Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 46]

It's the first day of the month, so there is literally no better time than today to pledge to my Patreon to get the most value for your buck! Besides, what else are you going to spend your money on? Food? Water? Hah. You don't need those things when you have me. Isn't that right? Right?

... too bad I don't have any of my yandere emojis from Discord to put here.


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Despite the fact that Lily and I kept on building up to sex, and that we both really wanted to just fuck each other, I was pretty curious about her list of potential goat names. I mean, how does somebody resist asking about something like that when somebody mentions it? Do people exist who can not inquire about a list of goat names when such a list is brought up?

Though, most of the names that she told me, admittedly, sounded like they came from an online list of puns for goat names.

Scape Goat.


Vincent van Goat.

Stuff like that. Personally, I was a fan of the last one. If we ever got a pet goat then I would have to argue to name it that.

Then I looked over at Al Capra. He might have been busy stuffing his entire length down into Invi’s throat, but that didn’t stop me from thinking about changing his name to Vincent van Goat. Though, it would probably be better to spawn another minogida and to name the new one that rather than change Al Capra’s name. Besides, then my monsters and visitors could have a threesome with Al Capra and Vincent van Goat.

That was when I thought about an even better name.

“Lily,” I said.

“Yes, mon maître?” Lily responded with a smile. Her smile hadn’t left her face since we officially became a thing.

“Vlad the Rammer.”

Lily held her hands over her mouth as she burst into a fit of giggling. “Parfaite, mon maître!”

“It would be great for another minogida like Al Capra, right? You know. Because of sex. Ramming. He’d get to ram his cock into everybody.”

“Mon maître comes up with the best names.”

“Not only am I pretty good at coming up with names, but I think that I’m pretty good at cumming in general.”

This time her giggling was accompanied by some adorable blushing. “I – I don’t know about that.”

“You don’t know about it, huh?”

Lily nodded her head. “It – it has been so long since I have seen it. You may have to refresh my memory!”

“I see. That makes sense. Well then, how about we get some use out of that maid uniform you worked so hard for?”

I could easily imagine Lily’s ears perking up and her tail excitedly wagging if she had those features. Well, she had ears, of course, but I mean animal ears. Like a dog girl. The objectively superior type of animal girl.

“You know, Lily, you would look perfect with dog ears,” I said. “You already have a collar, so all you need now are dog ears and a tail.”

“Oh! Mon maître, is – is it possible to get those?” Lily asked.

“You can start off with them when you make a character. Or you can get a potion that lets you change races to one of the basic starter ones.”

“A-ah… I think – I would like to stay human, but! It… is possible to have multiple characters, yes?”

“You can have up to three characters without paying for more slots.”

“Then I could make a new character who has those ears and tail?”

“Right. Though, you’d be at the lowest level and all that, so you’d be pretty limited in what sort of fun things you can equip. The better solution would be to let me buy you the potions, transform, and then transform back.”

“Do they cost real money or game money?”

I scratched the back of my head and averted my eyes. “Real money.”

“Mon maître! I… I do not want you spending so much on me!”

“Let’s look at it this way, Lily. One, you’re my girlfriend now which means that I’m even more justified in spending money on you. Two, you’re perfect, which also makes me justified in spending money on you. Three, you put in a week’s worth of work just to level up and get the maid uniform to have fun with me while wearing it, so I’m definitely justified in spending money on you. Four, take everything that I already said, put you in a maid costume, and imagine you with dog ears and a tail to make you a dog girl maid… and I am absolutely, undeniably justified in spending every last cent in the world on you.” My logic was irrefutable.

“You are so silly, mon maître,” Lily said in a soft whisper. “You make me – so happy when you say such things…”

“Then I’ll keep on saying such things for the rest of our lives.”

It was only when Lily looked at me with widened eyes and a bright blush on her cheeks that I realized the implication of what I just said. Essentially, I told her that I planned on spending the rest of my life with her. I basically just implied marriage, right?

I was worried that I might have said too much and that I should attempt to clarify it somehow, but how could I? Lily’s smile was bright enough to blind the sun.

“I – it would hurt to smile this much in real life,” Lily said. “It is your fault if my cheeks hurt after I leave!”

“I’ll gladly make all of your cheeks hurt whenever you want,” I teased.

She tilted her head and sounded confused. “All of them?”

“Yeah. You know. I’ll make your face’s cheeks hurt from smiling too much, and I’ll make your lower cheeks hurt by spanking them.”

“Oh! Please do, mon maître!”

“You really are the best, Lily. I don’t even feel stupid after having to clarify my jokes for you.” It helped that she always played along immediately after clarifying them. Most people were just awkward after having a joke explained to them.

“Ehehe… it is a maid’s duty! But, umm, how – how do I use this potion?”

“What potion?”

“The one to change my race?”

“You have one?”

“I – I bought two of them… before you could, so that you would not have to spend money on me.”

“What a stubborn girl. Are you forgetting which one of us has more money than they need?”

“I have more money than I need… as long as I only spend it here!”

“That doesn’t sound too good.”

“But it will feel good!”

“You have me there. Anyways, to answer your previous question, you have to return to the character selection screen. You’ll see an option when looking at your current avatar to use the potion, and then you’ll be able to modify her however you want.”

“I see! Is – is there anything else you would like me to change? I… can make her look however you want, mon maître. I want to become your – your perfect… ‘dog girl maid.’”

“Lily, you have to understand that just by saying that, you are already a perfect dog girl maid.”

“Ehe… but really, mon maître! Are – are there any changes you would like?”

“Sure. Some change sounds fun, but I want you to pick the change. You have to surprise me.”

“You’re supposed to pick the change, mon maître! How am I supposed to decide…”

“Alright, I’ll make it a bit easier on you. Let’s see… make yourself as short as the setting allows, and make your thighs as thick as possible.”

Lily nodded with an eager smile. “Be right back, mon maître!”

“Take as much time as you need.”

And just like that, she vanished.

Never to be seen again.

Well, so long as “never” means not until ten minutes passed by. Ten agonizing minutes that felt like forever.

She took far longer than I thought she would. But, just as the saying goes, distance makes the cock grow harder.

Or something like that.

I waited for her outside of the dungeon since that was where she would reappear after logging back in, and I couldn’t have been happier to see her once she did return. She made more changes than I thought she would, too.

The Lily that stood before me looked like a completely different person aside from her face. She was as short as the game allowed her to be by default – about four feet and nine inches. It was possible for an adult woman to be that short, so the game had no issues letting people choose that height. Any shorter than that, though, and certain groups of people would likely start to complain about the game allowing people to play “children.” I always thought that was insulting and discriminatory against the super shorties out there.

Along with her new and shorter height, her thigh slider was maxed out. Her thighs were even thicker than they were before despite her body now being overall smaller. There wasn’t a single gap of air between them, and they reached out just past her shoulders. The anatomy was extremely unrealistic, but incredibly appealing. After all, it was a video game. Who cared about realistic anatomy? She still looked good. Some games would make characters just look absurd and silly when maxing out the sliders, but this game always made sure that characters’ bodies looked like they made some sense.

Then there was her chest. Lily’s usual mountains were reduced to but mere hills. Still rather large hills, but they were definitely not the usual mountains. Each one took on a much more realistically large size. Well, then again, Lily’s real-life chest was just as mountainous as her in-game chest, so her in-game chest was realistic. Instead, it would be better to say that she went from hentai-tier to normal-tier.

Then there was her hair. Rather than reaching a bit past her shoulders, she gave herself a nice and short hair style that left her usual bangs in place, but the rest of her hair only teased the back of her neck rather than the back of her shoulders.

She was shorter both in regards to height and hair, had thicker thighs, smaller but still large breasts… and, most importantly, she had a couple of floppy dog ears resting against her head that reached down over where her normal ears would be, and a very large and fluffy tail behind her that excitedly wagged around.

“Lily… that tail is huge. Did you max out its sliders?” I asked. I couldn’t resist. Seriously, her tail was massive.

“I did, mon maître! I made it as long and fluffy as I was allowed!” Lily answered. “Is – is that alright?”

“It’s absolutely alright, but it’s kind of making me want to cuddle with your tail instead of fuck you.”

“Both are acceptable!”

“We’ll save the cuddling for after. For now—”

“Merde!” Lily suddenly said.

“Verde? Salsa verde?”

“A-ah… sorry, mon maître. I… my alarm went off… I forgot all about it…”

“Got something to do?”

((This series is only officially posted to:,, and If you are reading this series on any other website, please send me an email at acearriande.dmca@gmailcom. I will not be able to continue posting my stories for free if my series continue being uploaded without my consent to other platforms. If you have paid money for this on Amazon, email me, file a report, and request a refund as it has been stolen and illegally published.))

Lily’s tail lowered against the ground as she sadly nodded her head. “Doctor’s appointment… I – I set the alarm for when to get ready. But,” she paused, looking up at me with puppy eyes.

“You need to go to your doctor’s appointment, Lily.”

“But I want to stay with mon maître…”

“And I want you to stay healthy.”

“Are… are you disappointed?”

“I feel a bit blueballed, but that only means that I can edge myself while waiting for you to get back. There’ll be even more cum for you if I do that until you return, and you’ll get to look forward to it. It’s a win-win situation.”

“I – I know it works like that in real life, but in-game?”

“Oh, yeah. It works even better. There’s actually a stacking buff that you can get for edging yourself. You get one stack of the buff for every single time you reach the verge of climaxing before stopping. The more you edge, the higher the buff goes, the more your cum gets boosted for the next time you cum. So, if I were to edge until the buff reaches ten stacks, for example, I would have an extra ten percent cum. I think the highest I ever got the stack to was… somewhere around three hundred?”

“Three – three hundred?! Mon – mon maître! How… how long did that take?”

“I think it was around thirteen hours? After a certain point, I had to really slow down and take it easy to not accidentally cum. Eventually, though, I felt it coming and I couldn’t stop it, so I just let it happen. I basically bukkaked myself. It was great.”

“I – I want to see you like that…”

“You just want to lick me clean while I’m like that, don’t you?”

“It would be a maid’s duty!” Lily answered with a smile.

“Then how about this: while you’re gone, I’ll edge myself as much as possible and even take some cum-boosting potions. Once you return, I’m going to give you as much cum as I possibly can. I’ll pump you so full of it that you won’t be able to move afterwards from how inflated you’ll be.”

Lily’s thighs might have rubbed together to show her interest, but her face only looked sad and pouty. “I want it now…”

“And I want to give it to you now, but you have a doctor’s appointment to go to. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can come back here and be pumped full of more cum than you’ve ever experienced before.”

“Can… can I have a kiss first, mon maître? Before I go? Please?”

“You don’t even have to ask,” I answered, pulling her into a hug with one arm as my free hand tilted her chin up for me to lean over and kiss her. I really had to lean, too, given just how short she made herself.”

“Ehehe… thank you, mon maître,” Lily said once our kiss was over. “I will be back as soon as I can!”

“I believe in you. Now,” I paused to spin her around and gave her ass a playful smack, “get going.”

She gave a little squeak of surprise and wagged her tail from the smack. “Yes, mon maître!” And then, she logged out again.

A deep sigh left my throat as soon as she was gone.

It took everything that I had in me to not try and convince her to have a quickie with me. At the very least, I could have tried to hurry up and jack off onto her or something. I seriously, really wanted to fuck her. She might not have noticed it since she was always looking up at my face now instead of down at my crotch, but I was erect and throbbing that entire time.

Now I had the torturous-but-pleasurable task of edging myself until she came back.

I also had to go and get some potions from the market board to boost my cum production. I could even get a sensitivity-boosting potion that would make it even faster to stack the edging buff at the cost of making it harder to not cum.

I began to piece together the perfect min-maxed plan to maximize the amount of cum that I could give Lily.

Cum-production-boosting potion. Sensitivity-boosting potion. There were food buffs that I could get as well which not only had those effects, but effects that would modify my cum to make it thicker and taste even more delicious than the game already made it.

And after thinking about it… I remembered that there was a certain, rare drop that I got from a boss battle before that I put in my bank and never used before.

The perfect item to truly maximize the amount of cum Lily would have to deal with once she returned.

I normally wasn’t a fan of hardcore theorycrafting in games and all that but, when it came to sex, I was happy to let the theorycrafting begin.

Don't forget to check out my Patreon if you want to read the next ten chapters (for all of my stories) right away!

If you've already read this post-chapter note on any of my other stories this week, feel free to skip it since I'll just be copy-pasting it for the rest of the week.

Kind of important-ish news.

I've recently been motivated to finally return to my old writer self. By this, I mean when I started off with this whole web serial thing and was writing and editing for 60+ hours every week. For the past few months, I've gotten pretty comfortable and was only writing for 12 hours a week on average. Last week, I pulled 60, and I'm on course to surpass that this week. I've finally begun editing The True Endgame to get it ready for self-publishing, and I have to basically completely rewrite the first 5 volumes of it since I switched it from present tense to past tense, and I'm also working on some new projects - blah blah. I went into a ton of detail about this on my Patreon but I'll just give you the basics here.

The reason why I'm letting you know about this, though, is because I don't plan on strictly sticking to a specific release schedule for as long as I'm quintupling my workload. I'm still going to post stories in the same order each week, preferably on the same days as always (this was just an exception due to a combined set of factors that delayed me - it was hopefully an exception, anyways), but I'm not going to aim for 9am every morning anymore. So, don't be surprised whenever a chapter isn't out yet. It's coming. I'll say in an announcement the week before, on my server, and/or on my SH profile if I plan on skipping a release (I really don't like posting announcement chapters for something like that, though, so I do recommend joining my Discord server or following my profile on Scribble Hub).

But yeah. I'm extremely motivated to get a ton of writing and editing done. I'm back to working 60+ hour weeks, not taking days off on the weekend, and I couldn't be more excited about it! And that's why I'm not going to be too hard on myself when it comes to posting chapters at exact times. I'm forcing myself to not feel guilty about it.

Until next week, or tomorrow if you're an LDQ reader!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W.

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