Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 63 Giant River Grouper

"Husband, is that you?"

Hearing the sound in the forest, Xiulan turned on the flashlight and asked aloud. She seemed a little scared alone.

There are bears in the woods deep in the mountains at night.

"It's me, come and help!"

The excitement in Lin Heng's voice could not be suppressed at all. This forty or fifty kilogram giant muntjac was so exciting. It was the largest prey he had ever hunted, and it had already broken the record for pig badgers.


Hearing Lin Heng's excited voice, Xiulan ran outside quickly, she must have been hit.

When she came over and saw the prey carried on Lin Heng's shoulders, Xiulan couldn't help but open her mouth: "Oh my god, such a big muntjac!"

She saw that the muntjacs beaten by the villagers only weighed twenty or thirty pounds. The one Lin Heng was carrying looked like a big goat. It was simply too scary.

"Hey, I'm awesome, right?"

Lin Heng chuckled and dropped the muntjac on the ground.

"It's not just awesome, it's simply invincible!" Xiulan nodded repeatedly, looking through the big muntjac, and couldn't find any adjectives for a while.

After hearing his wife's words, Lin Heng felt happy, picked up the cane, tied the deer's hind legs, and hung it on the tree.

"Aren't you going to take it back to the cave?" Xiulan asked doubtfully while helping to lift it up.

"No, hang it here for ventilation, it won't break easily, and if it attracts some food-stealing guys at night, we can also kill it."

Lin Heng explained that another aspect of doing so is safety.

The smell of blood cannot get into the sanctuary. If it attracts predators such as black bears, clouded leopards, and leopards, there will be no room to turn around.

When placed outside the shelter, from a distance of more than ten meters, you can see clearly and spot the animals attracted by the muntjac immediately.

"Oh, that's right, I understand." Xiulan nodded. She naturally didn't understand these things. She just felt that her husband was so awesome and thoughtful.

With Xiulan's help, Lin Heng easily hoisted the muntjac two meters above the ground.

After finishing it, Lin Heng returned to the shelter, sat down, and complained: "Xiulan, you don't know, this thing is too cautious.

I stayed there motionless for more than an hour before I got the chance and finally shot him dead with an arrow. "

"It's so hard, great hero. Are you covered in mosquito bites and your legs are sore?"

Xiulan smiled and took out some mugwort, kneaded the leaves into juice and gave it to Lin Heng to apply on the mosquito bites.

She had thought early on that he might be bitten by mosquitoes, so she went to pick mugwort while it was still dark.

"Thank you, wife." Lin Heng smiled, Xiulan's gentle techniques made him feel refreshed both physically and mentally.

"It's nothing, it doesn't take any effort at all. You are tired when you hunt. Not only do you have to fight for prey, but you also have to endure the harassment of mosquitoes. You have to squat alone for such a long time. If you ask me to sit down, I can't even sit still for half an hour." "

While Xiulan was talking, she took out another steamed bun and gave it to Lin Heng. She didn't eat it in the afternoon and left it for Lin Heng.

"You hurry up and eat. I ate so much meat in the afternoon, I'm not hungry."

After giving Lin Heng the dough head, she picked up Lin Heng's leg and placed it on her lap, squeezing it gently.

"You eat too."

Lin Heng took a bite and put it to his wife's mouth.

His gentle and considerate wife made his heart melt. Everything was worth it. Marrying Xiulan was really his greatest blessing.

Xiulan had no choice but to take a small bite, and the two of us finished the whole bun in one bite.

Lin Heng also took off his legs to prevent Xiulan from pinching them. She was actually quite tired today.

"Come on, let's go for a walk. It's still early."

Lin Heng pulled Xiulan and said.

Today is April 16th of the lunar calendar. There is a round bright moon in the sky, and the entire mountain forest seems to be covered with a layer of silver gauze.

Since he had already hunted a big muntjac, Lin Heng was not so eager for prey. Just carrying the muntjac back tomorrow would be tiring enough.

As for other prey, just let it happen. He probably wouldn't encounter them very likely.


Xiulan nodded, there was a unique scenery in the canyon at night.

"Understood monkey!"

Turning on the flashlight, Xiulan saw a cicada monkey lying on a tree.

"Let's go take a look in the creek first and catch some when we come back. We'll make a fire and roast them later."

Lin Heng nodded and said that he still had to add some food at night.

As for the creek in the mountains, he estimated that no one came there on summer nights, so there might be surprises.


Xiulan nodded and walked to the creek with Lin Heng.

Shining the flashlight into the creek, Lin Heng saw many creek groupers. Because it was night, he moved slowly.

"The stream groupers here are really big." Xiulan said in surprise.

"Of course, almost no one will come to the mountains for some small fish. I'll catch a few big ones and let's grill them and eat them."

Most of the creek groupers here are more than five centimeters long, with one obvious black horizontal stripe and three or four black vertical stripes on their body.

There are even a few individuals that grow to more than ten centimeters, and Lin Heng estimates that they weigh one or two or two.

Xiulan shined the flashlight, and Lin Heng was good at catching fish. It was so easy to catch fish at night. He stretched his hands from underneath, slowly picked it up and caught it.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to leave any gaps when closing.

"This is big!"

Just as Lin Heng caught two, Xiulan suddenly pointed to a stone and said.

"my God!"

Lin Heng exclaimed and leaned over gently.

He reached out carefully, and didn't dare to breathe until he caught the fish in his hand: "It's really big, this is the first time I've seen such a big stream grouper."

The fish was a little longer than his palm, and looked like a small grass carp. Could a stream grouper really grow so big?

"I suspect this fish has become a spirit!" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then why don't we let it go?" Xiulan blinked.

"Impossible, let alone a spirit, even if it becomes a dragon, I'll eat it."

Lin Heng smiled, and there was no chance that the fish in his hand would be let go.

Throwing the fish into the bag, the two continued to catch, only picking the big ones, and not the small ones.

Plop! !

Xiongba jumped into the water, and when he found that he didn't catch any fish, he turned his head and looked at Lin Heng innocently.

"Get out of the way, I'll beat you if you hit the water again."

Lin Heng threw a stream grouper to it and warned it.

"Bang Bang!"

After two bites, the grouper was gone. Xiongba's dog head stretched out again, as if asking the owner to give him another one to taste.

"Get lost!"

Lin Heng threw a fish behind him, and Xiongba chased him happily.

After a while, he came back and continued to ask for more, repeating this for more than ten times.

"Enough, enough. If we can't finish more, it will be wasted."

After catching more than twenty fish, Xiulan said hurriedly.

"Well, let's find a bigger pond and kill the fish." Lin Heng also felt that it was about enough. There were more than a dozen fish fed to Xiongba.

"There's one in front."

Xiulan looked and pointed to a pond in front.

The two walked to the edge of a pond of five or six square meters, talking and laughing. Lin Heng was about to squat down to kill the fish, when there was a sudden splash at the edge of the water, and then a black figure jumped out.

"Damn, there's a turtle here!"

Lin Heng exclaimed loudly, shining the flashlight over, the front half of the old turtle had already burrowed into the sand.

"Really, this one is bigger than the one you caught last time, catch it quickly, don't let it run away!" Xiulan said anxiously, this big turtle can be sold for at least twenty yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Heng couldn't help but smile: "Run? Let's see where it can run to?"

It's just a small pond, and there are no big rocks. If he sees it, it can't run away, and he will catch it even if the water is scooped out.

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