Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 81 Hunting in the Mountains

Early the next morning, Lin Heng woke up and felt that his waist and limbs did not feel like his own, and his whole body ached with the slightest movement.

A series of high-intensity labor was still too tiring for him who often did not work in the fields.

"If you are really tired, just rest at home and not go."

Xiulan noticed Lin Heng's movements.

"It's okay, it's okay. Just exercise and it'll be fine." Lin Heng shook his head, sat up and pinched his legs and waist.

"I'm here to help you, get down."

Xiulan went to the closet and took out the safflower oil, poured a little into her hands, and gave Lin Heng a massage on her limbs, waist and back.

"Are you feeling better?" Xiulan asked after pinching it once.

"Much better, safflower oil really works." Lin Heng nodded and got up with his clothes on.

As a well-known external medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, it was invented as early as the Qing Dynasty. But people still use it, which fully illustrates the excellence of this medicine.

"Don't wake up my daughter. I'll cook for you. You can invite your uncle to come over and eat together."

Xiulan whispered.

Lin Heng nodded. Xiaoxia was sleeping soundly. The method he thought of was very good at avoiding his daughter's bad habit of kicking the quilt.

As soon as Lin Heng walked out of the courtyard gate, he saw a figure in black clothes walking down the other side of the river at a very fast speed.

Take a closer look, this is not his uncle, or who is it?

He was also convinced. When he woke up in the morning, he looked at his watch and it was half past five. In other words, he left home at five o'clock.

Shaking his head helplessly, he walked towards the old house.

After coming over, he saw that his uncle had just gotten up and his mother was about to cook for him.

Lin Heng looked at his mother and said, "Mom, don't worry about it. Xiulan is making it right now. Just ask my uncle to come over and eat."

"Yes, Hongmei, don't do it. Let's eat together at Lin Heng's house." The uncle also said.

He washed his face, took his things and left.

When the two came out of the door, Lin Heng found that his uncle had already walked to the road below the door.

"Quan Wazi, you run so fast." His uncle said loudly.

"Can I do it if I don't hurry up? What if you run away?" His uncle chuckled.

"Li Baiquan, are you going too?" Tian Baishun came from not far away, with a shotgun on his shoulder and a dog on his side.

"Yes, we have company, and this time the big wild boar is back." Li Baiquan chuckled.

"Come home and have a meal, my wife is cooking." Lin Heng invited everyone into the house.

Xiulan ordered pickled cabbage noodles. Each of them took a big bowl, sat down around the table, and talked while eating.

"By the way, which direction are we going today?"

Lin Heng asked after taking a bite of noodles.

Tian Baishun suggested: "Since there are four of us, let's go to Taibai Mountain. There are many things and big woods in that direction."

"Okay, I think it's okay."

"It doesn't matter to me, it doesn't matter whether it's near or far."

Seeing that both his uncle and uncle agreed, Lin Heng naturally had no objections: "Then let's go to Taibai Mountain."

The direction of Taibai Mountain is the same as that of Baishigou, but a little further south.

There is still a small path to Taibai Mountain, which is easier than walking directly into the forest.

"Let's go!" After eating, Lin Heng was the first to get up with his things on his back.

The other three people did the same thing, holding guns and carrying backpacks as they ran away.

"Pay attention to safety." He actually called three people to the door and warned them.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it."

Lin Heng waved his hand and responded with a smile.

The four of them came all the way to Hongfeng Mountain in the west of the village. From here, they entered the mountain and walked southwest. They arrived at the foot of Taibai Mountain about 20 kilometers away.

Lin Heng did not take Xiong Ba with him this time because Tian Baishun's dog kept trying to bite Xiong Ba in the yard just now.

In addition, he doesn't really want others to know what's special about Xiong Ba.

After entering the mountain, Tian Baishun let go of his hunting dog. He walked in front and said, "I am familiar with this road. I have walked it back and forth ten times. I will lead the way."

"My suggestion is that we start looking for prey from here, and don't have to wait until we go to Taibai Mountain to look for it." Lin Heng looked at the crowd and said.

"In that case, let's spread out a little bit and look for traces of the prey." Uncle Li Baiquan said.

"Okay, let me know if you find anything big." His uncle said and walked to the left.

Lin Heng walked to the right and followed his uncle to see how he found prey.

After walking all the way up the mountain, no trace was found. When he was about to cross the bridge, Lin Heng smelled a foul odor.

"Whose trap killed the hairy mouse?" Uncle Li Baiquan saw the stone trap in the distance at a glance.

"There's nothing happening here. People come here all the time."

He shook his head, pointed to a trap not far away and said, "Look, this is the King of Hell."

The Yamadao is a trampled catapult trap. It is a trap set by bending a tree to the ground with a rope.

If the prey steps on it, it will trigger the mechanism, and it will be ejected from the tree and hung in the air. It is very sensitive. Stepping on it basically means meeting the King of Hell, so it is called the King of Hell.

"Uncle, how did you make this?" Lin Heng knew this kind of trap, but he didn't know how to make it.

He knows the simplest rope trap, which is the kind of movable rope that will become tighter and tighter when the animal passes through it.

"It's easy, I'll teach you." Li Baiquan said with a smile, holding a wooden stick and directly triggering the King of Hell in front of him.

With a bang, the whole tree straightened up, and the rope flew into the sky with the stick.

"Actually, there is a wooden stake with a hook nailed to the ground. A small wooden stick is passed through the hook, the rope is cleverly stuck on it, and the branches and leaves are laid on it and it is completed."

Li Baiquan explained it and covered it up for Lin Heng.

"I understand." Lin Heng finally knew how to set it up.

"Then let's go, there's probably nothing on this ridge."

Li Baiquan said something and continued to move forward.

Lin Heng staggered with him and walked forward side by side. Unknowingly, it was already noon. They had climbed three mountains, but there was still no big progress.

He found a three squirrels and two crows, but didn't even have a chance to do anything.

Uncle Li Baiquan found traces of wild boars, but it had been a while and he couldn't determine where they were.

I didn't pick up any fungi, unless they were rare ones like Ganoderma lucidum.

Lin Heng was eating his cornstarch while looking around. In the forest here, the trees were basically fifteen meters tall, tall and thick, and many of them fell to the ground and rotted.

In the distance, you can already see Taibai Mountain. It is still winter on the mountain at this season, with temperatures around minus ten degrees.

There is no summer all year round in Taibai Mountain. Spring and autumn last for fifty days, and winter lasts for more than three hundred days. From a distance, it is covered with snow-white clouds and mist.

Even so, you can still feel its majestic momentum, the entire mountain range seems like a giant dragon lying down.

"Lin Heng, there should be something here. Pay attention. I found pig badger poop. It must have been pooped recently."

Just as Lin Heng was looking at the scenery, his uncle's reminder came from the distance.

"Ok, I see."

Lin Heng gathered his thoughts and started searching carefully.

"Ganoderma lucidum!"

Who would have thought that the prey did not find it and saw a red Ganoderma lucidum first.

When I walked to the tree stump, I saw that it was not one tree, but a cluster. There were eight flowers growing next to the tree stump, three big ones and five small ones.

"What a blessing."

Lin Heng couldn't help but smile. They were all freshly produced, and none of them had become woody.

He quickly searched around, and logically there should be more, but unfortunately he couldn't find it. At this time, he began to miss Xiong Ba.


While searching, Lin Heng suddenly heard a buzzing sound and thought it was a wasp. He was so frightened that he froze on the spot and held his breath.

Then I slowly searched for the honeycomb, searched around, and determined that the sound came from my left front.

Lin Heng took a look, and his worry suddenly turned into joy: "It's not a wasp, but a nest of wild bees."

He walked closer and confirmed again. Yes, the thing flying out of the rock ridge was a bee.

"Uncle, come here quickly, good thing." Lin Heng called quickly.

"What is it?" Li Baiquan thought it was prey and hurried over.

"Wild honey, I don't know how to make it. Come over and help us. We'll share it equally."

Lin Heng said softly.

When hunting in a team, the hunter is distributed according to his work. If he finds something like this alone, it will naturally belong to him. If he asks for help, he will naturally have to share some.

"Good thing, this is a big nest with a lot of bees." Li Baiquan grinned when he saw it.

This natural wild honey collected from the depths of the Qinling Mountains has extremely high nutritional value and can be sold for four to five yuan per pound.

"I just found it while picking Ganoderma lucidum, but I have never harvested honey before, so I don't know how to make it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Uncle Li Baiquan chuckled and patted his chest.

He first found some pine needles, and then wrapped some fresh leaves around them. After lighting them, thick smoke billowed out.

Then he walked in front with the smoke, and Lin Heng walked behind with a knife and a plastic bag, still feeling a little uneasy.

"Don't be afraid. Even if it lands on you, don't hurt it. It won't sting you."

My uncle warned me and put the smoke under the stone ridge. When the bees were exposed to the smoke, all the bees flew out.

The instinct engraved in their bones tells them that this is a signal of forest fire.

"I'm ordering one." Feeling that one was not enough, Li Baiquan ordered another one.

After the bees were sluggish from the smoke, he began to remove the stone ridge.

"This place is looser and much simpler. I made a nest of wild honey under the roots of the tree before. I dug and chopped it, but it made me exhausted."

After tearing it apart, Li Baiquan was still in the mood to chat. Lin Heng saw that the bees were indeed not that scary and relaxed a lot.

After a while, the stones were removed and the honeycomb was revealed a little. Lin Heng saw many capped and plump spleens.

After a spring of collecting, the hive now has the most honey.

"When you are developed, you can cut at least four or five kilograms of honey. Pass me the knife."

The uncle couldn't hide the smile on his face, turned around and said.

"That's great." Lin Heng handed over the knife with a smile on his face. It was just the afternoon, and he had gained something like this on his first day. This trip was not in vain.

Li Baiquan pulled the stones and soil again to expose more of the honeycomb, then reached out and cut off the first piece of honeycomb.

"This piece weighs two kilograms." He drove away the scattered bees on the nest before putting it into Lin Heng's open plastic bag.

Lin Heng broke off a piece of honey and ate it together with the nest spleen. It was a bit sweet, but after a while, he could still smell the fragrance of flowers.

"I can't help but take this bee back someday and keep it on Red Maple Mountain."

Lin Heng said with a smile that bees are very beneficial to people. Not only honey, but the buzzing sound produced by bees has a healing effect on the human body.

Studies have shown that beekeepers who regularly operate hives generally live five to ten years longer than normal people. If a bee bucket is placed at the door of the home, people will become more peaceful and less likely to become angry and irritable.

"Okay, you can get a bee bucket and I can help you collect it. I collect my bees on the wild slope.

Moreover, this period of time is the time when bees separate their hives. Some newly separated bees are easier to harvest, and they will be lured away by just a little honey. "

The uncle said while harvesting honey. Because it was summer, there was no need to leave it for them. All four honeycombs were harvested.

After the cutting was completed, the entrance of the hole was covered with stones, and some leaves were sprinkled to restore it to its original appearance.

"Okay, I'll make two beehives out of wooden boards when we get back." Lin Heng nodded. It would be convenient to raise two buckets of honey for home use.

"Including honey spleen, it's at least seven or eight pounds. Pure honey must weigh four or five pounds."

After cutting, the two returned to a safe place. Li Baiquan looked at the honey in the bag and grinned.

"Yes, we each earned ten yuan." Lin Heng chuckled.

"Sure enough, you are lucky, and I am also lucky with you." Li Baiquan said with a smile.

Lin Heng put another bag on the honey, put it in his backpack, and divided it up when he went back.

"By the way, uncle, have you found any traces of the pig badger?" Lin Heng asked.

"No, I guess it's in the Sancha ditch below. Looking at the weather, we may have to find a place to spend the night in the ditch tonight."

Li Baiquan said.

"Then let's search around a lot, I guess this place is alive."

The Sancha Valley below is where three streams come together, forming a small basin filled with trees. You can see many rocks and large wetlands from a distance.

There must be traces of animals in this place.

Lin Heng separated from his uncle again and searched everywhere.

As the sun sets more and more, all kinds of animals begin to come out of the mountains. From 4pm to 12pm, it is the prime time for hunting.

At around four o'clock, Lin Heng saw the first prey he could hunt at noon.

A gray squirrel sitting on the trunk of a pine tree picked up a slingshot and accurately hit its head with a pottery pellet.

Basically, as long as you are within the shooting range and your slingshot skills are well practiced, it will be difficult to miss.


The gray squirrel fell from the tree, and by the time Lin Heng picked it up, it had no life left.

Continuing walking, Lin Heng found no trace of prey, but he did find a small piece of chanterelles.

This time, he picked it up because it could be cooked and eaten at night, and it would also be good to stew it with squirrels.

Not finding it on the mountainside, Lin Heng looked for it and walked down the mountain.

"Big-fruited green skewer, a very precious tree species."

While walking, Lin Heng saw a large tree more than ten meters high, which looked like a spruce, with huge oval fruit balls hanging from its branches.

This is a tree unique to the Qinling Mountains. He cherishes it very much. It is only found in the Qinling Mountains. It looks very beautiful, but it is a pity that it has no value to him.

After thinking about it, I picked up two fruit balls from the ground and threw them into the basket.

This thing produced quite a lot of pine nuts, and he wanted to see if there were any squirrels nearby.

"Hey, there really is."

Lin Heng saw a red squirrel on a nearby big tree not far away. Although it was a little tall, he still wanted to try it.


Just when he was about to take action, there was a loud gunshot in the distance, followed by a series of echoes.

The squirrel on the top of the tree heard the sound and disappeared quickly.

However, Lin Heng didn't care about this and hurriedly went to meet his uncle and walked towards Tian Baishun, wondering if he had caught some prey.

"Lin Heng, have you caught your prey?" Li Baiquan asked.

"A little squirrel, who are you?" Lin Heng showed the contents of the basket and asked again.

"I didn't catch any prey, but I was lucky enough to find a clump of bergamot. I dug up six or seven kilograms of it."

Li Baiquan took out what he dug and showed it to Lin Heng. It was different from ginseng. It was the root of an orchid plant. It looked like a human hand, so it was called ginseng or bergamot.

Its medicinal value is also very high, and it is a very valuable Chinese herbal medicine. Wild ones can be sold for seven or eight yuan a pound.

"It's even luckier than mine. It weighs a pound or two even if it's dried in the sun." Lin Heng said enviously.

"Hehe, you are lucky, and I am also lucky if I follow you." Li Baiquan chuckled.

"Uncle, do you think they may have caught a large prey over there?"

Lin Heng asked as he walked forward.

"It's not possible. I guess it's just a pheasant or a golden rooster. What's more, it's just a white rice."

Li Baiquan shook his head.

The so-called white rice is civet, which is what they are used to call here.

"But I can't say for sure. Maybe they are lucky."

Li Baiquan said with a smile again.


Lin Heng nodded.

The two of them hurried past, and after nearly a kilometer they saw Tian Baishun and Lin Heng's uncle Lu Honghai.

Lin Heng was the first to ask: "What did you hit?"

"Two golden roosters, these two prey were found today." Lu Honghai said.

"Your uncle and I found it together. The gun I fired was one for each of us."

Tian Baishun raised the golden rooster and shook it. They were two female golden roosters with hemp-gray hair.

"That's not bad." Lin Heng nodded. This golden rooster will definitely not survive. We can have a full meal tonight.

"You guys? What did you get?" Tian Baishun asked curiously.

Li Baiquan chuckled: "We got wild honey, Buddha's hand ginseng, and Lin Heng also shot a hairy mouse."

"Your luck is really amazing." Tian Baishun looked at Lin Heng and felt that it was the aura of a novice. Although he didn't catch anything, the things he collected were very profitable.

Compared with the golden rooster, the things they got can be preserved for a long time, and being able to take them back and sell them for money is the best harvest.

Their golden rooster can only be roasted tonight.

"It's probably past five o'clock. We have to find a place to sleep at night. Let's go out hunting after we find it."

Lin Heng looked at the sky and said.

"Okay, it just so happens that all the prey nearby have been scared away."

Lu Honghai nodded.

The four of them walked down the mountain together. Although it was summer, it was in the mountains. It wouldn't feel very hot in the forest during the day, and it was only eight or nine degrees at night.

If you don't find a place to shelter from the wind and rain, if you encounter wind and rain, you may die overnight.

Everyone also understands this truth, and this matter cannot be sloppy.

There are no fewer hunters dying in the Qinling Mountains, most of them died from the environment rather than from poisonous snakes and beasts.

Sorry, there was a problem with the computer, I just fixed it.

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