Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 1 pt. 49]

There was something incredibly amusing about Lily’s inflated stomach. As embarrassing as it might have been to her, I found myself poking it and watching it jiggle as I rested on the ground next to her. It was like poking a water balloon. Noting that comparison made me wish that I was a fairy, or had the ability to turn into one, because being able to shrink down and then lie on top of Lily’s stomach probably would have been like lying on top of a waterbed. Or I could lie on her thighs. Have my entire body sandwiched between her breasts. Use her hair as a hammock.

I always was into sizeplay. Though, admittedly, I usually preferred being the large one with a small partner. Like a hulking, ten-foot-tall monster with a girl who barely reached half my height. Or even bigger contrasts. Yet, when it came to using various parts of Lily’s body as a bed, being the tiny one for a change sounded nicer and nicer.

There were potions that could temporarily cause extreme size changes like that, typically intended for fun and with zero impact on anything important, so I would have to see about getting one of those before I did something like this again.

“Mon – mon maître… you should stop poking me and look at the chat now,” Lily whined, covering up her face as I gave her belly a little shake.

“What’s wrong, Lily?” I asked. Of course, I knew what was  wrong already.

“You – you are treating me like a farmer and his pig! At least you are not smacking it…”

“Like this?” I couldn’t resist, so I gave her belly a couple of gentle smacks. “That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.”

Lily’s face was pure red behind her hands. “You are too much! So mean, mon maître…”

“I’m sorry. Here, I’ll make it up to you.” I sat up and brought my head over to her stomach, placing a couple of kisses against it. “There. To make up for the poking, shaking, and smacking.”

“E-ehehe… it… is still embarrassing, but in a nice way. It makes me imagine being pregnant and you kissing – I – I mean! Ehe, umm, err… I mean…”

“You mean you want me to knock you up and then gently kiss your stomach?”

“Cruel, mon maître!” Of course, she may have called me cruel, but she sounded rather happy about it as her face tried its best to turn into a tomato.

“How am I cruel for only repeating what you just brought up?”

“Because I was not thinking correctly! You were – you were supposed to pretend you heard nothing…”

“Too late. I’ve heard everything and I’ll never forget it even after my death.”

“Sadistic man!”

“Perfect girl.”

With that, I moved my face up toward her face and grabbed her wrists to pull her hands away. The path to her lips was open, so I placed a single kiss on her lips. Then another kiss. And another. Each peck was quicker than the last, but I made sure to end the flurry of kisses with a proper one that lasted for more than a few seconds.

“You treat me too well, mon maître,” Lily said, struggling to look me in the eyes.

“I don’t treat you well enough. It’s impossible to truly treat you as well as you deserve to be treated,” I replied.

“How are you so good at this?”

“I don’t think saying the cheesiest things that come to mind make me any good at anything.”

“Then… it is a good thing I love cheese!”

“Now I’m imagining you dressed up as a mouse or rat girl surrounded by cheese, and you having this look of pure bliss on your face.”

“That sounds wonderful... but I – I am afraid of how much weight I would gain in such a fantasy…”

“It’s a fantasy. Just make all of the calories go into your boobs.”

Lily covered up her mouth and giggled. “I think they are big enough already! I – I am actually considering a reduction surgery…”

“Go for it if that’s what you want.”

“I – I never imagined a man supporting making them smaller.”

“Oh, no, your boobs will be smaller. Whatever will I do. Your worth as a woman will be objectively decreased relative to the amount of reduction, and I will abandon you because I only like women who have tits bigger than exercise balls.”

Lily giggled even more. “I knew it! Mon maître is… what do you say? Shallow?”

“Yeah. I’m as shallow as a melted ice cube kicked under the fridge.”

“You – you do that too, mon maître?!”

“Who doesn’t kick ice cubes under the fridge? I mean, people say that it can cause mold and rot the floor away to the point where it creates a hole that needs repaired and all that, but have you ever actually known anybody that’s happened to? Everybody does it, but nobody knows somebody who has actually had any problems come from it.”

“Mon maître… that is very bad logic.”

“Of course it is, but seriously. Having to actually bend over and pick up the ice cubes when they fall outweighs the potential con of spending thousands on repairing the floor. If somebody is that worried about it, they should get a dog who loves to eat ice cubes. Dogs can solve pretty much every single problem that there is in the world.”

“I – I am not so sure about that.”

“Believe in the dogs, Lily. Dogs believe in us, so it’s only right that we believe in them in return. If you tell a dog that you want to turn into a giant, flying minotaur with a dick bigger than a tree who can leap between realities by manifesting black holes at the tips of your fingers, then the dog would have unconditional faith in you. We need to do the same for them.”

“You are too silly, mon maître.”

“I know.” I then received another notification, so I sighed and said, “I guess I should actually read the chat log now.”

“I will be quiet to not distract you!”

“Please, no. I would much rather you distract me.”

“I will only distract you once you have read it.” Lily then held up a couple of pinched-together fingers in front of her lips before “zipping” them across her mouth.

“And you say that I’m cruel.”

Fortunately, I had an idea. And that idea involved kissing her.

Yet she had no reaction.

So I kissed her again.

((This series is only officially posted to:,, and If you are reading this series on any other website, please send me an email at acearriande.dmca@gmailcom. I will not be able to continue posting my stories for free if my series continue being uploaded without my consent to other platforms. If you have paid money for this on Amazon, email me, file a report, and request a refund as it has been stolen and illegally published.))

She smiled, but she kept her lips sealed.

I poked her belly again, which was slowly but surely decreasing to its regular size.

She pouted at me, but she kept her lips tightly shut.

“Alright, alright. I give up,” I said with a defeated sigh before finally looking at the chat log.

I was immediately overwhelmed with what was essentially spam.

>Bowjob: lol nice

>Its’a Trap: bro how the fuck rofl

>Face Tank: talk about edging

>Blackula: Damn, seriously? Grats

>Daddy’s Cummies: hot uwu

I didn’t recognize any of the people messaging me, but that was to be expected when getting a world-first achievement if what Lily said was right. Whenever a player broke a world record and got a world-first achievement, there would be a global announcement in the chat log congratulating the player for it. Naturally, this made the player’s name visible to everybody which meant that anybody currently online could easily send a message to the player to congratulate them, troll them, or anything else.

Then I saw a familiar name pop up as I scrolled up the chat.

>Best Lancer: I guess that you’ve been pretty… busy since we last talked. Grats on the achievement, and seriously? You must be a huge masochist

I scrolled up a bit more.


“Talk about salt,” I said before continuing my upward scrolling of the chat log.

Then there was one message in particular that stood out to me.

>Gluttony’s Chosen: That’s hot~. Lol. We should totes hook up and have some fun if you can cum that much. Maybe you can help me break my record for most cum swallowed. You won’t get better succ from anybody else, and I swallow every last drop lol<3

Whoever sent that message definitely seemed like the kind of person I would want to message back sometime later.

The scrolling continued. There were a lot of messages. Every time I thought I was getting close to the top, the scroll bar next to the side of the chat log was updated to show that I was nowhere near the top. If I wasn’t already desensitized to receiving so many messages by having a large fanbase online, I would have been overwhelmed.

Then, when I finally did reach the top of the chat log, I saw that I not only got a world-first achievement… but that I got two of them, and each one had a world record attached to them.

>Congratulations to BestTentacle for being the first in the world to acquire the Cum Well achievement!

>Congratulations to BestTentacle for setting a world record in cum volume within one minute! The new world record for cum volume within one minute is 27.63 liters!

 >Congratulations to BestTentacle for being the first in the world to acquire the Legendary Edger achievement!

>Congratulations to BestTentacle for setting a world record in Edging stacks! The new world record for most stacks of Edging is 509.

I struggled to believe what I just read. “Wait… five hundred and nine? Seriously? I thought I was somewhere in the four hundreds.”

Next, I opened up the two achievements that I got. They were pretty standard and the world records tied to them already gave what they were for away. “Cum Well” was an achievement rewarding me for cumming more than twenty-five liters in under a minute, and the icon for the achievement was a picture of a cock sticking up out of the ground with what looked like pipes connecting the cock to underground oil – or rather, underground cum reservoirs. The “Legendary Edger” achievement awarded me for building up to five hundred Edging stacks and showed what appeared to be a cock with a bladed edge in the achievement icon.

More importantly… each of these achievements had awards attached to them. Awards that would prove to be insanely fun as well as – well, they were kind of overpowered. Then again, I deserved to be overpowered for achieving two such achievements, didn’t I?

Each achievement awarded me with a new trait. The Cum Well achievement gave me a trait that not only increased the rate at which cum would flow out from my cock when cumming, but it tripled my base cum volume. If I were to do exactly what I did with Lily again in the future, I would cum three times as much just because of this new trait. She would get so inflated with cum that she wouldn’t even be able to move from the weight of my seed keeping her down.

Then there was the trait I got from the Legendary Edger achievement. It not only doubled the effect of Edging stacks, which was extreme all on its own, but the power of the Edging stacks would multiply for every day that I edged without cumming. If I edged more but didn’t cum for the rest of the day, then the effect of the stacks would be tripled the next day. If I edged again the next day but still didn’t cum, the effect of the stacks would be quadrupled, and so on. This multiplying bonus would go away whenever I died, didn’t edge for a day, or didn’t edge more than I did the previous day. It also seemed like I would have to build up at least ten stacks of it per day, and then double the amount of stacks each following day to maintain the bonus. Of course, not only was the cum-production effect of the stacks multiplied, but so was the sensitivity boost. It was likely that I would drive myself insane with the need to cum before ever getting the stacks too high.

So, if I were to do everything that I just did with Lily but maybe edge for a week first… I would end up cumming so much that I could literally fill a bathtub with a single orgasm. It might have even been more than that since I was bad at math and struggling to imagine just how much that would truly be.

“Lily… we’re going to have a lot of fun with these new traits I just got,” I said. “Though, if I got an achievement for cumming that much, I’m surprised you didn’t get an achievement for swallowing that much.”

Lily frowned and sighed. “A message popped up telling me I am in second to the record for… cum swa-swallowed in a minute… but it is still too much. I cannot even imagine that much…”

“Does it say who has the achievement currently and how much they swallowed?”

Lily nodded. “Forty-four liters… and her name is… Gluttony’s Chosen?”

“Wha—how? Forty-four? But I just got the world record for most cum in under a minute and I’m just over half of that. Though, I guess it’s possible if she got all that cum from multiple sources within a minute instead of from just one person. Also, she messaged me. Seems like she wants to meet up.”

“You should!” Lily said, sounding rather enthusiastic about it. “As – as much as I would love to take even more from you… I think I am at my limit.”

“Did you at least get some achievements to give you traits that make swallowing extreme amounts easier?”

Lily nodded.

“Then there won’t be a problem. How about we break that record for you and prove that you’re the best swallower in the world?”

“Maybe – maybe another time. I cannot even imagine eating food in real life after this!”

“That’s fair. Well, we can always – wait.”

“Mon maître?”

“There’s another message I didn’t notice.”

And this message was one that I didn’t expect to see, especially since it was from a name that would normally ever show up during quests. It wasn’t a name that any player could actually have for themselves since it was connected to the very gods and goddesses of the virtual world we inhabited.

>Lust: You would make an excellent champion.

New Quest Accepted: The Champion of Lust

Undergo Lust’s trials to become their new champion and evolve into a being truly befitting of Lust’s patronage.

And that does it for the first volume! Second volume starting next week!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W.

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