Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 22]

(insert "it's that time of the month again" patreon plug here)

Something something, $1 = 1 chapter for each of my stories, total of 5 chapters.

Something something, $5 = 5 chapters for each of my stories, total of 25 chapters.

Something something, $10 = 10 chapters for each of my stories, total of 50 chapters.

Beginning of the month = most bang for your buck = best time to pledge.

Starving-but-not-really artist. Forced to partake in capitalism, need money 2 survive, can't keep writing if no money. pls giv moni. (no pressure tho)

While the monsters within the cave were stronger than those outside of it, Thera still made quick work of them all. Akorya was able to handle them with ease, too, but I had to more or less let them do all of the work. Changing classes while inside of the cave wasn’t an option, so I was back to being a lower-leveled monster tamer.

I always felt like I was cheating on my paladin class whenever I was using other classes, but… cheating was worth it for the sake of gaining new monsters to turn into. Especially if it meant getting to turn into the giant penis monster.

In order to do horribly lewd things to cute partners, I had to NTR my main class.

As for the monsters in the cave leading up to where the giant penis monster was, none of them were particularly special. Some giant spiders, swarms of slugs – I had no idea if I would be able to have sex as such creatures if I tamed them, but I wasn’t interested in taking on the forms of insects to fuck people.


As great as those could be in hentai sometimes, I was more interested in something like a certain, giant spider laying eggs of a certain, perfect girl.

Thera pumping Lily’s womb full of eggs? Now that was a hot picture. I knew that it was possible, too, even if nothing actually happened with the eggs aside from giving a status effect.

Well, there was the monster breeder class as a sort of sister class to monster tamer. Instead of taming monsters, monster breeders got knocked up by them and then gained control of the offspring.

Not many people chose to play that class.

After all, many people came to this game for risk-free sex. Getting knocked up was the opposite of risk-free.

Breeding was extremely hot, though.

I wondered if Lily was into breeding.

If there was anybody with an ideal breeding body, it was Lily. I needed a large, strong body to mating press the fuck out of Lily.

That sounded amazing.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Lily would definitely be up for something like that. She just had that kind of personality, didn’t she? The sort of shy girl who was actually extremely kinky and just wanted to be held down and pumped so full of cum that she looked nine months pregnant from it.

I was getting so excited from my imagination that I could barely even concentrate on the monsters that I was supposed to at least try to help kill.

“Something wrong?” Akorya asked me. “You look super serious.”

“That is how you can tell he is lost in depraved fantasies,” Thera explained.

“But aren’t guys supposed to like, look all giddy and drooling when they’re like that? Or have bleeding noses?”

“Some men, but Damian is not like those men.”

“Nyehe, you sound like you like him.”

“I do, but I do not mean to say that he is not like those men to elevate his status. It is more a matter of fact. When Damian is lost in his depraved thoughts, he takes them very seriously.”

That might have been a bit of an exaggeration. Not only that, but there was something about Thera’s voice – something about the tone she used. It wasn’t jealous, but jealous was the closest description that I could think of.

The only other time I ever heard her talk with a voice like that about me was a couple of months prior when the guild we were in recruited a new girl who was all over me. Thera always answered questions directed at me for me, she showed off and barely let the new girl do any work, and there was something about her voice.

Yeah, the situation with her and Akorya was just like it was back then.

Could it be that my favorite spider was actually jealous?

No, I didn’t think that it was jealousy, but it was definitely something. Why would she act like this around Akorya and that other girl? What did Akorya and the other girl share?

Both Akorya and the other girl were pretty small overall but curvy where it mattered. They both had pretty active personalities and neither was ashamed to wear revealing clothes. Compared to somebody like Lily, who Thera didn’t act jealous of at all, they were more… promiscuous for a lack of a better word.

But why would Thera have a problem with that sort of girl?

“Hey, Damian. Can I call you Daymee?” Akorya asked, walking backwards in front of me while facing my way. “I like giving people nicknames.”

“Daymee? That’s a pretty cutesy nickname, but I don’t have a problem with it,” I answered.

“Nyehehe, see? I’m good at this nickname stuff. Ooh, you want the giant penis monster for your dungeon, right? What’re you gonna name it?”

“I’m going to name it the giant penis monster.”

“A-aren’t you going to give it a nickname or something?”

“Why would I change perfection?”

She scratched her cheek. “It’s kind of…”

“Kind of…?”

“It’s kinda… long?”

“That’s what she said.”

Thera sighed while Akorya giggled. “Nyehehe. Well, it’s not my dungeon, so I can’t complain! By the way, what’re your lewd skills at? Got any high-level ones? Anything super special?”

“Unfortunately, none of mine are that high and I don’t have anything special. I’ve turned down a lot of partners since I was waiting for when I could fuck as monsters.” In fact, that was why the one girl who Thera had a problem with lost interest in me. I kept on telling her about my plan to have sex as a monster and that I’d be more than happy to fuck her once I had my dungeon. Unfortunately for her, she was only interested in vanilla sex and thought having a sexual interest in monsters was disgusting. I never did figure out why she was so intent on changing my mind before never logging back in again.

“Woah, that’s dedication. Getting to control monsters makes up for that I guess. What about them? Do they have skills?”

“Yeah, but they’re all new still, so none of them are really leveled up or anything. Anything I do as them builds their own skills up at least.”

“I see! Oh, guess what I can do! I’ve got a pretty special skill myself. It’s super fun.”

“Is it related to being a manticore?”


“Aphrodisiac injection via the spikes on the tail?”

Akorya almost tripped as her eyes widened in surprise. “H-how did you know?”

“You think I don’t know the stereotypical sex information for every single species of monster girl that has ever existed?”

“Woah… you’re pretty smart.”

“I’m not sure that being a degenerate counts as being smart.”

“It counts in the only way that matters! Who cares about the other kinds of smarts as long as you’re sex smart?”

“Well,” I paused, looking ahead to Thera. If anybody I knew was an academic who cared about other sorts of smarts, it was Thera. “I think people who are book smart and all that are pretty sexy. You know, the serious and smart types who have a sexual side that they don’t let anybody see. That’s how.”

“Hmm. Maybe I’m too dumb to understand it.”

“I’m sure you’re not dumb.”

“Oh, no, I definitely, one hundred percent am. I’m easily the dumbest person I know. I’ll admit it.”

“That’s – that’s quite the thing to admit to.”

“But it’s okay because I give really good suck to make up for it. You know, like the suck with two c’s. Succ.”

To tease me, she leaned forward while opening up her mouth into an O shape before forming an OK sign with her other hand to pump back and forth in front of her mouth.

She even flicked her tongue out while giving me a wink.

I had absolute faith in her ability to provide the sort of suck that was spelled with two c’s. The best kind of succ.

But before I could lose myself in the tempting hole that was Akorya’s mouth, I had to give my favorite spider some more attention. “Hey, Thera. I owe you a good few hundred favors after this. What are you going to use them on?”

“A good few hundred? That is quite the amount. I will require one massage a day to start with,” Thera answered, stabbing her dagger into one of the monsters that she held pinned against the wall. “Ah, and there was that book I wanted you to read. Do you remember?”

“A-ah… yeah, I remember you telling me about that.”

“Well, have you read it yet?”

“I’ve uh… considered reading it.”

“I figured as much. In that case, I will use fifty favors on forcing you to read it.”

“That’s a lot of favors for a book.”

“It is a good book.”

“Why do you want me to read it so badly?”

“Why else? I wish to discuss it with my darling. You are an intelligent man, so I am sure that you will have interesting theories and thoughts regarding it.”

“Wait, is this your way of inviting me out onto a date? A book-discussion date?”

“It is the closest event to a date that I have ever proposed, at least.”

“Alright. I’ll do it. I can read a book.”

“It will not hurt you, darling. You do not need to speak of it as if it is a dangerous thing.”

“Li-listen… I’m not a big reader. I don’t understand how anybody could sit behind a desk writing, and I don’t understand how anybody could sit around reading for hours. I mean, I’ve read some theory, but… maybe that’s my problem. The only things I’ve tried to read in the past few years are theory, and that stuff is written like somebody is trying to euthanize via boredom.”

“Theory?” Akorya asked. “What’s that?”

“Careful,” Thera warned. “My darling may not enjoy discussing it as much as all topics sexual, but he will happily spend the next few hours discussing global politics and his own beliefs if you give him the chance to begin.”

“W-woah… thanks for the heads up.”

“Hey, for somebody who’s all about being smart and wanting to discuss books, I would’ve thought that you’d like to discuss these things,” I told Thera.

“It is not that I dislike such topics, darling. It is more that I have already heard your political rambles more times than I have legs,” Thera explained.

She wasn’t wrong.

Thera didn’t want to hear me ramble about them again and Akorya showed zero interest in anything “deep,” so I resisted the urge to talk about my preferred government types.

Then something I didn’t expect to happen happened.

Akorya left my front to run up to where Thera was.

“Hey, want me to help some more?” Akorya asked Thera. “I feel kinda bad about you doing most of the work. Ooh, wait. Let me guess. You’re doing the work because you want first dibs, don’t you?”

“What… would I want ‘first dibs’ on?” Thera asked, obviously taken aback by Akorya’s attention.

“The monster! You want Daymee to fuck you with it first, don’t you?”

“No. If I was here for that then he would not have offered me favors.”


More obvious than Thera being taken aback was that Akorya needed to work on her critical thinking skills.

“I am only here to assist my darling,” Thera explained.

“Ooh. You’re a really good friend, aren’t you? That’s super nice,” Akorya said, causing Thera to turn her head away from the smaller woman. “I still wanna help, though. You get the stuff on the right and I’ll watch the left, kay?”

“If you are this insistent then I will not stop you.”

“Nyehehe, I’m always insist, uh… what’s insissytent mean?”

Thera sighed and killed the next monster as Akorya tilted her head.


Finally, we reached the first boss of the pseudo-dungeon, and it was the boss that we were looking for.

The giant penis monster.

It was absolutely beautiful.

Standing on two legs, the monster was covered in a pale, leathery skin. It looked sort of like a leech with legs sticking down from the center of its length, and it had two wings that were more or less useless for actual flying. Instead, the wings were designed to give it boosts of speed as it charged toward enemies.

Furthermore, it had no eyes nor ears, but it did have a couple of slits for nostrils that rested right above its front end. As for said front end… it was a massive mouth with rows of sharp fangs lining the inside of it sort of like a shark.

That’s basically what it was. A shark-leech hybrid with wings and legs.

However, the combination of a shark and leech was what made it look so penis-y. It looked like a giant penis with two legs, two wings, and a mouth full of teeth that could shred metal apart.

And it was even bigger than Thera… not that I used Thera as a reference point for large sizes.

“Isn’t it perfect?” I asked.

“It looks horrifying, darling. I do not understand why anybody would be aroused by this,” Thera answered.

“Come on, look at those fangs. That mouth is going to be the wet dream of anybody with a vore fetish.”

“D-do you have a vore fetish?” Akorya asked.

“No, but other people do.”

“Where’s its balls? How do we know it’s a guy?” Akorya was quick to jump onto another, much more sexual, topic.

“From my understanding, its ‘balls’ are inside of its body, and that slit underneath it by its legs are where its cock comes out of once it’s aroused.”

 “I wonder how big it actually is. I wanna see it in person.”

“Well, instead of trying to tame it with bait, you could always try to weaken it through sex and then let me use Tame Monster on it.”

“Ooh, that works?”

“I think so? We’re in the same party so I don’t see why it wouldn’t.”

“Kay, I’ll try it! I just – I just have to fuck it and last longer, right?”

“Yeah. Think you could handle it?”

“Of course! I mean… I came here to get fucked by it anyways. I just… have to last longer than it.”

“You don’t sound so sure.”

“Well… I didn’t plan on winning when I came here. I thought I’d have my fun then let it bad-end me so I can respawn back at my respawn point. But it’s a lower level than me, so I should be fine! Yeah, you’ve got this, Akorya! There’s no way that a monster can outlast me. I’ll—”

Perhaps it was because the monster could hear what she was planning, or it just became aroused by sensing two women in the room with it, but it revealed its cock.

Slowly, a reddened cock with a bulbous tip thicker than my head slid out from that slit on its underside. The area directly underneath the tip of its cock was covered in ridges, and below those ridges were bulging veins that ran along the surface of its length. Speaking of its length, it was easily as long as my leg was, and the rest of it was almost as thick as the tip was.

It truly was the cock of a monster – a monstrous cock for a beautiful monster.

“It’s so… perfect,” I said, unable to take my eyes off of it.

“Tha-tha-that’s…. re-really big,” Akorya stuttered. “I uh…. I – I didn’t know it was going to be that big…”

“Fuck, I can’t wait to tame it so that I can have some fun as it.”

“I – I have a confession that – umm, maybe… I’m not good with super big things like that unless it’s really gentle…”

“Thrusting with that might be kind of awkward, but if I have a spot where my partner can lean against the wall or a bedpost or something like that, then I should be able to thrust as hard as normal. Well, something like a bedpost wouldn’t work. That would get destroyed from a single thrust.”

The longer we stood there, the more the monster’s cock slid out from its slit.

A large glob of gooey precum was already beginning to form at its tip before eventually growing too heavy and falling to the floor, audibly splashing against it.

“Ah, so that is what is happening here,” Thera said.

“I mean, just look at the absolute size of that thing. It’s the size of a large horse’s and way thicker,” I said.

“This is your lucky day, darling. This one is a king – a much larger and more aggressive variant than its usual self. The leather that could be skinned from it… is extremely profitable. It is a shame that I know you will not allow me to do that.”

“Wait, aside from the fact that you’re definitely not allowed to skin my new best friend, did you just say that I have a giant giant penis monster?”

“Yes, darling. While those were not my exact words, it is essentially the case.”

“A giant giant penis monster… what did I do to deserve this? I mean, I know that I try to do good deeds in my everyday life and everything, plus we kicked those assholes’ asses earlier, but do I really deserve this huge amount of positive karma?”

The monster stretched out its neck, lifting its head into the air to sniff and look around before slowly turning its attention toward Akorya.

Its cock throbbed as soon as it pinpointed her location. Just the way that the monster’s cock bounced in the air made it look heavy enough to crush a brick.

“Day-Daymee,” Akorya whimpered, looking up at me with large, watering eyes. “He-help me?”

The monster “looked” up and roared, causing the fleshly gills on the side of its “head” to vibrate as its shrill roar threatened to deafen us.

And then it charged at us.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor

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