Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 94: Collecting bees, peaceful days, encounter in the forest

“Buzz buzz buzz!!”

Feeling the smell of honey, the outer layer of honey quickly climbed up.

Lin Heng was overjoyed, thinking that it was so simple to succeed, but he never thought that there would be no movement after a few bees flew over.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and poked the beehive with the tip of the bamboo pole. Suddenly, a large number of bees flew up, some of them fell into the bamboo basket, and some flew back.

“It’s a good idea!”

Lin Heng’s eyes lit up, thinking that this method could succeed. He leaned the bamboo pole against the tree branch and cut another branch next to it.

He poked the beehive with the cut branch, and some of them flew into the bamboo basket.

After operating it for more than ten times in a row, the queen bee finally appeared. Lin Heng saw it from a distance. It was much larger than ordinary bees.

The queen bee hovered in the air for a while, and was finally attracted by the honey on the bamboo basket and fell on it.

“It’s done!!”

Lin Heng couldn’t help but smile. The queen bee was gone, and the matter was basically done.

As expected, the queen bee moved, and most of the other bees followed. In a few minutes, the entire bee group fell into the bamboo basket.

"Did it work?" Xiulan asked from a distance while holding her daughter.

Lin Heng grinned: "It worked!"

He succeeded in collecting bees for the first time, and he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Carefully put down the bamboo pole, Lin Heng looked at the bee group in the bamboo basket and felt a little excited, just like fishing for a big grass carp.

But the next step was the most thrilling. It takes close range to transfer the bees to the beehive.

Open the beehive and shake it off while holding the bamboo basket.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

Soon many bees flew out. Lin Heng was a little scared and exerted a little strength. Most of the bees were shaken in at once, and many bees flew out buzzing.

Fortunately, there was a lot of honey in the beehive, and the queen bee also went in. These flying bees turned around and fell in.

"Huh, I succeeded. It's not that difficult."

Lin Heng took a deep breath. He found that as long as he overcame his fear of bees, it was not that difficult to collect bees.

Taking the bamboo basket away, Lin Heng took the cover to cover the beehive. Xiulan also came from a distance with her daughter.


Lin Heng suddenly took a breath of cold air, endured the pain to cover the beehive, and tied it up with a rope.

"Stung by a bee?" Xiulan asked hurriedly, looking at his expression.

"Well, when I covered the lid, one ran out and I pressed it."

Lin Heng stretched out his right hand in front of Xiulan, with the bee's stinger still on his little finger.

"Bear the pain." Xiulan first pulled out the bee's stinger, then squeezed hard on the stung place, a little transparent liquid was squeezed out, and then a little honey was applied on it.

"This is the only way." Xiulan let go of Lin Heng's hand and said.

"It's just a minor injury, it's nothing."

Lin Heng waved his hand, put the things in place, and walked back with a backpack and a beehive. Xiulan walked behind with a backpack and her daughter.

"Lin Heng, are you holding a beehive?"

When he walked into the village, someone asked.

Lin Heng grinned: "Yes, I just collected it in the mountains."

"You are so lucky, you don't have to worry about honey with a box of bees."

"Yes, bees coming to you is a sign of wealth and good luck."

When passing by, many people cast envious eyes on him, and were shocked that Lin Heng could actually collect bees. He can raise them.

Walking past Wang Jin's house, Wang Jin looked at Lin Heng holding the beehive with a smile on his face, and was stunned: "Did you collect it successfully by yourself? Weren't you stung by the bees?"

Lin Heng shrugged and said loudly: "Of course, collecting bees is not a difficult task, I didn't get hurt at all."

Wang Jin looked at Lin Heng's body and found that there was really no trace of stings. It was a bit incredible that this kid didn't get hurt when he collected bees for the first time. He was stung several times the first time.

"Do you want to sell the bees to me? I'll take one dollar. Anyway, it's hard for you to feed them. There is a skill involved." Wang Jin said again.

"Then will you sell your bees if I buy them for one dollar?" Lin Heng glanced at this man. Do you want to take advantage of him?

He thought about it carefully. No wonder the Wang family had never become rich in his previous life. They were 1,000 yuan households in the 1980s and 1990s.

Shaking his head, he went home with his bees.

"Let's put it higher for now. If you put it lower, Xiaoxia might get stung." Xiulan said after returning home.


Lin Heng looked at the front and back yards, and finally came to the backyard with the beehive. He climbed up a wooden ladder, put a board on the pillow extending from the second floor wall of the house, and put the beehive on it.

"Is this place okay? It's more than five meters above the ground." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and asked.

Xiulan nodded: "This place is okay. When the grapes are planted, they can still pollinate the grapes."

Lin Heng put the beehive down and walked down. He couldn't open the small hole to let the bees in and out for the time being. He had to wait for half a day to ensure that they would not fly away again.

"Dad, sugar!"

Seeing Lin Heng coming down, Xiaoxia pointed at the honey in the backpack and whispered that she didn't dare to look at her mother because her mother didn't let her eat honey.

"Eat, you can eat it today!" Lin Heng kissed his lucky star. If it wasn't for Xiaoxia, he really wouldn't have found this nest of bees.

Speaking of which, the timing of discovering the bees was also good. It was a rainy morning just now, and the bees were less active, so it was less dangerous to collect them.

"Let's make white flour buns in the morning. I'll make her honey stuffed buns. Don't feed her too much." Xiulan said quickly.

"Okay." Lin Heng dipped a little with chopsticks and fed it to his daughter. Her happy eyes suddenly turned into two crescent moons.

Xiulan let Lin Heng feed her another mouthful, then took the honey and left. Xiaoxia opened her mouth, but didn't dare to object.

Until Xiulan disappeared, she dared to whisper: "Beat Mommy's butt!"

Lin Heng thought it was funny, so he took her to play on the swing chair, and he sat next to her to pick honeysuckle. When the swing chair stopped moving, he pushed it with his hand.

Xiongba was lying in the pavilion taking a nap. When the sun came out and shone on his body, his ears moved, proving that he was still alive.

Time passed slowly. Xiulan made white flour steamed buns, brought steamed buns and soup, and took the bowls and chopsticks to the pavilion in the backyard. The family of three sat together, and there was a silly dog ​​rolling under the table and begging for food.

"Delicious, oil residue steamed buns are so delicious."

Lin Heng took a bite and couldn't help but be intoxicated by the aroma of oil residue. This wonderful taste also made him open his mouth and eat wildly.

Because there was no baking powder, sweet wine was still used to leaven the dough. There was a faint aroma of rice wine in the steamed bun, which added a unique flavor.

Lin Heng, who often eats steamed buns, felt the deliciousness of this oil residue steamed bun.

"If it tastes good, eat more. I made a lot." Xiulan said with a smile, and she also took a steamed bun and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Xiaoxia lowered her head to gnaw her honey steamed bun, and her eyes curved into a crescent shape.

After breakfast, Lin Heng and Xiulan took their daughter to the mountain without stopping. Sometimes they were leisurely, and sometimes they were very busy.

After the rain in summer, it is the golden time to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms. During this period, there are a lot of porcini and chanterelles on the mountain, and other inedible mushrooms are also in great demand.

"Husband, does your hand still hurt?" Xiulan asked again when they were on the mountain.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It doesn't hurt anymore, but it's very itchy."

Xiulan walked over and took a look. The little finger was a little swollen, and there was a red dot where the bee stung, but it was nothing serious.

"I can only bear it so that you don't notice it." Xiulan looked at him and said sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter. Compared with collecting a bucket of bees, this is nothing." Lin Heng smiled.

While chatting, the two walked to the back of the mountain, and soon they came to the ridge where they first picked pine milk mushrooms.

"Xiongba, today I have to rely on you to find mushrooms." Lin Heng rubbed Xiongba's dog head and said to it.


Xiongba happily circled.

Xiulan took her daughter to pick up the boletus mushrooms that could be seen everywhere at the edge of the forest, while Lin Heng took Xiongba to the depths of the forest to find better blue-headed mushrooms, egg mushrooms and the like.

Recently, Lin Heng did not bring a bow and arrow to places near his home, but only a slingshot.

Sometimes he did not even want to bring a slingshot, because he really could not find the prey.

He planned to take a break for a while and then go to Sanchagou Canyon to have a look. He was still obsessed with the musk deer he saw there. If he killed a musk deer, he could sell it for 1,500 yuan, which was too tempting.

It was easy to find mushrooms in the forest. Each type of mushroom had a mushroom nest. If you found it, you would get something.

It was difficult to find mushroom nests and the forest was not right, so you could not pick a few mushrooms in a day.

However, Lin Heng had Xiongba, the four-legged beast plug-in, so it was easy to find them, whether they were rare or not.

After walking a few steps, he saw a lot of chanterelles, but unfortunately, when he broke them open, they were all full of small insects.

In the summer, chanterelles get worms too quickly, especially in the case of continuous rain. Lin Heng shook his head and picked them up and threw them into the bag. It would be a good choice to take them back to feed the chickens and the badger cubs.

"I wonder how delicious the badger will be during the Spring Festival." Lin Heng was a little greedy. Badger meat was much more delicious than wild boar meat. If it was fed with mushrooms, the taste would be unimaginable.

"Woof woof!!"

He was savoring the badger meat when Xiongba called from a distance.

Hearing the voice, Lin Heng quickly picked up the remaining chanterelles and walked over. What he saw was an orange-yellow egg mushroom.

"As expected of Xiongba, amazing." Lin Heng carefully picked off the egg mushroom. This was an absolutely good mushroom and it didn't get worms very often.

With Xiongba's guidance, Lin Heng harvested good mushrooms much faster than normal people who searched one by one. He found several blue-headed mushrooms and egg mushrooms in a row.

"Oh, I just regret that I'm not in Yunnan, otherwise I would have become rich with such a dog." Lin Heng shook his head. Due to the climate restrictions, the mushroom resources in Qinling are still far behind those in Yunnan.


At this time, Xiongba barked again.

Lin Heng came over and his eyes lit up: "It's actually a tree of black fungus."

Black fungus is one of the dishes that he and Xiulan like to eat. Black fungus fried with bacon is so delicious.

This black fungus has absorbed too much water because of the rain, and the meat is tender. It weighs more than one catty, but it may not weigh more than one or two catties when dried.

"Hey, how come there is such a big wild grape vine in this place."

Lin Heng was just about to leave when he found a vine wrapped around the tree.

This is a wild grape vine with a diameter thicker than a thumb, but it does not produce wild grapes.

First, he looked at the root system. Lin Heng found that the wild grapes were not deeply rooted, so he decisively cut off the grape vine with a knife.

He cut another wooden stick to dig out the grape roots. After digging out some side roots, Lin Heng took the initiative to cut off the main root.

The grape vines were naturally taken back and planted. Wild grape vines have strong vitality and are easy to grow.

There are no grapes at home now, so it’s okay to plant some wild grapes first.

Wild grapes grow quickly. Once you buy grape seedlings, you can directly graft them onto a scion. With the roots of wild grapes, they will grow very quickly after grafting.

Throwing the grape vines into the basket, Lin Heng continued to collect mushrooms.

The forest is fresh and quiet after the rain. It is definitely a pleasure to walk in it and look for fungi.

There is no need to think about anything, only the fungi are in my mind. Sometimes you can’t find two in a forest, and sometimes you can pick a lot in a small area.

It’s full of unknowns and challenges, just like fishing. You don’t know what kind of fish you’re fishing for until you bring it up to the surface.

The difference is that fishing is possible, but collecting mushrooms is difficult.

Even if you can't pick anything edible, you can still pick some inedible things to satisfy your cravings.

"It looks like the tea tree mushroom season is coming soon."

While walking, Lin Heng saw a cluster of tea tree mushrooms on an acorn tree stump not far away.

The cap of the tea tree mushroom is gray-brown, the stipe is white, the flesh is dirty white, and there is no bacterial ring.

The most striking feature is that this kind of mushroom grows in clusters, and it does not grow on the ground, but on rotten wood. It usually grows into a cluster of at least a dozen mushrooms.

One bush weighs more than a pound, and the big ones may weigh two or three pounds. It is easy and quick to pick, and there is no soil.

Lin Heng came over and picked it off. This bush weighed more than a kilogram.

I looked around and picked two more bushes. The tea tree mushrooms were most abundant here at the end of July.

Although the dry goods only cost two or three cents a pound, like honeysuckle, they are plentiful and easy to pick. Many people go up to pick them up every day.

It tastes good after drying, and is most delicious when stir-fried and made into soup. The fresh ones don't taste good. Lin Heng thinks its taste is not as good as that of red mushrooms.

"Woof woof!!"

As soon as he threw a few tea tree mushrooms into his backpack, Xiongba let out a high-pitched cry.

"What did you find?"

Lin Heng was a little curious. Such a high-pitched cry was usually a good thing.

"It's really a good thing. I finally met two of them today. I thought I couldn't find them."

Lin Heng couldn't help but smile, Xiong Ba found two red Ganoderma lucidum.

Moreover, there are not only red Ganoderma lucidum in this place, but also several Gastrodia elata growing nearby, growing long foils.

After picking the Ganoderma lucidum, Lin Heng looked at the Gastrodia elata again and saw that the flowers had been removed. He used a hatchet to mark an

Of course, they are not going to sell them, but they are going to dry and stew the pig heads for eating. The pig heads sent by Tian Baishun have not been eaten yet.

The recuperative effect of Gastrodia elata is quite good. It has the functions of calming wind and spasm, calming liver yang, dispelling wind and dredging meridians. It is often used to stew chicken in rural areas.

After picking up mushrooms for a while, Lin Heng looked at the sky and realized it was already four or five o'clock, so he took Xiongba back to find Xiulan.

Not far down the road, I heard people talking.

After walking a few steps, I saw people. Liu Lan, Jin Yan and Li Yan were picking mushrooms in the forest.

There were two young men next to him, one was Liu Chengzhang from the Liu family, who was his classmate, and the other was Lin Hai, the second son of his third father, who was also his cousin.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be you, Lin Heng." Liu Lan was the first to greet him.

"Lin Heng, you're really interested in the money you get from picking up mushrooms. I'm afraid you won't earn as much by picking up mushrooms all morning as you do by hunting a rabbit." Jin Yan said with a smile, looking at Lin Heng with a somewhat resentful look.

Lin Heng glanced at a few people and said casually: "You can make money by picking up mushrooms. Even a dime is money. Why don't you pick them up?"

Lin Heng looked at his cousin Lin Hai again: "Lin Hai, have you seen your sister-in-law?"

Once he saw his cousins ​​Lin Hai and Liu Chengzhang, he understood that they both liked Jin Yan and would try to get close to them.

Jin Yan is indeed beautiful, and her figure also has breasts and a butt, and she is deeply loved by rural men.

"I didn't see it, cousin. Maybe I was walking in the wrong direction and missed it."

Lin Hai shook his head and said.

"Then you come with me and help me find him." Lin Heng looked at him and said.

His third father was very kind to him, but he didn't want Jin Yan to marry into his family.

Although Lin Heng felt that people like Jin Yan looked down on ordinary families like Lin Hai.

"Okay." Although Lin Hai still wanted to talk to Jin Yan, he still agreed to his cousin Lin Heng.

When Liu Chengzhang next to him saw this scene, he thanked Lin Heng for being a good classmate hundreds of times. As soon as Lin Hai left, he could be alone with Jin Yan.

"Lin Hai, go and help us look for it. It's going to be bad if something happens because it just rained."

Liu Chengzhang urged a little anxiously.

Lin Heng glanced at him and thought to himself, you don't even look at your own conditions. You don't look good and your family is not good. How dare you touch such a woman?

They've all been caught in a trap and don't even know it.

But he won't remind them. As long as they are not related to him, he is too lazy to help them change anything.

Just as Lin Heng and Lin Hai were about to leave, Jin Yan smiled and said, "Lin Heng, you seem to be very afraid of your wife. You don't even dare to say a word to us when you see us."

When she said this, Li Yan couldn't help but smile and agree: "Don't tell me, I really haven't seen Lin Heng talking to several women."

Lin Heng glanced at the three of them, spread his hands and said with a smile: "I am indeed more afraid of my wife, and since I have Xiulan, I don't want to talk to other women."

When faced with provocations from others, the usual approach is to fight back forcefully to prevent them from provoking again.

However, this is usually time-consuming and labor-intensive.

There is a simpler way, and that is to show off. If you say you are afraid of your wife, then I am afraid of my wife, I admit it.

Jin Yan and Li Yan are in such a speechless state now. What else can you do if everyone admits it?

"Lin Hai, let's go." He smiled, turned around and left.

"Don't leave. Liu Lan said you are very good at picking mushrooms. Let us see your mushrooms."

Jin Yan said again.

"She lied. My skills are rubbish." Lin Heng didn't look back.

The more Lin Heng made such an understatement, the more unhappy Jin Yan became. She immediately said: "Let's compete. If I lose, I will give you all the mushrooms I picked. I don't believe that your mushroom picking skills are better than mine."

Hearing this, Lin Heng turned around: "Don't regret it."

As he said that, he put the backpack on the ground: "Look, you can look at it as you like."

Several people came over to check, and the most common ones were porcini mushrooms, followed by chanterelles. Although there were a few more, there was nothing surprising about these.

But then they couldn't close their mouths: "Why are there so many green-headed mushrooms, seven or eight egg mushrooms, and two Ganoderma lucidum? How did you collect them?"

Jin Yan's eyes widened. The mushrooms Lin Hengcai collected were so valuable.

In addition to porcini and chanterelles, she picked three egg mushrooms and some fungus. She felt that she was lucky enough.

How come Lin Heng can pick so many good mushrooms? Is he worshiping the mountain god as his godfather?

"Thank you. I appreciate your fungi."

Lin Heng smiled, took away the egg mushrooms and fungus from her basket, and poured the other mushrooms into the basket.

"Hey, can't you leave some for me? I was wrong." Jin Yan said aggrievedly when she saw Lin Heng being so cruel.

If Liu Chengzhang heard this voice, he might not be able to help but throw back all his fungi. Lin Heng put the empty basket on the ground expressionlessly: "Who asked you to bet? I don't know that you will lose nine out of ten bets. Next time "Keep a long memory."

Then he took Lin Hai with him, turned around and left without looking back, leaving only Jin Yan and the other four standing there stupidly.

"Is this luck or skill?" Liu Lan was confused again.

"It must be luck. I have some amazing skills in picking mushrooms." Li Yan shook her head and said.

"That's right, I have some shitty skills. I will definitely win back my mushrooms next time we meet." Jin Yan snorted coldly. She gritted her teeth. She was so frustrated that Lin Heng lost a basket of mushrooms. It was really not worth it.

Little did they know that Lin Heng relied on a dog. No matter how lucky he was to have a domineering dog with a sharp nose?

"It's okay Jin Yan, I have some fungi here and I'll give them to you."

Liu Chengzhang hurriedly showed his courtesy and took out his fungus with a smile.

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