Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 354: Things Are Different Now


In the room, Xiaoxia hugged Lin Heng's thighs as soon as he put down his things.

Xiu Lan saw Lin Heng come back safely, and her heart settled down.

"Don't bother your dad, you see he is tired and sweaty." Xiu Lan looked at Xiaoxia and said.

Xiaoxia shook her head, unwilling to let go: "No, I want Dad."

"It's okay." Lin Heng shook his head and pulled her to sit on the official hat chair next to him. He had been on the mountain for four days and was as dirty as a mud man.

Next to him, Lin's mother poured water for everyone and said: "Hurry up and sit down and take a rest."

"It's really tiring." Lin's father sat down and sighed.

Lin Xutao smiled and said: "You can be happy quietly that you can carry so much meat."

"Yes, others can't carry it even if they want to." Lin's mother also smiled.

After resting for a while, Lin Heng took out the big lily he dug for Xiaoxia.

"It's so big." Xiaoxia was very happy holding the big lily in both hands.

The third father even said, "This lily is the biggest lily I have ever seen."

Everyone nodded. They had never seen such a big lily before. It was a rare thing.

Mother Lin took it and weighed it on the scale. This big lily weighed a full 1.4 jin, while most of the ones dug were 3.4 jin and half a jin.

"Let's take a look at the meat." After a good rest, Lin Heng said.

Mother Lin smiled and said, "I have prepared the wooden basin and the rack."

Lin Heng brought the wooden rack over and laid film paper on the ground in the yard.

He first separated the yellow muntjac and roe deer and placed them in two places. He and his eldest brother had caught them separately, so there was no need to separate them. His eldest brother would take the yellow muntjac back later.

Mother Lin looked at the strips of roe deer meat and said with emotion: "This roe deer meat is really delicious, all lean meat, just like beef."

Xiu Lan came over and pinched the ruddy roe meat and said: "This meat should be very suitable for hot pot, beef and mutton are both delicious."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Then let's have hot pot tomorrow."


Xiu Lan and Mother Lin nodded and went to look at the black bear meat again. This was the first time they saw a black bear.

"Dad, its head is so big!" Xiaoxia boldly poked the black bear's head with her finger.

Lin Heng didn't care about his daughter playing as she wanted. He weighed the black bear meat. Excluding the bear paws, internal organs and bear skin, the bear meat was also 200 kilograms, with the most fat.

This black bear had not been hibernating for long, and the fat stored in summer and autumn had not been consumed much.

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and asked, "Brother, take 50 kilograms of bear meat back home. Let's go to the city to sell the rest of the bear skin and bear gallbladder. How about that?"

Lin Yue grinned and said, "No problem, whatever you say, it's all up to you to kill the black bear. I didn't do anything."

"That's it." Lin Heng decided so and divided the things. He gave his mother some roe deer meat and black bear meat and asked her to help cook.

He went back to the house to take a shower before coming out. His clothes had already smelled of sweat, and he couldn't stand it for a moment when he returned home.

Xiu Lan went into the house with him to get clothes, and whispered something to him before leaving. When Lin Heng came out of the shower, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Father Lin and his friends packed up all the roe deer meat and other things again. Seeing him coming out, Father Lin asked, "Do you want to freeze all of this in the freezer? I've packed it all."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Freeze half of the roe deer meat, and I'll make the rest into air-dried meat jerky."

A portion of fresh meat is enough, otherwise it will taste bad if you can't finish it in half a year. The venison jerky I made last time was delicious, so I can make some more this time.

It's good for Xiaoxia to eat jerky and grind her teeth, and it's not easy for her teeth to grow crooked.

"Yes, it's best to make it into jerky." Xiulan also agreed with Lin Heng's approach.

Lin Heng picked the roe deer meat, put the fat and lean ones in the freezer to freeze, and took out the lean ones to make jerky.

Father Lin asked again, "What about the bear meat?"

"I'm going to sell some of the bear meat, and boil the rest into bear oil with the fat, and make some of the lean meat into bear jerky to try." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

He took out a new roll of film and separated the meat frozen in the freezer to prevent them from sticking to each other and being unable to be taken out.

For the time being, all the bear meat was put into the freezer. The 1.5-meter-long freezer was filled with three-quarters of it at once, and the refrigerant started to work quickly.

Bear paws and other things were also put in. It would take some time to sell them in the city. Although it was winter, it was still not safe to put them outside in a constant temperature freezer.

After the things were packed, only a piece of bear meat and a bear head were left outside. The internal organs were temporarily packed in. They left the internal organs and head of the roe deer outside. They would deal with this first.

"The meal is ready." Lin's mother also came out of the kitchen and said.

Lin Heng immediately said, "Let's eat first."

Lin's mother's cooking skills were average, and even with Xiulan's guidance, they were also average. The coriander roe deer meat relied entirely on the taste of the roe deer and coriander itself.

The bear meat was even more average, but the delicate taste still won unanimous praise from everyone. Lin Heng ate a lot of roe deer and bear meat these two days, and his body was warm, and he felt much stronger than eating pork.

"No wonder this thing is so hard to beat, the taste is really special." Third father Lin Xutao said with a smile after eating.

Lin Hai stretched and said with satisfaction: "Yes, I have been lucky to follow Brother Lin Heng for the past two years. I have tasted a lot of meat that I have never eaten before."

"You guys also helped me a lot, just like today, without you, we would still be on the top of the mountain." Lin Heng said.

"That's because we benefited from it. If you want to call people, you can easily call a lot of people." Lin Hai said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated." Lin Heng laughed and changed the subject, "Let's not talk about this. How is your pond being dug?"

"We didn't hire anyone. So far, we have dug a small pond of 100 square meters, which is 1.5 meters deep." Lin Xutao said.

Lin Heng nodded: "That's fine. I'll give you shrimp seedlings in the spring."

He didn't persuade them anymore. It was their own business to make any choice.

After saying a few more words, the father and son were about to leave. Lin Heng didn't stop them. He took the five catties of roe deer meat and five catties of black bear meat that he had prepared long ago and handed them over: "Third father, take this little meat back and eat it."

"It's not worth it. How can you take so much meat after eating a meal?" Lin Heng's third father shook his head repeatedly.

Even if Lin Heng and his father repeatedly stuffed it to him, he wouldn't take it, because it was too much.

Ten catties of meat can be sold for more than ten yuan at least. If they took it, they wouldn't get anything of equal value in return.

Although Lin Xutao was uneducated, he knew that blindly taking advantage would only make the relationship more and more distant.

In the end, it was Lin's mother who took action and cut the roe deer meat and bear meat in half, a total of almost six pounds, and stuffed them into Lin Heng's father.

Lin Heng's father had no choice but to put the meat in a red bag with a silly smile, put it at the bottom of the backpack and carried it out.

Lin Heng sent them to the door. At this time, the villagers had already left, but the news that he had killed the mysterious prey had spread throughout the village.

Not long after Lin Xutao walked out, he met his eldest brother Lin Xuping who was coming towards him. He smiled and greeted him: "Hello, eldest brother."

He had a very ordinary relationship with his eldest brother, but he would still greet him politely when he met to express his kindness.

"Did you just come out of the second brother's room?" Lin Xuping asked expressionlessly.

He also heard the news that Lin Heng had killed a big prey. Looking at the bag in the third brother's backpack, it was obvious that some meat was shared, which made him very envious.

If he had tried to take advantage of others before, he would not dare to do anything now. Because he and Lin Heng were not on good terms, many people in the village began to isolate their family.

If he dared to make trouble again, he would definitely be drowned by the villagers.

Lin Heng is no longer the same as before. Most of the villagers will support him when he says something, and even the village secretary will ask for his opinion on anything he does.

The two of them said a few words and then separated. Lin Xutao and his son passed by the center of the village, and a group of people curiously asked him what prey Lin Heng had killed.

"Nothing, just a roe deer and a big wild boar." Lin Xutao said with a smile. This was the excuse given by Lin Heng, not to mention that he killed a black bear.

The main thing was that there was no benefit except to make the villagers envious and jealous, and it might also cause some people to make small moves. Black bears are much more valuable than other prey.

"Roe deer and wild boar! Damn, no wonder we need so many of you to help."

"Where did you get them? How did you get so much at once?"

"How much does the roe deer weigh?"

A group of people asked at once. Even the roe deer was enough to make them envious.

No one thought about the black bear. The last time a black bear was caught in the village was five or six years ago.

"Not many pounds, mainly because the wild boar is big."

Lin Xutao and his son said a few words casually and found an excuse to run away.

On the other side, Lin Heng sent his third father away and closed the door to go home. He gave his parents the roe deer meat and black bear meat he had just cut off: "Mom and Dad, take these back to eat. Xiulan and I will stew the rest and bring some to you."

"Okay, thank you, son." Lin's mother took it back without hesitation.

"I heard that bear oil can cure rheumatism and arthritis. I'll take some back to try. My back hurts a lot recently." Lin's father said.

"Sure, I'll cut it for you." Lin Heng cut another pound of bear oil for his father.

After taking the things, his parents did not leave. They helped to burn the hair of the roe deer head and the bear head, and cleaned the other internal organs with edible alkali.

They knew that Xiulan could not work recently, so they helped her do everything they could.

It was almost dusk when they finished, so they took the things back.

After his parents left, Lin Heng locked the door and fed Xiongba and Lai Fu. Lai Fu's belly was bulging, and it was estimated that he would give birth in the next two days.

The room finally became quiet. Lin Heng leaned against the sofa and put his hand on Xiulan's shoulder, smiling and asking: "You have nothing to do these two days?"

Xiulan smiled and shook her head: "I don't feel uncomfortable, but I can feel the two little guys kicking me from time to time."

"That's good, let me feel it next time I kick you." Lin Heng said.

"Okay." Xiulan blinked and said, "Let's go back to the room to rest. You must be tired."

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded, helped Xiulan up, and took her and Xiaoxia into the bedroom.

There was a faint fragrance in the bedroom, which was even stronger on the quilt. Lin Heng got two pillows for Xiulan to lean on on the bed, and then went to light the fire in the fireplace.

After adding some pine wood, the bright yellow flames could be seen jumping in a short while. The heat quickly raised the temperature of the whole room, which meant that they didn't have to cover themselves with thick and heavy quilts in winter.

Lin Heng poured himself a cup of tea and put it on the bedside table, half leaning on the pillow and silently feeling the soft and fragrant quilt.

When a woman is around, the quilt feels different. Xiulan often uses some scented washing powder and shampoo, so the quilt also has a scent, and the pillow can also smell the faint scent of chrysanthemum, which has a calming effect.

Lin Heng leaned back for a while and picked up a book from the bedside table to read. Xiaoxia sat on Lin Heng's legs and asked him to tell a story.

"Okay, let's tell a longer story." Lin Heng told her myths and legends, so that he could rest early when she fell asleep. He didn't sleep well in the mountains these two days.

When sleeping, Lin Heng took an iron cover to cover the fire of the fireplace. Last year, he liked to watch the fire, but this year, he liked the dark sleeping environment.

Leaning on Xiulan, except for getting up in the middle of the night to add fire, he slept until nine o'clock the next morning.

"It's still comfortable in the room." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"If it's comfortable, you used to run out every day." Xiulan said with a blink of an eye.

"Haha, the past is the past." Lin Heng laughed and got up from bed.

Some charcoal was burned in the fireplace and taken to the main room, and the hot milk was used to warm the fire. After the exercise and a simple breakfast, the two began to braise the dishes.

"Dad, can I plant this lily?" Xiaoxia said, holding the big lily that Lin Heng gave her.

"That's fine." Lin Heng followed her wishes and took her to the wall in the backyard to plant the lily. He estimated that such a big lily would bloom more than a dozen flowers next year.

After planting the lily, Lin Heng came back and fried the sugar color step by step according to Xiulan's instructions, put the material bag away, and started to braise the dishes.

The one-meter diameter pot in the house was full of braised dishes, and the fragrance floated out of the yard as soon as it was boiled.

While braising the meat, Lin Heng used a ceramic furnace to refine some bear oil, ready to try its efficacy. He had never used this thing before.

The meat was braised from morning to afternoon, and the fragrance filled the house when it was taken out, and people outside the yard could smell it.

China, with a history of 5,000 years, is really advantageous in terms of food preparation. Offal that foreigners find disgusting can become delicious food after special preparation.

"Let's take apart a roe deer head and eat it first." Lin Heng said with a smile. He took out the roe deer head alone, split it in half, peeled off the skin, and took off a lot of lean meat.

The horns of the roe deer had been taken off and hung on the wall of the main hall as decoration. There were larger sika deer antlers in the study.

Last year, the sika deer antlers were eaten up. Sometimes they were used to soak in water and sometimes put in the stewed hazel grouse and old turtles. Xiulan had these good things to supplement nutrition during her pregnancy and there was no problem.

"It's delicious!"

Xiaoxia washed her hands and grabbed one to eat directly. It was very fragrant without dipping sauce.

"Try it and see how good my cooking skills are?"

Lin Heng fed Xiulan a piece of skin. She liked to eat braised pig skin and other things the most.

Xiulan chewed it and blinked, saying, "Not bad, you have half the skills as me."

Lin Heng laughed, "Haha, I still have to work hard."

Then he mixed the roe deer skin and lean meat together, and the three of them ate it with rice.

After finishing the meal, Lin Heng wanted to send some braised meat to his parents and eldest brother, but was surprised to find that Lai Fu had already started giving birth.

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