Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 134: Build a wooden house and breed the ewe

"Brother, is Schisandra chinensis old?"

When he came back in the afternoon, Lin Heng asked.

"No, it will take several days." Lin Yue shook his head, and then said excitedly: "I heard that you went to cut trees with chainsaws, I will go tomorrow too."

"Of course, three people will be faster." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

After chatting for a few words, his daughter clamored to go for a walk, so Lin Heng could only take her to run and play.

When he walked to the ginkgo tree, the rooster that he had beaten away before took advantage of his inattention and hit his butt, then flapped its wings and ran away.

"Damn it!"

Lin Heng picked up stones and threw them all the way, but the thing ran so fast that he didn't catch up.

The main reason was that he was afraid that his daughter would walk alone, so he didn't dare to chase far.

"Whose rooster is this?" Lin Heng asked.

"Liu Lan's, often pecks people." Someone next to him answered.

Lin Heng took a look at the rooster from a distance and remembered this grudge.

He continued to walk with his daughter, and kept playing the game of identifying objects and talking.

"Dad, what is this?"

On the side of the road, Xiaoxia pointed at a plant with black fruits and asked curiously.

"This is nightshade, the black fruits are edible." Lin Heng picked one and ate it himself after waving it in front of his daughter's mouth.

It was sweet and sour and delicious. I ate a lot of it when I was a child.

Xiaoxia stamped her feet angrily, picked one and put it in her mouth, and then picked the second and third...

Lin Heng also ate a few, then took her away and told her that he was not allowed to eat anything.

Every time he ate wild fruits, Lin Heng reminded her once, for fear that his precious daughter would eat anything by herself.

On the way back, Lin Heng saw the big rooster that pecked people again, but it ran away and didn't dare to come over.

The next morning, Xiulan, Lin's mother Liu Juan and others went to Hongfeng Mountain with them. They dug peanuts at the foot of the mountain and herded cattle and sheep.

Lin Heng and the other two went up the mountain to continue sawing wood. Every time they sawed off a tree, Lin Heng replanted two other trees.

Thirty more were sawed in the morning, and the number was almost the same.

"How do we move this?" Lin Yue looked at these six-meter-long big logs, each weighing hundreds of kilograms.

"No need to move, just use diesel to saw them into boards on the spot, and then transport them." Lin Heng had already thought of a countermeasure.

"This is probably not easy." Lin Yue shook his head.

"Take your time, we have plenty of time." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Although he had no experience, he had seen others do this in the video. It was a Russian in the Far East, who might be only one or two years old at this time.

One afternoon, the father and his two sons were studying how to cut wooden boards with an oil saw.

First, fix the wood, and then how to saw it. Three pieces of wood were broken in the afternoon, but they still didn't master the key points.

The next morning, Lin's father called Lin Heng and the others away early in the morning and continued.

It took another day and five pieces of wood were wasted. The three of them barely mastered the method of cutting wooden boards with an oil saw.

However, the boards they cut were four or five centimeters thick. If they were thinner, the three of them would not be able to achieve the technology.

It takes much more time to cut the wood than to cut the tree. It took a week for the three of them to cut more than half of the wood.

During this period, Lin Heng went to the town twice. Liu Qicheng still hadn't negotiated the renting of the house yet, so he was not a threat to him.

Lin Heng's business was just average, far from the second market after opening the store.

On the afternoon of the fourth day of the New Year, Lin Heng took his daughter out for a walk again. Just as they walked not far from the ginkgo tree, the big rooster came again, approaching quietly from behind.

Just as it was about to jump, Lin Heng turned around and grabbed its neck.


The guy screamed miserably, flapped his wings, and shit spurted out of fear.

"You still know how to be afraid?" Lin Heng sneered. He had long disliked this guy.

This time he was finally caught. Holding the wings and pinching the head, Lin Heng came to the door of Liu Lan's house.

"Liu Lan, I bought your big rooster. How much is it?" Lin Heng asked.

Tomorrow they will officially start building the cabin. Although the planks have not been cut yet, they decided to start building first.

Because there are a lot of things to do recently, they want to go up the mountain to collect mountain products such as Schisandra chinensis, and they also want to go down the river to catch turtles at night.

After discussing, the three decided to start building a floor tomorrow, and slowly build the others later when they have time.

Tomorrow is the fifth day of the eighth lunar month, which is an auspicious day. It is just right to kill the big rooster that offends them again and again to sacrifice the flag.

Liu Lan was picking vegetables at the door of her house. When she heard this, she smiled and said, "Of course, one yuan per catty. I will go back to get a scale for you."

Liu Lan took the beam scale and rope, tied up the kilometer and weighed it, and smiled and said, "Eight catties and two taels, just give eight yuan."

"Then come to my house to get the money." Lin Heng nodded.

Liu Lan carried the rooster, and from time to time she flirted and said some provocative dirty jokes on the way. Lin Heng pulled his daughter and pretended not to hear it.

When he came home, Lin Heng said something to his wife, and Xiulan turned around to get the money.

Liu Lan was so envious. How happy Xiulan must be to have so much money.

After Liu Lan left, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "Wife, prepare the seasoning for the barbecue. I will get up early tomorrow to kill the chicken. Then we will go to Hongfeng Mountain to barbecue."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded.

Lin Heng threw the tied rooster into the corner under the eaves. It made a shrill cry, as if it had anticipated its miserable end.

Lin Heng helped to collect the peanuts that were dried in the sun. Dinner was a simple cornmeal fish.

At night, Lin Heng and his wife bit their ears to increase the affection between husband and wife, and discussed art and skills.


The next morning, the tied big rooster made a hysterical crowing sound.

"You really don't want to live."

Lin Heng got up and shook his head and sneered. He was very tired and wanted to sleep a little longer, but this guy kept crowing, forcing him to get up early and kill it.

He took his hundred-tempered steel dagger and cut its neck with one knife, and the chicken blood was collected in a small bowl.

The feathers of this big rooster are really beautiful, dark blue and dark red. Lin Heng cut off part of it.

Boil water soup chicken, open the intestines and belly in one go.

"Woof woof ~" Xiongba shook his tail and turned back and forth, showing a Samoyed smile like a dog licking.

"Come, lick your hand." Lin Heng reached out and it licked it immediately.

Jinbao under the eaves looked arrogant, as if he despised Xiongba.

When it saw that Xiongba had a cooked chicken innards to eat, it licked its lips again, a little envious.

Fortunately, Xiaoxia woke up, touched it, and asked Lin Heng for two small fish to feed it.

Lin Heng's original intention was to invite everyone in the family to go to Hongfeng Mountain to play, just as if it were a camping trip.

But Lin's mother and sister-in-law refused him. Lin's mother said, "You guys eat, your sister-in-law and I are going to go to the mountain to pick Schisandra chinensis and dig medicinal herbs together."

"Yes, I will ask Xiulan to help take care of the children today." Liu Juan also said with a smile.

If it were in the past, they would definitely stay and eat a few bites, but now they don't lack this little meat to eat, so they don't care.

"Okay." Lin Heng could only agree.

After breakfast, Lin Heng and his group set off, taking the children with them, and also taking the cattle and sheep.

The little goat that Lin Heng and Xiulan bought together is now more than 30 kilograms, with snow-white hair, and has recently begun to bleat, as if it is in heat.

Lin Heng was thinking whether to find a ram for it, otherwise it would be impossible to kill it during the Chinese New Year.

"Let's find one, so we can buy some mutton for the Chinese New Year." Xiulan said.

"Okay, let's find a family with a big ram to breed it at noon." Lin Heng nodded.

After going up the mountain, the big yellow cattle and sheep were tied to the hillside to graze, and Lin Heng found a place full of small stones by the stream to make a fire and burn charcoal.

The waterwheel was the same one used to roast pigs last time. The chicken was tied up, and the rest was left to his wife Xiulan.

The second nephew Lin Tao was watching with his two-year-old brother, and Xiaoxia was playing with Xiongba.

When Lin Heng and his group arrived at the place, Lin's father smiled and said, "Dig nine pits first and bury the tree stumps first."

The wooden house naturally could not be built directly on the ground, and the ground had to be suspended in the air and supported by piles.

The tree stumps they chose were two fallen large pine trees, which were dead and half-dried.

The tree stumps have been sawed, 1.2 meters long, buried 60 centimeters underground and 60 centimeters above the ground.

Lin Heng and his elder brother worked together to dig the pit, one digging and the other shoveling the soil, taking turns.

Lin's father brushed asphalt on the wooden stumps. He asked someone to buy this asphalt at the building materials store in town. It seemed to be better than tung oil when brushing wooden stumps.

Lin Yue exclaimed while digging the pit: "This is the fulfillment of my childhood dream."

When they were young, they wanted to build a cabin by themselves, but they were seriously short of tools, so they could only make a weird one that didn't even look like a pigpen.

"Indeed." Lin Heng smiled. If possible, he would also like to build a small tree house. When he was young, he wanted to have a small house on the tree.

It was not difficult to dig the pit only 50 centimeters deep. After digging, Lin's father moved the wood brushed with asphalt and buried it.

Lin Heng planned to build a 36-square-meter cabin, which was exactly a square.

After burying nine wooden stumps, it was completed. After burying, it was leveled. All wooden stumps had to be on the same horizontal line.

This was not difficult for the three of them. With the tools, it was simple. The horizontal work was done. It took a lot of effort to move three six-meter-long oak tree squares, brushed asphalt on the bottom and tung oil on the top.

Lin Heng and his team were too lazy to make any mortise and tenon structure. It was not bad, but too troublesome.

Just use big steel nails to nail it in and then use steel bars to pull it outside. There can't be any problems.

For a small wooden house with only one floor, this is already as solid as it can be.

When the three squares were fixed, it was already noon, and the three of them were grumbling.

"Let's go over and eat." Lin Heng looked at his father and eldest brother and said.

In the afternoon, they laid the wooden boards and then erected the pillars. They were going to make a mortise and tenon structure for the pillars, which was relatively simple.

"The meal is ready." Xiulan said.

Lin Heng and his team came over. The chicken had been roasted for a morning and was already golden.

Lin Tao drooled for a while beside him.

In addition to the golden crispy roast chicken, there is also white flour steamed buns for lunch today. I made it yesterday. Eating it in the mountains saves me from having to go home.

"This big rooster meat is delicious and chewy."

Lin Heng pulled off a piece of meat and dipped it in barbecue sauce and took a bite, praising it.

Right next to this mountain stream, under the shade of the tree, the chicken skin is crispy and the chicken meat is tender. It is worthy of being a big rooster that exercises regularly. The meat is fragrant and chewy.

"People say that this kind of chicken that eats centipedes and bees has the effect of nourishing the body. I don't know if it's true or not. Everyone eat more." Father Lin said with a smile, and first divided it among his grandchildren before taking a bite.

"Anyway, it's delicious." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Everyone sat on the stone man, and a cool breeze blew from time to time. The sun shone through the leaves, and the light and shadow were mottled. Eating in this place was really an indescribable taste.

Since Lin Heng opened the purchasing station, the family members have been visibly relaxed, especially Lin's father.

In the past, he would never do these idle things. He was busy planting crops and digging medicinal herbs from time to time. Now he chooses to come out and play occasionally.

"Dad, do you want to drink?" Lin Heng took out a bag of rice wine and handed it to his father.

"Come on." Lin's father took it and took a sip with a smile.

A bite of chicken, a sip of wine, Lin's father leaned on the stone happily.

Xiongba lay beside him waiting for bones to eat, and he was not in a hurry. Anyway, it would be his in the end.

After eating, Lin Heng also leaned on the stone. Xiaotian, the mountain breeze blowing in was really comfortable.

Whether it was lazy or casual, it was comfortable anyway.

Xiaoxia was pulling grass leaves next to him, and Xiongba was eating bones crazily, biting them with a crackling sound.

Everyone was too lazy to talk. It was so comfortable to lie down like this, listening to the stream, the mountain breeze, and the innocent laughter of children.

The reason why the maple tree is called a maple tree is that its leaves can make a rustling sound after the wind blows, just like the sound of the wind.

"Let's go, let's continue." After resting for an hour, Lin's father said, and the three of them got up and continued to work.

The three of them moved some wooden boards first. Although these thick wooden boards are still very heavy, they can be carried by manpower.

These wooden boards are not polished, and the chainsaws are very rough.

For the time being, when the electricity is turned on, I will buy an electric polishing machine to polish it. Manual polishing is really terrible.

The side of the wooden board facing the ground is brushed with asphalt, and the other parts are brushed with tung oil. The black color is not very good-looking.

In one afternoon, the three of them finished the base of the 36-square-meter house.

Then they used a planer to plane the columns and make mortise and tenon structures.

After thinking carefully, I decided to fix all the columns and beams and install them all at once.

Just build a one-story cabin, four meters high is enough, and the roof is also prepared to be made of wood. Finally, a layer of waterproof cloth is nailed on it so that it won't leak.

Lin Heng also plans to lay some wooden boards around the cabin to build a camping site. It is very convenient for his family to come and play, without stepping on the mud.

But all these have to be done slowly. It was dusk when several pillars were flattened and the mortise and tenon joints were taken out today.

Tomorrow is the sixth day of the eighth lunar month. Lin Heng will go to the town to check out the business. Lin's father and others are going to explore the mountains.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Taking the tools, the father and son went down the mountain together.

On the other side, Xiulan had already taken Xiaoxia and others down the mountain. During the time waiting for Lin Heng, she also picked a basket of pig grass.

On the way back, they happened to meet someone driving cattle and sheep up.

"It's Liu Ciwen's cattle and sheep. It's just right to breed our sheep."

Lin Heng saw a big ram in the flock and hurriedly pulled his own ewe over.

"What's wrong?"

The sheepherder today was Liu Ciwen's sister Liu Cihua, who came over and asked curiously.

"Bring a breed for my sheep." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He remembered that Liu Cihua should be eighteen or nineteen years old now, three years older than Liu Ciwen.

Her mute mother gave birth to three children, the eldest was Liu Cihua, the second was said to have been abducted by human traffickers, and the third was Liu Ciwen.

"Then just drive it over." Liu Cihua nodded and said.

Lin Heng brought his own sheep rope and drove it over. The big ram soon came over after hearing the sound and smelling the smell.

Lin Heng glanced at Liu Cihua, and the shy girl felt embarrassed.

In fact, Lin Heng was not looking at her but was thinking in a daze. Liu Cihua was average-looking, far worse than Xiulan, and her figure and appearance were not as good.

And her family was in this situation. No one in the village proposed marriage, and they were afraid of such a family.

Lin Heng was thinking whether to introduce her to Wang Zhou. In his previous life, he had the impression that Liu Cihua was very capable. She married a man who couldn't find a wife in the village and was very hardworking.

"The sheep are ready to breed." Liu Cihua said.

"Thank you." Lin Heng came to his senses and walked over to lead the little sheep away.

On the way home, Lin Heng thought about it again and decided to tell Wang Zhou about it and let him come up to see her when he had time.

"Xiu Lan, what do you think it would be better to bring something to your parents on August 15th?"

After returning home, Lin Heng asked again.

"One pound of sugar is enough." Xiu Lan thought about it and said.

"That won't work. You can go to the town with me tomorrow and buy a set of clothes and shoes for our parents. Things in the town are not expensive."

Lin Heng looked at his wife and said that since he was going back, he must make his wife glorious and prove to her parents and brothers and sisters that she did not follow the wrong person.

He didn't want his wife to suffer any more grievances. He felt guilty when he thought about her going back to ask for money in her last life.

When Xiulan wanted to say something else, Lin Heng covered her mouth directly: "Stop talking, it's settled."

"You're so salty!" Xiulan glared at him and said with disdain.

"It's useless for you to dislike me. You still have to live with me for the rest of your life." Lin Heng smiled.

"Okay, you can do this if you want." Xiulan looked at her husband and understood his thoughts. She felt warm in her heart.

In the evening, Lin Heng washed Xiulan's hair with the shampoo bought in the city. It was much faster than washing with soap, and it still smelled good after washing.

After washing Xiulan, he washed Xiaoxia's hair and applied baby cream.

The next morning, Lin Heng took Xiulan and Xiaoxia to the town on foot.

"Dad, why are you picking flowers?"

Xiaoxia asked curiously as she watched Lin Heng picking wild chrysanthemums on the roadside.

"For my wife." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiaoxia tilted her head: "Who is your wife?"

"My wife is your mother." Lin Heng said again.

Xiaoxia was confused and thought for a long time with her big eyes blinking.

"Here, for you!" Lin Heng arranged the flowers and handed them to his wife.

Xiulan took them and smelled them with a smile. These ordinary wild chrysanthemums seemed to have become extraordinary.

She didn't say anything, but her eyes and eyebrows had already conveyed her love for Lin Heng.

"It turns out that Dad's wife is my mother!" Xiaoxia finally figured it out.

She let go of her mother's hand and pulled a few chrysanthemums and handed them to her: "Mom, I'll give you flowers too."

Although she was often spanked by Xiulan, she still loved her mother very much.

"Thank you, Xiaoxia." Xiulan took it and kissed her.

"Why don't I have it?" Lin Heng was dissatisfied.

Xiulan raised her chin and snorted: "You should give it to me, there is no reward."

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