Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 28]

It was time to do two things.

One, to lewd Lily – to do horribly, wonderfully lewd things to her in return for the pictures that she sent me earlier.

Two, to have some fun with tentacles.

Actually, there were three things. I never have been good with lists.

Three, to try something out with an item on the cash shop that I only experimented with once or twice before.

First, though, I had Lily on her hands and knees next to me. The moment that I got in-game and told her to meet me there, I thought it would be fun to start off with some petplay. That was why I had her walking around on her hands and knees in my dungeon to follow me wherever I went. I also made sure that she had nothing but her underwear on.

I ordered her to crawl around while barely dressed in front of all of my monsters. She had quite the effect on them and, if I wasn’t so interested in keeping her to myself, I definitely would have given her the order to be available to all of them. She could have been the public’s dungeon hole.

Instead, she was mine, and I had every intention of making use of her entire body.

With all of the items prepared, I led Lily to the back room where Lephacoda resided.

It was finally time to make use of my boss – the most tentacle-y monster that I had.

“You’re moving awfully slow. Something wrong?” I asked Lily, waiting for her near the edge of Lephacoda’s pit as she crawled toward me.

Lily, with blushing cheeks and a nervous smile, shook her head. “I-it is the opposite, mon maître.”

“Good girl. Now, bark for me.”

Most people I was with before would ask me how they were supposed to bark. Such a simple command always resulted in so much confusion.

But not to Lily.

“W-woof!” Lily barked, getting it right away.

“Good girl. Now, you’re a dog, so shouldn’t you be wagging your tail to show how happy you are?”

That was another command that would earn confusion.

But not to Lily.

She “wagged” her rear from side to side. She did look sort of slow and clumsy at first, but she quickly figured out a good way to do it.

“Such a good girl,” I praised her. “Come here.”

I extended an upturned hand toward her, low enough for her to reach.

Once more, proving just how perfect she was, Lily crawled up to my hand and placed her chin right down on the palm.

Everything about her was perfect. Even just her skin was so warm and smooth – without any flaw. Then again… we were inside of a video game, so pretty much everybody had perfect skin unless they purposely chose to have the opposite.

Some people like playing ugly, disgusting orcs and pigmen covered in warts with bumpy cocks and wrinkly skin.

And those people had excellent taste so long as they were still promoting consent. Unfortunately, the people who liked to play such characters usually had rape fantasies to go with them. Everybody wanted to be the big, ugly orc that raped a cute, innocent elf girl.


Big, ugly, filthy orcs are totally fine, but I much prefer the fantasy of such a huge and disgusting monster falling in love with a noble and elegant woman who sees past his external appearance while riding his giant monster cock like a freak. Consensually, of course.

Actually, where is all of the hentai involving big monsters like that being consensually dominated by women? Why can’t the orcs ever be tied down and teased by an elf half their size?

I needed to find a dominant woman who would be fine with me using the body of a huge, ugly monster.

Back to Lily, I rubbed her cheeks and petted her face just as I would have with an actual dog. I even made sure to scratch behind her ear a little bit. Lily being the perfect woman that she was, tilted her head to make my scratching easier and wagged her “tail” some more.

It was a shame that I didn’t have any tail plugs for her. Or cosmetic ears for her to wear.

Those were going on the list of things that I needed to get for her in addition to a nurse costume, a maid costume, some black latex – there were many, many ideas I had in mind for her.

But for now, my idea consisted primarily of tentacles. The petplay was just foreplay.

Then I thought of one more idea I wanted to try.

I pulled my hand away from her face before crouching down directly in front of her, placing my face before her own.

She looked at me with a tilted head, wondering what I had in mind for her next.

Then I gave her the final order of our petplay session. “Kisses.”

Lily wasn’t able to resist the wide smile that spread across her face as she leaned closer to me, putting her lips against my own.

As wonderful as a normal kiss was, it wasn’t what I meant.

“You’re a dog, aren’t you? You’re supposed to lick me. All over,” I explained.

The redness of Lily’s cheeks soared to new heights as she realized what I wanted her to do. Yet, as embarrassed as she might have been, she did not refuse. She was determined to be beyond perfect.

And so, Lily brought her mouth back to my face. This time, though, she stuck her tongue out just a tiny little bit and licked me.

She licked my lips first. Then my chin. My cheeks came next. With every lick, she got more into it and became more and more like a dog excitedly licking the face of her master.

She got so into it that she even crawled forward, almost pushing me over, while licking all over my face.

I couldn’t resist keeping up the petplay for a little bit longer. That was why I moved her onto her back and brought my hand to her belly, giving her a belly rub that caused her to laugh and try to stop me.

“What’s wrong? Ticklish?” I asked.

Lily shook her head, grinning and blushing, while giggling and trying to push my hands away. She even kicked her legs similar to how a dog would when being rubbed or scratched in just the right spot, but she was doing it out of ticklishness rather than pleasure.

“If you like this so much then maybe I’ll have to try and do it to you for real sometime,” I teased.

She grabbed my wrists and froze.

At first, I was worried that I fucked up and said something that upset her. Maybe implying that I wanted to do such things to her in real life was too much – maybe she wanted to keep things strictly long-distance.

“N-not allowed!” Lily whined. “Ev-everything else is fine, but – but you are not allowed to touch… me there in real life!”

I breathed a sigh of relief. So, it wasn’t the real life thing that bothered her. There was just something about her stomach. “Too ticklish in real life?”

She averted her eyes and turned her head away. “N-no…”

In that case, there was only one other explanation that I could think of – an explanation that had evidence to support it in the way that she was always very careful to never show anything below her breasts when it came to sending me pictures.

In-game, she had a slim stomach. Most people did. They were thick and busty where it counted and unrealistically slim everywhere else most of the time. Lily’s avatar’s proportions weren’t anywhere near as bad as most, but her stomach was still a bit too thin for how thick the rest of her body was.

Such a thing wasn’t possible in real life, generally speaking. People just don’t gain thickness only where they want to and not anywhere else.

Now, I wasn’t going to outright say that I suspected she might have had a bit of pudge and some love handles or anything like that. I was, however, going to bring my lips down to her stomach to place several kisses on it. Then I kissed her sides before moving down to her thighs, then up to her breasts, her shoulders, her forearms, her cheeks, and finally her lips before looking down into those nervous eyes of hers.

“Whether it’s in-game or real life, every part of your body is perfect. Understand?” I asked.

“But… but what if – what if it isn’t?” Lily asked in return.

“Then you’re wrong. It’s understandable why some people might not think their bodies are perfect, but no body is any less perfect than anybody else’s. Some might say, ‘if all bodies are perfect then no body is perfect’ or something stupid like that but fuck those people. You’re perfect just the way you are. Also, I’m kinda a big deal, so that obviously means that what I say goes. Understand, Miss Perfect?”

“Even… even if – if I’m not… skinny like here?”

“Did I stutter?”

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It pissed me off that there were still people who could make Lily even think that there might have potentially been a problem with her real size. Did they not ever hear of “more cushion for the pushin’?” Did they not understand that woman with some extra softness was great for holding or resting their heads against? Not to mention much better at keeping them warm during the winter months?

Of course, petite girls are just as great in their own ways. Neither is better nor worse than the other.

If I believed that all fictional monsters were deserving of equal love and treatment in hentai, I definitely believed that all bodies deserved the exact same treatment.

“Ca-can I kiss you instead of lick you, mon – mon maître?” Lily asked.

“You have my consent to kiss me whenever you want, wherever you want, however you want, no matter what. You have consent to kiss me until I revoke said consent, and good luck getting me to revoke it,” I answered.

Lily smiled and pressed her lips up against mine. We shared a soft, slow kiss for a few moments before she leaned her head back down against the ground to say, “Thank you, mon maître. You – you make me really happy.”

“Right back at you, Lily. Now, you ready for me to ruin the little mood that we’ve got going on here so that we can do something fun?”

She giggled and nodded her head.

I stood up and helped her up before finally enacting my plan.

“It’s time for Operation: Never-ending Tentacle Pleasure. NTP. Like NTR but not horrible and literally in no way other than in acronym form. Or maybe I should call it Operation: Tentacle Feedback Loop. Nah, I like NTP more. Anyways, first I’ll use this.”

I activated the other cash shop item I bought with Lily as my target. She read the prompt that popped up in front of her and accepted it without any hesitation.

A buff popped up next to my health bar. It was proof that, for the next thirty minutes, all of our feelings were linked. Any pain that she felt, I would feel. Any pleasure that she felt, I would feel.

And any pleasure that I felt, she would feel.

In other words, it created a loop of feelings. We’d both feel our own pleasure while feeling the other’s pleasure, causing our pleasure to almost infinitely stack up and up and up until the buff ran out.

To give it a quick test, I helped Lily out of her underwear and stood behind her. I pulled her ass against my crotch and reached around with my other hand to grope her chest. Surely enough, I felt the exact pleasure that she felt. My cock throbbed from the pleasure flowing into my body from her, and this resulted in her feeling even more pleasure as it all looped back to her.

“This is going to be amazing,” I teased. “You ready? I’m going to borrow Lephacoda’s tentacles for this.”

“I – I want another kiss first,” Lily answered.

It was only common sense to accept her request. The kiss, while no more intense than most of our kisses, felt several times better than usual. Just a kiss alone normally wouldn’t be enough to make somebody think that they could cum from it, but kissing with the loop going? Yeah, just kissing was definitely enough.

“Ready?” I asked again.

Lily nodded her head, so I looked down into the pit and asked, “Hey, big guy, you mind if I borrow your body for a little bit?”

“Please use me as you see fit, master,” Lephacoda replied.

Yes, Lephacoda might have been a pit of tentacles with no visible method of communication, but that didn’t mean he still couldn’t talk and sound like a true gentleman.

With everybody’s consent, I used the usual cash shop item to transfer my consciousness into Lephacoda’s body.

It was… weird.

I was not able to see normally – there were no eyes for me to look through. Instead, I had a third person view of the entire room that I could easily move around. It was like I had a floating camera that I could position wherever I wanted to. Furthermore, despite looking at “myself” from a third person view, moving my dozens upon dozens of tentacles however I wanted was no issue. I would have thought that it’d be hard to precisely move that many tentacles how I wanted to from a third person view, but it came as naturally as a boy losing his virginity.

Now, needless to say, I was very excited at this point. I did not want to waste any more time and I was already incredibly horny just from the petplay and that last kiss we had. So, without further ado, I shot several tentacles toward Lily, wrapped them around her, and pulled her down into my pit.

I placed her on her back atop all of my slimy, writhing tentacles. Those that didn’t serve as a soft and warm bed for her were used to coil around her limbs. My tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, her breasts and hips, and one even loosely wrapped around her neck. Next, I placed some tentacles against her hands which she was quickly to fail in wrapping her fingers around. They were too thick for her small fingers to get around even when she squeezed harder.

Then, just to tease her, I placed three tentacles in front of her face. I wanted to see which one she would choose – which one she would focus on. Instead of just choosing one, though, she made sure to lean her head forward to give each tentacle a kiss on their leaking tips. Between the pleasure that she was already feeling from me coiling my tentacles around her, and now the pleasure that I felt from her kissing the tentacles’ tips, even more thick, hot cum leaked out from their eager tips.

Lily moaned out as she alternated between each tentacle. She refused to only take one at a time, so she gave each one a nice lick and a quick suck whenever a sizable amount of cum gathered at their tips.

It only took a few cycles of this before she just couldn’t resist any longer. She took the middle of the three tentacles into her mouth, trying her best to suck it in deeper as she couldn’t lean forward too much because of the tendril around her neck. In response, I moved the other two tentacles to rub against her cheeks. They smeared their drooling cum all over her face, nuzzling against her, while she hungrily swallowed all of the cum entering her mouth and coating her tongue.

Those three tentacles weren’t the only ones producing so much cum, either. All of my tentacles were. Even the ones nowhere near her were leaking cum everywhere.

This meant, of course, that the tentacles in her hands were covering her in their cum. The tentacles coiled around her breasts rubbing their tips against her nipples painted them white.

Because I didn’t want any cum to go to waste, I raised all of the tentacles not currently working her body in some way to hang in the air above her, pointing all of their tips down at her.

As soon as Lily opened her eyes to notice all of the tentacles leaking cum onto her from above, I felt an huge burst of pleasure shoot through me and all of my tentacles. Just the sight of so many tentacles covering her in cum was enough to bring her to the edge of an orgasm, and I felt myself riding along that edge as well.

When two people with their feelings linked both feel a powerful orgasm coming… it comes.


And it was only the very beginning of the operation.

The operation was about to get very out of hand very quickly.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S.

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