Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 113 Name them Jinbao, the more the better

The village party secretary Tian Dongfu's family lives in a mountain col to the east of the village, close to the big ginkgo tree in the center of the village.

The village committee is also not far to the south of the ginkgo tree. It is said that there was originally a Taoist temple on the hillside behind the village committee.

I heard from the old people in the village that it is called Xuantian Palace, and it is dedicated to Emperor Zhenwu, which is the same Emperor Zhenwu worshiped in Wudang Mountain.

It was demolished a few years ago, and the green brick waste was used to build the village committee, with a red flag planted.

The ginkgo tree in the center of the village, which one person can barely save, is more than 80 years old. It was planted by Taoist priests when they built the Taoist temple during the reign of Emperor Guangxu.

Now the tree is less than twenty meters tall, but its branches are very dense and there are many side branches. This is because the top was sawed off in the early years and was deliberately enlarged to provide shade.

When Lin Heng came over with Xiaoxia in his arms, Liu Sanye and several other old men from the village were sitting in the shade of the trees chatting and playing cards, their voices even louder.

"Xiaoxia, what kind of tree is this?"

Seeing Lin Heng and Xiaoxia, Liu Sanye asked with a smile.

Xiaoxia looked up, pointed at the ginkgo tree and said cheerfully: "Dad said this is a ginkgo tree."

"The little girl is so smart." Liu Sanye gave a thumbs up and praised.

Xiaoxia lay on Lin Heng's shoulder and looked at Master Liu. She didn't say anything, but just rolled her eyes.

"Lin Heng, how many things did you hit this time?"

The old man from the Yang family under the tree next to him smiled and asked, "This is Yang Xiaotao's father."

Lin Heng shook his head and said, "I didn't catch anything, so I just caught two piglets and a female forest musk deer."

Liu Sanye shook his head: "You are not real, someone has seen wild boar. You must have killed a big wild boar."

Lin Heng laughed: "It's not big, just over a hundred pounds."

He wanted to hide, but he didn't expect that he had been discovered.

"Seeing as you didn't get much back, did you sell it?" the Yang family old man asked again.

"I sold some and ate some myself on the mountain."

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he smiled and said: "No more, I have to go to the village committee to do something."

"If you want to find the village party secretary and village chief, you have to go home. They have just returned." Liu Sanye said.

"Okay, thank you."

Lin Heng nodded and thanked, and walked towards the village party secretary's home.


Xiaoxia also followed Lin Heng's example and smiled and waved.

"Hey, this little girl is so polite." Liu Sanye laughed happily.

Not long after, Lin Heng arrived at the village party secretary's house. There was a large bamboo forest to the right and northwest of his house, which was easy to find.

The yard and house are also built with the old blue bricks and tiles, and the adhesive is white ash instead of cement.

The two-story building also has a small courtyard, and outside the small courtyard there is a large courtyard connected to the bamboo forest.

The small courtyard is paved with blue bricks, and the large courtyard is paved with stone slabs.

When Lin Heng came over with Xiaoxia in his arms, Tian Dongfu's wife Wang Qin was washing clothes under the bamboo shade at the edge of the large yard.

"Aunt Wang, have you had lunch?" Lin Heng greeted with a smile.

"I just finished eating. I'm doing laundry right now. Lin Heng, have you eaten?"

Wang Qin glanced at Lin Heng and asked with a smile.

"I ate it too, Aunt Wang, you can try washing clothes with this."

Lin Heng smiled and handed over the osmanthus soap.

"Is this soap? I can't have it. You can take it back."

Wang Qin looked at it and handed it back. Of course she wanted to take it, but her husband refused to allow it and had scolded her many times.

"Xiulan made it herself. She wanted to change the shoes with you. They were not given as a gift. Her shoes were lost."

Lin Heng put the osmanthus soap on the ground and said with a smile.

"Well, that's not good either." Wang Qin hesitated.

"If there's anything wrong with it, it's like buying it." Lin Heng said with a smile and spread his hands.

Wang Qin is a rural woman who likes to take advantage of small things, and Lin Heng also knows how to let her take advantage.

"Okay, I'll take out all the styles of shoes I have collected and you can choose them yourself." Wang Qin showed a smile on his face.

"Let's talk about it later. My Uncle Tian is here. I have something to discuss with him." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"After dinner, I was listening to the radio on the second floor. He listens to it every day. You can go up by yourself. There is no one else at home." Wang Qin said with a smile.


Lin Heng walked into the small courtyard, where there were some flowers and plants, and a stone table with a chess board carved on it.

When you walk into the main room, you will see a huge portrait of the founding fathers.

The house is simply decorated and tidied up, almost like my own home, except that the house I made is better.

There is a wooden staircase in the corner, and the sound of news broadcasts comes from the room on the second floor.

He carried his daughter Lin Heng and went straight to the second floor. Directly opposite the stairs was Tian Dongfu's study.

Through a screen window, Tian Dongfu had already noticed Lin Heng's arrival.

He immediately turned off the radio, stood up, opened the door, and greeted him warmly: "Lin Heng, why are you here? I said I was looking for you. You haven't been home these days."

Lin Heng was a little flattered. Tian Dongfu was too polite. He quickly said politely: "Uncle Tian, ​​you are too polite. Just tell me if you have anything."

"You don't know. I almost lost my life recently. Fortunately, I remembered your reminder that day and changed into a pair of rain boots when I went to pick vegetables on the 28th.

At that time, a Tuba belt bit me on my rain boots. It would have been a disaster if I had not worn rain boots. Your reminder saved my life. "

Tian Dongfu poured Lin Heng a cup of tea and said excitedly.

Tuba belt is the native name of a kind of snake. It is not clear whether its scientific name is Lin Heng. Its earth-yellow body cannot be seen clearly even if it is hidden, but its toxicity is not particularly strong.

"Haha, Uncle Tian, ​​what you said was serious. I just reminded you casually at the time, which is not a life-saving grace."

Lin Heng waved his hand and said.

He was a little surprised that Tian Dongfu was bitten by a snake again in his life. He was really unlucky.

"You can't say that. Without your reminder, I might not have changed my rain boots at all." Tian Dongfu shook his head and said.

After a pause, Tian Dongfu added: "So since you are back, come to my house for dinner this afternoon, and bring your wife Xiulan and your daughter with you. I want to thank you very much."

"No need, Uncle Tian, ​​you are too polite." Lin Heng said helplessly.

"That's it. If you don't come, you will look down on me." Tian Dongfu waved his hand, not giving Lin Heng a chance to continue talking.

"I definitely don't mean this. Since Uncle Tian has repeatedly asked, I will bring my family over in the afternoon to disturb you." Lin Heng said quickly.

"Okay, that's right. It's just a meal, nothing else." Tian Dongfu said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded, looked at his daughter, and said, "Uncle Tian. Actually, I have something else to do today."

"Oh, this, you tell me." Tian Dongfu took a sip of tea, slowly, and his momentum was different from before.

Lin Heng took a breath and said, "That's it. I'm going to hire someone to dig a fish pond to raise fish. The land used is the land where my family grows wheat at the foot of Hongfeng Mountain. I'll come over and report it to see if I need it. What procedure?"

"This kind of thing." Tian Dongfu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's no problem. For the time being, you can just pay taxes and public grain according to the grain growing land."

After taking a sip of tea, he asked again: "Fish are not easy to raise. Do you have any experience?"

"I've read some books and seen people raising crops in the city. Let's give it a try. You can't always grow crops.

Moreover, times are good now. As long as you raise fish, you won’t have to worry about making money. "

Lin Heng said with a smile.

"You have a good idea. If you don't have enough money, I can help you get a loan from a village bank."

Tian Dongfu praised Lin Heng. Not many people can realize this.

Recently, he is also thinking about leading the village to plant cash crops or engage in breeding or something like that.

But he himself lacks experience, has never done anything in this area, doesn’t know what to do, and hasn’t made up his mind yet.

Now that someone has done it, he can give some help and gain some experience.

If Lin Heng succeeds and has an example, he can cooperate with Lin Heng and call on the whole village to work together.

If Lin Heng fails, he can learn some lessons and switch to other industries.

In a very short time, he figured these things out.

"It's not needed yet. If I need it, I will ask Uncle Tian for help." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Tian Dongfu nodded and asked again: "You are engaged in breeding, have you never thought about planting fruit trees or something?"

"Yes, but it depends on the situation. We don't have that much money at the moment." Lin Heng said, in fact, the cycle of planting fruit trees is too long, so he is not interested at the moment.

After chatting for a few more words, Lin Heng said goodbye and left.

He understood Tian Dongfu's idea of ​​​​leading the villagers to get rich, but he still chose not to give advice.

He is not as broad-minded as Tian Dongfu. He wants to wait until he becomes rich and has capital before leading the villagers to become rich and expand the scale of the industry.

Now that I am still in the stage of accumulating original capital, I don’t want to point out the way forward for others.

"Lin Heng, these are the shoes you want." After going downstairs, Wang Qin brought a book with shoes inside.

These are used by rural women to make cloth shoes. If you cut them according to the shape of the shoes, you will not go wrong.

"Thank you Aunt Wang." Lin Heng took two and left.

The appearance of the shoes is not worth a penny at all, but if you make Wang Qin happy, she will speak for you no matter what you do and report to you if anything happens.

Walking back, a group of people greeted him on the road, some were polite, and some asked about his harvest yesterday.

Even if you are jealous or resentful, no one will show it to your face stupidly.

Lin Heng took his daughter to his father's house. Lin's father was eating in the house. He was making cornmeal fish for lunch, which rural people like to eat in the summer.

"Would you like to eat it? The cornmeal fish at Sauerkraut Whistle is very good." Father Lin said with a smile.

"I want to eat!" Xiaoxia stretched out her hand and said crisply.

"Come, Auntie will feed you." Caiyun came over and said holding a bowl.

Lin Heng put his daughter down and asked Caiyun to feed her. He shook his head and said, "I don't want to eat. I'm here to ask Dad to find someone to look after her while I prepare to dig a fish pond."

Father Lin glanced at him and knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he stopped trying. He spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'll go find Li Shifang from Murakami this afternoon to show you."

"Thank you, dad." Lin Heng nodded, and then asked, "Is anyone here to buy wild boar cubs today?"

"No, no one in the village is interested. I'll keep it for now and see if anyone in other villages buys it. Anyway, I just need to feed it a little grass. It doesn't take much effort to feed it without food."

Father Lin shook his head and said.

Lin Heng guessed the result, and also guessed that Lin's father was reluctant to eat it and would raise it.

Mother Lin looked at him: "Where is your wild boar cub?"

"My wound is inflamed and I probably won't survive. I plan to kill it in two days and treat everyone to roast suckling pig."

Lin Heng said with a smile that he wanted his family to try a real delicacy - golden crispy roasted suckling pig.

"That's such a pity. If you can't feed it, kill it as soon as possible to avoid losing weight." Mother Lin said with some pity.

After chatting for a while, Xiaoxia stopped eating, and Lin Heng took her back home.

"Is the matter settled?" Xiulan asked when she saw Lin Heng coming back.

She also had lunch ready on the table.

"We've negotiated, there's no problem, and Party Secretary Tian insists on letting us go to his house for dinner." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan was confused: "Why?"

When Lin Heng told what happened, Xiulan immediately understood and said with a smile: "Then you are so lucky, you can encounter all this.

But we can't leave empty-handed. I happened to have a piece of pork belly left to eat at night. Let's take it with me then. "

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, sat down and drank some water.

"Hurry up and eat. There will be cold noodles for lunch. The dishes are cold cucumber shreds and your pickled bamboo shoots."

Xiulan added that she was waiting for Lin Heng to come back for dinner.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, picked up the chopsticks and started eating. Although he had just eaten rice, he was still a little hungry.

Moreover, the cold cucumber shreds and soaked bamboo shoots are so appetizing that I want to eat noodles after just two bites.

"I eat cucumbers." Xiaoxia said crisply, opening her mouth wide, waiting to be fed.

Lin Heng and Xiulan each took a bite and took turns feeding her.

"Xiulan, your cold cucumber shreds are also seasoned with sugar, you are a master."

Lin Heng commented that with this little bit of sugar, the taste and texture of the entire shredded cucumber suddenly became different.

It's not as hot and sour as before, it's just right, with a hint of sweetness, neutralizing the hot and sour taste, and it tastes crisp and refreshing.

"I actually poured the sugar water in accidentally, but unexpectedly I found it was delicious." Xiulan said with a smile. She didn't expect this. It was just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse.

"It's so delicious. I'll do this again in the future." Lin Heng praised, and he said why his wife suddenly became enlightened.

After lunch, Lin Heng lay on the bed and took a nap for half an hour. It was wonderful to sleep with a full meal.

After sleeping, Lin Heng stretched and sat up.

Walking out of the bedroom, Xiaoxia was playing with the cat under the eaves of the backyard.

The wind blew the wind chimes tinkling, and the little golden cat lay lazily on the ground. Xiaoxia touched its belly. The kitten did not resist, looking like it was enjoying itself.

When it sensed Lin Heng coming out, it immediately turned over and looked at Lin Heng warily with a pair of heterochromatic pupils. It seemed that it didn't roar because Xiaoxia was around.

"Dad, touch the cat!" Seeing Lin Heng, Xiaoxia smiled and asked him to touch the cat together.

"Xiaoxia, give it a name." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Name?" Xiaoxia tilted her head, not quite understanding.

She is too young and naming the cat is embarrassing her.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Then you can call it Jinbao. This name suits it quite well."

Gold is more consistent with its red hair, and Jinbao also has the homophone of Jinbao, which means attracting wealth and treasures.

"Jinbao!" Xiaoxia blinked and reached out to touch the cat.

"Meow!" the little golden cat meowed, seeming to be responding to Xiaoxia.

It's just that this Qinling golden cat doesn't meow very well, and its voice is very rough and a bit scary.

But Xiaoxia seems to have gotten used to it.

After looking at his daughter, Lin Heng turned around and went to the main room. Xiulan was knitting a straw hat. She was not used to taking naps and could not sleep at night as soon as she went to bed at noon.

Lin Heng lives too much as an elderly person and often takes naps as a habit.

"Is my daughter still playing with the cat?" Seeing him, Xiulan asked.

"Yes, I'm still teasing the cat." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was going to take the little golden cat and Xiongba to the city to get a dozen pet vaccinations when he had time.

In this era, vaccines for cats and dogs are already available in cities.

Beat them to prevent them from getting sick, and you don't have to worry if you accidentally injure someone.

Or you can take your whole family to get a rabies vaccine during the Chinese New Year. Rabies is still very scary, and there are a lot of wild dogs in rural areas.

While chatting, Lin Heng found the remaining sandpaper that carpenter Liang had used to grind and polish the wooden bowl he made on the mountain.

The Paulownia tree is not afraid of water and will not crack. Once it is polished, this set of wooden bowls and basins can be passed down to three generations, and it will still be there when people leave.

Sanding this thing by hand takes a lot of work, but without power tools you have to take your time.

Before I knew it, it was already past three o'clock. Xiulan finished knitting her straw hat and went to pick some vegetables. The beautiful ones are eaten, and the ugly and bad ones are left to the pigs and badgers.

Xiongba nuzzled Xiulan and asked for a cucumber. Lin Heng thought he would take two bites of it and spit it out. Unexpectedly, the guy ate it all and asked for another one after he finished eating.

At around four o'clock, Lin Heng finally polished the five wooden basins. The wood was much smoother without the previous hair.

After washing the tub and putting it down, Lin Heng looked at the buckled forest musk deer and wild boar cubs.

Both of them were very timid and would shrink aside when they saw people coming, but they obviously ate all the things they threw away.

“Dong dong dong!!”

I was about to discuss cooking roast suckling pig with my wife when there was a knock on the yard door.


Lin Heng came over and opened the door. There were two people standing outside the door carrying big bags. They looked to be in their fifties, but he didn't recognize them.

"I heard that the price of mulberry harvested here is a dime higher than in town?"

One of the taller and thinner men said.

"Yes, uncle, I charge 30 cents per pound of mulberry." Lin Heng smiled and opened the door.

"Well, the two of us will sell two bags of Phellinus mulberry, which adds up to about one hundred kilograms."

The two of them were talking as they walked towards the yard carrying mulberry huang.

They had been hoarding these mulberry yellows for a long time, but the price suddenly dropped. They didn't want to sell them. But they heard that the price would drop further, and they were afraid that it would become less and less valuable, so they brought them to Lin Heng.

"I'll take any amount." Lin Heng said with a smile

He turned and went into the house to take out the scale to weigh the mulberry yellows. One weighed 53 kilograms, and the other weighed 52 kilograms.

After weighing, he poured the mulberry yellows out and put them on the ground to check.

As expected, there were a lot of other tree yellows mixed in, and some were wet.

Lin Heng picked them out one by one, and the mixed tree yellows added up to ten kilograms.

There were also ten kilograms of mulberry yellows that were not dry.

"This is not okay, let's figure it out." Lin Heng looked at the two people.

"We didn't notice it, sorry." The two pretended to be innocent.

Lin Heng was not a philanthropist. According to different prices, he gave a total of 27.5 cents.

The two people didn't say anything, took the money and left, it was good to be able to sell it for three cents.

Lin Heng was very happy looking at the room full of Coriolus versicolor. He now has 1,400 kilograms of Coriolus versicolor. When the price goes up, he can make at least 4,000 to 5,000 yuan by selling it.

The more people come to sell Coriolus versicolor recently, the better. It is already the beginning of August, and the price increase is very close.

Now every more you collect, the more you earn.

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