Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 30]

It's that time of the month again.

$1 = 1 chapter ahead on all of my stories, 5 chapters total.

$5 = 5 chapters ahead on all of my stories, 25 chapters total.

$10 = 10 chapters ahead on all of my stories, 50 chapters total.

If you feel like supporting at all, I could probably use your support now more than ever. If you can't afford to pledge, though, then I am still thankful for your continued reading!

After making it to the hot springs with Lily, I figured that I would check on all of the windows that opened up which I must have pushed out of the way without realizing it.

I always had a bad – well, good habit of automatically moving information windows out of the way while I was playing without even noticing. I hated that they could just… pop up whenever. Even if you were in the middle of having sex with somebody, an achievement window could pop up right in front of your vision. It was such a killer of moods. Fortunately, I became so good at moving them out of the way that… I ended up getting many achievements and items without ever realizing that I got them. I would only notice that I had them after looking through my lists later and wondering where they came from and when I got them.

This time, though, I noticed my achievements.

And to my surprise, most of them were related to tentacles. One of the achievements gave me a trait that increased all pleasure felt when having sex using tentacles. It looked like even though I was not a tentacle monster myself, I was still receiving achievements for playing as one – well, for fucking as one.

The next achievement reward me for cumming enough within a limited time. The reward was a trait that boosted my cum production, decreasing how long it would take for me to save up cum. In real life, it might take a day or so to get back to shooting a normal amount of cum after cumming so many times. The game already had that time boosted so that it would never take more than an hour to cum a full load. Now, between how fast my cum production was because of other traits and now this new one, that time was more or less cut down to under ten minutes. A few minutes was all that I needed between orgasms to always have at least a partial load.

And then there was one more achievement of particular note – one that I was pretty happy to see and excited to make use of in the future.

I got an achievement for making somebody orgasm at least fifty times during a session of sex.

Lily wasn’t able to tell me exactly how many times she orgasmed during that, but this achievement gave me a rough idea. The next achievement wasn’t unlocked which required somehow making somebody  orgasm over one hundred times during a sex session. So, Lily came somewhere between fifty and a hundred times.

And the reward was a trait that dramatically boosted how much sexual pleasure I could make anybody and anything feel. “I’m Beginning to Feel Like a Sex God” was the achievement’s name, and it gave me a two hundred percent increase to the pleasure that I could make others feel.

This achievement alone would make sure that if Lily and I had another session like that, she would feel at least twice as much pleasure as she felt despite the fact that she already felt enough to cum over fifty times.

We were reaching levels of pleasure that should have been impossible – no, that were impossible.

And I couldn’t have been happier.

Sure, the game kind of ruined real sex because it was literally impossible to feel even a fraction as good in real life once you had enough traits and effects boosting pleasure or were with somebody who could boost your pleasure, but that was okay.

Real life didn’t have monsters and tentacles, anyways. It also didn’t have an easily accessible Lily. Only knockoff versions of Lily were available in reality.

Well, there was also the real-life Lily herself, but she lived across the world from me, so she didn’t count as easily accessible.

“Hey, Lily, you get any achievements?” I asked now that I was done looking through my own.

I couldn’t wait to do this with her again. I wanted to make her feel far better than she felt this last time.

“It – it is embarrassing, mon maître. There are… so many of them,” Lily answered.

“Look at you, little miss achievement hunter.”

She giggled and relaxed against me, resting her back against my chest as my hands worked her shoulders. “I – I will be able to make you feel even better next time, mon maître.”

“And here I was just thinking about how I’ll be able to make you feel even better next time. It’s almost as if we’re perfect together or something crazy like that.”

She lowered her head and I could tell that she was blushing by looking around her head at her cheeks.

She was too cute.

“So, what achievements did you get?” I asked.

“U-umm, one is… be-because I – because I… because you made me feel so good,” she answered, unable to tell me that it was because I made her orgasm over fifty times, “I got a thing that – that increases my… endurance? Is that the word?”

“Yeah, endurance. So, you got a trait that increases your endurance – your energy, basically?”

She nodded. “An-and it says… the more somebody makes me… cu-cum, the better they’ll feel.”

“Nice. Those traits are some of the best ones. I’ve got a couple that boost my partner’s pleasure whenever they make me cum, too.”

“I also got… ‘A-Addicted to Tentacles.’”

“You little tentacle addict.”

“I-it’s not my fault! Tentacles are – tentacles are too good,” she whined with a playful pout. I couldn’t help but to poke her cheeks when I saw her inflating them with air.

“I think I’ve heard of that one before. It increases your pleasure whenever you’re having sex with tentacles, and it gives you an almost high-like effect, right?”

Lily nodded. “A-and it increases how good tentacle… cum tastes. I was wondering why it suddenly started to taste so much – so much better…”

“Oh? You didn’t check the achievement during it like most people do?”

“Of course not! I – I must have moved the window out of the way without realizing it. I did not want a stupide window inter-interrupting us.”

“That’s my girl,” I teased, patting her head. She pressed her head up against my hand as I petted her. “Since you’re still pretty new to the game, and – well, you haven’t had sex with anybody else, right?”

Lily was quick to shake her head. “Only you!”

“Then with how long that session was… you probably got at least another dozen sex achievements. Right?”

She nodded her head, blushing even brighter now. “It – it is embarrassing to see them tell me what I did…”

Given how she serviced me and how I used every part of her body, she probably got all the basic sex achievements: achievements for using her mouth, tits, and hands which would boost pleasure that others receive while making those regions more sensitive to herself; achievements for getting fucked in her three main holes which would boost pleasure of both herself and anybody in them; achievements for swallowing and being pumped full of cum; and quite a few more.

“Mon maître, how – how does the game explain a… umm, session?” Lily asked.

“A sex session? As long as you don’t take more than five minutes without doing something flagged as sexual, you’re considered to be in the same session of sex. People who try and go for the really hard achievements, like having an insanely long session or making somebody cum enough times during one, will generally take five-minute breaks throughout the whole thing to use potions that restore energy or boost pleasure or something else. They take lots of breaks,” I answered.

“Mon maître didn’t need breaks.” She sounded… smug. Lily was smugly proud of me that I didn’t need to take any breaks.

She somehow got even more perfect.

“What can I say? Any man who would need a break with you is insane,” I said despite the fact that I was thoroughly exhausted by the end and definitely in need of a break.

“Mon maître,” Lily said, her voice suddenly more serious than before. “I… I think I—”

It was at that exact moment that GP rose from the water at the opposite side of the hot springs. Giant Giant Penis Monster, or GGPM, or just GP, revealed his phallic body shape to Lily, extended his wings, and shook his body like a wet dog before lumbering out of the water to return to where he was supposed to be.

His sudden appearance made Lily jump. When she “landed,” her ass pressed right down against my cock.

Life was good.

Very good.

Far better than good.

One could even say that it was perfect.

“M-mon maître! Wha-what – what was – th-that?!” Lily stuttered out.

“That’s Giant Giant Penis Monster. GGPM is the acronym. GP is the nickname. I got him the other day. Isn’t he cute?” I explained.

“He – he looks terrifying! He has so many teeth!”

“I know, right? Don’t you want me to fuck you as him?”

“Tha-that should be obvious…”

“He’s got a massive dick. Like, his dick is almost as thick as your thighs. And it’s longer than your legs.”

“That might – might be too big…”

“The best part about it being a game is that there’s no such thing as too big.”

“Be-being… too big… ma-makes it even more exciting…”

“Then let me rephrase, his cock is absolutely too big for you and would barely fit inside. I would have to pin you down and push in as hard as possible, threatening to break you at any second, just to squeeze the head in past your entrance.”

Lily let out a soft moan before saying, “Th-then next time. I – I think… I want to try him next time.”

“I’ll control him for you whenever you want. Anyways, what were you going to say before he interrupted you?”

“A-ah! D-don’t worry, mon maître. It was nothing.”

“It was very obviously something, but if you’re not ready to say whatever it was now, then it’s alright. I won’t pressure you.”

“Thank you, mon maître. Um… di-did you get any other new monsters?”

“Of course. Hey, Rex!” I shouted.

The tyrant rex I tamed came walking out from the new room I had prepared for him and GP. He had to keep his neck craned downward to fit within my dungeon, which I felt bad about, but it wouldn’t cause any discomfort thanks to it being, you know, a game.

Lily’s eyes widened at the sight of him walking toward us. It was as if we were the protagonists of some old dinosaur flick being stalked by a tyrannosaurus rex wanting to eat us.

Except this tyrant rex, which was clearly distinguishable enough from a tyrannosaurus rex to not look anything like a real dinosaur despite real dinosaurs being legal when it came to all matters of erotic art due to their extinct nature, wanted to fuck us instead of eat us.

“His dick isn’t as big as GP’s, but it’s covered in ridges. Also, imagine being held in his tiny arms as he fucks you,” I whispered, trying to sound hot and seductive despite encouraging her to imagine being held in his tiny arms.

Just as planned, Lily burst out into giggles. “Tha-that sounds adorable, mon maître!”

“Right? He’s cute as fuck.”

My tyrant rex tilted his head, confused about why we were calling him adorable and cute. After all, because it was a game, he was intelligent and understood language perfectly. I could have set him, since he was my dungeon monster, to act more like a wild beast who pretended not to understand language or anything, but that made consent less clear. Him being smart and able to understand us made giving consent far easier.

“There’s one more monster I got. He’s the most impressive one so far and has a dick so massive that it could probably be used to destroy a building – it could be used as a battering ram. You ready?” I asked. “His cock is truly royal.”

“Ro-royal, mon maître?” Lily asked, looking back at me over her shoulder. Her confusion was adorable.

With a smug grin of my own, I shouted out for him. “Emperor Cock!”

Running out from the same room as my tyrant rex came… a chicken.

A chicken who had on a small, golden crown of dicks on the top of his head.

“Meet my new ultimate boss,” I said.

Emperor Cock squawked at us while extending his wings out in a show of royal, dominant display.

The laughter that erupted from Lily put all of her previous giggle fits to shame.

“Darling, before you logged out last time, you visited Wally, yes?” Thera asked.

She was there the whole time. Rather than join us in either the hot springs or conversation, though, she worked on crafting some new items off to the side.

“Yep,” I answered.

“And you visited him earlier, yes?”


“Do not tell me that you made him make you that crown.”

“Alright, I won’t tell you that I made him make that crown even though I did.”

Thera sighed. She sighed, but she also smiled. “I think the only thing I am disappointed about is that I did not get to see his face when you made that request.”

“He looked ready to hatefuck me as a power bottom right then and there when I asked. But he still made it. And it’s perfect. He looked so pissed off handing it to me, though.”

Lily continued giggling as Emperor Cock strutted his stuff around the place.

“I unironically want him to be the dungeon’s final boss,” I explained.

“Why?” Thera asked. I was sure that her question was about far more than only Emperor Cock.

“Because. Imagine somebody coming here to unironically try and clear the dungeon by fighting their way through it. When they get to the very end, they see that there is no good reward and only Emperor Cock is there to face them. They’ll realize it was a waste of time and feel like idiots for taking this place seriously.”

“Well, at least you do not want to turn into him.”

“That’d be pointless since I couldn’t fuck as him, what with bestiality being against the rules and all that. However… I could turn into him, jump up, and kick and peck at people. I could become one with Emperor Cock to go all kung fu style on any intruders.”

“Please, darling, I would not be able to fight if I were fighting alongside a chicken wearing such a crown.”

“Would you be laughing too hard to fight?”

“No, I would be regretting my life choices too much to fight.”

“Wait, I just thought of something. Imagine a tournament where everybody turns into chickens and fight each other.”

“Cockfighting is illegal, darling.”

“Yeah, but there’s nothing illegal about using a video game to transform into fictional chickens that consent to fighting.”

“Please do not host a cockfighting tournament. You already have quite the reputation. You do not need another one.”

“Then what about a tournament where we turn into totally-not-dinosaurs to fuck each other?”

“Do you mean fight?”

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“Oh, yeah. Fight.”

“I am not convinced you truly meant fight.”

“Hey, I really did. It’s not my fault that my mouth automatically defaults to fucking over fighting.”

“It is entirely your fault, darling.”

“Maybe, but it’s not my fault that things that are my fault automatically default to being my fault over not being my fault.”

“I… am not sure that is how it works.”

Between my obvious bullshit and Emperor Cock’s royal strutting, Lily continued laughing. It was a full body laugh, too.

And because she had her ass against my cock still – well, making her laugh was nice for more than one reason.

Emperor Cock was perfect. He just kept on strutting his stuff around with the overconfident arrogance that all royalty had. I had never before seen such a proud and confident cock.

He was so inspirational that he brought a tear to my eye. Well, almost, maybe.

That aside, I shifted the conversation to one that I figured Thera would appreciate. “So, Thera, how’s your day been?”

A sigh immediately left her lips. “Do you truly wish to ask that, darling? Despite knowing what will likely come next?”

“You know it.”

“Very well. Then I will have you know that—”

And so began about an hour of listening to Thera rant about her real life. I knew that Thera was the type to bottle things up until she was asked, so I had to make sure and ask her every now and then to empty the bottle. She ranted about everything from family problems with drama between her parents and sister to the fact that the concert she bought tickets to was canceled because of the lead singer saying some horrible things over social media. Such a shame.

Then, just after Thera finished up with her ranting, I got a private message from a certain somebody.

That certain somebody was Akorya, and Akorya was letting me know that her developer of a friend was online and interested in meeting me after hearing about me.

“Thera, we’re about to have a very important guest,” I said. “Also, thanks for letting me know about how you’ve been doing.”

“You truly are a masochist to be thanking me for such a thing,” Thera replied.

“Then I guess I’m the biggest masochist there is, because I love hearing about how you’re doing. And Lily, if you ever want to just talk to somebody about how you’re doing, I’m all ears.”

“I will remember that, mon maître!” Lily said. Despite knowing that we had a guest coming – an important guest at that, Lily didn’t seem interested in getting off of me.

She was enjoying being against my cock as much as I was enjoying having it against her.

Life really was good.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams

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