild hog badger, more than 20 kilograms."

Lin Heng said with a smile. Wild hog badger fur is also valuable.

He just took a look, and his eyes were not cloudy. It should be a trap set yesterday. If it was four days ago, it would have smelled even on a rainy day.

Maybe this guy wanted to catch fish and eat them while the water was rising, but he encountered a trap and strangled himself to death.

"Haha, I didn't expect my luck to be so good." Lin Yue lifted the wild hog badger and looked at it.

"This is not good luck, it is inevitable. We set at least one or two hundred traps, so we can catch two of them."

Lin Heng said with a smile. At the beginning, it was a matter of probability.

"Brother, put the wild hog badger in the backpack for me, and let's continue to go up." Lin Yue said with a smile.


After putting the wild hog on the rack, the two continued to move forward.

On the way, not only did they have to rearrange the trap, but they also had to set two more nooses when they found new prey traces.

"Brother, it seems that I have to go back tomorrow morning, otherwise the wild hog will be broken."

Lin Yue said as he walked.

"Of course, you take it back first, and then call dad to help. I will go back after two more days." Lin Heng nodded.

Unknowingly, the two came to the place where they picked mushrooms last time. There was not much growth on the tree this time. It was probably because it had not accumulated enough nutrients for the time being.

"There is nothing this time." Lin Yue was a little surprised. He knew about this huge mushroom tree last time.

Lin Heng was about to speak when he suddenly saw the treetops on the slope on the other side of the stream shaking. A closer look revealed that there were several monkeys climbing on the tree and watching them.

"Golden monkeys, this is rare." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Oh oh!!" Lin Heng shouted at them twice. He was not interested in these guys unless he was starving to death.

Regardless of whether he could catch them or not, he could not accept eating monkeys that looked too much like humans.

"Oh oh!!"

The golden monkeys on the opposite mountain also responded, standing on the tree and not afraid of people.


Lin Heng shook his head speechlessly, and continued to walk forward with his elder brother for a while, and then crossed the other side of the stream.

Along the other side, the two walked back.

"This dog thing is really bold." Lin Heng looked at the two monkeys on the tree. They came over, but they didn't leave.

"What's that? I heard that some villages have encountered monkeys going down the mountain to steal the sweet potatoes drying in the courtyard." Lin Yue said with a smile.

After taking a look, the two left, not wanting to pay attention to the two stupid monkeys.

"Woof woof!!"

Xiongba provocatively barked at them a few times, attracting the sound of "Oh oh" and cursing.

On the way back, they couldn't find prey on this side of the stream, so the two set the trap again.

It had just rained these two days, and many animals would come to the river to catch fish. Lin Heng felt that there was still hope.

"Brother, there's something here. A golden rooster was eaten and only feathers were left."

Lin Yue was about to return to the camp, and he found something else.

Lin Heng approached and saw a pile of chicken feathers. This golden rooster was hung up in the air by a little devil, and it was also eaten.

"I don't know if it was a clouded leopard, a wild cat, or a civet cat, the footprints were all similar."

Lin Heng saw footprints on the ground, but he couldn't track them and soon lost them.

There's no point in waiting for the rabbit to come. Wild cats and clouded leopards have very sensitive vision and noses.

"Then we can only wait until tomorrow to check the traps in Sanchagou. Maybe there will be some harvest."

Lin Yue said with some regret. The golden chicken meat is delicious. It's a pity.

"Go back and deal with the badgers." Lin Heng said with a smile. Now is not the time to hunt golden roosters.

When the leaves fall in winter, you can shoot golden roosters accurately. They are all resting on the branches, and you can see them clearly without a flashlight.

It's not like now. Even if the golden rooster crows, it's hard to tell which direction it is coming from unless you are very close.

After returning to the camp, Lin Heng first went to see his beloved Musk Deer. It lay in the grass, as if it found that it could not run away, and was too lazy to call.

On the other side, Lin Wei was very happy, his father caught a wild hog badger, which was amazing.

After seeing the Musk Deer, Lin Heng helped the wild hog badger, and he was already familiar with skinning and removing the internal organs.

"It must have died yesterday, and the large intestine has not changed color."

Lin Yue looked at the pig and badger intestines and said with a smile.

"Yes." Lin Heng also nodded. If it's not broken, it's the best news. If it's broken, it will be a big loss.

I regretted it so much that I couldn't sleep for days and nights, and I had to get up and slap my thighs even if I died.

The lungs and spleen of pigs, badgers and badgers were boiled and fed to Xiongba. The heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, small intestine and large intestine were all prepared and fried for dinner.

You can't take these things back, so you can only solve them on the mountain.

All the pig and badger meat is heavily salted and will be taken home early tomorrow morning.

The only thing you don't have to worry about going bad is lard.

"It would be great if it's alive. You don't have to worry about it breaking." Lin Yue shook his head. At this time, Lin Shek felt a little envious of Lin Heng.

"Haha, brother, you are so greedy that a snake swallows an elephant." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"What are you talking about? Did you catch the prey?"

At this time, a voice came from the distant woods.


The two said in unison.

"Grandpa, we had a great harvest this time. My second father caught a live forest musk deer and live grouse, and my father caught a pig badger."

Lin Wei shouted in response.

"Musk deer, pig badger!!"

Hearing this, Father Lin immediately quickened his pace and ran over to check.

He looked at his dismembered pig badger and then at the living forest musk deer, grinned and clapped his hands: "Okay, okay, this trip up the mountain was not in vain."

Father Lin was more excited than the two of them, both seeing and touching.

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