Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 2: Chapter 4: New Views Needed.

Chapter 4: New Views Needed.

*Erika’s POV*

When I woke up, I felt so refreshed! Who knew resting in such an amazing bed, could leave you feeling so refreshed?

Lilith: “Erika, you seem to be under the impression that your bed is amazing.” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “Isn’t it?” I ask in my head.

Lilith: “Well… it is but that’s not why you feel so refreshed.” Lilith said with a laugh.

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask in my head with a questioning tone.

Lilith: “You were asleep for six days straight. No. No one used any magic on you, or drugged you in any way. You legitimately just slept that long on your own.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Erika: “I guess I was just really tired…” I say with a small voice.

Wasn’t I basically asleep for a very, very long time before? I wonder why I needed so much rest… Oh, well, I do feel better now so it’s fine.

I was about to get up from my bed, so I could take a bath but, there was a knock on my door. Oddly, it was a very elegant knock. I didn’t even know that you could knock like that…

???: “Lady Erika, could we please come in?” A woman asked with a calm tone.

Erika: “You may.” I answer in a calm tone.

My door opened and then five maids came into my room. Unlike the maids who assisted me before, these ones were on a higher level…

I’ve seen them before, they take care of Victoria and her wives only… Why would I get their help now? I guess Nadia was the one who arranged this.

???: “Good morning Miss Erika. I am Sina. If you please, could you follow us? We would like to give you a bath. Oh, Head Maid Nadia is currently making you a meal. She will join us once it is finished.” Sina said with a respectful tone.

She’s making a meal for me? I’m honestly looking forward to it! Surely the head maid’s food would taste the best, right? I seem to recall Victoria gloating about Nadia’s cooking before…

Wait… How’d she know that I was awake? I asked Lilith about this thought.

Lilith: “I ratted you out. Now go take a bath. Look at the maids. Their elites but Nadia has them on pins and needles.” Lilith said with a smug tone.

I was once again about to get up, but my legs seemed to be asleep. I asked them to wait a bit until my legs woke up but, Sina, the one leading the maids, had picked me up in a princess carry.

She skillfully carried me to the baths. I asked her why she was so good at this. What she told me was kinda funny… Sina said that it was because Victoria and her wives are not morning people. So she and the other maids, would have to do the same with them to get them to bathe.

Speaking of the bath, it wasn’t the one I would usually go to. According to Sina, this was Victoria’s and her wives private bath. Alice also used it.

It was huge! It was like the size of a small football field. The bath was also big. Outside the bath were showers. Sina sat me down on a stool, and then the maids began to strip me like expert perverts.

I was nude before I even realized it. Then they began to wash me even more thoroughly than the other maids before. Under my nails, in between my fingers and toes, my eyebrows and eyelashes, my breasts, my waist, my special place… nothing was left unclean…

Normally I would feel upset but, clearly, none of them were doing any of that in a sexual manner. It was very much business as usual for them. From what Sina said, they do the same for Victoria and her wives, and sometimes for Alice as well.

My legs were already awake at this point, and the washing part was done, so I was going to get up, but then Sina once again picked me up in a princess carry.

She then carefully lowered me into the bath. The instant I felt the water, it felt like all of my problems disappeared. As I soaked into the water, I ended up in a trance.

What broke me out of this trance was realizing that they were getting undressed as well.

Erika: “Are you all also taking a bath?” I ask with a confused tone.

Sina: “A bath? No, we will just be getting in to serve you.” Sina replied with a confused tone.

Erika: “Um… what kind of service exactly?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Sina: “The sexual kind?” Sina replied with a tone like I was crazy.

Erika: “Um… I will not require such service.” I say with a red face.

Sina: “That so? What a shame. I and the girl’s favorite part of the day are being Victoria and her wives plaything’s while they bathe.” Sina said with a laugh.

Huh? Did I hear that correctly? I thought that Victoria wasn’t a pervert…

Alice: “That’s enough Sina, you’re scaring Erika.” Alice said with a stern tone.

Sina: “My Apologies Lady Erika and Lady Alice.” Sina said with a bow.

Alice: “Wait outside until we are done bathing.” Alice said with a wave of her hand.

The maids then all bowed and left the bath right away. Alice took off all of her clothes and got into the bath with me. She sat right next to me.

Her attire might make some think that she is still a child but, seeing her in a nude state, she is clearly a woman. I had to avert my eyes when she realized that I was staring at her body.

Am I at fault here? How the hell is her breasts bigger than mine? She is shorter than me by a lot… This is unfair! Well, at least she is only slightly bigger than me…

Alice: “You may look at my body as much as you please, Erika.” Alice said with a laugh.

Erika: “Sorry…” I reply with a red face.

Alice: “Oh? I’ve actually made you embarrassed? I need to brag about this to those two later.” Alice said with a hearty laugh.

Erika: “Um… What did Sina mean by what she said earlier?” I ask with a small voice.

Alice: “I stopped her because I had a feeling that you would think of us as perverts. In reality, although those maids are under Nadia’s direct command, they are not employees.” Alice said after resting her head on my shoulder.

Awa her skin feels so nice… She also smells good… Was Lilith right about me being a pervert?…

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask with a questioning tone, trying to push those thoughts away.

Alice: “They are Victoria’s slaves. War trophies in a certain sense.” Alice said with a shrug.

Erika: “I can’t condone slavery.” I say with a serious tone.

Alice: “They are war criminals. They have committed many crimes, and serving Victoria is a way to atone for their crimes. Once a certain amount of time is served, similar to what Avicia is doing right now, they can leave.” Alice said with a calm tone.

Erika: “Then why are they still here? Have they not served their term already?” I ask with a questioning tone.

Alice: “They have but, they decided to stay. Most of them end up leaving, and Victoria gave them everything they need to live a comfortable life before they do.” Alice said with a yawn. Cute!

Erika: “Why don’t Sina and the rest leave?” I ask with a curious tone.

Alice: “They’re perverts. Or more accurately, they get off from being played with by us. It might be hard to understand but, it’s not like we mistreat them, or force them to do anything that they don’t want to. Frankly, I saved their skin.” Alice said with a laugh.

Erika: “How so?” I ask calmly.

Alice: “You’re very easy to seduce or more accurately, you’re not experienced. If they had served you with their bodies well… Let’s just say that I, Victoria, and Sofiel would be pretty upset. And they would get punished.” Alice said with a serious tone.

Erika: “What kind of punishment would that be exactly?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Alice: “We won’t touch them.” Alice said with another laugh.

Erika: “Oh…” I say with a red face.

Alice: “As I said, they’re perverts.” Alice said while patting my head.

Erika: “Does all of Victoria’s wives play around with them?” I ask with a curious tone.

Alice: “All of them except one. Sofiel is the only one of Victoria’s wives that doesn’t do anything sexual with them. How lucky, your angel is still pure. At least purer than the rest of Victoria’s wives.” Alice said with a laugh and a bright smile.

She then looked me in the eyes. Alice stared deeply into my eyes for three minutes straight. It was like she could see my very soul. Well… Actually, she could.

Her breathing became rough and she lowered her head level to mine. I could tell that she was staring at my lips. She leaned in and almost kissed me but stopped right before our lips touched. Is it bad that I wanted her to continue?…

Alice: “I’m sorry Erika. I almost went too far.” Alice said with a remorseful tone.

Erika: “It’s fine.” I reply with a smile.

Alice: “Well, I’m glad that I didn’t upset you. I’ll take a lap around the bath to cool off. It’s really big so, I’ll see you in eighteen minutes.” Alice said before swimming away from me.

After a few seconds, she was already gone from my sight. This bath was very steamy, so it was hard to see that much further in front of you. I was able to see Alice's dark halo for a few seconds longer after I lost sight of her, but that also quickly vanished as well.

Speaking of the steam, like magic, the steam did not go that high up. It was like an 8 foot tall block of steam surrounding just the bath and nothing else.

I’m guessing the steam was to cover up those doing lewd things, so as to not disturb others in the bath. Thinking about that made me blush greatly.

This body is amazing… I never knew that I could feel such emotions or make so many different facial expressions. Was my body in my previous life defective? I still have my memories after all…

Maybe it has something to do with that girl still being within my body… Well, at least for now, I can’t do anything about it. Nor do I want to actually. This is the happiest I have ever been well… ever.

Looking around the bath, I had a feeling that Victoria and her wives were narcissists. There were marble statues around the bath. Each one depicting what I assume was Victoria and her wives. After all, there was a statue of Victoria herself as well as Sofiel…

Oh god… Will she make a statue of me eventually? I must do everything in my power to stop her from doing that… Why would it matter? Aren’t we moving soon? Considering that it’s Victoria, there is a decent chance she might just straight take the entire castle or estate with us to a new dimension.

On a side note, this bath is more like a pool. The further in you go the deeper it is. From what I can tell, it doesn’t go deeper than six feet. Around the sides is basically shallow. Resting on the side, the water goes up to my chest so either I am short, or it’s not actually that shallow…

Huh? How did Alice lay her head on my shoulder when the water is this deep? She just used magic to float up higher than normal. Crazy right?

I would like to swim as Alice had done but, I’m pretty sure that I would get lost very easily.

Though, I still wanted to explore a bit so, I went around the sides of the bath for a few minutes. Or was it actually eight minutes? I didn’t even make it to the other side of the bath before I turned back around.

Why’d I turned around? Oh, no reason. I just heard three girls moaning loudly and did NOT want to walk in on them and ruin their fun…

Or it was because I was just way too embarrassed?… They did sound like they were having a lot of “fun” though…

Pushing that memory further back in my mind, I made my way back to my spot. Alice must have swum like this before since, two minutes after I got back, she arrived where she left earlier. Was that eighteen minutes exactly? I should have counted...

Alice: “I’m back Erika.” Alice said with a smile.

Erika: “Welcome back.” I say with a smile but also with a red face.

Alice: “Why’s your face red? Have you been in the bath for too long? That shouldn’t happen, this bath has magic to make sure people don’t pass out.” Alice asked with a concerned tone.

Erika: “It’s nothing. I just went exploring a bit, and I almost ran to a few girls who were uh… playing?” I say with an embarrassed tone.

Alice: “Oh, that was one of Victoria’s wives. I passed by her as well and I told her to stay away from you. Erika, you should also stay away from her as well.” Alice said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Why should I avoid her?” I ask with a curious tone.

Alice: “Because she is a major fucking pervert! She’s the one who convinced Victoria to let those maids serve their sentence faster if they perfume sexual favors.” Alice said with an annoyed tone.

Erika: “You don’t seem to like her.” I say with a raised eyebrow.

Alice: “I do not. Have you heard of the seven deadly sins?” Alice asked with a sarcastic tone.

Erika: “That I do.” I reply with a small laugh.

Alice: “She is at least Sloth and Lust. And you wouldn’t even know that she is actually the strongest one here.” Alice said with a sigh.

Erika: “She’s the strongest? Aren’t you the strongest here?” I ask with a confused tone.

Alice: “No dice. She is a creator like me. Unlike me, however, she is an ancient creator. Similar to Avicia. Actually… She might even be Avicia’s daughter.” Alice said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “That would be kinda weird…” I say with spiral eyes.

Alice: “Oh dear, your head is steaming. Most likely from this confusing conversation but, the bath also isn’t helping. I’ll call the maids for you on the way out.” Alice said with a warm tone.

Erika: “Wait, would it really be such a bad thing for me to meet her?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Alice: “Absolutely! The little virgin you would be putty in her hands. Oh? Is that more steam coming out of your head? Maybe the water is affecting you after all…” Alice said with a concerned tone.

She then left while I am still thinking about how weirdly connected everyone is to each other and about that pervert who apparently is one of Victoria’s wives…

Sina, the uh… elite sex maid? Soon appeared and helped me out of the bath. She used magic to dry me off completely. Then the rest of the maids dressed me back up in my black dress and black lingerie.

Sina and the maids then led me back to my room. She didn’t carry me this time, though.

Nadia was waiting for me there. Didn’t she say that this was breakfast? This was a full course meal! The coffee table was set aside and in its place was a long table filled with various kinds of delicious looking and smelling food…

Nadia: “Now, now, Lady Erika, don’t give me that look. This is you’re going to work meal. You did sleep for almost a week so, you should be decently hungry. Anything you don’t eat can be taken with you.” Nadia said with a bright smile.

Erika: “Nadia… did you make all of this food by yourself?” I ask with spiral eyes.

There were at least 45 different meals on the table…

Nadia: “Nonsense, Lady Erika, although I made these meals, I did have help from the other maids.” Nadia said with a bright smile.

Lilith: “That’s a lie! She made every single fucking meal by herself. Congrats Erika! You have another stupidly powerful woman at your beck and call.” Lilith said with a snarky tone.

She really made it all herself… Fuck… She really does have feelings for me… Can I really handle being in a relationship with so many women? Maybe that’s what Nadia meant by saying that I should start with Sofiel and she’ll teach me how to love…

While I was once again lost in thought, Nadia had led me to my seat and the first meal was a steak. Like a mother, she took the knife and fork away from my hands that I had picked up and cut the steak for me… This is so nice…

Actually… This was torture! Nadia didn’t just cut my meals for me, she had taken the liberty of feeding me as well… At first, it was fine but… This was legit the eighth meal and she is still doing it. Of course, she called away all of the other maids before she started flirting with me like this.

Erika: “Um… Nadia? I appreciate it but, I can eat by myself.” I say with a nervous tone.

Nadia: “That so? I’m sorry that I didn’t realize Erika.” Nadia said with a remorseful tone.

Oh? She dropped the “Lady” and “Miss” from how she refers to me…

Erika: “It’s okay, I didn’t mind it at all. It was a very enjoyable experience.” I say with a bright smile.

Why’d I just admit to liking her treatment of me so easily? Nadia… This woman is dangerous in far more ways than one…

For a few minutes, there was peace. I was just eating my food at my own pace this time until… Nadia started to give me a massage!

Her massage skills were heavenly! I completely forgot about eating and just let her have her way with my body… That sounded lewder than it actually was…

Maybe it was lewd? I don’t really know but… I accidentally let out a moan and then Nadia finally stopped her overly skilled hands…

Nadia: “Apologies, Erika, the only other person I do this too is Victoria. I ended up doing it too extreme.” Nadia said with a remorseful tone once again.

Erika: “…”

Remorseful tone my ass! That smile on her face tells me all I needed to know. Nadia is extremely happy that she got me to moan with her massage… I just need to play it off.

Oddly, Nadia had stopped her teasing. I guess she understands how far she can push with me. She just stood behind me for the rest of the meal.

Speaking of meals, this is like, my eighth steak? I don’t recall being such a glutton… I don’t even feel full… Will I end up getting fat? This thought caused me to slow down my eating speed.

Nadia: “Miss Erika, please don’t worry about eating so much. You will not gain weight, and this is a completely normal amount of food to eat, for someone as powerful as you. Just enjoy the food until you’re full.” Nadia said with a warm smile while rubbing my head.

Aw… she brought back the honorifics…

Erika: “This is normal? You mean all of it?” I ask with a confused tone.

Nadia: “Erika, you should know, Victoria, Alice, and Sofiel eat five times this amount of food. As for how much you can eat before you’re full, it’s different for everyone. That’s why there is so much of it. Now, no more questions, just eat.” Nadia said while whispering in my ear.

Fuck… That was my move! To have it used against me like this it feels… Good?… It also looks like she doesn’t use honorifics when teasing me… Like Nadia had intended this outcome, due to that my reaction, I just went back to eating silently.

Like I was a cartoon character, Nadia would just place a new meal right in front of me when I finished one.

An hour later, the food was all gone… I ate it all… What’s worse… I’m still not full. Won’t this only get worse the stronger I get? Oh no… What if we go for a date in a modern world, and me and Sofiel just eat out the entire place? Actually, that would be really funny.

Nadia: “Are you full now, Miss Erika?” Nadia said with a smile.

Erika: “Actually… no. As for the food, it was the best food I’ve ever eaten.” I say with an embarrassed tone.

Nadia: “I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it.” Nadia said while beaming a beautiful smile.

Erika: “How can I even eat this much, and still not be full?” I ask with a thinking pose.

Nadia: “You won’t need to eat that much food every day. We, or rather, people like us can store this food for a long time. You won’t need to eat for a decent while.” Nadia said with a laugh.

What? Are we bears or something?… Should I go find a cave to hibernate in?…

Erika: “Ahh, I see. That’s pretty useful.” I say with a laugh.

Nadia: “Yes it is, but please be aware that you can still die from starvation.” Nadia said with a stern tone.

Erika: “I’ll keep that in mind. Oh, by the way, Nadia?” I say with a serious tone.

Nadia: “What is it, Lady Erika?” Nadia asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Erika: “Could you please just call me Erika instead of adding Miss or Lady?” I ask with a slightly red face.

Nadia: “Very well Erika. I’ll refer to you like this from now on.” Nadia said with another beautiful smile.

Ugh! My heart is going to be torn into pieces! This girl is too damn cute! While I was thinking this stupid thought, Nadia had flicked her wrist and the table, plates, utensils, etc disappeared. The coffee table was back in its place as well.

Nadia: “Well then, I look forward to seeing you again Erika. Please be safe on your trip. If you need help, please contact any of those three.” Nadia said with a bow before leaving my room.

Lilith: “So… this is what it’s like to be a third wheel huh…” Lilith said with a sigh.

Erika: “I’m sorry.” I say with a small voice.

Lilith: “Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault, you’re just a helpless little kitten to these lionesses.” Lilith said with a cheeky tone.

Ah, it’s like I can feel Lilith’s anger from here…

Erika: “…”

Erika: “Could you please help me find a good dimension in line with what we need?” I say while rubbing my head.

Lilith: “You need to be more specific.” Lilith said with a smug tone.

Right… she is totally angry. She heard all of my conversations, she is just being petty at this point.

Erika: “Specific?… Okay… a modern dimension that takes place in around 2015 to 2025.” I say with a thinking pose.

Lilith did not reply right away. She took a few minutes before she finally did.

Lilith: “I’ve found the perfect one!” Lilith said with an excited tone.

She’s excited? Must be at my expense…

Erika: “Let me guess, it’s a dimension that I would have trouble dealing with, right?” I say with a sigh.

Lilith: “You’ll be able to handle it with ease. It will be no problem at all! I’ll just be laughing while you do.” Lilith said with a laugh.

Task dimensions.

Dimension 1:

Dimension Name: Playhouse.

Planet Name: Earth.

Main sapient Race: Humans.

World State: Stagnant.

Available Main Tasks:

Kill 50 Saviors.

Difficulty: S+

Reward: 1 S+ Grade Monster Cores.

Kill all Saviors.

Difficulty: S+

Reward: 2 S+ Grade Monster Cores.

Help the world regain movement.

Difficulty: SSS+

Reward: 5 SSS+ Grade Monster Cores or one SSS+ Weapon and Armor of your choice.

Make the Goddess of this dimension happy.

Difficulty: SSS+

Reward: 10 SSS+ Grade Monster Cores or five SSS+ Weapons and Armors of your choice.

Available Side Tasks:

Make two Saviors fall in love with each other.

Difficulty: SS+

Reward: 2 SS+ Grade Monster Cores or one SS+ Armor of your choice.

What the hell is up with these tasks? Frankly, I was about to deny this dimension, and try to convince Lilith to give me a different one but, she stopped me from doing so.

Lilith: “Erika! Just do it! It will be so much fun, I promise you!” Lilith said with a pleading tone.

Erika: “I am judging you greatly right now… Why should I accept? You have to give me a better reason.” I say with a fed-up tone.

Lilith: “It’s nothing out of your comfort zone!” Lilith pleaded once again.

Erika: “What about the, make two saviors fall in love task?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Lilith: “This dimension has a specific requirement!” Lilith didn’t finish her sentence probably so she could rope in me.

Erika: “What kind of requirement?” I ask with a sigh.

Lilith: “The god of that dimension well, it’s actually a goddess. Oddly, she only allows other women to enter her dimension. Be aware, she doesn’t know that she is a goddess, she lost her memory. She is similar to Avicia in that regard.” Lilith said with a pleading tone well… actually she was basically begging me.

She really, really wanted to get back at me huh…

Erika: “Still not going.” I say with a cheeky tone.

Lilith: “It’s literally the perfect fucking dimension for you all! All it has extra, is just a little spice, so that I can have some fun! Let me have this, please!” Lilith pleaded.

Lilith… I think that I can hear her crying. Probably fake tears, though.

Erika: “Fucking fine. But you owe me.” I say with a sigh.

Lilith did not respond to my words, so I decided to just accept taking on tasks in the Playhouse… Just going by the name it has, I don’t have a good feeling about it.

Despite my desire to not fall into Lilith’s ploy, the oh so familiar light surrounded me, and once again I was being sent to a different dimension.

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