Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 44]

My dungeon was becoming more and move lively. Between the new monsters and monster girls that I brought to it, there was almost constantly at least somebody having sex in the dungeon. They frequently switched partners, too, as if making sure that they were all equally experienced with one another.

I couldn’t have been more proud of them.

Unfortunately, though, I was going through withdrawal of my most recent addiction.

That’s right. I was going through Lily withdrawal.

We were still texting and sending private messages in-game like normal, but we didn’t actually see each other for over a week. Every time she logged into the game to play, she told me that she was working on something and refused to come by the dungeon. Trying to ask her what she was working on was only met with being told that it was a secret. I was able to tell that her level was going up by checking out her status in my friend’s list, and this also told me what zone she was in at the same time, but I had no idea what she could have been working on.

Part of me wanted to use the friend’s list to find what zone she was, look for her, and pay her a surprise visit, but I resisted. Lily said that it was a secret, and I was going to respect that.

Another part of me was kind of worried that she might have been upset with me. When I told her that I missed her, she sent me a message saying that Akorya and Thera would keep me company. Of course, she also sent a message immediately after that apologizing for how she accidentally sounded and claiming that she genuinely meant it and that she wasn’t trying to guilt trip me or anything.

I was a little bit sadistic after that. I teased her about how she was totally guilt tripping me and must hate me now, and she replied with all manners of apologies and cute little emoji faces.

She just genuinely wanted me to spend time with Thera and Akorya if I ever felt lonely.

Fortunately, our time apart was not meant to last forever. She sent me a message telling me to log out in front of my dungeon with my face turned toward the entrance, wait five minutes, and then log back in. I had no idea why she wanted me to do that, but I did it.

Those were the longest five minutes that I had ever waited before.

Once I logged back into the game, though, I realized that the five-minute wait was absolutely worth it. After all, standing in front of me was a Lily wearing a French maid outfit.

“Welcome home, mon maître!” Lily said with a bright smile, leaning forward with her hands on her thighs to greet me.

The outfit looked beyond perfect on her. White over-knee socks tightly hugged Lily’s thighs, forcing some of the skin to overflow over the edge of the fabric. This left a space of absolute territory between where the socks ended and the short skirt began. The skirt was short enough that, if she were to bend over even slightly more than she was, it would have offered her backside no protection. Above that and the outfit seemed pretty normal as far as French maid outfits went… until reaching her chest. It wasn’t possible for the outfit to reveal any more of her breasts without leaving them completely bare. It was already a miracle of MMO logic that the dress was somehow staying up over her nipples as it looked like even the slightest of movements should be setting her breasts free. Thanks to the sheer size of her chest, too, the top of the outfit probably revealed more than it covered even if it was modest aside from her chest.

“Lily, have I mentioned how perfect you are?” I asked her.

Lily stood up straight with a pleased smile and shook her head. “I – I do not think so, mon maître! Perhaps you should – mention it?”

“I see. In that case, you’re absolutely perfect, Lily.”

“Ehehe. I am sorry, mon maître, but I do not think I heard what you had to say?”

“Then why’d you giggle if you couldn’t hear it?”

“A-ah, umm… medical condition?”

“I didn’t know that such a cute medical condition existed. In that case, I’ll mention it again. You’re perfect.”

“Ehehehe. Perhaps – perhaps say it louder?”

“Hmm, you still didn’t hear me? In that case, what if I get closer?”

“That might work! You are so smart, mon maître.”

“I try my best for you.” Rather than get louder, I leaned in closer to Lily, gently grabbed her chin, and tilted her head back so that she was looking up at me with our faces close together. “You’re perfect.”

A bright blush overtook Lily’s cheeks as she had to try her best to hold back the ear-to-ear smile that wanted to reveal itself. “Maybe – maybe whisper it into my ear?”

“That’s a good idea. You’re so smart, Lily.”

“I try my best for you, mon maître!”

Rather than bring our faces any closer together, I leaned in to the side of her head and held position just next to her ear. Then, as seductively as I could, I whispered, “Perfect you is.”

Lily burst into a fit of giggling before wrapping her arms around me for a hug. “Mon maître! That – that is not what I meant!” she complained, but it was hard to take her complaint seriously when she was laughing so hard.

“Also, I don’t think I’ve said it yet,” I stayed whispering, “but you look seriously amazing in this outfit. You somehow managed to get even more perfect than usual.”

Her giggling came to a slow end as she nuzzled her face against my chest. “Mon – mon maître…”

“What? Embarrassed that I think you look so beautiful in that outfit?”

Rather than reply to me with words at all, she made a few, incoherent noises that sounded like a combination of squealing, mumbling, and giggling muffled by my chest.

“So, is this what you’ve been working on in secret?” I asked.

She nodded, keeping her face against my chest.

“It was worth the wait.”

Lily pulled her face away from my chest just enough so that I could actually hear what she wanted to say. “But – but mon maître, because I made myself stay away from you for so long… I – I may be extra clingy to make up for it. Is… is that alright?”

“Absolutely not. You have to be super clingy, not only extra clingy. Deal?”

“Be – be careful what you wish for, mon maître!”

“Or what? I’m going to have a beautiful, perfect maid who wants to cling to me and give me constant attention and affection? Oh no. How absolutely horrible that would be. Whatever will I do? How will I survive? How am I going to accomplish anything when all I’ll want to do is fuck and cuddle with my maid twenty-four-seven?”

“You will still – still accomplish much, mon maître!”

“Like what?”

“You will accomplish much cuddling and fucking!”

“Hmm. I see. That does sound like a pretty good deal, even if it means that everything else is going to get neglected. I already feel like I’ve forgotten half of my responsibilities as an adult just by seeing you.”

“I will take care of those responsibilities! It is my duty as a maid.”

“Such a dutiful maid. In fact, it might even be fair to say that you are the maidiest maid to ever maid.”

“But – but I have not even done anything yet to prove I am a good maid!”

“You exist. That’s all it takes to prove it.”

“Ehehe… mon maître, you spoil me too much.”

“Oh, alright. I’ll spoil you less.”

She shook her head and tapped my back. “That – that is not what I meant!”

“I see, then I’ll spoil you even more.”

“Yes, that!”

“You really are spoiled. You just said that I spoil you too much, and now you want me to spoil you even more?”

“Is… that a bad thing?”

“Only if you ever decide that you get tired of my spoiling.”

“Of course not! I – I could never get tired of mon maître.”

“Then it’s a great thing, not a bad thing. By the way, how long are we going to hug out here for?”

“Do – do you want me to stop?”

“Nope. I’m just wondering if I should clear my schedule to make sure that I have time for an all-day-long hugging session.”

“Oh! As – as your maid, that is my duty!”

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“Makes sense. Then, Lily, could you check my schedule to make sure that I have the time?”

“Of course!”

Lily, unfortunately, unwrapped her arms from around me to take a step back and pretend that she was holding a clipboard or something. She even acted like she was flipping through some papers, would occasionally go “hmm,” and then scribbled with an imaginary pen.

“Your schedule allows it, mon maître!” Lily announced.

“Then in that case,” I paused and held my arms out for a hug, “let the hugging continue.”

Lily wasted no time in wrapping her arms back around me.

We spent way longer hugging outside than anybody probably should. We didn’t even do anything lewd to each other – we just hugged. Apparently, that week-plus of physical separation took a greater toll on us than either of us realized.

“So, did you spend this whole week getting to a higher level all on your own so you could do that maid questline for the outfit?” I asked her.

“I did! I… I wanted to do it on my own to surprise you,” Lily answered.

There were three ways to acquire maid outfits in the game: one, buy one from the cash shop; two, have somebody craft you one; or three, complete the “Troubled Maid” questline. The questline was for mid-level players and it involved helping out a maid who was in love with her master, but she was worried that he only kept her around for her body. So, rather than rely purely on sex appeal to win her master’s heart, she would employ the help of players to try different methods of winning over her master. The first part of the questline involved finding a rare herb for her to make a perfume out of. Then there was hunting a rare boar-like monster for the maid to cook to try and win her master’s heart through his stomach. Then, when nothing seemed to work, the maid would run away due to heartbreak. It was then the master who would go looking for her as it was revealed that he loved her the entire time, but did not want to overstep any lines… despite it being implied that they frequently fucked.

Then it got all dramatic with discovering that the maid was taken captive by a bunch of monsters who wanted to turn her into a personal breeding slave-maid and all that. Fortunately, the questline had the player save her before that could happen, and the master who she loved almost died to protect her from one of the monsters. It was all very dramatic and the dialogue written for the quest was extremely cheesy. However, completion of the questline rewarded everybody with the maid’s outfit. Since she was getting promoted to wife, she no longer needed to dress like a maid.

Personally, I thought that was the most unrealistic part of the quest. I mean, really? The master wouldn’t want his now-wife to continue dressing up as a maid for cosplay sex?

Also, both men and women received the same maid outfit. It wasn’t like women received a maid outfit and men received a butler’s or anything like that. I had the exact same maid outfit that Lily was now wearing, and of course I tried it on before.

Lily made it look far better than I did.

“What’d you think of the quest?” I asked Lily.

“It – it was so emotional!” Lily answered. “It was written so well and… I cried so many times because of her attempts… and I cried even more once they had a happy ending.”

I internally cringed when it came to her thinking that the writing was any good, but such a thing is subjective and she was entitled to believe it was good if she wanted to.

I simply couldn’t even begin to understand how she thought it was any good.

“But you know, if you wanted a maid outfit, I could have bought one for you,” I said.

“Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise!” Lily replied.

“That’s a fair point.”

“And – and then you would have been spoiling even more.”

“I thought you wanted to be spoiled even more?”

“Not like that! I want your attention to spoil me, not your – your wallet…”

“You’re too damn perfect for this universe.”

“Ehehe… oh! Mon maître, here,” Lily said, taking a step away from me again to fiddle with the outfit just underneath her breasts.

Generally, the maid outfit wasn’t designed for women with breasts as huge as Lily’s. The top of the outfit had some buttons to reveal varying levels of cleavage but, in Lily’s case, only one button stayed in front of her breasts while the rest were underneath them.

This meant something absolutely wonderful.

Lily unbuttoned just one of the buttons underneath her breasts, creating a hole in the outfit that revealed some of her underboob perfectly aligned with her cleavage. Similar to above, her underboob looked ready to flood out from the opening and it was a miracle that the remaining buttons were able to keep her breasts held back.

“How – how is this, mon maître?” Lily asked with a hint of red coloring her cheeks.

“Are you trying to invite me to a clothed titfuck?” I asked her. “Because, if so, that’s an invite that nobody could ever refuse.”

“It – it is a maid’s duty to take care of her master! That includes… her master’s desires.”

“What a naughty maid. You say that it’s your duty to take care of my desires, but aren’t you the one purposely causing me to have such desires by showing me something like that?”

“I never said that I was – good.”

“Well now, that just depends on how we’re defining ‘good.’ As far as I’m concerned, being naughty doesn’t mean that you aren’t good. You’re both a naughty maid and a good girl.”

“Ehehe… but… mon maître, do you know if there is anything to make me shorter?”

“There are some potions you can drink to decrease your height, but nothing to like… loli-fy you if that’s what you’re looking for.”

Lily shook her head. “Not loli! Just short. I – I thought, what if I become short with this? If I was shorter, I could… do it while standing.”

“Lily. What you’re offering me is not only a clothed titfuck while wearing a maid outfit, but you’re offering me a clothed titfuck while wearing a maid outfit and while standing. Are you trying to destroy the universe? It shouldn’t be possible to have such a high density of perfection in a single girl. You’re going to become so dense with perfection that you collapse into yourself to become a black hole, sucking in everything around you to the point of destroying all of reality.”

Lily shook her head again. “I – I would never! You… are the only one I will suck into me, mon maître.”

I held out my arms toward Lily and acted as if I was being pulled toward her against my will. “It’s – it’s happening! You’re becoming a black hole! I can’t stop myself from getting pulled toward you!”

Lily held out her arms, ready to cause the incoming destruction of the universe with a smile on her face.

Apologies for being so late today! I always post to Patreon first before I release new chapters for free readers, and the one I typed up for Patreon ended up being twice the size of a normal chapter, so that took me a while since I woke up a bit late. But at least that means you'll eventually be getting that double-sized chapter as well! Or, if you pledge to my Patreon, you could get it today > : ^ ).

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura

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