Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 118: Encountering a classmate, the dove leaf fairy tofu

At 11 o'clock in the morning, Lin Heng came out of the Tuanjie Brick Factory with a bag on his back, which contained two thick stacks of one hundred ten-yuan bills.

In 1983, the third set of RMB was still used, and the largest denomination was ten yuan.

With the bills, Lin Heng went to the rural credit cooperative in the town and deposited half of the money.

After depositing the money and confirming that there was no problem, he felt relieved.

After depositing the money, Lin Heng immediately went to find the uncle who drove the tractor in the town. When he helped to pull the mulberry yellow last time, Lin Heng asked him for his home address.

After coming over, he found that the door was closed, so Lin Heng went to the home of the tractor owner. This family was a transportation business in the town and had two tractors.

When Lin Heng asked, both of their tractors went out to pull goods, but one came back immediately.

"How is the price calculated?" Lin Heng asked.

"Two yuan for a round trip within 10 kilometers, three yuan for a round trip within 20 kilometers, or you can rent it for the whole day, ten yuan a day, and the fuel cost is not included." The tractor owner looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng sighed that it was so expensive, but there were only a few tractors in the town, and it was a monopoly business, and he couldn't find another one.

But if you think about it carefully, the tractor can pull at least 2,000 kilograms of things at a time, and it can pull 4,000 to 5,000 kilograms on a flat road. The transportation capacity is indeed strong.

"Can I rent it for half a day?" Lin Heng asked.

"Sure, five yuan, and you pay for the fuel yourself." The boss said.

Lin Heng: "Then I'll rent it for half a day."

"Pay first, and you can take it away when the tractor comes back later." The boss turned the pen and said.

After taking out five yuan and paying, Lin Heng took the receipt and waited while drinking water.

He waited until one o'clock, and the tractor came back. It was not the uncle who pulled the mulberry yellow for him that day, but another young man who was about the same age as him.

After a closer look, Lin Heng couldn't help but say, "Wang Zhou, it's you."

"Lin Heng, why are you here!" The young man with a greasy head sitting on the tractor jumped down with a look of surprise on his face.

"I'm here to rent a tractor." Lin Heng said with a smile.

This young man with a 3:7 split hair and thick eyebrows is his junior high school classmate, who is the kind of person who can play well.

It's different from Lin Heng who didn't go to school and ran out for a stroll. Wang Zhou studied hard, but his grades were still very average, even worse than Lin Heng, so his family didn't let him go to junior high school after one year.

There were not many interactions in the previous life. Lin Heng only remembered that this person was very down-to-earth and hardworking. As long as he could make money, he was willing to do any hard work.

One thing that Lin Heng remembered deeply was that when he was in his forties, his wife broke the news that his son was not his own, and then he ran away with his mistress with his hard work money.

He didn't know what happened in the middle, and later heard that he went out to make a living by carrying cement.

Later, I heard that he died in his fifties. It was said that when he died, his body was full of traces of corrosion due to long-term carrying of cement.

"Why did you rent a tractor? It's precious." Wang Zhou was a little unbelievable. He remembered that Lin Heng's family was not rich, so how could he have money to rent a tractor? Has he changed so much in a few years?

"I went to buy something, so I need a tractor." Lin Heng shook his hand and said with a smile.

Now Wang Zhou's eyes are full of hope. He is smart and hardworking, which makes it difficult for him to associate him with the miserable person in his memory.

Perhaps this is the misery brought by meeting the wrong person, Lin Heng sighed in his heart.

"Then wait, I'll go have a meal, and then I'll drive the tractor for you." Wang Zhou said with a smile.

"By the way, have you eaten?" Wang Zhou asked again.

"I ate, bought food, you eat quickly." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Wang Zhou's work here is provided with meals. His lunch is three cornmeal steamed buns and a bowl of pickled cabbage soup, which is not bad.

After dinner, he asked the host, then started the tractor and took Lin Heng out.

"Where are you going?" Wang Zhou asked with a smile after getting on the tractor. He was very curious about this junior high school classmate who was rich enough to spend five yuan to buy a tractor for half a day.

"Go to Dahe Town Purchasing Station. You know the way, right?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Yes, I've been there several times." Wang Zhou said with a smile, his words full of vitality.

On the way, the two chatted, and Lin Heng learned that this was Wang Zhou's fourth job after dropping out of school, and his monthly salary was 16 yuan for food and accommodation.

He is more than three years older than Lin Heng, 24 this year, and has not yet married.

The main reason is that he is afraid of talking to women. Once he sees a woman, he can't say a word, so naturally no woman likes him.

In the countryside, if you are not married at the age of 22, you will be laughed at. When chatting, he is also very anxious to find a wife.

When he learned that Lin Heng was going to buy Coriolus versicolor, he widened his eyes: "Ah, you are going to buy Coriolus versicolor? Could it be that the big fool Uncle Li said who bought 1,000 kilograms of Coriolus versicolor from the town and brought it home is you?"

"Haha, that's probably me." Lin Heng laughed.

"You are very rich if you can buy 1,000 kilograms of Coriolus versicolor. Why take this risk? Coriolus versicolor has fallen to the bottom of the price now."

Wang Zhou didn't understand. If he had as much money as Lin Heng, he would never do such a stupid thing.

"Because I have seen through the future development, Coriolus versicolor will inevitably usher in a big price increase." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Wang Zhou didn't believe it. He thought Lin Heng was crazy.

Lin Heng patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "When I sell Coriolus versicolor and make money, are you interested in working for me?

I will give you 20 yuan a month, and there will be rewards if you do a good job."

This moved Wang Zhou, but he soon shook his head: "The owner of this house treats me very well. Even if I want to change jobs, I have to wait until he finds someone to take over before I leave."

And he thought Lin Heng might lose money.

"Don't worry, if you are willing to work for me, I will find you a wife in our village." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wang Zhou's eyes lit up and nodded: "Then if you make money, I can go to work for you."

Lin Heng smiled, it seems that he is very eager to find a wife.

Talking and laughing, more than an hour, the two came to the center of Dahe Town.

The tractor parked on the side of the road attracted the attention of many people.

Lin Heng came to the purchasing station here and asked about the price of Coriolus versicolor.

2.5 yuan, slightly better than Liu Qicheng in their town.

When Lin Heng said he wanted 5.5 yuan to buy Coriolus versicolor, there were only 300 kilograms here. He asked someone to take away the previous batch that had just dropped in price. These 300 kilograms were just collected.

Lin Heng had no choice but to buy the 300 kilograms of Coriolus versicolor at 56 cents, spending 168 yuan.

"Let's go to another town." After loading the Coriolus versicolor, Lin Heng said again.

"You are really incomprehensible." Wang Zhou shook his head.

"You think I'm crazy." Lin Heng laughed.

"Yes." Wang Zhou nodded.

The two drove the tractor to the neighboring Wushan Town. What made Lin Heng speechless was that only more than 400 kilograms of Coriolus versicolor were received here, spending 224 yuan.

Almost everyone chose to sell Coriolus versicolor as soon as possible, and these were collected recently.

"Forget it, there is probably no hope if it is farther away, and time does not allow it." Lin Heng shook his head and asked Wang Zhou to drive the tractor back.

Back in the town, he gave Wang Zhou one yuan for gas money and asked him to take Coriolus versicolor back to Hongfeng Village.

The villagers saw that Lin Heng brought back another tractor of Coriolus versicolor, and they couldn't understand it.

"Why did he bring back the mulberry fungus again? He really wants to save his life."

"Is there no one in his house to stop him?"

"Is all the money he earned from hunting spent on this?"

Under the huge ginkgo tree, a group of people shook their heads, not understanding who gave Lin Heng such courage to hoard mulberry fungus like crazy.

"Then he will hire people to dig the fish pond tomorrow. Can he still afford to pay us?" Some people were worried.

"Yes, although the village party secretary guaranteed it, I am still a little worried." Someone echoed.

"What are you afraid of? He is in this village. Can he run away? Besides, there is still the village party secretary."

The matter of hiring workers for Lin Heng to dig the fish pond tomorrow has been handed over to the village party secretary, and the candidates have been determined by now.

It's just that these people saw that Lin Heng had brought out so many mulberry fungus again, and they were immediately worried whether Lin Heng had money to pay them.

When Lin's father and others found out, they were shocked again. Lin Heng bought mulberry fungus again. He really didn't save any money.

But several people knew that they couldn't persuade him, so they just spread their hands and let him go.

Xiulan was the only one who knew about this in advance. Lin Heng told him early in the morning.

"Just leave it there." Lin Heng took Wang Zhou to move all the Coriolus versicolor into the house.

After moving, Lin Heng asked Wang Zhou to drink some water. He was stunned when he saw Xiulan. He was secretly shocked that Lin Heng married a beautiful wife and gave birth to a beautiful daughter.

He believed Lin Heng's words that he would introduce a wife to him. After all, he could marry such a dignified and decent wife.

"Lin Heng, I'm leaving. I have to go back and report to the boss." Wang Zhou said after drinking a sip of water and left. No one could stop him.

After Wang Zhou left, Xiulan whispered: "Did the boss of the Tuanjie Brick Factory really spend three thousand yuan to buy your plan?"

"Yes, there is a formula for how to burn it to improve. I learned it secretly in the city before." Lin Heng nodded.

"I can't believe it." Xiulan shook her head. Her husband sold a piece of paper for three thousand, which made her feel unreal.

"Is it more real now?" Lin Heng hugged his wife from behind, heart to heart.

"I feel like you are possessed, but you are the same as before, not changed at all." Xiulan shook her head.

"Actually, I tried all kinds of things during the time I was out, not just hanging out with bad friends. I have a good memory, I remembered a lot of things, and learned a lot."

Lin Heng smiled and said that he could only use this reason to get away with it.

There will definitely be many changes after rebirth, which he can't do anything about. He can't just do nothing to avoid being exposed.

And this irrationality is just some minor problems, which is nothing compared to the reality that has no logic at all. It's not that no one has become rich overnight.

"I just feel that I don't know whether you are you or not." Xiulan shook her head.

Lin Heng laughed and made a joke: "Of course, after all, we all know each other's strengths and weaknesses."

The next moment he slapped him, Xiulan glared at him fiercely and said: "You are always so careless."

"You can say whatever you want to me, I won't tell outsiders." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He was not on guard against Xiulan, because this woman's life center was only him and the child, she didn't even have a so-called best friend.

Other women in the village traveled together in groups of three or two, Xiulan often went alone, or with Caiyun or Lin's mother.

"Stop it." Xiulan glanced at him, her little man had the sweetest mouth.

"Help me make the fairy tofu with turtledove leaves. The turtledove leaves in the basket were sent by Liu Ciwen this afternoon. He left them here and ran away without even drinking a sip of water."

Xiu Lan pointed to a basket of small-leaf turtledove leaves on the table and said.

They also call them fairy leaves here. After scalding them with water and mixing them with plant ash water, they can form beautiful green tofu similar to jelly.

It tastes similar to jelly, but with a special turtledove leaf fragrance and a cooler nature.

The fairy leaves are divided into large leaves and small leaves. The large leaves are bitter, and the small leaves are more delicious.

Every summer, they are rushed to be picked. Lin Heng doesn't have any in his own fields, so he can only rely on wild picking.

"This young man is so sensible." Lin Heng smiled helplessly. He has learned to be a man at a young age, and he is not as good as him.

I had a meal in the morning and sent some gifts back in the afternoon.

"So you go and prepare the plant ash water to cool it down, and I will boil water."

Xiu Lan stretched out a slender index finger, gently poked Lin Heng's chest, and said with a blink of an eye.

In fact, she could have done it by herself a long time ago, but she just wanted to do it with Lin Heng.

But she would not say this little thought.

"Okay." Lin Heng turned around to do it.

The ash water for making the dove leaf fairy tofu should be thicker. Lin Heng shoveled some ash out of the stove hole, poured water into it and stirred it once, then filtered it, added ash again and filtered it again, repeated it five times, and got a basin of cement slurry-like liquid.

Put it aside to clarify, Lin Heng was about to turn around to help. At this time, Xiaoxia, who was tired of playing the game of throwing wooden sticks with dog Xiongba, ran into the house and looked at the ash water in the basin curiously.

"Don't touch it, otherwise mom will spank you." Lin Heng warned Xiaoxia, who was smeared like a little cat.

"Don't touch it!" Xiaoxia immediately covered her little butt with her little hands behind her back, and her round little head shook like a rattle.

Lin Heng went into the house to light the fire and she followed him. She stood there curiously. When she saw Lin Heng holding something, she asked, "Dad, what is this?"

"This is firewood, made of acorn trees." Lin Heng shook it in front of her and threw it into the stove to light it.

The fire burned quickly, and the water in the pot boiled to put out the fire, and it was no longer needed.

Wash the turtledove leaves, put them in the wooden barrel, and then pour boiling water into them. It should be noted that too much water should not be poured, otherwise it will not be done. Xiulan is very sensible about this.

"Okay, I'll hold the barrel, and you can do it."

Xiulan handed the rolling pin to Lin Heng and said with a smile.

Xiulan found a small stool to sit down and hold the barrel. Lin Heng took the rolling pin and kept pounding the turtledove leaves, crushing them to make the substances in them precipitate. This process is still quite tiring.

"I'll do it too!"

Xiaoxia ran over with a smile and pressed her hands on the edge of the barrel.

This made Lin Heng slow down, for fear of touching her hand.

After more than half an hour, the turtle dove leaves were finally crushed, and the green paste-like green juice came out.

"You do it next, I'll watch, I'm afraid of the heat." Xiulan smiled playfully and winked at Lin Heng.

"Okay, I'll listen to whatever my wife says."

Lin Heng grinned, and it was a very happy experience to be ordered by his wife.

Xiulan found a large ceramic basin and a cloth bag for tofu. Pour the mixed liquid of the crushed turtle dove leaves and the pulp into it and press it with your hands to filter out the green pulp without leaf residue.

Lin Heng soaked his hands in cold water, pressed them twice, and soaked them in cold water again when it was too hot.

Xiulan held the basin for him, because she was more casual at home, a camouflage short-sleeved shirt with a large neckline, which was held up very high by her figure.

Xiulan's posture of holding the basin just happened to be able to see the half-hidden spring scenery, and Lin Heng always couldn't help but take a look, this state is always the most attractive.

Xiulan had already noticed her little man's improper gaze, pouted slightly, glared at him, and signaled him to work hard.

"Okay, okay."

It took more than ten minutes, and most of the juice was filtered out.

"There's still a little bit, do you want to add some water and pass it again?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan stretched out her finger and poked him, rolling her eyes: "You haven't seen enough, right? It's not like you haven't seen it before, and you're still lecherous."

"Haha, it's natural for me to look at my wife." Lin Heng held his head high and said proudly: "Besides, my wife is so beautiful, I can never see enough."

"Just lie to me with your sweet mouth for a day, hum." Xiulan snorted lightly, feeling happy in her heart.

Which woman doesn't want her husband to be around her all the time?

Xiaoxia opened her eyes wide and watched her parents flirting. She didn't understand it at all, but she thought the game seemed interesting, so she stretched out her finger and poked her father.

"What are you doing!" Lin Heng turned around.

"You've been lying to me all day, hum!" Xiaoxia snorted and turned her head away.

"Hahahaha, I didn't lie to anyone, not to Xiaoxia nor to my mother." Lin Heng laughed, washed his hands, and touched his daughter's face.

"Humph! ╯^╰" Xiaoxia pretended to be reserved and didn't let Lin Heng touch her. She ran and hugged his legs again.

When Lin Heng turned around, she ran away again, humming at Lin Heng.

Lin Heng grabbed her and tickled her: "Is it wrong?"

"Humph!" Xiaoxia laughed and hummed, thinking it was fun.

Lin Heng played with his daughter for a while, and was afraid that she would catch a cold from breathing too much cold air, so he had to put her on the ground.

However, Xiaoxia still enjoyed playing this game.

On the other side, Xiulan poured the clarified plant ash water into the turtledove leaf slurry, stirred it evenly and put it in a cool place to stand.

Tomorrow morning, you can eat the turtledove leaf fairy tofu.

"What are we having for dinner?" Xiulan came over and asked the father and daughter who were still playing.

"Don't say casually." Xiulan added.

"Then let's eat noodles." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Okay, then let's eat rice." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng looked at his wife and smiled, "You are deliberately teasing me, right?"

"Then do you want to eat it or not?" Xiulan blinked and looked at him.

"Eat, I will eat whatever my wife cooks." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan smiled, looked at her husband and said, "You go feed the musk deer and the wild hog badger, I will cook."

Soon, the meal was ready, and Xiulan brought three bowls of noodles, two large and one small.

"You are very happy to tease your husband, right?" Lin Heng picked up the noodles and looked at her and smiled.

Xiulan gave a playful smile. It was really fun to tease her husband.

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